DM Brainiac's Doomsday Dawn (Inactive)

Game Master Brainiac

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Would you like to rest before continuing on? That fight was pretty draining of your resources.

Goblin Goblin

I'm in favor of that, personally

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

Shadrach is OK with resting, given that he's out of spells. :)

Alright, I'll post to that effect. :)

Female Magus (Eldritch Scion) | HP 28 | AC 18 Touch 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +4 | Resist Cold 5, Elec 5 | Perc -1 - Low-light vision, Darkvision 60' | Init: +3 | Speed 30' | 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 4/4 | Eldritch Pool: 8/8 |

Sercha's been spamming a cantrip, so she's good. She'll be happy to wait with the others though.

Don't forget you were given a scroll of fly.

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

Who wants the scroll? Shadrach has a bow, plus Magic Missile spells, so he doesn't need it. Anklebiter, perhaps?

Goblin Goblin

I love the idea of a tiny flying menace with a face full of sharp teeth and a bag full of fire

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

I presume that the scroll has to be read by someone who has the spell on their list? Shadrach does, but he also wants to cast Magic Weapon on Lilata's's bow. Can either of the Sorcerors use the scroll?

The spell must be on your list, and you must spend a point of Resonance to cast it. Both sorcerers cast from the primal list, and fly is on that list.

Female Magus (Eldritch Scion) | HP 28 | AC 18 Touch 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +4 | Resist Cold 5, Elec 5 | Perc -1 - Low-light vision, Darkvision 60' | Init: +3 | Speed 30' | 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 4/4 | Eldritch Pool: 8/8 |

Sercha will use the scroll if we want to instigate a flying goblin. :)

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

The 1.3 updates are now available. Are we going to be using them in In Pale Mountain's Shadow?

If so, Shadrach will swap out Fleet for Armor Proficiency, to retain proficiency in his full-plate (he still has Sudden Charge to move into melee combat, so the change is not too bad). On the upside, he would be able to use the Attack Of Opportunity reaction once per day.

Yes, we will apply the changes from the latest errata after this combat.

Still need Elly's actions for this round.

CN Female Half-elf Playtest Ranger AC 20/TAC 18; Fort +7 Ref +9 Will +9; Per +7 (low-light vision) HP 52/52, Resonance 5/5, 1 Hero Point

Can I repec a bit? The only reason I took Quick Draw was because of the complete lack of anything else worthwhile those levels. Instead, I'd go for Hunted Shot, if that's okay.

Overall, the rules seem to be moving in a way that might one day be friendly to how I like the game, but it's still a long ways away.

Yes, you may respec.

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

@Elya: The staff gives you a +1 item bonus on Heal spell HP regained, even when you spend your own slots; Elya should regain 9 HP from her spell: 5(dice roll)+3(stat)+1(item)=9

TAC 16; AC 16 Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +6 Gnome playtest sorcerer 4 Gnome, Humanoid, Lawful Percep +5; Senses low-light vision HP 40/40 Spell Points 3 Hero Points 1 Res 6/7

Thank you for the reminder. I was almost asleep last night when I posted.

Need actions from Anklebiter and Sercha.

Sercha, you can't heighten a spell to a higher spell slot than you have access to. Acid arrow is already a 2nd-level spell. Your rolls indicate you were trying to cast it as a 4th-level spell.

Female Magus (Eldritch Scion) | HP 28 | AC 18 Touch 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +4 | Resist Cold 5, Elec 5 | Perc -1 - Low-light vision, Darkvision 60' | Init: +3 | Speed 30' | 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 4/4 | Eldritch Pool: 8/8 |

Sorry, my bad. That's what I get for depending on Hero Lab and not digging into enough myself.

Would you like to rest or continue onwards?

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

We could push on, I think. I'm hoping someone else can help out with the healing, so Shadrach can still have a couple of spells left.

CN Female Half-elf Playtest Ranger AC 20/TAC 18; Fort +7 Ref +9 Will +9; Per +7 (low-light vision) HP 52/52, Resonance 5/5, 1 Hero Point

Yeah, I'm ready to move on. Just got to update my character stats.... and done (well, for the copy on my computer at least).

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

Adjusted Shadrach for the 1.3 Update. Replaced Fleet with Armor Proficiency (Heavy). Speed has dropped to 15 ft.

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

In case anyone is unsure of the effects of Inspire Courage:

"You inspire your allies with words or tunes of encouragement. You and all allies in the aura [60 ft] gain a +1 conditional bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear."

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

I'm getting the feeling that you have to assume that leader types have reactions. I can see there being issues with metagaming, however.

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

RAW, it would seem that if an enemy drops you with an AoO on your turn, and you get healed, you can get up safely before the enemy goes again (because its reaction hasn't refreshed yet), and attack. Getting dropped by an AoO is the poor man's haste! :)

Yes, that's correct. Just waiting to see if Elly will heal Lilata!

Alright, Lilata is up at 8 HP and may act now. As per the newest errata, she now has the wounded 1 condition, which means her dying score will start at 1 higher if she is dropped again.

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

I imagine we're going to want to rest before we explore further.

That would probably be a good idea. Remember, you can now use the Medicine skill to heal up between encounters. See the 1.3 errata update for details.

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

Elya can always heal people before we rest for the night.

Assuming she has spell slots/wand charges/resonance left.

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

How much are people down after resting? Shadrach is at full HP.

Female Magus (Eldritch Scion) | HP 28 | AC 18 Touch 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +4 | Resist Cold 5, Elec 5 | Perc -1 - Low-light vision, Darkvision 60' | Init: +3 | Speed 30' | 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 4/4 | Eldritch Pool: 8/8 |

Sercha is at full.

Goblin Goblin

I'm only down six

CN Female Half-elf Playtest Ranger AC 20/TAC 18; Fort +7 Ref +9 Will +9; Per +7 (low-light vision) HP 52/52, Resonance 5/5, 1 Hero Point

I'm down 12. Lots of damage+lots of health= lots of healing needed. Plus it doesn't help my CON modifier is only +1, I suppose.

TAC 16; AC 16 Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +6 Gnome playtest sorcerer 4 Gnome, Humanoid, Lawful Percep +5; Senses low-light vision HP 40/40 Spell Points 3 Hero Points 1 Res 6/7

I'll heal you up for the morning. No problem Lilata.

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

OK, so who still needs healing? How far are you down, Elya?

TAC 16; AC 16 Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +6 Gnome playtest sorcerer 4 Gnome, Humanoid, Lawful Percep +5; Senses low-light vision HP 40/40 Spell Points 3 Hero Points 1 Res 6/7

I'm all healed up

Just waiting on somebody to try to disarm the trap on the door or trigger it and get it open. :)

Female Magus (Eldritch Scion) | HP 28 | AC 18 Touch 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +4 | Resist Cold 5, Elec 5 | Perc -1 - Low-light vision, Darkvision 60' | Init: +3 | Speed 30' | 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 4/4 | Eldritch Pool: 8/8 |

Does dispelling it require the casting of a Dispel Magic spell?

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

I don't imagine that any of us are trained in thievery.

Re-reading the rules, it looks like you would need to cast dispel magic to make the spell roll. Sorry about that. Looks like somebody is going to have to suck it up. Maybe you could force the gnoll to open it if you are feeling mean. :)

Female Magus (Eldritch Scion) | HP 28 | AC 18 Touch 13 FF 15 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +4 | Resist Cold 5, Elec 5 | Perc -1 - Low-light vision, Darkvision 60' | Init: +3 | Speed 30' | 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 4/4 | Eldritch Pool: 8/8 |

Wow. That sucks. Pretty assumptive of the designers.

Yeah, you can spot the trap but not disable it unless you have an expert in Thievery, since nobody can cast dispel magic at this level. I guess it's similar to not being able to disable magical traps in 1E without a character with trapfinding. Something to mention in the feedback survey if you don't like it.

Elly is up.

CN Female Half-elf Playtest Ranger AC 20/TAC 18; Fort +7 Ref +9 Will +9; Per +7 (low-light vision) HP 52/52, Resonance 5/5, 1 Hero Point

New update is out! Ancestries are so much better now.

I'm guessing we'll be updating after this combat like before? It'll be nice getting a human or feat instead of just being a half-elf.

Yes, you can revamp your characters after the combat.

Half-Orc Playtest Bard 4 | HP 45/46 | AC:22 T:18 | Saves F:5 R:5 W:5 | Per: 5 (low light) | Speed 15ft | Resonance: 8/8

Anklebiter should stay out of melee if at all possible. A critical hit would now kill them outright.

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