casting With a weapon in your hand


Is there any way other than his/her bonded object or using still spell for a wizard to cast a spell while wielding a weapon?

So long as the weapon is one-handed the wizard can cast just fine.

If it's two handed, you can Free Action to take your hand off, cast the spell, the Free Action to put it back on. Assuming you aren't casting any 1-Round casting time spells or spells outside your turn.

Also note that, while many GMs would be fine with the latter option, some may look at you funny. So be warned.

I think the only restriction for casting while using weapon would be two weapons or a weapon with a shield. You can't cast any spell with Sometic component while having both hands full. You can still cast those spells with a shield, but not with a weapon in the other hand unless you are using Clawhand Shield.

What about a buckler? Those don't actually take up your hand do they?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lilith Knight wrote:
What about a buckler? Those don't actually take up your hand do they?

If you're casting with the arm that it's on, you don't get the AC bonus. You do however get any spell failure penalty that it has.

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