Breaking the Bones of Hell (GM Reference)

Hell's Rebels

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ckdragons wrote:

Where does Barzillai's +4 deflection come from? I must be overlooking something that is granting this bonus to him. Did the designers accidentally include bonuses from items he's no longer wearing?

Without looking at the statblock, I'll assume its his inquisitor judgement of protection.

ckdragons wrote:

Where does Barzillai's +4 deflection come from? I must be overlooking something that is granting this bonus to him. Did the designers accidentally include bonuses from items he's no longer wearing?

Oddly enough, Hero Labs explains it with the 8th level spell Unholy Aura (this is not mentioned as a spell he can cast or that is active in any way). But given that he can use 3 Judgements, I'd say just have him using the Judgment of Profane Protection along with Profane Healing and Profane Justice.

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I'm approaching the negotiations in a few months, so I thought of what would happen if my table's PCs approached the Abadarans for training in the basics.

Bargaining training: by CEO Mhelrem Gestaliel (old fart)
Consider having an assistant with minor image project a "slide" on the wall which CEO Gestaliel will "powerfully point" to as he runs through this training.

Background: These rules were created by the Taldoran Empire and are enforced by the Central Bank of Abadar

    * Punishments range from a sternly worded letter (after we have consulted with both sides) to the formation of an investigatory committee to formal sanctions if a majority of shareholders at our biennial meeting determine that a party has been unlawful.
    * A pattern of conduct over time may escalate the sanctions.
    * But first impressions matter a great deal to the Central Bank: none of your shenanigans or tomfoolery, good sirs.

Rules to abide by:

    * Must bargain in good faith: reasonable times and places, must have a sincere resolve to get to an agreement, must furnish relevant information, cannot deal directly with your people, demanding impasse over a permissive subject of bargaining
    * Doesn’t require to agree to a proposal or make a concession
    * Cannot do “take it or leave it” across the board
    * Cannot do “first, last, and best offer”
    * Cannot engage in surface bargaining, in which you just go through the motions
    * Can’t sit pat through the entire negotiations, although they can present the status quo is permissible as a counter-offer
    * No regressive bargaining where you backtrack from your prior proposals (unless you’re trading a significant concession)
    * Must have authority to negotiate, although ratification can be away from the table
    * Proposals must be reasonable: “no self-respecting nation” would accept such a proposal is against the rules
    * Breaking deadlocks: package deals, trades, minor changes to save face for them, expiration dates, gradual implementation, reopeners, joint committees to study the issue, live to bargain another day, change locations or the pace, off the record dealings
    * If there is a deadlock, you can get on the docket for the central bank’s mediation services. If that fails, we can go to fact-finding. If that fails, you can take the case to the arbiter’s guild within the central bank for a final decision.

Discussion questions:
* What issues need to be addressed in bargaining?
* How do we set priorities among these issues?
* What is the strategy, the big picture?

Excuse me for a moment, as I'm trying to recover from the laughter.

Abrogail just sent the invitation to the negotiations.... and my oh-so-paranoid Ravens (remembering the invite to the Ruby Masquerade) delegated the negotiation to Jackdaw, a Lacunafex representative, and one of the Tannesen twins. (I've provided them with a *lot* more NPCs to interact with, and they're sending an all-NPC group to handle the negotiations because they believe this to be a trap.)

I've... got a bit of homework to do to figure out just how badly this goes for them once the treaty is signed. :D But I thought some others would be amused by this as well. I spent the last hour trying to hide my laughter while they argued with each other as to who to send, so I figured I'd share the wealth. ;)

Do they have any rescue plan for their negotiating team? Or do they believe they're sending these three to their deaths?

DreadPirateRhys wrote: oh-so-paranoid Ravens (remembering the invite to the Ruby Masquerade) delegated the negotiation to Jackdaw, a Lacunafex representative, and one of the Tannesen twins. (I've provided them with a *lot* more NPCs to interact with, and they're sending an all-NPC group to handle the negotiations because they believe this to be a trap.)...

So the group is sending some allies as sacrificial lambs?

Are they at least going and acting as bodyguards or something?
Are any of the group good? Because that's really questionable behaviour... and it could end up with them losing some support of Kintargans, especially if some pro-Thrune people starting to spread rumours about the group sending people that they didn't trust (or some such made up thing) to their deaths and had Cheliax do their dirty work for them.

Assuming they go through with this and don't accompany the NPCs, the book talks about what happens if the negotiators fail for each of the contracts. I'd have the NPCs fail at most of them, possibly give them one or two successes.
Mind you, Bejakra shows up and kills Nereza with the blame falling onto the group of NPCs that the players sent, which results in the negotiations failing and the PCs are in for a harder time later on in the book, but it's not the end of the world.
(I'd also send the assassin encounter from the negotiation after them during the Haunting of Kintargo to show that Cheliax is mad.)

Not getting the bracelet from Nereza as the players likely have a couple of options when Oughorthan asks for a gift they received from an enemy in order to answer questions.

The group sending NPCs to their death, thankfully, doesn't derail the game, but it sure will make things more difficult.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

We're about ready to start negotiations at the Oak Rib and I was looking at the description of the visions a moment ago. DC 40 wisdom check? Isn't that basically impossible? Since a nat 20 isn't an automatic success, and a reasonable bonus at this point is +7 (+8 since we play 25-point builds), even allowing spells to aid this check I can't see a DC 40 EVER being achievable.

Am I missing something obvious?

Since I doubt I'll get a response before we get to the point it matters, I expect I'll just drop it to a range they have a 50/50 chance or so.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Btw, I'm aware there's a +5 bonus per previous vision, but that still translates to the check taking till the 4th vision (@ +15 bonus) before it's achievable. They defeated the haunt easily in area E3 with a casting of heal so none are "soul tagged" for the additional +5, either.

Yeah, I figure it was supposed to be a perception check maybe? Wisdom is an odd choice.

The final chance for the vision is guaranteed, at least, so there's that. iirc.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I know, makes it pointless to even check.

Ability checks have always been suspect anyway.

I assume the Wisdom check is ridiculously high because the group is meant to play through all of the missions unless they somehow get /ridiculously/ lucky.

A lot of interesting elements of the Haunting of Kintargo are utterly negated by the Song of Silver and death ward.

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Am I missing something? Bejakra's description says she "has also mastered the art of crafting portable traps that she can set up swiftly" and that they are detailed below but I cannot find any details on these traps.

Did anyone have any good dialogue or talking points for Barzillai Thrune
when they ran their final fight with him? I'm going to run mine this weekend and I'm interested in adding a bit of flavor.

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roguerouge wrote:

Did anyone have any good dialogue or talking points for Barzillai Thrune

when they ran their final fight with him? I'm going to run mine this weekend and I'm interested in adding a bit of flavor.

If you've been hewing close enough to the plot, there's standard villain ranting:

"You fools, you ruined everything! I was going to be unto a God!"

"At first you were useful, my little chickadees, but I let you go far too long without being punished! This is your end!"

By the end of my campaign Barzillai was absolutely done with the Silver Ravens. They outplayed him at nearly every opportunity.

"You took my minions, you killed my dragon, but you cannot defeat the unconquerable, immortal soul of Barzillai Thrune!"

"Now I see that my torture has really begun, I have to see you again!"

Now, my team did not indulge in any of Barzillai's sins/memories/traumas. They took the shortest path to the top of the tower and didn't rescue any of the victims of the tower, but if your group has, they might want to engage with him about how he got to be how he was.

"You have seen all my secrets. Its funny. Its like we're old friends. And in true Chelaxian fashion, we're going to kill each other. It feels...nice."
"How dare you intrude upon the sanctity of my memories! Those are all I have left and you have trampled them! What else shall you take from me? My life? Not before I take yours! Then I'll kill your friends, your family, and even that stupid talking dinosaur!"
"Yes. I'm a monster. Sick, unhealthy perversion permeates my soul. I was almost free of all worldly desires, Silver Ravens. I could have been the earth. Solid, stoic, safe. And all you had to do was not drink mint-<censored>-Tea!"
(The mint thing was a huge point for my group. I don't know why.)

There's my favorite back up, just using other people's monologues.

There's the Dickens
“I wear the chain I forged in life, I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you? Ah! You do not know the weight and length of strong chain you bear yourself!"

The Kojima
"Ravens, in the natural world, there is no such thing as boundless slaughter; there is always an end to it. But you are different...the path you walk on has no end. Each step you take is paved with the corpses of your enemies. Their souls will haunt you forever. You shall have no peace. Hear me, Silver Ravens my spirit will be watching you..."

And so on. Of course, its probably best to somehow bring it around to events that are unique to your players somehow, but that's harder to advise.

These are awesome. Thanks so much!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Midnight Anarch wrote:
I should add that my players had PHENOMENAL social skills, and therefore minuscule odds of failure with the original system. Frankly, they didn't have a struggle even after my alterations, but it did turn into an event that had all of them involved and discussing their options throughout. So, I marked it as a big win.

Yeah, although I kept the system as is in terms of the mechanics, I still had them spend two sessions mostly discussing on how to go about the negotiations, discussing betweem themselves what points they wanted to concede and so on. Although I kept the hint from Vyre about Bejakra being at the conference from them, they still found her out on the first day by good use of True Seeing and as such the assassination threat was dealt with quite handily.

Although I upped the social DC's from 25 to 32 up to 40 to 48 AND the players didn't caught on that the "testing the waters" bit with Athinia upped the DC by another 2 points, they still crushed the negotiations, with only a single skill check not being won by their side.

Since it is pretty sure that at least one PC will be a master of social interactions in this AP (in my upcoming run with another group I'll have all four be bard-like characters, one Urban Skald, one Dandy Ranger, one Sandman Bard and one Paladin who can use Inspire Courage, the exact archetype escapes me at the moment) the original DC's are way, waaaaaaay to low. Even when I was beefing the DC's up substantially, taking into account the best social character in the group (the Mesmerist) and rewarding his class choice by having the Bluff DC be an almost auto-success, it turned out to be too easy for them. Although they basically didn't roll below 15 on the important checks, so there's that.

In any case, my point is that the original DC's felt way too low, especially given that the consequence for just crushing the negotiations is a substantially easier part two of the adventure. If the original intent was, as James said years ago, to reward the social players for the choices in taking the social skills (which is pretty unnecessary, since they come in very useful throughout the entire AP, anyway), then IMO the mechanics of part two should not have been tied to the negotiation success at all. As it is, by upping the DC's to such a substantial level, at least it felt a bit tense for the players in not knowing immediately if they could be successful in getting the best deal for Kintargo.

BTW, they were quite surprised at the lengths Nereza was willing to concede with the non-agression pact, when they weren't even really asking for rights to have foes of Cheliax pass through Kintargo. ^^

magnuskn wrote:
BTW, they were quite surprised at the lengths Nereza was willing to concede with the non-agression pact, when they weren't even really asking for rights to have foes of Cheliax pass through Kintargo. ^^

I think the concessions are supposed to represent things the Silver Ravens present to Cheliax during negotiation as the game does not assume that the players are experts in state v state negotiations, but its possible the PCs are.

During my game, the players were a little frustrated that the things they thought were important weren't really covered during negotiation, but I didn't give them enough time to come up with their own proposals.

An amusing thing that did come out of it was that members of the House of Thrune needed permission of Kintargo's Mayor to enter Ravounel.

Shadow Lodge

magnuskn wrote:
BTW, they were quite surprised at the lengths Nereza was willing to concede with the non-aggression pact, when they weren't even really asking for rights to have foes of Cheliax pass through Kintargo. ^^

So, Kintargo makes a pretty bad base for Cheliax's major enemies' use in attacking Cheliax. Prior to Tar Baphon's resurgence and Vidrian's revolution, the enemy powers Cheliax anticipated facing were primarily Andoran and Rahadoum. While Andoran would dearly like to maintain a fleet east of the Arch of Aroden to further its colonial ventures in Azlant and protect its merchants bound for the Saga Lands and Mwangi Expanse, and while Kintargo would be a good base for such a fleet (it has better facilities and is closer-by than, say, Talmandor's Bounty, as well as being protected from Chelish attack), Cheliax can easily keep track of the number of ships that pass the Arch and so make sure that its fleets in the Arcadian Ocean can outnumber Andoran's. The blockade of Pezzack alone probably outnumbers Ravounel's entire navy plus Andoran's colonial fleet - to say nothing of the much larger fleet based at Corentyn.

Rahadoum, meanwhile, has little need for additional bases, having bases on both the Inner Sea and Arcadian Ocean already, and negligible maritime and nonexistent colonial interests. A base in Kintargo does not help it restore its territorial integrity in Khari. Rahadoum would also have problems winning if it provoked a naval arms race with Cheliax. Logging the Eternal Oasis would pose a threat to its long-term viability against the desert, and transport from the Oasis to the nearest river is difficult. To the extent it wanted to expand its fleet, it would have to purchase timber (or, more likely, completed ships) from somewhere, and that's something Cheliax could keep track of and respond to with its far bigger timber stock. And apparently Ravounel selling ships to Rahadoum is of lesser concern than it hosting foreign fleets, as Nereza is prepared to concede to Ravounel having an arms export industry before she is prepared to concede to it basing foreign forces. The Chelish court also probably knows that the Silver Ravens would align Ravounel against Rahadoum rather than pursuing an alliance (the Adventurer's Guide refers to the Silver Ravens opposing Rahadoum's state atheism policy), and bets on the Silver Ravens maintaining their political predominance in Ravounel.

There's also the question of what a foreign force based in Kintargo would actually be able to do against Cheliax. There's commerce raiding on the high seas, potential invasions of Cheliax's colonies (at the time of the treaty's negotiation, Anchor's End in Arcadia, Khari, and Sargava in the Mwangi Expanse), and invasion of the Chelish mainland either amphibious or with the fleet supporting armies. Commerce raiding is annoying but hardly existential, and armies are stymied by the terrain and Chelish fortresses in the Menador Mountains (i.e., Menador Keep and Citadel Enferac). That leaves amphibious invasions of the colonies and mainland. Colonial invasions are prohibitive - no enemy power has the bases and diplomatic clout necessary to put fleets east of Azlant or south of the Shackles. After Vidrian's revolution there is no interest for Cheliax to protect, though now it has problems reasserting itself in the region. Finally, there is amphibious invasion, but Cheliax is well-defended against this by the aforementioned fleets in Pezzack and Corentyn. Even if Pezzack were to be taken, it makes a poor beachhead for operations into the rest of the country. Devil's Perch and the area of Hellcoast around the ruins of Narona are sparsely populated and agriculturally poor, making for limited forage and thus small armies. Fleets hit the Maiestas River's head of navigation in the canyon it carves through the Menador Mountains before they reach anything important (i.e., Belde). The only real potential beachhead is Corentyn, and that is absurdly well-defended.

Basically, if Cheliax already concedes that Ravounel can possess an arms export industry, it loses very little by further conceding Kintargo as a foreign base.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Nice insight into the whole process, thank you! :) If the topic ever comes up again in the campaign, I can reference it to clarify things.

Shadow Lodge

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Just for the heck of it, here's a draft treaty, incorporating possible variations between available NP totals (of the issues in the AP volume, Article 4 corresponds to Issue 1, Article 5 corresponds to Issue 2, Article 6 corresponds to Issue 3, Article 7 corresponds to Issue 4, and Article 8 corresponds to Issue 5):


The hearts of Her Infernal Majestrix Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, by the Might of Asmodeus, Queen and Empress of Cheliax and of its other Realms and Territories, and of Her Ladyship Jilia Bainilus, by election Lord-Mayor of Kintargo and Domina of Ravounel, being disposed to forget all past misunderstandings and differences that have unhappily interrupted the good correspondence and friendship which they mutually wish to restore, and to establish such a beneficial and satisfactory intercourse, between the two countries upon the ground of reciprocal advantages and mutual convenience as may promote and secure to both perpetual peace and harmony; Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship have constituted and appointed, that is to say Her Infernal Majestrix on her part, Nereza Rigalio, and Her Ladyship on her part, [first player character], [second player character], [third player character], and [fourth player character]; to be plenipotentiaries for the concluding and signing the present treaty; who after having reciprocally communicated their respective full powers have agreed upon and confirmed the following articles.

Article 1

Her Infernal Majestrix acknowledges Ravounel, viz Kintargo, Vyre, the North Plains, Ravounel Forest, the Ravounel Isles, and the coastal waters of same, to be a free sovereign and independent state; that she treats with it as such; and as for herself, her heirs and successors, relinquishes all claims to the government, propriety, and territorial rights of the same, and every part thereof.

Article 2

And that all disputes which might arise in future on the subject of the boundaries of Ravounel may be prevented, it is hereby agreed and declared, that the following are, and shall be its boundaries, viz.: that line which is drawn from the easternmost source of Thrune's Chance Creek to the highest peak of Mount Emihym; thence along the crest of the Menador Mountains which divides the rivers that flow into the Arcadian Ocean from those which flow into the Hellmouth Gulf and the Inner Sea, to the easternmost head of Nyisaid River; thence down along the middle of that river to the Arcadian Ocean; thence along the shore to the mouth of Thrune's Chance Creek in Nisroch Bay; thence up along the middle of that river to its easternmost source; comprehending all islands within sixty miles of any part of the shores of Ravounel, and lying between a line to be drawn due west from the point where the aforesaid boundary with Hellcoast shall touch the Arcadian Ocean on the one part, and a line to be drawn due north from the point where the aforesaid boundary with Nidal shall touch the Steaming Sea on the other part, excepting such islands as now are, or heretofore have been within the limits of the said Nidal and Hellcoast; and comprehending all waters within 12 miles of any part of the shores of Ravounel.

Article 3

There shall be a firm and perpetual peace between Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship, and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns, and between the subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix and the citizens of Ravounel, wherefore all hostilities both by sea and land shall from henceforth cease. All prisoners on both sides shall be set at liberty, and Her Infernal Majestrix shall with all convenient speed, and without causing any destruction, or carrying away any property of residents of Ravounel, withdraw all her armies, garrisons, and fleets from Ravounel, and from every post, place, and harbor within the same; and shall order and cause all archives, records, deeds, and papers belonging to Ravounel, or its citizens, which may have fallen into the hands of her officers, to be forthwith restored and delivered to the proper states or persons to whom they belong.

Article 4

It is agreed that Ravounel shall constitute and appoint companies with the exclusive right of exportation of salmon, salt, granite, and silver from Ravounel to other states, realms, and territories; that none of the said companies shall sell more than [0 NP: three/1 NP: five/3 NP: seven] parts in ten of its merchandise to buyers other than the Crown of Cheliax or companies constituted and appointed by same; and that the said Crown and said companies shall command a price for the said merchandise not less than that obtaining on the first day of Calistril, in the year four thousand seven hundred sixteen, viz.: for salmon, one hundred twenty gold sails per ton; for salt one thousand gold sails per ton; for granite one hundred gold sails per ton; and for silver one hundred gold sails per ton[2 NP: , but that commissioners of Her Infernal Majestrix on the one part, and of Her Ladyship on the other part, shall meet and confer no less frequently than every first day of Calistril, beginning in the year four thousand seven hundred seventeen for the purpose of adjusting the said prices].

Article 5

It is agreed that [0 NP: Ravounel/1 NP: the Crown of Cheliax] shall undertake the repair of Menador Keep; that [2 NP: each of Ravounel and ]the Crown of Cheliax shall undertake through the constitution and appointment of a commissioner resident at Menador Keep the restoration of traffic through Menador Gap via the Ravounel Road, which shall forever upon its restoration remain free and open to the subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix and the citizens of Ravounel; and that upon its restoration, [3 NP: each of Ravounel and ]the Crown of Cheliax shall maintain an armed force of no greater than twenty-four souls at Menador Keep for the purpose of securing and maintaining same[3 NP: , but command of the said force shall fall to Ravounel during the months of Abadius, Pharast, Desnus, Erastus, Rova, and Neth, and to the Crown of Cheliax at all other times].

Article 6

It is agreed that no subject of Her Infernal Majestrix [1 NP: or citizen of Ravounel ]bearing letters patent[2 NP: , [3 NP: for subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix letters of reference from the Egorian Academy of the Magical Arts, the University of Egorian, or the Academy of Applied Magic and for citizens of Ravounel letters of reference from Alabaster Academy, ]and in the case of residences written permission from the owner, ]shall be excluded from any museum, art house, performance hall, or residence within Ravounel [1 NP: or Cheliax ]housing art objects, historical artifacts, or other items of artistic and scholarly interest, but the patent-issuer shall be responsible for all damage to said objects, artifacts, or items or other persons or property with Ravounel [1 NP: or Cheliax ]caused by the patent-holder; that Her Ladyship shall give notice of the contemplated sale of such object by Ravounel to Her Infernal Majestrix within thirty days in advance of its contemplated sale and that Her Infernal Majestrix or member of House Thrune designated by Her Infernal Majestrix shall have the right of first refusal on any such sale; and that Alabaster Academy shall accept as students subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix on the same terms as, and without distinction from, citizens of Ravounel.

Article 7

It is agreed that if war should break out between Ravounel and any other power, or between Cheliax and any other power[2 NP: , but not [state(s)]], Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship shall[3 NP: , no sooner than [time] from the outbreak of war, and for not longer than [time] from the outbreak of war] make it a common cause, and aid each other mutually with their good offices, their counsels, and their forces, according to the exigencies of war as becomes good and faithful allies; that Cheliax shall, for its part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its power against their common enemy; that Ravounel shall, for its part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its power [1 NP: but not in excess of [limit] ]against their common enemy.

Article 8

It is agreed that if war should break out between Ravounel and any other power, or between Cheliax and any other power, [1 NP: Her Infernal Majestrix and ]Her Ladyship shall observe at least an attitude of benevolent neutrality towards [0 NP: Cheliax/1 NP: the other], and [3 NP: Cheliax ]shall not permit transit of belligerent forces through [0 NP: Ravounel's/1 NP: their/3 NP: its] territory[2 NP: , but Ravounel may sell, for no less than twice their cost of production, items otherwise contraband of war to any power, without interdiction by Cheliax].

Done at Oakrib Inn, the [number] day of [month], in the year four thousand seven hundred [last two digits of year].


Or, if you prefer not to have to parse brackets and alternatives, the various articles all at 0, 1, 2, and 3 NP:

0 NP:

The hearts of Her Infernal Majestrix Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, by the Might of Asmodeus, Queen and Empress of Cheliax and of its other Realms and Territories, and of Her Ladyship Jilia Bainilus, by election Lord-Mayor of Kintargo and Domina of Ravounel, being disposed to forget all past misunderstandings and differences that have unhappily interrupted the good correspondence and friendship which they mutually wish to restore, and to establish such a beneficial and satisfactory intercourse, between the two countries upon the ground of reciprocal advantages and mutual convenience as may promote and secure to both perpetual peace and harmony; Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship have constituted and appointed, that is to say Her Infernal Majestrix on her part, Nereza Rigalio, and Her Ladyship on her part, [first player character], [second player character], [third player character], and [fourth player character]; to be plenipotentiaries for the concluding and signing the present treaty; who after having reciprocally communicated their respective full powers have agreed upon and confirmed the following articles.

Article 1

Her Infernal Majestrix acknowledges Ravounel, viz Kintargo, Vyre, the North Plains, Ravounel Forest, the Ravounel Isles, and the coastal waters of same, to be a free sovereign and independent state; that she treats with it as such; and as for herself, her heirs and successors, relinquishes all claims to the government, propriety, and territorial rights of the same, and every part thereof.

Article 2

And that all disputes which might arise in future on the subject of the boundaries of Ravounel may be prevented, it is hereby agreed and declared, that the following are, and shall be its boundaries, viz.: that line which is drawn from the easternmost source of Thrune's Chance Creek to the highest peak of Mount Emihym; thence along the crest of the Menador Mountains which divides the rivers that flow into the Arcadian Ocean from those which flow into the Hellmouth Gulf and the Inner Sea, to the easternmost head of Nyisaid River; thence down along the middle of that river to the Arcadian Ocean; thence along the shore to the mouth of Thrune's Chance Creek in Nisroch Bay; thence up along the middle of that river to its easternmost source; comprehending all islands within sixty miles of any part of the shores of Ravounel, and lying between a line to be drawn due west from the point where the aforesaid boundary with Hellcoast shall touch the Arcadian Ocean on the one part, and a line to be drawn due north from the point where the aforesaid boundary with Nidal shall touch the Steaming Sea on the other part, excepting such islands as now are, or heretofore have been within the limits of the said Nidal and Hellcoast; and comprehending all waters within 12 miles of any part of the shores of Ravounel.

Article 3

There shall be a firm and perpetual peace between Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship, and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns, and between the subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix and the citizens of Ravounel, wherefore all hostilities both by sea and land shall from henceforth cease. All prisoners on both sides shall be set at liberty, and Her Infernal Majestrix shall with all convenient speed, and without causing any destruction, or carrying away any property of residents of Ravounel, withdraw all her armies, garrisons, and fleets from Ravounel, and from every post, place, and harbor within the same; and shall order and cause all archives, records, deeds, and papers belonging to Ravounel, or its citizens, which may have fallen into the hands of her officers, to be forthwith restored and delivered to the proper states or persons to whom they belong.

Article 4

It is agreed that Ravounel shall constitute and appoint companies with the exclusive right of exportation of salmon, salt, granite, and silver from Ravounel to other states, realms, and territories; that none of the said companies shall sell more than three parts in ten of its merchandise to buyers other than the Crown of Cheliax or companies constituted and appointed by same; and that the said Crown and said companies shall command a price for the said merchandise not less than that obtaining on the first day of Calistril, in the year four thousand seven hundred sixteen, viz.: for salmon, one hundred twenty gold sails per ton; for salt one thousand gold sails per ton; for granite one hundred gold sails per ton; and for silver one hundred gold sails per ton.

Article 5

It is agreed that Ravounel shall undertake the repair of Menador Keep; that the Crown of Cheliax shall undertake through the constitution and appointment of a commissioner resident at Menador Keep the restoration of traffic through Menador Gap via the Ravounel Road, which shall forever upon its restoration remain free and open to the subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix and the citizens of Ravounel; and that upon its restoration, the Crown of Cheliax shall maintain an armed force of no greater than twenty-four souls at Menador Keep for the purpose of securing and maintaining same.

Article 6

It is agreed that no subject of Her Infernal Majestrix bearing letters patent shall be excluded from any museum, art house, performance hall, or residence within Ravounel housing art objects, historical artifacts, or other items of artistic and scholarly interest, but the patent-issuer shall be responsible for all damage to said objects, artifacts, or items or other persons or property with Ravounel caused by the patent-holder; that Her Ladyship shall give notice of the contemplated sale of such object by Ravounel to Her Infernal Majestrix within thirty days in advance of its contemplated sale and that Her Infernal Majestrix or member of House Thrune designated by Her Infernal Majestrix shall have the right of first refusal on any such sale; and that Alabaster Academy shall accept as students subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix on the same terms as, and without distinction from, citizens of Ravounel.

Article 7

It is agreed that if war should break out between Ravounel and any other power, or between Cheliax and any other power, Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship shall make it a common cause, and aid each other mutually with their good offices, their counsels, and their forces, according to the exigencies of war as becomes good and faithful allies; that Cheliax shall, for its part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its power against their common enemy; that Ravounel shall, for its part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its power against their common enemy.

Article 8

It is agreed that if war should break out between Ravounel and any other power, or between Cheliax and any other power, Her Ladyship shall observe at least an attitude of benevolent neutrality towards Cheliax, and shall not permit transit of belligerent forces through Ravounel's territory.

Done at Oakrib Inn, the [number] day of [month], in the year four thousand seven hundred [last two digits of year].


1 NP:

The hearts of Her Infernal Majestrix Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, by the Might of Asmodeus, Queen and Empress of Cheliax and of its other Realms and Territories, and of Her Ladyship Jilia Bainilus, by election Lord-Mayor of Kintargo and Domina of Ravounel, being disposed to forget all past misunderstandings and differences that have unhappily interrupted the good correspondence and friendship which they mutually wish to restore, and to establish such a beneficial and satisfactory intercourse, between the two countries upon the ground of reciprocal advantages and mutual convenience as may promote and secure to both perpetual peace and harmony; Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship have constituted and appointed, that is to say Her Infernal Majestrix on her part, Nereza Rigalio, and Her Ladyship on her part, [first player character], [second player character], [third player character], and [fourth player character]; to be plenipotentiaries for the concluding and signing the present treaty; who after having reciprocally communicated their respective full powers have agreed upon and confirmed the following articles.

Article 1

Her Infernal Majestrix acknowledges Ravounel, viz Kintargo, Vyre, the North Plains, Ravounel Forest, the Ravounel Isles, and the coastal waters of same, to be a free sovereign and independent state; that she treats with it as such; and as for herself, her heirs and successors, relinquishes all claims to the government, propriety, and territorial rights of the same, and every part thereof.

Article 2

And that all disputes which might arise in future on the subject of the boundaries of Ravounel may be prevented, it is hereby agreed and declared, that the following are, and shall be its boundaries, viz.: that line which is drawn from the easternmost source of Thrune's Chance Creek to the highest peak of Mount Emihym; thence along the crest of the Menador Mountains which divides the rivers that flow into the Arcadian Ocean from those which flow into the Hellmouth Gulf and the Inner Sea, to the easternmost head of Nyisaid River; thence down along the middle of that river to the Arcadian Ocean; thence along the shore to the mouth of Thrune's Chance Creek in Nisroch Bay; thence up along the middle of that river to its easternmost source; comprehending all islands within sixty miles of any part of the shores of Ravounel, and lying between a line to be drawn due west from the point where the aforesaid boundary with Hellcoast shall touch the Arcadian Ocean on the one part, and a line to be drawn due north from the point where the aforesaid boundary with Nidal shall touch the Steaming Sea on the other part, excepting such islands as now are, or heretofore have been within the limits of the said Nidal and Hellcoast; and comprehending all waters within 12 miles of any part of the shores of Ravounel.

Article 3

There shall be a firm and perpetual peace between Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship, and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns, and between the subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix and the citizens of Ravounel, wherefore all hostilities both by sea and land shall from henceforth cease. All prisoners on both sides shall be set at liberty, and Her Infernal Majestrix shall with all convenient speed, and without causing any destruction, or carrying away any property of residents of Ravounel, withdraw all her armies, garrisons, and fleets from Ravounel, and from every post, place, and harbor within the same; and shall order and cause all archives, records, deeds, and papers belonging to Ravounel, or its citizens, which may have fallen into the hands of her officers, to be forthwith restored and delivered to the proper states or persons to whom they belong.

Article 4

It is agreed that Ravounel shall constitute and appoint companies with the exclusive right of exportation of salmon, salt, granite, and silver from Ravounel to other states, realms, and territories; that none of the said companies shall sell more than five parts in ten of its merchandise to buyers other than the Crown of Cheliax or companies constituted and appointed by same; and that the said Crown and said companies shall command a price for the said merchandise not less than that obtaining on the first day of Calistril, in the year four thousand seven hundred sixteen, viz.: for salmon, one hundred twenty gold sails per ton; for salt one thousand gold sails per ton; for granite one hundred gold sails per ton; and for silver one hundred gold sails per ton.

Article 5

It is agreed that the Crown of Cheliax shall undertake the repair of Menador Keep; that the Crown of Cheliax shall undertake through the constitution and appointment of a commissioner resident at Menador Keep the restoration of traffic through Menador Gap via the Ravounel Road, which shall forever upon its restoration remain free and open to the subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix and the citizens of Ravounel; and that upon its restoration, the Crown of Cheliax shall maintain an armed force of no greater than twenty-four souls at Menador Keep for the purpose of securing and maintaining same.

Article 6

It is agreed that no subject of Her Infernal Majestrix or citizen of Ravounel bearing letters patent shall be excluded from any museum, art house, performance hall, or residence within Ravounel or Cheliax housing art objects, historical artifacts, or other items of artistic and scholarly interest, but the patent-issuer shall be responsible for all damage to said objects, artifacts, or items or other persons or property with Ravounel or Cheliax caused by the patent-holder; that Her Ladyship shall give notice of the contemplated sale of such object by Ravounel to Her Infernal Majestrix within thirty days in advance of its contemplated sale and that Her Infernal Majestrix or member of House Thrune designated by Her Infernal Majestrix shall have the right of first refusal on any such sale; and that Alabaster Academy shall accept as students subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix on the same terms as, and without distinction from, citizens of Ravounel.

Article 7

It is agreed that if war should break out between Ravounel and any other power, or between Cheliax and any other power, Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship shall make it a common cause, and aid each other mutually with their good offices, their counsels, and their forces, according to the exigencies of war as becomes good and faithful allies; that Cheliax shall, for its part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its power against their common enemy; that Ravounel shall, for its part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its power but not in excess of [limit] against their common enemy.

Article 8

It is agreed that if war should break out between Ravounel and any other power, or between Cheliax and any other power, Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship shall observe at least an attitude of benevolent neutrality towards the other, and shall not permit transit of belligerent forces through their territory.

Done at Oakrib Inn, the [number] day of [month], in the year four thousand seven hundred [last two digits of year].


2 NP:

The hearts of Her Infernal Majestrix Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, by the Might of Asmodeus, Queen and Empress of Cheliax and of its other Realms and Territories, and of Her Ladyship Jilia Bainilus, by election Lord-Mayor of Kintargo and Domina of Ravounel, being disposed to forget all past misunderstandings and differences that have unhappily interrupted the good correspondence and friendship which they mutually wish to restore, and to establish such a beneficial and satisfactory intercourse, between the two countries upon the ground of reciprocal advantages and mutual convenience as may promote and secure to both perpetual peace and harmony; Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship have constituted and appointed, that is to say Her Infernal Majestrix on her part, Nereza Rigalio, and Her Ladyship on her part, [first player character], [second player character], [third player character], and [fourth player character]; to be plenipotentiaries for the concluding and signing the present treaty; who after having reciprocally communicated their respective full powers have agreed upon and confirmed the following articles.

Article 1

Her Infernal Majestrix acknowledges Ravounel, viz Kintargo, Vyre, the North Plains, Ravounel Forest, the Ravounel Isles, and the coastal waters of same, to be a free sovereign and independent state; that she treats with it as such; and as for herself, her heirs and successors, relinquishes all claims to the government, propriety, and territorial rights of the same, and every part thereof.

Article 2

And that all disputes which might arise in future on the subject of the boundaries of Ravounel may be prevented, it is hereby agreed and declared, that the following are, and shall be its boundaries, viz.: that line which is drawn from the easternmost source of Thrune's Chance Creek to the highest peak of Mount Emihym; thence along the crest of the Menador Mountains which divides the rivers that flow into the Arcadian Ocean from those which flow into the Hellmouth Gulf and the Inner Sea, to the easternmost head of Nyisaid River; thence down along the middle of that river to the Arcadian Ocean; thence along the shore to the mouth of Thrune's Chance Creek in Nisroch Bay; thence up along the middle of that river to its easternmost source; comprehending all islands within sixty miles of any part of the shores of Ravounel, and lying between a line to be drawn due west from the point where the aforesaid boundary with Hellcoast shall touch the Arcadian Ocean on the one part, and a line to be drawn due north from the point where the aforesaid boundary with Nidal shall touch the Steaming Sea on the other part, excepting such islands as now are, or heretofore have been within the limits of the said Nidal and Hellcoast; and comprehending all waters within 12 miles of any part of the shores of Ravounel.

Article 3

There shall be a firm and perpetual peace between Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship, and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns, and between the subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix and the citizens of Ravounel, wherefore all hostilities both by sea and land shall from henceforth cease. All prisoners on both sides shall be set at liberty, and Her Infernal Majestrix shall with all convenient speed, and without causing any destruction, or carrying away any property of residents of Ravounel, withdraw all her armies, garrisons, and fleets from Ravounel, and from every post, place, and harbor within the same; and shall order and cause all archives, records, deeds, and papers belonging to Ravounel, or its citizens, which may have fallen into the hands of her officers, to be forthwith restored and delivered to the proper states or persons to whom they belong.

Article 4

It is agreed that Ravounel shall constitute and appoint companies with the exclusive right of exportation of salmon, salt, granite, and silver from Ravounel to other states, realms, and territories; that none of the said companies shall sell more than five parts in ten of its merchandise to buyers other than the Crown of Cheliax or companies constituted and appointed by same; and that the said Crown and said companies shall command a price for the said merchandise not less than that obtaining on the first day of Calistril, in the year four thousand seven hundred sixteen, viz.: for salmon, one hundred twenty gold sails per ton; for salt one thousand gold sails per ton; for granite one hundred gold sails per ton; and for silver one hundred gold sails per ton, but that commissioners of Her Infernal Majestrix on the one part, and of Her Ladyship on the other part, shall meet and confer no less frequently than every first day of Calistril, beginning in the year four thousand seven hundred seventeen for the purpose of adjusting the said prices.

Article 5

It is agreed that the Crown of Cheliax shall undertake the repair of Menador Keep; that each of Ravounel and the Crown of Cheliax shall undertake through the constitution and appointment of a commissioner resident at Menador Keep the restoration of traffic through Menador Gap via the Ravounel Road, which shall forever upon its restoration remain free and open to the subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix and the citizens of Ravounel; and that upon its restoration, the Crown of Cheliax shall maintain an armed force of no greater than twenty-four souls at Menador Keep for the purpose of securing and maintaining same.

Article 6

It is agreed that no subject of Her Infernal Majestrix or citizen of Ravounel bearing letters patent, and in the case of residences written permission from the owner, shall be excluded from any museum, art house, performance hall, or residence within Ravounel or Cheliax housing art objects, historical artifacts, or other items of artistic and scholarly interest, but the patent-issuer shall be responsible for all damage to said objects, artifacts, or items or other persons or property with Ravounel or Cheliax caused by the patent-holder; that Her Ladyship shall give notice of the contemplated sale of such object by Ravounel to Her Infernal Majestrix within thirty days in advance of its contemplated sale and that Her Infernal Majestrix or member of House Thrune designated by Her Infernal Majestrix shall have the right of first refusal on any such sale; and that Alabaster Academy shall accept as students subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix on the same terms as, and without distinction from, citizens of Ravounel.

Article 7

It is agreed that if war should break out between Ravounel and any other power, or between Cheliax and any other power, but not [state(s)], Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship shall make it a common cause, and aid each other mutually with their good offices, their counsels, and their forces, according to the exigencies of war as becomes good and faithful allies; that Cheliax shall, for its part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its power against their common enemy; that Ravounel shall, for its part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its power but not in excess of [limit] against their common enemy.

Article 8

It is agreed that if war should break out between Ravounel and any other power, or between Cheliax and any other power, Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship shall observe at least an attitude of benevolent neutrality towards the other, and shall not permit transit of belligerent forces through their territory, but Ravounel may sell, for no less than twice their cost of production, items otherwise contraband of war to any power, without interdiction by Cheliax.

Done at Oakrib Inn, the [number] day of [month], in the year four thousand seven hundred [last two digits of year].


3 NP:

The hearts of Her Infernal Majestrix Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, by the Might of Asmodeus, Queen and Empress of Cheliax and of its other Realms and Territories, and of Her Ladyship Jilia Bainilus, by election Lord-Mayor of Kintargo and Domina of Ravounel, being disposed to forget all past misunderstandings and differences that have unhappily interrupted the good correspondence and friendship which they mutually wish to restore, and to establish such a beneficial and satisfactory intercourse, between the two countries upon the ground of reciprocal advantages and mutual convenience as may promote and secure to both perpetual peace and harmony; Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship have constituted and appointed, that is to say Her Infernal Majestrix on her part, Nereza Rigalio, and Her Ladyship on her part, [first player character], [second player character], [third player character], and [fourth player character]; to be plenipotentiaries for the concluding and signing the present treaty; who after having reciprocally communicated their respective full powers have agreed upon and confirmed the following articles.

Article 1

Her Infernal Majestrix acknowledges Ravounel, viz Kintargo, Vyre, the North Plains, Ravounel Forest, the Ravounel Isles, and the coastal waters of same, to be a free sovereign and independent state; that she treats with it as such; and as for herself, her heirs and successors, relinquishes all claims to the government, propriety, and territorial rights of the same, and every part thereof.

Article 2

And that all disputes which might arise in future on the subject of the boundaries of Ravounel may be prevented, it is hereby agreed and declared, that the following are, and shall be its boundaries, viz.: that line which is drawn from the easternmost source of Thrune's Chance Creek to the highest peak of Mount Emihym; thence along the crest of the Menador Mountains which divides the rivers that flow into the Arcadian Ocean from those which flow into the Hellmouth Gulf and the Inner Sea, to the easternmost head of Nyisaid River; thence down along the middle of that river to the Arcadian Ocean; thence along the shore to the mouth of Thrune's Chance Creek in Nisroch Bay; thence up along the middle of that river to its easternmost source; comprehending all islands within sixty miles of any part of the shores of Ravounel, and lying between a line to be drawn due west from the point where the aforesaid boundary with Hellcoast shall touch the Arcadian Ocean on the one part, and a line to be drawn due north from the point where the aforesaid boundary with Nidal shall touch the Steaming Sea on the other part, excepting such islands as now are, or heretofore have been within the limits of the said Nidal and Hellcoast; and comprehending all waters within 12 miles of any part of the shores of Ravounel.

Article 3

There shall be a firm and perpetual peace between Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship, and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns, and between the subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix and the citizens of Ravounel, wherefore all hostilities both by sea and land shall from henceforth cease. All prisoners on both sides shall be set at liberty, and Her Infernal Majestrix shall with all convenient speed, and without causing any destruction, or carrying away any property of residents of Ravounel, withdraw all her armies, garrisons, and fleets from Ravounel, and from every post, place, and harbor within the same; and shall order and cause all archives, records, deeds, and papers belonging to Ravounel, or its citizens, which may have fallen into the hands of her officers, to be forthwith restored and delivered to the proper states or persons to whom they belong.

Article 4

It is agreed that Ravounel shall constitute and appoint companies with the exclusive right of exportation of salmon, salt, granite, and silver from Ravounel to other states, realms, and territories; that none of the said companies shall sell more than seven parts in ten of its merchandise to buyers other than the Crown of Cheliax or companies constituted and appointed by same; and that the said Crown and said companies shall command a price for the said merchandise not less than that obtaining on the first day of Calistril, in the year four thousand seven hundred sixteen, viz.: for salmon, one hundred twenty gold sails per ton; for salt one thousand gold sails per ton; for granite one hundred gold sails per ton; and for silver one hundred gold sails per ton, but that commissioners of Her Infernal Majestrix on the one part, and of Her Ladyship on the other part, shall meet and confer no less frequently than every first day of Calistril, beginning in the year four thousand seven hundred seventeen for the purpose of adjusting the said prices.

Article 5

It is agreed that the Crown of Cheliax shall undertake the repair of Menador Keep; that each of Ravounel and the Crown of Cheliax shall undertake through the constitution and appointment of a commissioner resident at Menador Keep the restoration of traffic through Menador Gap via the Ravounel Road, which shall forever upon its restoration remain free and open to the subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix and the citizens of Ravounel; and that upon its restoration, each of Ravounel and the Crown of Cheliax shall maintain an armed force of no greater than twenty-four souls at Menador Keep for the purpose of securing and maintaining same, but command of the said force shall fall to Ravounel during the months of Abadius, Pharast, Desnus, Erastus, Rova, and Neth, and to the Crown of Cheliax at all other times.

Article 6

It is agreed that no subject of Her Infernal Majestrix or citizen of Ravounel bearing letters patent, for subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix letters of reference from the Egorian Academy of the Magical Arts, the University of Egorian, or the Academy of Applied Magic and for citizens of Ravounel letters of reference from Alabaster Academy, and in the case of residences written permission from the owner, shall be excluded from any museum, art house, performance hall, or residence within Ravounel or Cheliax housing art objects, historical artifacts, or other items of artistic and scholarly interest, but the patent-issuer shall be responsible for all damage to said objects, artifacts, or items or other persons or property with Ravounel or Cheliax caused by the patent-holder; that Her Ladyship shall give notice of the contemplated sale of such object by Ravounel to Her Infernal Majestrix within thirty days in advance of its contemplated sale and that Her Infernal Majestrix or member of House Thrune designated by Her Infernal Majestrix shall have the right of first refusal on any such sale; and that Alabaster Academy shall accept as students subjects of Her Infernal Majestrix on the same terms as, and without distinction from, citizens of Ravounel.

Article 7

It is agreed that if war should break out between Ravounel and any other power, or between Cheliax and any other power, but not [state(s)], Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship shall, no sooner than [time] from the outbreak of war, and for not longer than [time] from the outbreak of war make it a common cause, and aid each other mutually with their good offices, their counsels, and their forces, according to the exigencies of war as becomes good and faithful allies; that Cheliax shall, for its part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its power against their common enemy; that Ravounel shall, for its part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its power but not in excess of [limit] against their common enemy.

Article 8

It is agreed that if war should break out between Ravounel and any other power, or between Cheliax and any other power, Her Infernal Majestrix and Her Ladyship shall observe at least an attitude of benevolent neutrality towards the other, and Cheliax shall not permit transit of belligerent forces through its territory, but Ravounel may sell, for no less than twice their cost of production, items otherwise contraband of war to any power, without interdiction by Cheliax.

Done at Oakrib Inn, the [number] day of [month], in the year four thousand seven hundred [last two digits of year].


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Nice! Due to holiday and Covid related issues, our session last week and (probably) this week and the next were and will be skipped, so I think I can use this to make some proclamation sent to the city for flavor, before the group goes off to the Soul Anchor. Thank you!

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
magnuskn wrote:
Nice! Due to holiday and Covid related issues, our session last week and (probably) this week and the next were and will be skipped, so I think I can use this to make some proclamation sent to the city for flavor, before the group goes off to the Soul Anchor. Thank you!

T'was a pleasure, naturally.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah, boo. Bainilus should probably be styled "Her Excellency" rather than "Her Ladyship."

I'm hoping some folks can help me out with understanding Barzillai's final mythic statblock.

As a 2nd tier Hierophant, shouldn't he have two Path powers and a Mythic feat? I don't know if I'm blind or they're missing, but I can't find them on his statblock. I can see that he has two Mythic spells, so I assume that means that he took Mythic Spellcasting as one of his path abilities, but what was the other one? And what was his Mythic feat?

I want to make sure I don't miss any of his potential abilities.

Also if anyone has any advice for this final fight on how to have him be the most effective, I would happily accept any tips!

xTheJim wrote:

I'm hoping some folks can help me out with understanding Barzillai's final mythic statblock.

As a 2nd tier Hierophant, shouldn't he have two Path powers and a Mythic feat? I don't know if I'm blind or they're missing, but I can't find them on his statblock. I can see that he has two Mythic spells, so I assume that means that he took Mythic Spellcasting as one of his path abilities, but what was the other one? And what was his Mythic feat?

I want to make sure I don't miss any of his potential abilities.

Also if anyone has any advice for this final fight on how to have him be the most effective, I would happily accept any tips!

Tangent101 Summarized the mythic abilities

Tangent101 wrote:

His Divine Surge is Recall Blessing.

His Mythic Path Abilities are Mythic Spellcasting and Extra Mythic Feat

He has Mythic Dodge and Mythic Toughness

And his Mythic Spells are Cure Serious Wounds and Blade Barrier.

He put his +2 to an attribute into Wisdom

He has 7 Mythic Points he can spend on Surges (+1d6 to any d20 roll) or on casting Mythic Spells, or on the Recall Blessing.

He also gets +8 hit points and +2 to his Initiative.

As for the fight, I took him to the largest reach of his chain over the expanse of nothing to keep the PCs without flying stuff immediately available and used Blade Barrier to separate them. The Dogs kept them busy for a bit, but keeping the PCs from dogpiling him was a priority.

Awesome, thank you so much!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Part 2: The Haunting of Kintargo: Visions of Barzillai. As each of the five hauntings is dealt with, the characters have a chance to experience clues leading them toward Barzillai's heart and the Soul Anchor. These visions in the text are vague.
I'll use Mission 3, the Wailing Woman, as an example.
"Development: Once Megonya's frozen bones and Tiarise are both destroyed, Barzillai's influence over the Greens vanishes. At this point, the frost on the walls melts away, but it does so unevenly so that for a few moments what appears to be dozens of scrawled lines of text appear on the walls. In the few moments before these lines too melt away, the PCs can attempt a DC on Wisdom check to recognize the text (see page 29)."

I'm assuming the reference is to the bottom of page 29, the section "Final Vision" which continues on to page 30, where it explains the full final vision and the Find the Path that is imbued into the characters, but what would be the partial reveals along the way such as the frost text? I realize it would probably be dependent on how many missions in they are when they do this one, but I could have used a few sentences telling me what I'm guessing at: that I need to come up with three or four cryptic reveals to gradually unfold the full answer. Something like "Seek the heart of the matter" or "Find the lies that lie below".
Is this how others interpreted these visions? What did or might you use for the frost writing if it were the first clue?

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