The Blood Scion - A Sorcerous Gish With Bloodlines!

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Hi everyone. This is a repost of a thread I started on the OOTS-forums, but I figured I'd share it with you cool Paizo people too.

So I kinda got this idea after reading the Advanced Class Guide and both digging the bloodrager class and utterly despising the eldritch scion archetype for the magus. The concept is sort of simple: a magus-style class that's a Charisma-based spontaneous caster who gets bloodline powers and stuff. I really like how mysteries and revelations function for the oracle class, so I decided to make the bloodlines contain selectable powers (like revelations) rather than a set progression like the bloodrager and sorcerer get. The class also has some other class features, partially inspired by trying to fix the eldritch scion's "mystical focus" ability and partially focused on making the blood scion able to dominate creatures related to his bloodline.

Lastly, I went a bit overboard and created a ton of bloodlines (55 in all!), so I realize most people won't be able to read through them all. I uploaded it all to a folder on Google Drive for ease of access, and I'd appreciate any comments or impressions. I haven't playtested the class thoroughly yet, so anyone wanting to give one of the bloodlines a go would be super-cool.

I would advice people to read both the Blood Scion file and the 1-page Blood Scion Bloodline Rules file before reading any of the bloodlines, as especially the latter helps to clarify how some of the abilities work. The bloodlines themselves are in the sub-folder named "Bloodlines Files". There are also two archetypes, the Crossblooded Scion and the Blood Master, included in the main folder. These are rather simple, as I've preferred creating additional bloodlines rather than archetypes.

So, without further ado, here's the link to the Blood Scion folder:

The Blood Scion

And a direct link to the included Bloodline Files folder:

The Bloodlines

Here is also a list of all the bloodlines with a brief description:

Aberrant - same theme as Paizo's aberrant bloodline
Absolute - an inevitable- and lawful outsider-themed bloodline
Abyssal - same theme as Paizo's abyssla bloodline
Alchemical - alchemy-themed bloodline (with some construct and ooze flavor)
Ancient - a bloodline based around having an antediluvian heritage
Arcane - same theme as Paizo's arcane bloodline
Bewitched - hag- and witch-themed bloodline
Bizarre - a protean- and chaotic outsider-themed bloodline
Black Powder - a firearms and explosives-themed bloodline
Brute - orc- and giant-themed bloodline
Caliginous - darkness-themed bloodline
Cataclysmic - apocalyptic and doomsday-themed bloodline
Celestial - same theme as Paizo's celestial bloodline
Chthonic - "Underdark"- and subterranean-themed bloodline
Destined - same theme as Paizo's destined bloodline
Draconic - same theme as Paizo's draconic bloodline
Elemental - same theme as Paizo's elemental bloodline
Elysian - azata-themed bloodline
Enlightened - monk- and ki-themed bloodline (plus a bit of Street Fighter)
Feral - animal and lycanthrope-themed bloodline
Fey - same theme as Paizo's fey bloodline
Genie - Genie-themed bloodline (less elemental and more classic folktale genie style)
Goblin - goblinoid-themed bloodline
Heavenly - archon-themed bloodline
Heroic - for blood scions with the "blood of heroes"
Infernal - same theme as Paizo's infernal bloodline
Lamyros - lamia and lamia-kin-themed bloodline
Lyrical - bard- and music-themed bloodline
Machine - construct-themed bloodline
Mako - An FF7-inspired bloodline, kinda wacky but rather fun abilities (get a chocobo animal companion!)
Malignant - plague and pestilence-themed bloodline
Martial - for blood scions with the "blood of soldiers"
Metaphysical - vaguely aeon-themed and philosophically inspired bloodline
Modern - a bloodline that gains weird "present day"-themed powers
Nirvanic - agathion-themed bloodline
Oneiric - dream-themed bloodline with illusion flavor
Phthisic - Bloodline inspired by the Phyrexians of Magic: the Gathering, H.R. Giger, Dead Space, et cetera.
Radiant - light-themed bloodline
Sallow - Bloodline inspired by the King in Yellow and Hastur
Sidereal - stars- and outer space-themed bloodline
Slithering - snakes and poison and serpentfolk
Sovereign - for blood scions with the "blood of kings"
Spellscarred - anti-magic, dispelling, magic-warping bloodline
Stygian - daemon-themed bloodline
Swarming - swarm- and vermin-themed bloodline
Tempestuous - storms and lightning and wind
Thalassic - ocean-themed bloodline
Thanatotic - ghost- psychopomp- and haunt-themed bloodline
Umbral - Shadow Plane-themed bloodline
Undead- same theme as Paizo's undead bloodline
Unseelie - evil fey-themed bloodline
Viridian - plant-themed bloodline
Wandering - for blood scions with the "blood of explorers"
Warded - An abjuration-themed bloodline based around wards and defending
Wintry - a winter-themed bloodline with snow and ice powers

Hope people enjoy the read!
- Gears

Hmmm, okay I've given the class a read through and have started on bloodlines, so allow me to give some first impressions. These may change with time, but this is off the top of my head. It's also my opinions, so take or leave any suggestions I put here.

The Good
- Flavor: this is awesome for flavor and much better than the Eldritch Scion or Cabalist (third-party archetype with a similar concept).
- Choosing bloodline powers: this makes each build different and gives more options. It's why the oracle is popular and it's a good idea.
- Versatility: the magus spell list is generally very heavily combat based, so gaining class features (bloodline tongue, consanguine empathy, consanguine sympathy, consanguine mastery) to expand on other roles plus being charisma based mean they can be a powerful warrior, but also useful in social situations, which is always good.
- Variety: so many bloodlines! I like it actually, because that means there even more options for me to look at.

The Bad
- Confusion: you're wording on some abilities and the reliance on Arcane Strike for a number of powers makes your ability layout needlessly complex. If you're trying to differentiate from the magus, more power to you, but seriously, this is a place where imitating the arcane pools ability to apply weapon bonuses would make everything much easier. Simply base if off your sanguine pool and streamline the features that alter Arcane Strike. You're treating a feat like a class feature and it's a little much.
- Balance: holy shit, some of these powers are really powerful.

- Inborn Magic: this connects to the confusion problem. Arcane Strike is really good for this kind of class. It doesn't need it free. Make a similar effect a class feature and limit this to just Eschew Material like a sorcerer.
- Sanguine Surge: gaining 2-20+ temporary hit points is already good. Then you make it make Arcane Strike better too. For a 2nd level ability, this is too much. My advice, have it give one bonus like improving damage, or attack rolls, or granting temporary hit points. Then at a higher level (say 11 or so) gain Improved Sanguine Surge and it grants 2 at once or something like that.
- Spellblood: good in concept, but the cost seems low to me. Try making it 'spend 1 + the spell's level points' to cast an extra spell. For Greater Spellblood, let them apply any metamagic feat by spending additional points equal to the new level (so for example Maximized Fireball is 6 points total). It seems like a lot, but spontaneous casters already have a lot of spell slots to begin with so giving them a ton more spells is a bit too powerful.

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I agree with much of kamenhero25. The class has a great premise. However, the main class feature of sanguine surge and Arcane Strike just feel completely "meh" and complicated. Not all that exciting compared to comparable classes like the magus or inquisitor or bard. I'd honestly remove Arcane Strike entirely from all this and just have sanguine surge become its own effect.

I do like what you did with the bloodlines, but many of the powers are WAY too powerful. For example, the genie's carpet ability is basically an overland flight spell you can cast on yourself and allies starting at 1st level, which is why the real item costs a minimum of 20k

Alright, I've had more time to go over things and come up with some more suggestions. I'm going to start on reviewing bloodlines (probably five at a time) after this because I love this concept and I want to see it work so I'm kind of getting into it. As always, these are just suggestions, so take it or leave it.

- Sanguine Pool: make it almost word for word the magus' arcane pool. At 1st level, you can use a swift action to spend 1 point and get a +1 enhancement bonus and this bonus increases by another +1 for every 4 levels beyond first (max +5 at 17th level).

- Sanguine Surge: make the bonuses currently under Sanguine Pool your Sanguine Surge options. Something like this:

At 2nd level a Blood Scion can infuse his own body with his innate magical power. He can use a swift action to spend 1 Sanguine Point and gain one of the following for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier:
- Increase the caster level of a spell by 1 for every 6 Blood Scion levels he possesses (minimum 1, maximum 3 at 18th level).
- Increase the save DC of a spell by 1. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 Blood Scion levels after 2nd (max +5 at 18th level).
- Gain a +1 bonus on a concentration check to cast a spell. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 Blood Scion levels beyond 2nd (max +5 at 18th level).
A Blood Scion may only have one Sanguine Surge active at a time.

I'm going to be making a lot of my suggestions on bloodlines based on the suggestions I've already made, so if you don't like these my bloodline ideas probably won't mean much, but that's what I'm rolling with for now.

Okay, bloodline review #1 is coming at you. I'll analyze everything about the bloodline and powers and comment on anything I see that's weak, strong, or weird.

Aberrant Bloodline:
This makes for an interesting fighting style, very focused on buffing and control. I do like it.
Class Skill: Fine. Makes sense for the concept.
Bloodline Spells: Very nice. Some fun transmutation and polymorph effects.
Bloodline Feats: Looks pretty good. Steadfast Personality seems to be a little odd.
Bloodline Tongue: Of course. This is good.
Consanguine Creature Type: Obvious and fine.
Birthright Arcana: Fun. This makes a good transmutation based Blood Scion.
Bloodline Powers:

Aberrant Resistance: pick a few conditions and stick to them. You don't need to hand out this many resistances, especially since they all evolve to immunity at high levels.

Aberration Whisperer: this is... odd, but I guess it's alright. If Turn Undead works on Vampires, I don't see why this wouldn't work out.

Acid Blood: this is two powers in one. You're already giving Acid Resistance that becomes immunity at high levels. You don't need to add damage on top of that. Make them separate options. Try having just Acid Resistance as a power and then have Acid Blood as power that does 1d6 acid damage + the Blood Scion's Charisma modifier damage when he's struck with a slashing or piercing weapon.

Cave Eyes: there's a typo here. Gaining darkvision is fine. Try making it, a Blood Scion can use a Sanguine Surge and spend 1 Sanguine point to gain blindsense out to 30 feet. At 11th level, this increases to 60 feet.

Drain Sanity: remove the Arcane Strike bit. Just have it be, a Blood Scion can spend 1 Sanguine point to make a touch attack against an opponent. The opponent must make a Will save or suffer 1d4 Wis damage. A Blood Scion must be 7th level to select this power.

Mutant Surge: anything that adds templates is going to be unbalanced. You have less complicated options and you don't need players messing around with things not meant for them in the first place. Cut this one.

Tentacle: I have no problems with this one. I can play a Mind Flayer now.

Unusual Anatomy: This is fine except I'd drop the part about immunity to blindness. It's extra tacked on to an already good power. Just taking this once is already equal to a +2 armor enchantment. No need to make it better.

Bloodline Apotheosis: Too much. Just DR 5/-, immunity to confusion and insanity, and all-around vision is good. The evolution thing is way to powerful and needlessly complex.

Absolute Bloodline:
Interesting, but feels very obsessed with control. It's a little over the top, even for lawful outsiders.
Class Skill: Thematic, but not the most useful. Still, that's no complaint.
Bloodline Spells: Nice. Adding some spells a magus can't get give new options and most of them fit nicely.
Bloodline Feats: Pretty good. You have to ignore the flavor on Ordered Mind to make it fit most concepts, but it's fine.
Bloodline Tongue: I actually like this. It's useful and nice since there's no Lawful or Chaotic outsider languages.
Consanguine Creature Type: Fine.
Birthright Arcana: Excellent choice.
Bloodline Powers:

Advocate of Law: Alright. As a note, make the Sanguine Surge effect an option under your Sanguine surge choices and give it a stacking bonus. A Blood Scion may use his Sanguine surge and spend 1 point to gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against outsiders with the chaotic subtype. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels beyond 2nd (max +6 at 18th level).

Axomatic Strike: drop the Arcane Strike. Add these as enchantment options when using the Sanguine Pool and you're golden.

Constructed: Interesting. This reminds me of the Android race, but that's a good thing. I think this is okay.

Crystalline Dust Form: cool. Not much love is given to the Axiomites, and this is fine with the level restriction.

Forbiddance: okay, this isn't too bad. I would just adjust the effect slightly. How about making them stunned for a round and dropping the non-lethal damage?

Imperious Strike: this feels kind of off to me, but I honestly don't know why. Maybe I just find it weird personally.

Order's Chains: okay, this one I love. Keep it.

Relentless Surge: this f*cks with action economy so much. A single use would make or break fights so fast it's not even funny. I'm sorry, but drop it. It's just outright too much.

Summon Lawful Kin: so you gain a summoner class feature for free and a feat for free when using it. Too much, even with the limits on what you can call. I like the concept but it needs to be toned down a bit.

Tactical Precision: well, you just gave a reason to put a lot of ranks into Knowledge (Engineering). Again, this is too good and useless at the same time. It's so situational that most people will never benefit, but when they do it's a massive buff. This encourages a different method of gameplay, but one that once again screws action economy so hard.

Bloodline Apotheosis: Hmmm, mostly good. The Shield of Law effect is kind of unnecessary. Try replacing it with a few more passive resistances to things that Lawful outsiders don't like. Polymorph effects or the like.

Abyssal Bloodline:
Raw power is the focus here and it works out nicely.
Class Skill: What I'd expect from this kind of bloodline.
Bloodline Spells: All good. Makes the Scion even more of a melee monster, but that's the point so it's good.
Bloodline Feats: I like.
Bloodline Tongue: Obvious and good.
Consanguine Creature Type: Fine.
Birthright Arcana: Interesting choice considering.
Bloodline Powers:

Abyssal Resistance: this is alright.

Abyssal Wings: the Intimidate bonus is needless filler. Everything else is good.

Demon Hide: natural armor bonus that grows. Very powerful, but not game breaking.

Dimensional Tears: this is an interesting power, but add a level requirement.

Hulking Surge: make this a Surge option. A Blood Scion may use his Sanguine Surge to spend 1 point and cast Enlarge Person on himself as a spell-like ability.

Larval Form: a permanent polymorph effect that seriously messes with just about everything. This is too powerful. Period.

Strength of the Abyss: short and to the point. It's fine.

Strike of the Outer Rifts: okay, this is contradictory. The attack counts a Cold Iron (which is good against demons) and gains qualities of a demonic weapon (Unholy and Cruel). Just make it that this adds Unholy, Cruel, and Anarchic to the Sanguine Pool ability. Don't overcomplicate.

Summon Unholy Kin: same as Summon Lawful Kin. It gives too many benefits for one power. Maybe try having to take it more times to keep getting the upgraded versions. It needs something to tone it down.

Bloodline Apotheosis: again, too much. Drop the fast healing bit and you're not bad.

Alchemical Bloodline:
This bloodline makes you an alchemist as much as a Blood Scion. It's almost an archetype, but I think it's alright.
Class Skill: I'd consider making this Use Magic Device.
Bloodline Spells: I like actually. Some very interesting spells, but fascinating.
Bloodline Feats: Good, has some neat options.
Bloodline Tongue: Alright then.
Consanguine Creature Type: This is fine.
Birthright Arcana: Good, useful spell too.
Bloodline Powers:

Alchemical Strike: just drop the Arcane strike part. Have it be that he can use 1 Sanguine point to apply an alchemical item to his weapon as a swift action.

Construct Manipulator: this is good.

Control the Created: this idea is a running one for you, isn't it? That's not a bad thing and it's kind of cool.

Eldritch Bombs: fine. Gaining alchemist bombs adds a lot of options though, so watch this carefully.

Mutagenic Surge: just make this a surge option. A Blood Scion can spend a Sanguine Surge and spend 1 point to craft and ingest an alchemist mutagen. This functions as the alchemist class feature and has the same benefits and draw backs. He may use further Bloodline Powers to gain alchemist discoveries related to mutagens.

Ooze Summoner: this is basically the alchemist's bottled ooze. It's good.

Poison Expertise: good.

Spell Bottles: interesting. You're basically making this bloodline a budget alchemist now. It's interesting, but I'd add a higher level requirement since you also get a free discovery out of it.

Spontaneous Alchemy: this is alright.

Tumor Familiar: anything that gives a familiar is useful. This is fine.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this feels overpowered again, but I'm not sure how I'd modify it.

Ancient Bloodline:
This one jumps around a lot and has a lot to do with time and age. On one hand, it feels like it's meant for a very specific kind of character. On the other, it's a very interesting type of character and I like it.
Class Skill: Not a highly useful skill, but fitting.
Bloodline Spells: a lot of memory and thought manipulation. Nice for giving options and expanding themes.
Bloodline Feats: kind of boring, but thematic enough.
Bloodline Tongue: Good.
Consanguine Creature Type: Good, and I like the options.
Birthright Arcana: Interesting choice, but cool.
Bloodline Powers:

Ancestral Weapon: interesting. I have no problem with this and it's actually really good for building a character. I like.

Ageless: okay, the effect is alright, but the wording is a mess. Edit it a bit to make it clear. I'd also consider moving what levels you gain immunities on.

Blood Vengeance: make this a surge option. A Blood Scion may use his Sanguine Surge to declare blood vengeance against a creature of the same type as his Consanguine Creature. He may then add his Charisma modifier to damage rolls against it for as long as his surge lasts.

Immemorial Stones: curious. It's an interesting divination effect, but very specific. It's not a bad thing, just odd.

Ingrown Armaments: okay, this has some great things and some bad things. The melded armor is good. Drop the entire surge part and let this be it's own thing. It stand well enough on it's own without that. Also, drop the natural armor part. It doesn't need to increase natural armor bonuses to be good. It's already good.

Old Friend: both good and bad. Gaining an animal companion is good. The spirit animal thing is a little much. Perhaps make it so you can take it twice and the second time gives it the spirit animal power.

Original Sin: interesting. I like this one, even if the mechanics are a little complicated.

Primal Surge: drop the Arcane Strike references, make this a surge option. Then make it like the alchemist's mutagen. Pick one physical score and one mental score, not all three at once. It can be changed each time he uses it of course. And the uncanny dodge and evasion stuff might be a bit much.

Twisted Roots: fine.

Wisdom of the Ancients: this is alright. I might just say make it to the skill checks and not the saves though.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this one is weird, but I actually like it. It's limiting and requires the GM to keep track of details, but it's not game-breaking. I would drop the fact that anything older than him counts as a Consanguinary Creature though. That's a bit much.

Hey guys. Thank you so very much for the comments. I am currently taking them on board and processing them. Thanks especially, kamenhero, for daring to take on sloughing through all these bloodlines. I'm going to review your comments more thoroughly and make a post later with suggestions for changes as answers to your take on each bloodline.

I just wanna say a few quick things to clear it all up:

I think I like the idea of the changes to the main class, which is what I've digested thus far. I.e., removing Arcane Strike and making Sanguine Surge wholly its own thing. I also like the idea of changing its options and letting you get two sanguine surge options at later levels. I also, in tandem with this, like the idea of changing many of the "Surge" bloodline powers to match this concept (like kamenhero suggested) and also changing the "Strike" powers to instead add options to the sanguine pool (and thus obviously I also approve of changing the sanguine pool itself).

Lastly, I just want to add that I am well aware that many bloodline powers likely need to be toned down power-wise and also have their wording simplified in other cases. So suggestions in that direction are definitely welcome. I do have to get a bit defensive though regarding Cyrad's comment and very firmly point out that the genie bloodline's bloodline power emphatically does NOT do what he claims in any way, shape or form. I apologize for it being rather convoluted in its wording, but I would suggest re-reading it to grasp how it functions.

I'll get back on those bloodline reviews ASAP; gonna start thinking about how to rewrite the main document as well.

Okay, a few quick things on the bloodline reviews:

Aberrant: mutant surge doesn't grant you a template. It lets you gain a single ability that creatures with the mutant template get. -And- you take on a weakness. I fail to see why this needs to be nixed as I think it's cool and thematic.

Summoning Powers: They're only usable once per day, plus an additional time at 7th and 15th level? Doesn't that limit their power at all in your eyes?

Absolute: Relentless Surge is basically just the 8th-level power from the Toil domain. Is that OP too?

Abyssal: Abyssal Larva is hardly better than Baleful Polymorph. Would not moving it up to 13th level (when the blood scion has actually gotten access to 5th-level spells) be enough to balance it?

Other than these, I think your suggestions for nerfing powers mostly seem good. I'm not convinced just getting scaling acid resistance is good enough for a bloodline power, though. You'll notice a trend among my bloodlines that bloodline powers which grant resistance and immunity to an element usually also grant an additional ability. While I'm sure plenty of powers have unnecessary add-ons that need to be cut, I'm not sure I'm feeling it for abilities like acid blood.

Aberrant: that may just be me being paranoid then.

Summoning powers: Conjuration spells are very powerful for a martial class since they add flanking allies and extra attacks and options to a fight. It's not too overpowered, but getting all the way up to summon monster IX on a 1-6 caster is a lot. Once per day makes it possibly doable, but it still seems strong to me. Maybe it's just personal opinion.

Absolute: I actually didn't know that existed. Holy cow. Okay, I can't argue if Paizo already published a matching ability but geez, that's pretty powerful.

Abyssal: This is the result of me being an idiot and not reading the level restriction at the end combined with forgetting the Baleful Polymorph is a very low level spell for what it does. It's good, my bad.

I'll get to more tomorrow, but now I must sleep.

Seems like a nice class. I would totally try it out if I wasn't already playing a pretty houseruled eldritch scion.

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Okay. So this is what I have on sanguine pool and sanguine surge right now for the rewrite of the main doc:

Sanguine Pool (Su)

The blood scion gains a reservoir of immanent eldritch energy derived from his bloodline at 1st level. This sanguine pool has a number of points equal to 1/2 his blood scion level (minimum 1) + his Charisma modifier. The pool refreshes once per day when the blood scion regains his daily spell slots. At 1st level, a blood scion can expend 1 point from his sanguine pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses stack with the weapon's existing enhancement bonus up to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack.

At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: dancing, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, speed, or vorpal. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the sanguine pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the blood scion uses this ability. These bonuses do not function if the weapon is wielded by anyone other than the blood scion. A blood scion can only enhance one weapon in this way at one time. If he uses this ability again, the first use immediately ends.

Sanguine Surge (Su)

Beginning at 2nd level, the blood scion can spend 1 sanguine point to summon up a swell of the inborn magic threaded through his blood in the form of a sanguine surge. While in a sanguine surge, the blood scion can gain one of the following benefits for its duration:
• Increase the caster level of a spell by 1 for every 6 blood scion levels he possesses (minimum 1, maximum 3 at 18th level).
• Increase the save DC of a spell by 1. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 blood scion levels after 2nd (max +5 at 18th level).
• Gain a +1 bonus on a concentration check to cast a spell. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 blood scion levels beyond 2nd (max +5 at 18th level).
The blood scion makes this choice each time that he activates a sanguine surge. A sanguine surge lasts for a number of rounds equal to the blood scion's Charisma modifier. At the sanguine surge's end he loses all benefits gained during it. The blood scion can prematurely end a sanguine surge as a free action. Otherwise it automatically ends if he falls unconscious or starts a new sanguine surge before an older one's duration has expired.

Beginning at 8th level, the blood scion can spend 2 sanguine points when activating a sanguine surge to gain two simultaneous benefits from the list above for its duration. At 16th level he can instead spend 3 sanguine points to gain three such benefits.

I also have the following for spellblood and greater spellblood:

Spellblood (Su)

Beginning at 4th level, the blood scion can spontaneously cast any bloodline spell he knows by spending points from his sanguine pool instead of expending one of his daily spell slots. The blood scion spends a number of points equal to the spell's level.

Greater Spellbood (Su)

At 13th level, when the blood scion uses his spellblood ability, he can spend a number of sanguine points equal to 2 + the spell's level to instead cast it as if though it were affected by the Quicken Spell metamagic feat. This does not increase the spell's level.

I didn't wanna do the "pay sanguine points to add metamagic feats" thingie kamenhero suggested to any of these as there's already a bloodline power that the Arcane Bloodline gains which does this.

Anyway, thoughts?

EDIT: Also, yes, for God's sake please sleep kamenhero! Seriously, thanks so much for getting into this mess with me. Your faith in the blood scion's noble core means a lot. :P

I really, really liked your suggestion for changes to the core mechanics, by the way. They make so much more sense and, thankfully, probably won't require rewriting any bloodline powers too extensively (though many of those are likely to need rewriting for other reasons, as we've already started to uncover).

- Gears

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I'll look over the new mechanics later today.

Ethereal Gears wrote:
Abyssal: Abyssal Larva is hardly better than Baleful Polymorph. Would not moving it up to 13th level (when the blood scion has actually gotten access to 5th-level spells) be enough to balance it?

That ability is way better than baleful polymorph. Baleful polymorph is balanced around the fact that it's a "save or die" spell that requires two saves and can be easily undone with dispel magic. Abyssal Larva only requires one save and must be broken with either remove curse or powerful magic (the text should specify this is a curse effect). At later levels, not even remove curse works and break enchantment gets a higher DC. Even mythic baleful polymorph isn't this powerful.

I suggest making it work like baleful polymorph and bumping the level requirement to at least 13.

Ethereal Gears wrote:
I do have to get a bit defensive though regarding Cyrad's comment and very firmly point out that the genie bloodline's bloodline power emphatically does NOT do what he claims in any way, shape or form. I apologize for it being rather convoluted in its wording, but I would suggest re-reading it to grasp how it functions.

I had to read it five times to figure it out. I thought it let the class fly until I realized it did not specify a fly speed. Instead, it very convolutedly lets the class turn his fly spells into communal fly spells? Which is actually really, really strong.

I think the rewrite of core abilities sounds great like that. Combined with the extra options from bloodlines, it should make a much more interesting ability and less complicated. And I like what you did with Spellblood and Greater Spellblood. On to more bloodlines!

Arcane Bloodline:
You know how the sorcerer and bloodrager both have a really awesome arcane bloodline? Yeah, this seems to be a trend. You've managed to make a bloodline that is excellent without any case of serious overpoweredness.
Class Skill: picking any knowledge skill is extremely useful.
Bloodline Spells: a little bland, but a ton of utility.
Bloodline Feats: good.
Bloodline Tongue: creative. Constant read magic is useful and very thematic for someone descended from a long line of wizards.
Consanguine Creature Type: good.
Birthright Arcana: powerful spell, but worth it.
Bloodline Powers:

Absorb Spell: interesting. I've always liked the concept of stealing magic from other casters.

Arcane Armor: I'm surprised this is under the arcane bloodline, but the power is good. It fits someone descended from a long like of magi or arcane duelists though, so I'm not complaining.

Arcane Bond: you get a wizard's arcane bond. No complaints.

Counterspell Mastery: this sounds fine and I'm pretty sure it's an arcanist ability anyway so I have no problems with it. You might want to kick the requirement up to 5th level since that's when they get 2nd level spells.

Expanded Spellblood: nice using an existing ability and expanding on it.

Force Blast: a force damage attack that levels with the user, maxing at 10d4. Good, but not all that powerful. Honestly, you could probably drop the whole end part about surging strike and it would be fine. No need to be overcomplicated.

Magic Devicer: fine. Nothing complicated, but useful. The level requirement seems a little low, but it wouldn't be very powerful at low levels, so it balances out.

Metamagic Adept: excellent. Great for someone with a lot of metamagic feats and actually a lot like my suggestion for Greater Spellblood.

Spell Consumption: looks fine. Pretty much the arcanist ability.

Surging Spellstrike: okay, so you can use your Sanguine Surge to gain spellstrike for a round. I'd drop the Arcane Strike reference and just have it be, A Blood Scion may use his Sanguine Surge and spend 1 point to gain the spellstrike ability as a magus of his level for 1 round.

Bloodline Apotheosis: powerful, but not overly so. And useful for adding versatility which is a good thing in general since it also lets you add wizard or bard spells.

Bewitched Bloodline:
It seems like the bloodlines based on being descended from another caster are all good. And the Accursed Bloodline was so average too...
Class Skill: fine.
Bloodline Spells: excellent. All the witch classics. I can turn a guy into a newt and then cackle at him.
Bloodline Feats: no real problems.
Bloodline Tongue: good.
Consanguine Creature Type: very broad. Maybe have it be anything with the hag subtype. Anyone with an effective Witch level or anyone capable of joining a hag coven qualifies.
Birthright Arcana: a divination spell. Interesting.
Bloodline Powers:

Accursed Arcana: I always did like this ability on the hexcrafter magus. Gaining a bunch of extra spells known is powerful. Perhaps have them as spells that can only be cast with spell blood, with the option of adding them to the full spell list like any other spell they learn leveling up.

Broom: this feels like a joke, but it's actually a fine ability.

Cackling Surge: short rewrite. A Blood Scion may use his Sanguine Surge and spend 1 to begin cackling, as the witch hex. As long as his Sanguine Surge lasts, he may cackle every round as a free action. Existing restriction are good.

Eldritch Patronage: I'm of two minds on this one. On one hand, it's thematic and interesting. On the other, you're adding a lot of options to a caster and adding a lot of new mechanics. I think I'd have to playtest in-depth to see how powerful this is in context to be sure if it's limiting enough. It seems alright since all you get are patron spells, but some patrons are good.

Hexed Strike: no need to be part of Arcane Strike. A Blood Scion may spend 1 point when making a melee attack to also activate one hex he knows against the target creature.

Hex Scion: this is good. Let's you make a hexcrafter.

Misfortune Aversion: for all those descended from good witches. Fine, but I'd move the immunity to forced re-rolls to 7th level.

Wandering Hut: I'm almost positive there's a hex that does this, so this might not see a lot of use, but it's alright.

War Broom: I would drop the Arcane Strike part and trip part. It's already providing a weapon with automatic enchantment bonuses. It's fine with just that.

Witch Hunt Resistance: unexpected, but not bad. The increase to skill DCs is annoying, but it's rarely going to be a problem for GMs and in fact could be a useful tool so I say keep it.

Bloodline Apotheosis: I'd say keep it at one grand hex and then the monstrous physique ability, but otherwise this one is fine.

Bizarre Bloodline:
The bloodline for freaky chaotic creatures. Interesting choice of names.
Class Skill: what you'd expect for an outsider related bloodline.
Bloodline Spells: fine.
Bloodline Feats: I like these.
Bloodline Tongue: a rare, but fitting language.
Consanguine Creature Type: sounds good.
Birthright Arcana: fun.
Bloodline Powers:

Anarchic Strike: just add these to the list of options as part of Sanguine Pool and it works great.

Amorphous Form: okay, this is an ability you already had, but structed differently. The first time, you had to take it multiple times, each time making it better. This time it gets better on it's own, but never as good by itself. I'd drop the blindness/deftness thing like I mentioned in Aberrant, but otherwise I think this is okay. I'd consider a level requirement. Maybe make it require 7th level and then get better at 13th level.

Conjured Gear: interesting. Actually something that could be a very useful utility trick.

Formless Surge: as with all of these options, just make them surge options and you're should be okay.

Morphic Creativity: interesting. Adding evolutions could be very powerful, but it has a fairly controlled growth.

Summon Chaotic Kin: I've expressed my opinions on summoning powers already. No need to keep repeating myself.

Touch of the Bizarre: alright. The mechanics are a little complicated, but I don't think it's unbalanced.

Voidworm: okay. A familiar granting power with a few tweaks to let it function with some bloodline powers. Seems alright.

Warpwave: this seems okay since it's random. That makes it rather hard to tell if you're going to do something useful or not.

Wavering Shape: fine. Make it a surge option instead and it's good. You might not even need the 'only against lawful' thing considering that the Arcane Bloodrager can just outright get Displacement when bloodraging if they're beyond a certain level.

Bloodline Apotheosis: all of the immunities and such are fine. I'm looking at reshape reality and thinking that it's actually not too bad, but seems powerful at first glance. Not sure on that one.

Black Powder Bloodline:
Now I see what you mean when you said you were making bloodlines instead of archetypes. This feels a little odd as a bloodline, but it's alright.
Class Skill: fine.
Bloodline Spells: heavily focused on firearms, but they're all fine.
Bloodline Feats: I'm assuming that the deeds listed here can be taken instead of feats. Okay then.
Bloodline Tongue: amusing.
Consanguine Creature Type: just keep it to the fire subtype. Otherwise anyone playing a 'Guns Everywhere' setting can effects everyone that's proficient with martial weapons.
Birthright Arcana: amusing, I've never seen that spell before, but it's funny.
Bloodline Powers:

Black Powder Strike Deed: this is fine, and a likely choice for 1st level for just about anyone considering how much this bloodline likes guns.

Black Powder Leap: I find this incredibly amusing, but don't think it's too powerful.

Countershot: this basically makes your range count as threatened area count for the purpose of casting spells. Fine, considering there's a feat that does that and with the level restriction I don't think it's too much.

Eldritch Bombs: okay, another bloodline that gets this trick. It was fine once, it's fine again.

Eldritch Fusillade: okay, this is a lot. Considering making it just one extra attack and I think it would be okay. Keep the abundant ammunition bit so making full attacks is easier though.

Energy Beam: a basic blasting bloodline power. Not overdone or too powerful.

Explosive Arcana: interesting. A way to expand on bombs that differs from gaining discoveries.

Mage's Bullet: I like this. It's basically spellstrike for ranged spells. I'd actually say make the bomb shooting ability a separate bloodline power. They're both interesting, but I don't think they need to be the same power.

Thundering Strike: just make this a Sanguine Pool option and you're good.

Tracer Bullet: a handy trick for tracking or hunting a fleeing target. I'd say make it a standard action to fire a special bullet instead, but otherwise it's good.

Bloodline Apotheosis: I think this is okay. I'd make the miss chance thing a surge option as a separate power and leave the rest as the capstone power.

Brute Bloodline:
A bloodline for a mixture of orcs and giants and the like. I like this more than just orcs or something like that.
Class Skill: good.
Bloodline Spells: fun.
Bloodline Feats: interesting, but nothing bad really.
Bloodline Tongue: I might make this a 'pick one' scenario.
Consanguine Creature Type: same as with the bloodline tongue.
Birthright Arcana: perfectly fitting.
Bloodline Powers:

Blood and Flames: you really don't need the fire blood part. Just fire resistance and bleed damage reduction is good. Make the fiery blood part it's own power if you want to keep it and make it function like I suggested the acid blood do earlier.

Destroyer's Strike: this is alright. I'd make the Arcane Strike part a Surge option.

Goliath Stride: interesting. It certainly makes it easier to move around and barrel through obstacles.

Hulking Surge: make it a surge option and you're fine.

Greenblood: this is okay. I would make it just gaining the Orc subtype at all times, even when it's not advantageous.

Merciless Strike: I would honestly drop the Vital Strike part and just let the ability function on it's own.

Rock Throwing: this is based on the giant rock throwing ability I assume. I have no problems here.

Strength of Brutes: this is fine.

Surging Rage: just make this a surge option and you'll be fine. I like the addition of some barbarian type options for a bloodline with this theme.

Towering: I'd drop the ability to wield larger weapons without penalty, but let him apply his size to skill checks when advantageous (like intimidate).

Bloodline Apotheosis: I like the Charisma to determine when he dies, but the weaker Diehard isn't going to be useful to anyone that has the feat and it's on your bloodline feat list. The ability to shift sizes is very powerful though, so it balances out. Enlarge person is essentially a requirement for this one.

I think it looks pretty good I haven't had the time to look at it in more detail like kamenhero25 has but I do have a question. Looking at the Blood Scion Bloodline Rules PDF it mentions Bloodline powers in blue affecting Arcane Strike and when looking at the Enlightened Bloodline(a fist fighting magic user something I've been looking for so thank you) the Unarmed Strike Bloodline Power is in blue so does that mean it works when you're using Arcane Strike?

My guess would be no since other blue Bloodline Powers in other Bloodlines say when you use Arcane Strike but it seems to conflict with the rules PDF.

Caliginous Bloodline:
Okay, the name on this one is weird, to the point that I had to look it up to figure out if it was appropriate. I like the theme though.
Class Skill: I'm surprised. I thought it would be stealth
Bloodline Spells: these all look good. I'm a little surprised that you didn't take the more common darkvision, deeper darkness, shadow conjuration selection though.
Bloodline Feats: these all look alright.
Bloodline Tongue: This is good.
Consanguine Creature Type: This is too broad. Make it something like all creatures with the Dark Folk subtype or something like that.
Birthright Arcana: this is fine.
Bloodline Powers:

Atramentous Spell: so basically a pseudo-metamagic feat for cold spells. Okay. Seems fine and is limited enough that it's not a problem.

Bolt of Darkness: okay, I like the concept. It's kind of complicated, but it fits the bloodline's concept so I'm not going to argue about it.

Caliginous Leap: this is basically the Shadowdancer's class feature. I have no problems with it.

Caliginous Stare: the weaknesses offset any complaints I'd have, since they balance things out nicely.

Fear of the Dark: okay, this is awesome and very thematic.

Living Darkness: I think I'd make this a surge option to limit it a little bit and of course drop the Arcane Strike bit. It's good enough without getting bonuses from that or the Sanguine Pool.

Midnight Blade: since there's a first level spell that does something very similar, this is fine. I'd drop the Arcane Strike thing and just make it 'critical hits stagger the target for 1d4+1 rounds'.

Murky Surge: okay, this is a cool surge ability but it has problems. First, drop the entangled effect. Shaken is already good for a basic power and as a darkness based power, it really should be an illusion, not something that can physically impede the target. Second, just make it a Will save to disbelieve and don't do the fighting the visions thing. Third, anything that's immune to fear would never need to fight the visions because that would be senseless, so as written it weird anyway.

Nightflier: this is fine.

Nyctalopia: this is a fine effect, but raise the level that's required to get it. It's essentially Bestow Curse, but two levels early. Kick it back to 7th at least.

Bloodline Apotheosis: okay, good in concept but needs a lot of tweaks. First, make it so they're staggered while in the area of effect, but free from the condition if they leave it. Second, I'd make it DR 5/- in natural darkness instead of Fast Healing. Third, you really don't need the extra spell-like ability. This is pretty good as is.

Cataclysmic Bloodline:
This feels like something more for villains or maybe a PC fighting against fate. Not bad, but a little odd.
Class Skill: interesting.
Bloodline Spells: all excellent and I like ghoul army. You can cause a zombie apocalypse.
Bloodline Feats: all good.
Bloodline Tongue: okay.
Consanguine Creature Type: pick one related to your language. All at once is too many.
Birthright Arcana: perfectly fitting.
Bloodline Powers:

Child of the Apocalypse: this is fine.

Dust to Dust: this is too much and will make your party hate you for blowing up all the loot. Make it half damage or negated entirely for attended items and make it not effect magic items at all, then it's more reasonable.

Forsaken Healing: I would apply a limit to how many d8s Godless Healing can heal, but otherwise this is fine.

Hopeless Strike: drop the when using Arcane Strike and just make it spend 1 point to get the effect and it's good.

Nihilistic Surge: make this a surge option and your good.

Portent: since this has the same effect as Forbiddance, I give it the same critique.

Quake: honestly, this is good without the Sanguine Surge part. Just keep it as is an drop that and you're fine.

Summon Mooncalf: interesting. It's kind of budget Leadership with a weirder cohort and less versatility. Okay then.

Surging Demise: make this a surge option and you're good. I might make it gaining a bonus to attack and damage or something instead of outright haste though.

This is How the World Ends: cool. Very thematic and actually useful as long as you're good at intimidate.

Bloodline Apotheosis: I actually like this one. I'd add a small note that the surge part should just be that he can spend extra points to apply the Apocalypse Swarm template to his summoned swarms.

Celestial Bloodline:
The bloodline that makes you a cleric as well as a Blood Scion. Alright then.
Class Skill: of course.
Bloodline Spells: I'd find something more thematic than Greater Dispel Magic, but otherwise these are good.
Bloodline Feats: all good and good for you, using so many obscure, but interesting feats.
Bloodline Tongue: obvious.
Consanguine Creature Type: obvious.
Birthright Arcana: of course.
Bloodline Powers:

Celestial Resistance: looks fine to me.

Channel Positive Energy: okay, you are now a cleric. That's fine I suppose.

Healing Arcana: you are now really a cleric. However, the fact that you have to select them on their own makes it balanced enough that I'm not complaining. You could have an entire party of just Blood Scions and fill all class rolls though.

Heavenly Wings: good.

Purifying Touch: I think this is okay.

Sanctifying Surge: make this a surge option and you're good.

Sacred Fire: I love this. Keep it as is.

Strike of Mercy: make this a Sanguine Pool option and you're good.

Summon Holy Kin: summoning power. Covered.

Surging Smite: make this a separate ability from surging. You gain the paladin's smite evil ability, using your Blood Scion level as your paladin level. Keep the number of uses per day as is though.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this actually looks pretty good.The maximized healing seems like a lot, but you're spending points so it's not too bad.

Chthonic Bloodline:
Okay, this is another weird name that ultimately makes sense. Earth bloodline here we go.
Class Skill: makes sense.
Bloodline Spells: all good.
Bloodline Feats: alright.
Bloodline Tongue: good and I like the options.
Consanguine Creature Type: just anything with the earth subtype is enough here.
Birthright Arcana: interesting. A spell I haven't seen often, but a fitting one.
Bloodline Powers:

Alkali Surge: This is two powers in one that can really be separated into simpler things. One power for just permanent acid resistance like what's come up a few times before. The other half is a separate power that gives you corrosive and corrosive burst as Sanguine Pool options.

Chthonic Senses: this is fine, but I'm pretty sure the 15th level ability is already what tremorsense does more or less.

Earth Glider: I like this, even the charge thing.

Earthen Servant: you know, if the other summon abilities were like this, I probably wouldn't think they're too much. Try doing this with all of the ones that can summon outsiders of their bloodline's type. (So Celestial summons an angel of appropriate CR, Abyssal summons a demon of appropriate CR, etc.).

Living Darkness: this is a copy paste of the Caliginous ability, so no need to repeat my suggestions.

Mineral Vision: interesting effect. It seems fine to me.

Quake: already covered this one in Cataclysmic.

Rock Throwing: covered this in Brute.

Stone Strike: drop the arcane strike part and just let him spend Sanguine points to gain this effect while making unarmed strikes. It's more interesting and gives more options.

Tunneling: okay, this seems alright.

Bloodline Apotheosis: okay, mechanically this is fine, but it's boring. Try something like gaining DR 10/adamantine and being able to plane shift to the plane of earth or something. Be more creative with this.

Destined Bloodline:
No complaints with flavor and looks pretty good.
Class Skill: this is alright.
Bloodline Spells: a few more misdirection spells than expected, but I guess this is alright.
Bloodline Feats: all good.
Bloodline Tongue: that's fine.
Consanguine Creature Type: that's good and I like it.
Birthright Arcana: fitting.
Bloodline Powers:

Consult Destiny: I like this a lot.

Fateful Moment: this is one of those powers that's really complicated but has potential. I would suggest just making it that during your fateful moment, you can spend Sanguine points for the effects, but remove the part about it being able to last into another encounter if it's within a certain amount of time.

Fortuitous Strike: actually, make this a surge option that grows with level. A Blood Scion can use his Sanguine Surge and spend 1 point to gain a +1 bonus on AC against attacks of opportunity, a +1 bonus on making attacks of opportunity, or critical confirmation while the surge lasts.

Fortunate Surge: this is fine if converted to a surge option.

Misfortune Aversion: this is covered in Bewitched and is fine.

Not My Time: I love this. It's very cool for a classic, not willing to give up hero.

Twinned Destinies: this one is unusual, but unusual it good. It means it has its own flavor. I like it.

Twist of Fate: simple re-roll power. It's fine.

Uncanny Reactions: the last bit about moving around in the initiative order to act in a surprise round seems needless complicated. I'd make it a much higher level power, around 15th level, and then make it so he just always acts in a surprise round.

Wrangle Kismet: I would allow a Will save for unwilling targets, but otherwise this is good.

Bloodline Apotheosis: This is fine. A little bland but very fitting.

Okay guys. I'm going to start making point-by-point replies to kamenhero, but I'll start by two short replies to Cyrad and Dread Knight, since that'll be easier.

@Cyrad: You are right about Abyssal Larva. For some reason I thought Baleful Polymorph was a curse effect and you needed remove curse and all that jazz. I will definitely change it so it can be dispelled as normal (curses aren't very demon-themed anyway) and remove the "overpowered" stuff. I will also raise it to 13th level. Really glad you caught and clarified that. Thanks

Regarding carpet, I'm thinking: in addition to paying a sanguine point to activate it, you pay 1 point for each additional creature you want to be able to mount the carpet. Once the maximum is achieved, mounting the carpet becomes impossible. I'll also remove the ability to expel foes from the carpet just to nerf it a bit further, and also possibly raise it so you need 5th level to take it. Would that make it more palatable?

@Dread Knight: You are correct, dread knight. That is actually an error on my part. The enlightened bloodline's unarmed strike should NOT be blue under the current paradigm. In fact, the enlightened bloodline contains no blue bloodline powers currently. Note however that we ARE currently rewriting the class and very soon, with the removal of Arcane Strike, the blue and red distinction likely won't matter anymore.

@kamenhero: a lot of great points! I'll start trying to catch up with your commentary ASAP. Glad you like the changes to the main class. They're basically based off your suggestions, but I really liked those, so, huzzah.

- Gears

Okay, I'm just gonna go bloodline by bloodline from Arcane on down with some quick thoughts. This is a lot of work, so I'll probably have to write an actual change log later (starting at Aberrant) to say which critiques I implement and how:

Arcane - Please note that the ability granted by surging spellstrike is actually different from the magus' spellstrike. It's kind of inverted in how it works. You make an attack. If the attack hits, you cast a free spell targetting that creature. This means it sort of combines spell combat and spell strike, in fact. I think it's better to keep it as just an ability usable once per round that you pay 1 sanguine point for, rather than granting it for a whole Cha mod rounds-long sanguine surge. Seems to good to me. Thoughts?

Also removing unnecessary complicated stuff from force blast. Sadly, I do that kind of thing a lot (overcomplicating wording and abilities), so finding that out is a great favor.

Accursed - I think I'm just going to limit this to one free spell known when you gain the bloodline power and leave it at that. You still get all of them to your spell list. I'm gonna keep the trip aspect of the war broom talent because I thematically like the idea of you being able to sweep people away with you broom, and I don't think it's an overpowered ability even with that. You still need to take two bloodline powers just to get it. Would rather remove the shillelagh effect if it needs nerfing.

Bizarre - I'll look over wavering shape. It has its restrictions 'cause it just comes on automatic without you needing to spend any extra resources when starting a sanguine surge, but you might still be right about it not needing them.

Black Powder - I kind of like the nova potential of eldritch fusillade, since it does cost a hell of a lot of sanguine points, which is a very precious resource (I'd argue slightly more so than arcane pool points for a magi, since they don't need them to power their two main class features spell strike and spell combat). I would rather make this fewer times per day than just allow you a single extra shot. Maybe make it 7th level and only usable twice at 15th instead of 5th and then reusable at 9th, 13th and 17th? I want it to be a whacky nova ability, but obviously that means it should be limited.

Brute - I'll make the adjustment to blood and flame but I'm leery of removing the vital strike bit of merciless strike. I'm a big fan of Vital Strike and I like taking every opportunity to create abilities that boost this underpowered feat. Unless you thought that part of the ability made it OP?

Caliginous: Agree with living darkness fix. For murky surge I'll nix the staggered bit but I want to keep the shaken+entangled combo. I'll make it a Will save to negate both, and also make creatures with darkvision immune to the entangled part. Does that sound okay? Also, I'd like to contest that nyctalopia is as good as bestow curse, since it's only a single, fixed option, rather than the vast versatility of bestow curse. Care to justify that? If it really is as good as bestow, I'm totally fine with bumping it to 7th.

Cataclysmic: I find it weird you comparing mooncalf to Leadership. It's good you think it's fine, but you do realize it only summons something for a really brief time and doesn't grant some kinda permanent cohort, right? The comparsion just threw me, is all. I'm cool with changing dust to dust, but will note that "your party members will hate you for destroying loot" is not necessarily something I see as requiring an ability to be changed. I like creating weird, risky abilities sometimes that may not be suitable to every playstyle. Just FIY. Change to quake also seems fine.

Celestial: All seems fine here.

Chthonic: I'm just gonna have to restate my opinion that I don't like giving JUST scaling energy resistance as a bloodline power. Maybe I'm a crazy person for thinking that's not powerful enough to warrant a bloodline power, but I just know I NEVER pick abilities like that from like a mystery or whatever. I always want something sweet on top. I don't think acid resistance while surging and gaining the augmented versions of corrosive and corrosive burst via the same power is too much. I am prepared to be swayed though, if other people also agree with you on this. The nerf to brute's blood and flame made sense to me, since they gained bleed reduction as well. Anyway, I don't wanna harp on about this. Hopefully we can resolve this; it's not a massive issue.

Rest is fine on chthonic. I will note though that the reason earthen servant is so limited as compared to other summoning powers is because it summons for 1 HOUR per level. Honestly, I don't think getting staggered summon monster progressions for those bloodline powers that gain abilities that mimic these spells is viable. I would much rather have a celestial blood scion be able to summon an astral deva once per day at 17th level then get to summon lesser creatures fewer times. So if I'm gonna do any change to other bloodlines' summoning powers, I do feel it's likely it'll be changing them to 1/day rather than nerfing the spell level. And I will add that I am totally fine with that if people feel getting SM (with a limited list) at the same level as a wizard once per day AND spending sanguine points to use it (very important I feel) is worth a bloodline power. Anyway, this is a slight digression, sorry. Just trying to clarify my view on summoning powers.

Destined: All awesome suggested changes. Not sure about Will save for Wrangle Kismet. Will have to consider. Otherwise great!

PS. I hope nothing above comes off as too argumentative or defensive. I'm always worried about how easy it is to sound rude and annoying on the Internet. Thanks again for all your thorough analysis.

PPS. Things like bloodline tongues, consanguine creature types and stuff like that I think I will focus on separately after the bloodline powers are sorted. Also, I have a feeling many bloodline apotheoses are OP and need nerfing. I never play at high levels and capstones don't really interest me. My point is I'll go through all those separately as well, and will probably agree with most nerfing suggestions.

- Gears

Draconic Bloodline:
Yay, the classic dragon bloodline. Always a fun one.
Class Skill: makes sense.
Bloodline Spells: all good from what I can see.
Bloodline Feats: all look good.
Bloodline Tongue: easy.
Consanguine Creature Type: yup.
Birthright Arcana: looks fine.
Bloodline Powers:

Breath Weapon: I would drop the damage to 1d6 per two levels, but otherwise this is fine.

Draconic Wings: make this a standard 'spend points, get bonus' power and it should be fine.

Dragonsight: this seems fine.

Energy Aura: this should probably be a surge option. Otherwise, it seems alright.

Draconic Resistance: this is fine.

Frightful Surge: convert this to a surge option and your fine.

Kinslayer's Strike: okay, mechanically this is fine. It's just Favored Enemy (Dragon) with a slight modification. If you keep it, drop the Arcane Strike part and just make it Favored Enemy (Dragon) with Dragonbane added as an option for Sanguine Pool. Flavor-wise, I see no reason why this exists. Why should being descended from a dragon make you good at killing them? Shouldn't it make you more like them?

Personal Hoard: this one's come up before and is fine.

Spellflesh: drop the part about getting a touch AC bonus and this is good. Dragons have bad touch AC anyway. And let spell resistance be raised and lowered like normal.

Talon and Fang: surge option. Fine as is, moving on.

Bloodline Apotheosis: Okay, make this just an ability that spends points instead of a surge and that's fine. Then drop the free spell-like ability because that's really powerful.

Elemental Bloodline:
Another classic. Alright then.
Class Skill: fine.
Bloodline Spells: pretty standard, though a lot of elemental body spells.
Bloodline Feats: these are all good.
Bloodline Tongue: good.
Consanguine Creature Type: good.
Birthright Arcana: fine.
Bloodline Powers:

Absorb the Elements: this is really cool, but kind of powerful. Acid's reflecting ability is really powerful for a fairly uncommon weakness. Cold isn't too bad. Electricity isn't too bad either, though the 1d4+1 rounds of stun is brutal. Fire I like simply because it's different.

Crystal Sight: fine, already covered.

Elemental Blast: standard blasting power is fine. Drop the Arcane Strike reference and it's good.

Elemental Conduit: this is like the other command abilities. It's fine.

Elemental Familiar: fine, though the extra detail of having the familiar transfer spells probably isn't necessary.

Elemental Movement: this looks perfectly fine.

Elemental Strike: with the new Sanguine Pool, this ability is superfluous. I'd make a power that picking acid lets you get corrosive and corrosive burst enchantments on your weapon though.

Elemental Style: okay, good things and bad things time. Good things, the flavor is great and I like the idea of getting the elemental styles, plus it makes an unarmed Blood Scion viable. The bad, you're getting four feats for the cost of three class feats, then making the feats better. My suggestion, make it a surge option and you benefit from the feats only when you select your style surge.

Energy Resistance: this one is good.

Flame Sight: this is fine. I might add a once per day on the scrying.

Inborn Elementalism: make this just it's level 7 ability, put the level as a restriction to when you can take it and it would be fine.

Water Sight: fine. Same as flame sight.

Wind Sight: fine, see flame sight.

Bloodline Apotheosis: drop the elemental body part and you're pretty good, though you are gaining a lot of resistances with this.

Elysian Bloodline:
Okay, an Azata-themed bloodline with a little bard thrown in for good measure.
Class Skill: I would make it Perform (Any) and you pick one.
Bloodline Spells: all seem good.
Bloodline Feats: all seem good.
Bloodline Tongue: obvious.
Consanguine Creature Type: obvious.
Birthright Arcana: interesting choice.
Bloodline Powers:

Advocate of Liberty: pretty much the same as my critiques on the Advocate of Law power.

Azata Strike: drop the Arcane Strike bit. Make it a 7th level requirement and start with that power. Then also add Holy, Anarchic, and Devilbane as Sanguine Pool options.

Brilliant Beam: this is fine.

Celestial Serpent: this is oddly specific. I'm tempted to say just take the celestial wings power from the Celestial Bloodline and not bother with the complexity.

Elysian Resistance: this is fine.

Fire of Elysium: drop the Arcane Strike and make it that he can launch an attack with the effect as a standard action. Drop the no save for non-evils and make it so only evil targets get no save, then allow them their resistances.

Gaze of Undoing: okay, this is really powerful. Thing to add, make it so once something saves it can't be affected for 24 hours.

Liberating Strike: okay, drop the Arcane Strike and make it so the blood scion can do this as a standard action.

Performing Surge: this is fine as long as you convert it to a surge option with the modified rules.

Songbird: a little complicated. Honestly, you could just make this a 'get a familiar' power and it would be fine.

Bloodline Apotheosis: honestly, this is good without the 'save or suck' effect added on. Just the flight, senses, and resistances are nice.

Enlightened Bloodline:
A bloodline where you're descended from a monk, but are a better monk than he was by grace of having monk abilites without being stuck with the monk class.
Class Skill: I don't use a lot of third party material. I'd advise using Diplomacy for anyone else that doesn't.
Bloodline Spells: all good, though a little reliant on getting a ki pool.
Bloodline Feats: these are alright. Yai Mimic is a little off considering Oni are not traditional considered enlightened by any means.
Bloodline Tongue: I like this.
Consanguine Creature Type: I'd just say anyone with a ki pool and anyone with an effective monk level.
Birthright Arcana: a little bland, but good enough.
Bloodline Powers:

Armor of Enlightenment: okay, so it's a bonus that just makes mage armor better. Now he just needs a way to get mage armor.

Dragon Punch: funny and fun to use. My only problem is that you use it as part of a flurry. I'd make it a standard action that's it's own attack.

Hadouken! (Fireball): you can call it what it is, this is fan content. Fine, but again I wouldn't make it part of a flurry. Just make it a standard action in it's own right.

Flurrying Surge: this is fine once it's converted to a surge option.

Healing Touch: this is fine. It's basically the witch's healing hex.

Hurricane Kick: I have no words. This is kind of silly, but not too bad.

Ki-Blooded: and here's the ki pool you need. Everything about it is fine, but I'd make the whole Wis to AC, attack, or saves thing a surge option.

Mystic Focus: this seems like kind of a weird buff. You can do things you already do faster which is nice, but the wording is strange and it's not clear what it does.

Physical Perfection: this is fine.

Unarmed Strike: just make this a constant bonus. You are now better than a monk, by grace of not being a monk, but having the monk's good class features.

Bloodline Apotheosis: honestly, just the DR and extra flurrying is enough. Adding the other monk features kind of just makes you a monk entirely which isn't necessary.

Feral Bloodline:
A were-animal/beast focused bloodline. Fun.
Class Skill: makes total sense.
Bloodline Spells: all sound good.
Bloodline Feats: I like it. You do need to get a natural attack for Improved Natural Attack to be useful, but that's what Aspect of the Beast is for.
Bloodline Tongue: sounds perfect.
Consanguine Creature Type: fine
Birthright Arcana: unusual spell, but very fitting.
Bloodline Powers:

Animal Companion: it's an animal companion. Not much to say.

Aspectual Surge: make this a standard surge option and it would be fine.

Beast Within: okay. I'm not overly fond of this idea personally, and it's kind of risky, but I'm not going to say it's entirely overpowered. It's kind of... a lot since it essentially could let an entire party become werewolves for a fight and that's powerful.

Companion Familiar: okay. This seems like it will be mainly used in Crossblooded, but it's fine.

Eldritch Kin: this is fine since it stay fairly limited.

Eldritch Sniffer: I'm not fond of the name (try Eldritch Scent or something like that) but otherwise this is fine.

Feral Shape: this is a lot like Wild Shape. Which is fine, it's already a balanced (if powerful) class feature.

Feral Strike: I'd make this a surge ability and drop the Arcane Strike part. Otherwise this is okay.

Improved Companion Bond: okay, this seems fine. Lots of options.

Summon Feral Kin: summoning power.

Bloodline Apotheosis: I've already said that anything that give templates is risky. I like becoming a lycanthrope so I'm not going to outright dismiss it, but the stuff beyond being a lycanthrope is a lot. Maybe gaining the Shapechanger subtype and a few Lycanthrope abilities without gaining the entire template. Pick and choose the stuff that fits bests.

Arcane: I'm aware they don't function identically, it's just a comparison because they're similar despite the changes.

Accursed: I like the spell change. And 'sweep off their feet' *snicker*. True, it does have prerequisites. Hmmm, the shillelagh removal might be the best way to alter it. It's already a great club so it doesn't do much anyway.

Bizarre: If you take my suggestion and make it a surge option, meaning it's the only bonus you're getting from the surge, then I'd strip the limitations.

Black Powder: I'm slightly biased with the nova potential of firearms when I have a gunslinger in a recent campaign that's absolutely brutal so I try to keep guns from just becoming awesome be default.

Brute: I would disagree that Vital Strike is not underpowered at all. I have a friend that played a fighter with a Vital Strike build. The instant he hit level 6 and got it, he dealt out something like 40 damage a hit on average every fight from then on.

Caliginous: Alright, I like the changes on murky surge. Even if it's less versatile than Bestow Curse, it's an effect of equal power. If bestow curse only did one thing, I'd still keep it as a 3rd level spell because it's really good as is.

Cataclysmic: It was more a spur of the moment comparison than something that I meant seriously. Just a humanoid summon that you can bring out when you need it. I guess it is more of a summoning spell. Dust to Dust's 'the party will hate you' relates to my philosophy on gameplay. Anything that actively angers the rest of the party is detrimental to gameplay and should be handled carefully to avoid starting OOC fights.

Celestial: Thank you.

Chthonic: I'd say that just energy resistance is balance. You have to compare to things like Sorcerer bloodline powers and they have several instances of that. If you really don't want to make a power just elemental resistance, give it a different small bonus and still make the weapon change it's own power. Giving powers a theme is important and making a power both offensively and defensively advantageous is a lot more than making one power an interesting and unique defense while another gives you new varieties or offensive skills.

I'm not really sure how to modify summon spells, so if you just want to give more limits per day, that's your call.

Destined: I'd say give the Will save to represent them resisting the Blood Scion's attempts to twist their fate.

PS: You're good. I'm used to discussions and try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

PPS: Yeah, that's fine. I'm still going to analyze everything for completeness, but if you don't want to go through all of it right now, I completely understand.

I'm gonna read Draconic-Feral now. Just wanted to say that I've revamped and re-uploaded Aberrant-Ancient on the Google Drive site now. I've mostly been following your advice, holding off for now on some abilities that remain points of contention. I'll keep taking them on in groups of five just like you're doing with your reviews. I don't know how many more I'll be able to do tonight (I'm in Stockholm, Sweden, so I'm at GMT +2 and it's getting on towards the evening here), but I will definitely just keep working at these in the following days. You've already given me a lot of notes to work with. Cheers, kamenhero.

EDIT: Adding my response to the Draconic-Feral comments here so I don't have to double post more than necessary:

Draconic: All your suggested changes are valid and will be implemented. As for the Kinslayer thing, it just vibes with the blood scion's whole theme of having "power" over related creatures. It makes sense that someone related to dragons would know more about them and be better at hunting them. It's the same logic as dhampir in folklore being supreme vampire hunters or, to use a more modern example, Blade. Anyway, it's an optional ability, so if someone wants to play a dragon lover rather than a dragon killer they totally can.

Elemental: Pretty much the same. I'll look into nerfing absorb the elements a bit, make the suggested changes to elemental style, basically just remove elemental strike (this bloodline has a surfeit of powers anyway; I've otherwise stuck religiously to 10 per bloodline). All the minor changes seem fine and will see implementation.

Elysian: Nothing weird here. Sound critiques. Will keep songbird because I like the fuzzy flavor. Same for celestial serpent. I like it 'cause it sticks out and is weird. Otherwise, changes to be implemented.

Enlightened: I will consider making the Street Fighter powers standard actions, though with the cost an accuracy loss I honestly didn't think it overpowered to let you do them during a flurry. Will probably make them a swift to activate though, so only one per flurry. Please note that armor of enlightenment DOES add mage armor to your spell list (though not to spells known). Otherwise, I'll look into clarifying mystic focus' language and make other minor changes as noted. EDIT: Ninja'd by Dread Knight on the armor of enlightenment.

Feral: For companion familiar, please note that ALL blood scions (except Crossblooded) regardless of bloodline can choose a single bloodline power from the arcane bloodline in addition to those granted by their actual bloodline. This was to offset the "Arcane rules" syndrome of bloodline classes. This is an important rule to keep in mind with bloodline powers like these. Anyway, this all seems fine otherwise.

@kamenhero25 On your Enlightened Bloodline review you mentioned needing a way to get Mage Armor with Armor of Enlightenment but it already does add Mage Armor to you spell list with that Power.

Draconic: That makes sense. With the Consanguine abilities, it certainly gives the feeling of control over your source of power. Alright then.

Elemental: Sounds good then.

Elysian: Fine by me. I like the flavor, it's simply a difference between simplicity and flavor and I have no problem going for flavor.

Enlightened: Again, this is simplicity compared to flavor. If you want to keep it, it's alright, it's just a matter of simplicity. My bad with the Mage Armor. That was me misreading. That ability is fine with that as is.

Feral: Whoops, I forgot that. Sounds good then.

Moving on to more bloodlines then.

Arcane-Brute have now been revamped and re-uploaded.

Fey Bloodline:
Another classic bloodline. Should be fun.
Class Skill: this makes sense.
Bloodline Spells: these all make sense, a mix of nature spells and trickery.
Bloodline Feats: all sound fine.
Bloodline Tongue: of course.
Consanguine Creature Type: I can't think of anything more fitting.
Birthright Arcana: fine.
Bloodline Powers:

Animal Companion: it's an animal companion.

Cold Iron Warrior: I'm less sure of the 'control over your source of power' here, but only because a fey using cold iron feels wrong. The DR is fine though, but I'd rename it.

Festering Grudge: I like the power, but I think I'd add a limit as to how many times per day if can be used. Maybe once at 11th, twice at 15th, and three times at 19th would be good.

Forest Strider: makes you really good at moving in forests. Essentially Favored Terrain (Forest) with a bunch of extra powers added as you level. I might spread out when you get new powers a little, but otherwise you're good.

Long Steps: this one is fine.

Summon Primal Kin: summoning power, moving on.

Trickster's Strike: I like the level counts as BAB for dirty tricks. Maybe have it a little more like this though. 'A Blood Scion with this power gains the Improved Dirty Trick feat as a bonus feat. In addition, he may spend 1 Sanguine Point to make a free dirty trick maneuver in addition to his attacks as part of a full attack action.'

Underfoot Surge: make it a surge option and you're good.

Wild Soul: this is fine and kind of cool.

Wood Cunning: this needs some reworking with the new terms. How about, 'weapons made of wood bristle with primal growth and thorns when held by the Blood Scion. He may spend 1 Sanguine point to allow any such weapon he wields to inflict bleed damage equal to his Charisma modifier on every hit.' The rest is fine, almost enough to be it's own power if you expanded on it and made him have more abilities or bonuses. Maybe something like 'One with Nature' and you gain Speak to Plants in addition to being able to meld with trees and have it as a separate power.

Bloodline Apotheosis: I have pretty much no problems with this one. The size changing is a little wonky, but I think it would be okay with some mild tweaks.

Genie Bloodline:
Arabian nights *off tune singing*. I kid, let's see how this goes.
Class Skill: makes sense as always.
Bloodline Spells: sounds good to me. It's good to see geniekind included.
Bloodline Feats: Feels a little generic, but fits well enough.
Bloodline Tongue: this is fine.
Consanguine Creature Type: I think this is alright. Maybe be more specific with what counts as a related creature.
Birthright Arcana: what else would fit? This is good.
Bloodline Powers:

Carpet: okay, I see what the issue with this is. The power is not intrinsically unworkable, it's just too good for what it's limits are. My suggestion, make it cost 3 points to let allies ride too and give it a level restriction, I'd say around 9th level. That's more workable.

Elemental Style: this came up in the Elemental bloodline and I have the same thoughts as before.

Elemental Sojourn: I'd add a note that this only lets you go to the Astral Plane and the Elemental Plane you're already connected to.

Genie Caller: this is fine. Spell levels are fine.

Genie Surge: make this a surge option and it's good. I think the limits are fair and nicely done.

Janni Resilience: this is fine.

Lamp Abode: I think this is alright.

Size Shifter: this is fine. The levels where you get enhancements are good.

Wishful Equipment: another one of these abilities. They're fine.

Wishful Spell: so it basically gives you one variable spell per day, and more uses at higher levels. I think this one's good. Interesting.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this is all good actually. I might add a note about existing in the Plane you're descended from and the Astral Plane, but otherwise this is good.

Goblin Bloodline:
Goblins beat and goblins bite. Goblins kill and goblins fight. Hehehehe! Sorry, I love the little green morons.
Class Skill: either this or Handle Animal fit the theme.
Bloodline Spells: all good, very goblin.
Bloodline Feats: all fine, and some fun stuff mixed in.
Bloodline Tongue: of course.
Consanguine Creature Type: yeah, this one's obvious.
Birthright Arcana: oh, fun spell.
Bloodline Powers:

Backstabbing Spells: this synergizes nice with Stealth and is a kind of fun. Very goblin like too.

Boom Strike: add thundering to the Sanguine Pool options and it's fine. The upgrade is okay.

Firepower: huh, more guns. Actually, not a bad power. I like the idea of shooting fireballs from a blunderbuss.

Fireproof: since you already get flaming and flaming burst, those parts of this power are unneeded anymore, but otherwise this is fine.

Goblin Tamer: this power is another control power, so it's fine.

Goblinize: this is actually funny. I like it since it's basically forced alter self, but that's fine.

Kill Dogs, Burn Horses, Eat Gnomes: this is basically one of those Favored Enemy type abilities. This is great for flavor.

Illiterate Resistance: this is actually really cool. Very specific, but very flavorful.

Infested Surge: make this a standard surge ability and it should be fine.

Massive Head: this one seems to be okay.

Verminous Soul: this is perfectly fine and works out well.

Bloodline Apotheosis: the greater barghest bit might be a bit much, but I'm not sure what to do about it.

Heavenly Bloodline:
Specifically archons this time, so Lawful Good inspired. Okay.
Class Skill: fine.
Bloodline Spells: looks good.
Bloodline Feats: these all seem fine.
Bloodline Tongue: this is good.
Consanguine Creature Type: this is good.
Birthright Arcana: this is good.
Bloodline Powers:

Arcane Armor: basically the same power that I already liked, but in a bloodline where it feels more fitting. It's good.

Archon's Lantern: so you summon a lantern with the lantern archon's special power. Okay. The growth seems reasonable so it's a pretty standard blast. I might add the rule that it overcomes all resistances of evil creatures, but non-evil creatures they still get DR. You're call honestly.

Archon's Strike: basically the same as Azata's Strike's changes, but it gives Holy, Axiomatic, and Demonbane.

Archonic Resilience: this is good as is.

Heaven's Bulwark: this is very good, but certianly not broken. This is a very defensively powerful bloodline, but that's clearly the point.

Implacable: this is cool. Immunity to bull rush or reposition is handy and immunity to unwanted teleport at higher levels is fun.

Lawgiver: this is another ability that I've already examined.

Sacral Shield: I actually kind of like this power. It's very interesting and being able to shield bash with a tower shield is handy.

Surging Smite: this one came up before so I've already said my bit.

Theological Backlash: this one is pretty good and the activation condition makes it pretty good for a defensive/counterattack kind of power. It's good.

Bloodline Apotheosis: the greater teleport bit might be too much, but everything else is fine.

Heroic Bloodline:
Very cool. It's nice to see bloodlines with unusual concepts.
Class Skill: this one makes some sense well enough.
Bloodline Spells: these are pretty good.
Bloodline Feats: these are pretty okay.
Bloodline Tongue: this is fine, actually rather interesting.
Consanguine Creature Type: this is tough if you don't use hero points in a campaign.
Birthright Arcana: this is fine.
Bloodline Powers:

Courageous Casting: perhaps make it an AC bonus versus the AoO, and I'd add a level that you have to be before you can use the Empower Spell part of the ability.

Curse of Hubris: this one's pretty good. Not too powerful.

Danger Sense: this just imitates the rogue ability, so it's fine.

Daring Surge: I would suggest using this as an ability that you can just trigger rather than making it a surge power.

Heroic Arcana: I think this one is okay.

Monster Hunter: this is fine. A combination of a minor inquisitor power and a Favored Enemy type power. It's pretty good.

Monster Vault: unusual, but good for this concept. It's a little odd, but it adds some nice mobility.

Reckless Strike: this is nice power. Drop the Arcane Strike part and just make it cost one Sanguine point and it should be fine.

The Right Stuff: okay, this should be fine.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this seems alright.

Just readin' through the latest reviews. The whole cold iron thing for the fey comes from the fact that a lot of fey carry like cold iron weapons or can make ironwood weapons turn into cold iron and things like that, because fey be crazy yo and they love killing other fey (since they just respawn in the First World anyway). That's the idea behind that bloodline power.

I'll look into changing trickster's strike and possibly also splitting wood cunning into two powers. I like your trickster's strike idea.

Not much to add on genie; I'll work on reworking carpet. I'm considering having it just basically work like the witch's broom power and cut out all the complicated stuff. Or maybe I'll go with your suggestion. It does actually sound alright. I'm thinking 7th might work instead of 9th level though. Other than that not much here. Just the standard changes. We're good.

Goblin: Yeah I love goblins too. Will have to rework fireproof slightly, as noted. Otherwise no massive changes outside of the standard reworkings based on the new class mechanics.

Heavenly: I'll look over archon's lantern. Think I like your idea. Otherwise it's mostly just some powers that, as noted, have already been dealt with. I did actually consciously want there to be a fairish bit of overlap between the bloodlines, much like oracle mysteries have. It's nice that if you really want a specific "kind" of bloodline power you may not be stuck with only a single bloodline to choose from.

Heroic: I think I like all the ideas, except I'm fond of Courageous Casting's DR. I like the idea of ACTUALLY taking damage from an AoO caused by a spell but being so badass you just cast it anyway. I'll look it over though and see if it needs changing. Other than that just very good notes that'll all get implented.


I've now revamped and uploaded Caliginous-Destined, by the way.

EDIT: Infernal bloodline's spell list was wrong. Fixed.

Infernal Bloodline:
Another evil outsider bloodline. Fun times.
Class Skill: makes total sense for a devil.
Bloodline Spells: all sound good.
Bloodline Feats: all sound fine.
Bloodline Tongue: of course.
Consanguine Creature Type: good.
Birthright Arcana: an odd choice honestly.
Bloodline Powers:

Backstabbing Spells: I already said that I like this ability.

Cloven-Hoof Surge: I actually really like this one. Simple, but flavorful. Make is a standard surge option and you're good.

Devil's Advocate: I like the pun. And another one of these, so I've already given my thoughts.

Hellfire: a little heavy on the alignment bases, but otherwise It's fine. I have a GM that loves hellfire.

Hellish Crown: those horns must get massive at high levels, but this feels alright.

Infernal Contract: perhaps simplify it to having the same effect as Geas or Geas/Quest, but in contract form (meaning it's willing) and at the cost of Sanguine points instead of spell slots.

Infernal Resistance: simple defensive ability. It's good.

Strike of the Pit: similar to Archon's strike. I'd say simplify to it giving cunning, unholy, and axiomatic as options for Sanguine pool and let it count as evil and lawful at 7th level, but you can't get it until 7th.

Wings of the Damned: simple flight power. It's fine.

Bloodline Apotheosis: the soul commanding thing is probably a bit much, but otherwise this is fine.

Lamyros Bloodline:
A bloodline based on lamias. Unusual, but welcome.
Class Skill: fitting.
Bloodline Spells: this feels really powerful. It gives so much variety and a lot of things an arcane caster can't normally do.
Bloodline Feats: kind of boring, but fine.
Bloodline Tongue: good.
Consanguine Creature Type: good.
Birthright Arcana: alright I guess.
Bloodline Powers:

Abominable Surge: this one's fine once it gets tweaked and converted to a surge ability with the new rules. A little complicated with exactly what gets bonuses and why though.

Accursed Protection: this one's already come up, it's good.

Carrion Strike: interesting, not a lot of powers give disease effects. I like this and it seems alright. Just swap it from Arcane Strike to, can spend 1 Sanguine point to use.

Cursed Form: this is really flavorful and actually feels very balanced since you don't get the better forms of each curse until 9th level.

Drain Sanity: this has come up before, so it's covered.

Famished Maws: this reminds me of murderous command a little bit. I like it though.

Greedy Scion: not bad. A little particular, but not too unbalanced. I'd add a level requirement of 3rd or maybe 5th, but otherwise good.

Harpy Song: okay, this is very cool, and very fitting. I really like this one.

Hungering Bite: the prerequisites make this one fine in the long run. And losing the ability to use verbal components while it's up is basically the bit penalty so it's fine.

Lamyros Caller: summoning power, but fairly limited.

Bloodline Apotheosis: so you basically fully become a lamia-kin once you get to 20th level. I'm actually okay with this for the most part. My only concern is that the +2 Str and Con aren't necessary anyway so they can probably be dropped.

Lyrical Bloodline:
I feel like you could have kept Paizo's name for this one and been fine.
Class Skill: this is fine.
Bloodline Spells: these are all good.
Bloodline Feats: these are all good.
Bloodline Tongue: handy, but makes sense.
Consanguine Creature Type: this is fine.
Birthright Arcana: good choice.
Bloodline Powers:

Aural Arcana: so a way to get some music and sounds themed spells. I think this would be great for bringing in some useful stuff from the bard.

Choreomania: I'd add a level when the second ability (the one that makes the dancing spread) comes into effect, maybe 7th or 9th, but otherwise good.

Instrument Weapon: okay, the idea of smashing someone over the head with a guitar is great. The second half is most superfluous now that Sanguine Pool works differently, but letting it deal sonic damage as an equivalent to flaming and then a sonic burst as an equivalent to flaming burst would be good to keep.

Performing Surge: this one came up once before and I've mentioned my thoughts already.

Lyrical Resistance: this is basically the bard's Well-Versed, but starts worse and gets better over time. It's fine.

Sonic Blast: this is fine.

Songbird: this already came up and we covered it, so it's good.

Spell Dance: requiring a feat to be useful makes this ability kind of silly. Consider just making it 'A blood scion can spend 1 Sanguine point to cast a spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less anytime during his movement.' Make it the spell casting equivalent of Spring Attack, not a tack on to the feat.

Spell Symphony: okay, this is pretty good, but needs a few tweaks. First, limit how powerful the spells can be. For example, on top of the limit of a number of slots equal to his Charisma modifier, the combined level of the spells cannot exceed his class level (so for example an 11th level Blood Scion could prepare three 3rd level spells and a 2nd level spells).

Virtuoso Spell: I actually really like this one. Keep it.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this ones primary purpose seems to be to give a lot of extra versatility. That's good honestly.

Machine Bloodline:
I'm not sure how I'd flavor this, except maybe playing an android, but it's cool. And props for using fantasy Iron Man artwork.
Class Skill: the obvious choice.
Bloodline Spells: all seem fine.
Bloodline Feats: all seem fine.
Bloodline Tongue: huh, so a unique language.
Consanguine Creature Type: of course.
Birthright Arcana: sounds like a good one.
Bloodline Powers:

Construct Manipulator: this is fine, basically the same as the Impossible Bloodline Sorcerer's bloodline arcana.

Control the Created: this power is another control one, so it's fine.

Cyborg: I think this one already came up too, so it's fine.

Energy-Powered: this one's fine and makes sense.

Geared Innards: this is another basic fortification power and works fine.

Ghost in the Machine: so you gain the ability to possess machines. It's interesting and thematic.

Metal Fist: I think this one was covered before too, so it's covered.

Programmed Strike: just make it that you can spend 1 Sanguine point to get an extra attack at your highest BAB.

Steel-Plated Surge: I like this one and it's fine.

Upload Scroll: I like this one. It's kind of like having spell tattoos, but you don't actually need to tattoo yourself.

Bloodline Apotheosis: the bonus hit points are fine, but I'd make the hardness just a permanent buff and just make the immune to magic ability a spend 1 point power since Arcane Strike is out.

Mako Bloodline:
Must not turn angsty... kidding. I just find that portrayal of Cloud obnoxious. If I was avoiding the pop culture references for flavor (depending on the campaign), I'd make this being infused with energy of the Menhir (ley lines).
Class Skill: that makes sense.
Bloodline Spells: all good.
Bloodline Feats: all make sense.
Bloodline Tongue: interesting.
Consanguine Creature Type: an unusual choice, but surprisingly fitting.
Birthright Arcana: makes sense.
Bloodline Powers:

All: so this basically let you use communal versions of buff spells by spending Sanguine points. Alright.

Chocobo: okay, this is slightly silly, but fitting. And fine for overall power.

Limit Break Surge: okay, this one's kind of complicated, but you're basically taking the limit break from FF and converting it to a Pathfinder rule. I think it works well enough.

Materia (Magic Stones): this seems fine, but is a little complicated.

Mako Poison Strike: this is fine, but as always you need to drop the Arcane Strike bit. Otherwise good and nice use of the Technology Guide.

Mako Eyes: creepy glowing eyes. I like.

Buster Sword (Oversized Blade): this is fine.

Shoulder Buckler Style: unusual, but not a problem.

Soldier On: huh, making Profession checks useful. That takes effort, but it's done in a way that makes sense. I like it.

Summon: summon power, with a few tweaks. It's okay.

Bloodline Apotheosis: I might make Ultima a force damage attack, but otherwise I see no problems. I'd make haste a surge option as usual with this kind of power.

Fey: fair enough. Fey are very very insane.

Genie: yeah, that one's a little tricky to work out. Level 7 could work out as a limit.

Goblin: sounds good.

Heavenly: it's not a problem to see powers repeated, it just means that I really don't have anything new to say.

Heroic: you can keep the DR if you want, the flavor makes sense when you put it like that.

I just read through your latest batch, kamenhero. Overall you've not made any controversial comments that I vehemently disagree with. I do not think changing infernal contract to work more like geas/quest makes a lot of sense though, as the ability as written now has a completely different function. I want it to be a tactical, pre-planned but risky way of buffing people. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean. I'll have to read through that spell and compare it to the infernal contract.

Other than that, I do like the suggestion for changing spell dance. A friend of mine had actually already made a similar proposal. Same goes for spell symphony. Good catch there.

I'll look over these and any upcoming reviews more thoroughly tomorrow, as for now I need to get to bed. But thanks so much for going through them at this pace. You're being like hilariously helpful. More work on this in the coming days hopefully!

It seemed like Infernal Contract was meant to allow you to impose restrictions on someone willing. If that's not the case, maybe I'm reading it wrong.

Glad that I'm being so helpful. I'll probably have more on here by tomorrow since I'm almost positive we're in different time zones so I've got tons of time left today.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Malignant Bloodline:
A bloodline for plague bearers and disease users. Very nice.
Class Skill: ironic, but fitting.
Bloodline Spells: all good.
Bloodline Feats: these are all good, plus a few interesting ones.
Bloodline Tongue: alright then.
Consanguine Creature Type: this might be too broad, but I'm not sure what to make it.
Birthright Arcana: fine.
Bloodline Powers:

Consume Malignancy: this is a fine ability.

Immunodeficiency: I like this one. I makes diseases a very viable tactic against almost anything as long as you use it properly.

Herd the Afflicted: this might be too much simply due to the variety of creatures it can command.

Malformed Surge: this one has basically already come up and we discussed it.

Noxious Arcana: this is fun and gives you more options that fit with the character theme.

Mephitis: okay, this one is fine, though I might add a minimum level where it also gains the disease effect.

Parasitic Touch: I think this one is fine. It's useful for spying or a lot of things.

Plague Carrier: this is fine. Useful and required for a variety of powers.

Sickening Strike: this is fine, just drop the Arcane Strike part and make it a spend 1 point get the power.

Tumor Familiar: this is fine.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this one's okay. Not too complicated so it's workable.

Martial Bloodline:
A bloodline for famous warriors. Interesting.
Class Skill: I like having the options.
Bloodline Spells: good spell options.
Bloodline Feats: these all seem fine. You might want to let Skill Focus (Ride) be Skill Focus in whatever you pick for your class skill.
Bloodline Tongue: okay then.
Consanguine Creature Type: I'd say either make it humanoids of their subtype or maybe only effective fighter level, otherwise any martial character in the game would be effected otherwise.
Birthright Arcana: good choice.
Bloodline Powers:

Arcane Armor: if there's any bloodline that should get this, it's this one. It's still good.

Battle Fervor: borrowing a power from the warpriest I see. It's perfectly fine as far as I'm concerned.

Blade Bond: basically gaining the magus black blade and a bonded item. Okay.

Combat Feat: bonus feats are always fun.

Eldritch Mount: alright. So a nice way to get a mount with some cool extra powers.

Martial Surge: I like this power. It's basically the brawler's martial flexibility so it's already balanced. Make is a standard surge power and maybe cut down the total number of feats you can gain at once. Five is a lot, try three max.

Soldier On: already covered this in Mako and it's fine.

Tactical Precision: this came up in Absolute I believe.

Versatile Strike: just make this a spend 1 point power and it's good.

War-Tempered: this is good. I think it will be fine if you make it into a surge option.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this is actually a time when getting temporary hit points would be good, so just adjust since you're not getting them standard anymore. The DR is fine too.

Metaphysical Bloodline:
So a bloodline made to make you a reality warper? Nice.
Class Skill: I'd have it as select one knowledge, but that's fine otherwise.
Bloodline Spells: okay. These seem good.
Bloodline Feats: these are fine.
Bloodline Tongue: okay.
Consanguine Creature Type: that's a lot of options, but it more or less makes sense.
Birthright Arcana: fun spell.
Bloodline Powers:

Blood Affinity: so he basically gains favored enemy. Okay.

Disbelieve: that's an interesting one. Very complicated, but I actually like it. It's fitting.

Empty Surge: I like this one. Drop the Arcane Strike and just make it a swift action to switch them and you'll be good.

Insightful Strike: this one's a little trick. I'd say make it that you can gain the defending ability with the Sanguine Pool. Call it insightful defense or something like that.

Mindspeech: basically limited telepathy. It's fine.

Nous: this is fairly basic, but seems fine.

Null Armor: this is fine.

Penetrating Lore: okay, so this means you can make a Knowledge check in place of a check to overcome Spell Resistance, correct? That seems alright.

Renunciation: I'd actually say make this a surge option.

Shifting Blood: this is fine.

Simultaneity: this one confuses me quite a bit. So you can delay your action, but more during your enemies action (as in, in the middle of his actions) if he fails a Will save? This needs to be reworded, but I think it's okay.

Temporal Anomaly: this one is good, a few rounds of pulling a foe out of the way.

Bloodline Apotheosis: just let Spell Resistance function as normal and leave that as is. All the language stuff and consanguine creature parts are fine.

Modern Bloodline:
I have no words. Let's see where this goes.
Class Skill: makes sense.
Bloodline Spells: okay.
Bloodline Feats: these are fine.
Bloodline Tongue: funny.
Consanguine Creature Type: this works.
Birthright Arcana: cool.
Bloodline Powers:

Blood Loan: okay, this power is kind of weird, but I actually like it. It's fun.

Companion Ride: you gain a motorcycle. Okay. The stats seem fine, so you know what, sure.

Eldritch Piercing: okay, this is fun for flavor, but it's really powerful. Getting four extra ring slots gives so many powerful options from what rings you gain, and at higher levels the one point needed to charge one piercing isn't even that costly. If you want to keep this power, cut down how many extra rings you can get and increase the number of points it takes to charge each piercing.

Graffiti Form: this is fine.

Ideological Strike: make this a spend 1 point to do it power and drop the reference to Arcane Strike. Also, I'd consider making it count as precision damage.

Premonition: this is fine as far as I can tell.

Radical Surge: this isn't too bad. There was a similar ability in a previous bloodline. The same applies to this one.

Telecommunication: this is kind of like getting Message but with some extra benefits. It's good.

Urban Armor: this is fine like the other Mage Armor power up spells.

Vehicular Augmentation: this is alright, nothing to powerful.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this is fine. Time Stop is powerful, but it's not too bad for 20th level.

Nirvana Bloodline:
Another good outsider bloodline. Alright.
Class Skill: interesting choice.
Bloodline Spells: this is fine.
Bloodline Feats: these all work.
Bloodline Tongue: of course.
Consanguine Creature Type: this is fine.
Birthright Arcana: oh, powerful one.
Bloodline Powers:

Aspectual Surge: I think this one appeared in Feral and I commented on it there.

Avoral's Wings: basic flying power. This is fine.

Beast Friend: this is pretty simple and is fine.

Bestial Arcana: interesting, but fine.

Calming Surge: make this a standard surge option and it will be fine.

Celestial Beast: okay, that's pretty nice. I think it's okay though.

Lay On Hands: cool, a healing power like a paladin. I see no problem here.

Nirvanic Ki: gaining a ki pool is fine.

Strike of Mercy: add merciful to the Sanguine Pool options with this and I think it will be good.

Summon Celestial Stampede: for some reason, I find this hilarious, but I think it's fine thanks to the level restriction.

Bloodline Apotheosis: I really don't think the domain thing is necessary. This power is fine with just all the buffs, I don't think it needs to add more powers on top of everything else.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oneiric Bloodline:
Where do you find the names for these things? Seriously. It fits fine, but still...
Class Skill: this is fine.
Bloodline Spells: these all look good.
Bloodline Feats: these all look good.
Bloodline Tongue: that is a lot of options. Maybe limit it a little more.
Consanguine Creature Type: again, maybe a few limits.
Birthright Arcana: this is fine.
Bloodline Powers:

Dreaming Surge: so you basically get Mirror Image and some other illusions for your surge. That's nice. Rework to a standard surge ability and it should be good.

Imagine Equipment: another miscellaneous equipment power. It's fine.

Manifest Dream: the wording on this one needs some work, but basically it's once a day summon monster like other summoning abilities, but modified to act like Shadow Conjuration and upgrading with levels. Okay. It's not too bad, but needs to be clearer.

Night Sight: this is fine, but I'd drop the surge part at the end and just make them all function during the day at 19th level.

Nightmare Strike: this is fine, but I would make it 'spend 1 point when making an attack to make a free demoralize attempt'. Otherwise it's alright.

Read Dreams: this is fine.

Reverie Resistance: this is good.

Slumber: you should probably add that it only can affect a target once per 24 hours, but otherwise fine.

Unworldly Surge: this is fine, just make it a standard surge option.

Vision: this is fine.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this one's actually really good. The only change I would make is increasing the cost of the heal effect.

Phthisic Bloodline:
This would go faster if I didn't have to keep getting a dictionary to check what these names mean. I kid.
Class Skill: odd choice, but okay.
Bloodline Spells: slightly creepy, but okay.
Bloodline Feats: these are fine.
Bloodline Tongue: nice choices.
Consanguine Creature Type: this is good too.
Birthright Arcana: this is a weird spell, but fitting.
Bloodline Powers:

Adaptable Form: fortification power. Same as the others.

Convergent Evolution: interesting. A powerful polymorph effect, but offset by being temporary. Since it doesn't get it's big effect until 9th level, I think it's okay.

Glistening Oil Strike: make it a spend 1 point power and drop the Arcane Strike and you're good.

Necrobiotic Surge: aside from having an awesome name, this is a good surge power. Just a nitpick, it's DR/bludgeoning, not DR/blunt.

Phenotypic Charade: this is fine and being able to look like a zombie or robot or something is cool.

Phthisic Domination: so it let's you use your necrobiotic plague to control people's minds. Okay. I'd also consider a restriction that if a target saves against Phthisis, this power doesn't work on them.

Phthisis: scaling touch attack with a Fort save for half. It's good.

Spinal Crawler: okay, this is creepy. But it's basically an Improved Familiar power with some extra touches for flavor. Giving it Eldritch Claws might be unnecessary, but otherwise I like it.

Unlife: okay, another creepy but extremely flavorful one. How a character would act under this power seems like it would vary based on player and GM, but the mechanics are solid enough that I'm not complaining. Maybe not give all construct immunities, just ones that fit the flavor.

Unnatural Impression: this is simple and fine.

Bloodline Apotheosis: I doubt that space travel will come up very often, but it's good enough. The other buffs are nice and fitting so it's fine.

Radiant Bloodline:
So a sunlight focused bloodline. I wish there was more of this kind of stuff in Pathfinder. Sun Elementals living on the good aligned plane would be awesome.
Class Skill: this makes sense.
Bloodline Spells: all excellent choices.
Bloodline Feats: all of these are good.
Bloodline Tongue: this one's pretty okay.
Consanguine Creature Type: I think just creatures capable of creating light would be fine.
Birthright Arcana: perfect choice.
Bloodline Powers:

Beam of Light: basic dimension door-like teleportation with some restrictions. It's good.

Blazing Surge: I like this, though it needs to be converted into a standard surge power.

Channel Light: a neat ability, basically a damage only channel. With the level restriction, it's fine.

Everything is Illuminated: wow, true seeing for everyone. Handy and pretty high level, but I like it.

Healing Light: I like this one. No complaints.

Heart of the Sun: the wording here is a little confusing. So you can ignore half of a target's fire or electricity damage, but then you can also convert half your fire and electricity damage into untyped damage. This is pretty powerful. The level restriction helps, but maybe just make it the half the damage is pure solar energy bit.

Incandescent Spells: I'd make this the light spell instead of daylight, but otherwise it's good.

Luminescent Spells: same as the last one.

Solar Resistance: this is good.

Sun Seer: this is fine.

Sunlight Blade: this is very similar to being able to cast Flame Blade, so it's pretty balanced. I'd drop the Arcane Strike bit and just make it that critical hits with this blade blind a target for 1d4+1 rounds.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this is fine and pretty thematic. No real complaints.

Sallow Bloodline:
Hastur, Hastur, Hastur...
Class Skill: fair choice.
Bloodline Spells: good list.
Bloodline Feats: good choices.
Bloodline Tongue: okay then.
Consanguine Creature Type: this is alright.
Birthright Arcana: what else would fit?
Bloodline Powers:

Call Curiosity: wow, the 'summon Cthuloid' ability huh? I like the list of potential summons.

Decadent Surge: this is fine as a surge effect. Drop the Arcane Strike part entirely and make it that while he's surging he can spend 1 point to share these effects with another person. This is fine otherwise.

Exquisite Betrayal: I've said it before, basing class features on having feats that it doesn't have to give you is iffy. Try this, 'A blood scion gains Betrayer as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. He may activate his Where Flap the Tatters ability in place of drawing a weapon when using it. At 9th level, he may expend 2 Sanguine points when using this feat. If his attack hits its target, the attack counts as an automatic critical threat and is automatically confirmed.'

Horrid Musings: I would add a note that the blood scion needs to succeed in a save against the effect as well to use this.

I Wear No Mask: okay, this is actually amazingly awesome. This alone makes me love this bloodline and I already thought it was cool.

Languorous Strike: this is fine, just switch it to a spend 1 point power and it's ready.

Sallow Symbol: interesting. I like it.

Symbolic Arcana: I like this and it gives good options.

Tattered Mastery: just drop the Arcane Strike reference and this is okay.

Where Flap the Tatters: this is really cool and seems fine.

Bloodline Apotheosis: the ability to manifest at the location of someone killed by Charisma damage seems like too much. It's essentially filler copying Hastur's power exactly. The rest is cool, but you don't need that bit.

Star Wars Sidereal Bloodline:
Okay, a space themed bloodline. Let's see what we've got.
Class Skill: Knowledge (Nature)? Really?
Bloodline Spells: these are all good.
Bloodline Feats: these are all good.
Bloodline Tongue: unusual choices, but good.
Consanguine Creature Type: that's a lot. It needs to be more specific.
Birthright Arcana: good choice.
Bloodline Powers:

Use the Force (Action at a Distance): I already commented on a similar ability. The 9th level ability on this one seems like a lot. The ability is good even without that.

Antigravity Surge: this is fine once it's mechanics are tweaked to make it a standard surge power.

These are Not the Droids You're Looking For (Mind Trick): this is fine.

Lightsaber Throw (Shooting Star): this is fine.

Star Chart: this is good.

Lightsaber (Starlight Blade): I've commented on abilities like this one before. This one is fine.

Starlight Strike: this just needs to lose the Arcane Strike reference and make it a spend 1 point power. I'd make them dazzled/blinded a number of rounds equal to the blood scion's Charisma modifier as a balancing factor.

Stasis: this is interesting and thematic, and it seems pretty okay.

Void Form: interesting power with a lot of effects. I'd add a level where he gains the cold damage bonuses instead of making them standard, but otherwise this is fine.

Void Resistance: this is good.

Bloodline Apotheosis: okay, this is interesting and thematic and I like it. Potentially having to fight a starspawn is a little annoying, but fits the concept so I'm not going to complain too much.

Alright. I'm reading through all the new reviews now. I don't think I have any major complaints regarding the notes, though some may come up later when I get to these in my revamping. Currently working on Draconic-Feral. Will post when those are finished and uploaded.

I just have a brief question. You suggested, kamenhero, in your tweaks to the main class' mechanics, changing the sanguine surge's duration to just your Charisma mod rounds, rather than 3 + Charisma mod rounds as it was in the original. Now, my friend who built a melee-focused Brute scion (what an unexpected choice for that bloodline :P) feels rather upset now that when he hulks out via hulking surge, his 15 Charisma will let him be enlarged for all of 2 rounds. Would you consider this a crucial aspect of balancing the class, or would retaining the old surge duration be viable in your view? I'd love to get yours, and anyone else's, thoughts on this.

Now, back to tinkering with bloodlines!

- Gears

Alright; Draconic-Feral revamped and re-uploaded to the Google Drive link now. As mentioned, I'm only focusing on the bloodline powers now, and some of the more egregious bloodline apotheoses (I really don't get 20th-level play at all, I think :P).

Anyway, once we've worked through all the bloodlines like this, I'll do a quick run-through and just fix all the apotheoses and little things like narrowing down consanguine creature types, switching around bloodline tongues, fiddling with feats and class skills, et cetera.

@kamenhero: I came up with another question for you. You seemed leery about the bewitched bloodline's accursed arcana power, which adds all curse spells to your spell list and 3 curse spells to your list of spells known over 15 levels. And then you mistakenly thought celestial's cure spells ability didn't add to your spells known, but it did (though I changed that). Then for lyrical and malignant, you seemed find with their two "arcana" powers granting them 6 bonus spells known each over their career. I was curious about your reasoning regarding these different judgments?

3 + Charisma mod should be alright. If you've playtested (or at least theorycrafted) and it turned up an issue then it's safe to assume that the suggestion wasn't a viable one.

I'll clarify my feelings on all of the arcana powers. Sorry for the inconsistency. I believe that my thinking was that I'd already given my warning on how it can be risky to give out extra spells known, so the later ones were commenting on the spell list as suitable for the bloodline. I'm still iffy on anything that hands out a bunch of spells known because it's handing you options at minimal cost. On the otherhand, the Oracle gives you all cure spells plus their mystery spells free and they're considered balanced. Overall, on more consideration I'd say that the arcana abilities may be fine (maybe even having Hex Arcana give one curse spell per spell level free) but I'd have to do some testing and build a character or two to see how it plays out. I'll give a second opinion with the next set of bloodlines.

Cheers, kamenhero. Yeah, I think we're going with 3 + Cha. Otherwise the class will become too MAD as even martial-focused scions will have to pump Charisma just to not have piddly surge durations.

On the arcana powers, I'm thinking possibly the way the original accursed arcana worked (all spells added to spell list, one free spell known upon choosing the bloodline power and then another at 7th and 15th) might be balanced. I think I would make the "cure" one an exception though, since while it does give you six spells, those are just the six cure spells, no choices and nothing too fancy.

Good point. 3 + Charisma is a go then.

You know what, it should be fine if you keep it as the original accursed one for now. Three extra spells known should be okay. It's not like you can't make changes if it proves problematic later. Just make sure to standardize all of them (other than healing since you want to keep that).

Fey-Heroic now revamped and uploaded. Work's going a bit slower, but I'm getting through 'em!

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Slithering Bloodline:
A bloodline for snake people. I'm expecting a lot of fun tricks with this one.
Class Skill: perfect fit.
Bloodline Spells: Veil feels a little different from the rest of the spells, but otherwise these are good.
Bloodline Feats: all good.
Bloodline Tongue: good.
Consanguine Creature Type: this is fine.
Birthright Arcana: good choice.
Bloodline Powers:

Cobra Dance: this is basically the bard's fascination ability with a small bonus trick. It's good.

Feathered Serpent: okay, this is extremely specific. But it's not really too powerful so it's fine. Good enhancement to the poison power.

Mindspeech: this one has made an appearance before and is fine.

Poison Expertise: this is fine.

Poisonous Strike: I would actually modify this one quite a bit. Drop it as a strike ability and instead make it a combination of swift poisoning (so the blood scion can poison a weapon as a swift action) and then the listed effect (so it lasts through all attacks on the turn) comes on line at 5th level.

Sanguinary Poison: this looks fine.

Serpentine Ally: this is a little complicated. You might want to build the stats for the familiar entirely from scratch instead of using something else's stats and changing most of the abilities. It would be clearer. The actual mechanics should be okay otherwise.

Slithering Surge: make this a surge power and it's fine.

Snake Summoner: summoning power. Don't need to cover this again.

Venomworm: I'd make this a spell-like ability instead of adding it to the spell list. The effect itself is fine though.

Bloodline Apotheosis: basically a lot of spell-like abilities. This might be a little much, but it's alright.

Sovereign Bloodline:
A bloodline for kings and royal blood. Alright.
Class Skill: this is fine.
Bloodline Spells: these all seem good. A lot of mind-effecting stuff.
Bloodline Feats: good choices.
Bloodline Tongue: okay.
Consanguine Creature Type: interesting choice.
Birthright Arcana: fitting.
Bloodline Powers:

Crowned Surge: I would make this two powers. One called Sovereign Crown which gives you the crown and the related bonuses. One that's your Crowned Surge and gives the surge abilities listed here. Crowned Surge would require Sovereign Crown as a prerequisite.

Decree: I've mentioned my thoughts on this kind of power before.

Dynastic Strike: with the new Sanguine Pool mechanics, I'd actually make this a surge ability, gaining the weapon and granting the buffs while the surge is active.

I Dub Thee: this is really flavorful. I like it.

Kingly and Queenly Moves: this one is a neat mobility increasing power, good for getting out of trouble or getting into combat.

Make Way for Your Liege: automatically going first is powerful. Maybe have it be 'three times per day, a blood scion may spend 1 point as an immediate action to gain a +10 bonus to an initiative check'. Then at 19th level you can use it five times per day. That's a nice bonus, so you'll definitely go faster, but not automatically first.

Monarch of the Mind: I'd actually consider making this all mind-effecting powers, not just enchantments.

Peasant Caller: this is an unusual one, and a little complicated, but functional enough.

Pedigree Sight: this is fine.

Royal Touch: this is fine.

Bloodline Apotheosis: the wealth bonus is just filler at 20th level, but otherwise this ability is actually really good.

Spellscarred Bloodline:
Oh, I love primal magic. I think I'm going to like this one.
Class Skill: Disguise seems like an odd choice.
Bloodline Spells: these are all good.
Bloodline Feats: interesting choices, but good ones.
Bloodline Tongue: makes sense.
Consanguine Creature Type: okay.
Birthright Arcana: fun.
Bloodline Powers:

Bestow Spellblight: spell casters will hate this, but that's the point.

Counterspell Mastery: okay, this ones basically increased access to Dispel Magic, but less ways to enhance it. This is fine.

Disruptive Strike. I'd actually make this a surge. While surging, you gain the effects of the Disruptive feat. At 11th level, you also gain the effects of the Spellbreaker feat.

Mage Killer: basically Favored Enemy (Arcane Casters). This one's kind of basic, but works well enough.

Primal Surge: this is fine as a surge ability.

Sanguine Absorption: this ability is fine.

Spell Resistance: just have this work as normal Spell Resistance and you'll be fine.

Spellspawn: okay, this is horrifically complicated, but I kind of like it. Again, maybe create a custom creature instead of making it 'a sin-spawn but...' but otherwise I say keep it just for flavor.

Spellstride: this is fine.

Steal Spells: I'm pretty sure this came up before. If not, I think it's okay, if a little complicated.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this is actually really good. I have no problems with it.

Stygain Bloodline:
Ah, the last big fiendish bloodline. Okay.
Class Skill: ironic, but also workable.
Bloodline Spells: perfect.
Bloodline Feats: well, you'll certainly be hard to kill.
Bloodline Tongue: okay.
Consanguine Creature Type: fine.
Birthright Arcana: good one.
Bloodline Powers:

Acid Blood: this has come up before.

Child of the Apocalypse: this has come up before. It's good.

Endsight: this is good, just tweak the last part to 'may spend 2 points at any time to gain true seeing for a number of rounds equal to his level' or something similar. Point is, not part of a surge.

Languishing Strike: this is alright mechanically. Nonlethal damage seems off for a daemon bloodline though. They love killing.

Malediction of Death: this one seems really powerful. I think it's because it would be so hard to clear the bleed while under the effect. Maybe have it be a condition like staggering them while they're affected, then the negative levels are fine.

Malediction of Famine: this one is actually fine.

Malediction of Pestilence: this one is fine.

Malediction of War: this is good.

Plaguebringer: this is fine.

Smothering Surge: this is okay as a surge ability, but it needs to be reworked. Okay, you need to rework this to fit the suffocation mechanics, because otherwise it's not doing anything useful. The 3rd level ability is fine. The 7th level is okay. The 11th level one is very useful. The 15th level one is useless. A character doesn't take suffocation damage until they've held their breath for a number of rounds equal to twice their Constitution modifier (or equal to their Con modifier with the 11th level ability). And you allow a Fort save against it. You'd never get anything from this without spending 10+ points at this level.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this is okay, but drop the surge part and just make it so that he gains temporary hit points when a creature dies near him, but they only last a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier and stack with themselves.

Swarming Bloodline:
Now I can make a character related to a Worm that Walks. Fun.
Class Skill: alright.
Bloodline Spells: good choices.
Bloodline Feats: these are fine.
Bloodline Tongue: okay.
Consanguine Creature Type: okay.
Birthright Arcana: fun.
Bloodline Powers:

Crawling Manipulation: this is fine.

Hive Tyrant: this one's good too.

Riddled with Worms: just make this a standard surge power and it will be alright.

Scorpion's Sting: this is fine.

Spider Scion: this is a good surge power.

Squirming Strike: this is fine, just make it a 'spend 1 point' power.

Swarm-Clad: this is interesting. I like it. I'm not sure about the power level, but something to help with swarms at low levels is a god send and I'm hesitant to take away something that can help that.

Vermin Wings: I'm a little surprised this isn't a standard flying power, but it's fine maybe make it 1 minute per level would even be alright.

Verminous Soul: this is fine.

We Are Many: so you get to give a bunch of swarm traits to your allies as long as you stay in a group. I'd say reduce the area of effect, but otherwise it's fine.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this is really cool. You becoem a pseudo Worm that Walks. It's very cool.

Okay; all good notes thus far kamenhero. I'll look into simplifying the wording on those powers you've noted as complicated, though making the sanguinary worm of the slithering bloodline and the spellscarred's spellspawn unique creatures sounds like a lot of work. I know those abilities are a bit wordy, but I honestly feel like this (while a bit convoluted) is the easiest among a selection of non-easy solutions. For the sovereign bloodline I might just rename it Bonded Crown or something and retain the surge part as something you have to select it twice for. Just to keep the number of bloodline powers at an even 10.

Otherwise I think most of your notes make total sense and I'll implement them as I go along. Quick thing though, on the Stygian Bloodline:

These are the rules for suffocation, from the Environment Rules on d20pfsrd:

"When the character fails one of these Constitution checks, she begins to suffocate. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round, she drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she suffocates."

This is what I want to start happening to a creature affected by Smothering Surge's 15th-level ability. I want the target to start suffocating. I.e. if you make one grapple check, they fall unconscious, if you make two (via Greater Grapple, etc.), next round they will drop to -1 hp and if you make three grapple checks (via Rapid Grappler perhaps?) they'll die on the third round. I feel like what I've written spells this out clearly, but perhaps some other wording would make it more understandable?

EDIT: Also, why do you think the Malediction of Death is so horrible? Anyone can end bleed damage via a simple DC 15 Heal check. You don't NEED magical healing, it's just a convenient way of dealing with it. I mean, I would be totally fine with lowering it to like maybe just 1d4 bleed, if that would be better in your view, but I am kinda averse to removing it altogehter.

EDIT II: Actually, while we're at it, I do kinda agree with you on Languishing Strike's flavor being off. I had some idea it would just sort of sap your life force and make you weak, but now I'm not sure what I was going for. Any suggestions for a replacement?

I like the idea of making it one power you take twice. It works basically the same as my suggestion anyway.

The new creature thing is more for ease of play. If someone has to do all the work themself to alter the creature, it gets annoying. You wouldn't need to actually make new stats, just write up the altered stat block with the changes the power implements.

Okay, I think I see where the miscommunication with the suffocation. The way it's written, I read it as you can suffocate them now by grappling, as in it's possible to choke him out. What you intended was you can spend 2 points so he immediately suffers as if he's taking the first suffocation effect (dropping to 0 hp).

Malediction of Death: this is a result of personal experience. I've never seen anyone take heal. Ever. I'm the only person in my usual gaming group that has ever taken heal and I've never used it. As a matter of fact, the only group I've ever seen use the heal skill at all is my current PbP group. Normally taking away a good option is the point of a debuff, but you're taking away what for many people is the only option to remove the bleed and the bleed is going to be very high for a caster focused Blood Scion. If you want to keep the bleed, make it 1d4.

Languishing Strike: I know what feeling you want, but I'm not really sure off the top of my head. Maybe at first it makes the target fatigued, then the first upgrade makes it exhausted and the third level makes it inflict a negative level.

Right. So does the wording on Smothering Surge seem alright or does it need changing to clarify?

I will keep the bleed but definitely drop it to 1d4. At worst, it's not hard for GMs to start giving NPCs a few ranks in Heal. Beating 15 doesn't exactly require a massing investment.

I'll mull over Languishing Strike, but what you suggest is obviously nearer; I could basically just copy the sallow bloodline's ability, but it seems a bit boring.

I forgot to add: Infernal-Mako revamped and uploaded now!

I think a slight clarification would be helpful.

True enough.

Yeah, that's closer, but you're right. An exact copy would be boring

Malignant-Nirvanic revamped and uploaded.

Tempestuous Bloodline:
Okay, the electricity focused bloodline now.
Class Skill: this makes sense.
Bloodline Spells: good choices.
Bloodline Feats: These all look fine.
Bloodline Tongue: obvious.
Consanguine Creature Type: this might be a little much. At least clarify that it must possess a natural fly speed.
Birthright Arcana: makes sense.
Bloodline Powers:

Airborne: I think there was one like this before and was okay with it. If I suggested any changes, they apply here.

Lightning Rider: I would add one thing. Add a penalty if the movement is interrupted. Maybe they're staggered during the next round if they get interrupted during the move. Otherwise this is fine.

Shocking Strike: this is unneeded now that the function of Sanguine Pool has changed. Maybe let it add a different power like Thundering or give bonuses when using a shocking weapon.

Storm Guardian: this is a lot like Earthen Servant, and I liked that one. I think this is fine.

Storm Proof: excellent.

Stunning Bolts: drop the Arcane Strike part and this is fine, though you should probably add a 'spend 1 point' rule.

Tempest Sight: this is fine.

Thunderbolt Surge: make this a standard surge power, but it's very cool.

Thundering Strike: ah, well this is where you get thundering. No idea what Shocking Strike will do then.

Wind Vision: this is fine.

Bloodline Apotheosis: I like this one. It seems good to me.

Thalassic Bloodline:
The water/ice themed bloodline. Okay.
Class Skill: this makes sense.
Bloodline Spells: these all look good.
Bloodline Feats: these all look fine.
Bloodline Tongue: interesting.
Consanguine Creature Type: this is fine.
Birthright Arcana: okay.
Bloodline Powers:

Aquatic Scion: this is good.

Encrusted Surge: this is really cool actually. Adjust it to a standard surge power and you're good.

Liquid Diet: the potions are the main effect of this, but being able to survive on just alcohol or seawater is actually kind of amusing. It's fine.

Ocean Spray: I think this one's okay.

Sahuagin Scion: this one seems balanced enough.

Sea Reaver's Mate: a familiar granting power. You can't get Improved Familiar, but they get some new powers that are nice, so it balances out.

Seasickness Strike: make this a 'spend 1 point' power and it will be fine.

Tentacle: this is already covered and is fine.

Swim Through Air: this is a curious one, but it's basically a flight ability with a few differences, so it's alright.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this one's basically the starspawn one with a less Cthulhu flavor. It's alright.

Thanatotic Bloodline:
Death themed bloodline that's not undead. I like it.
Class Skill: as expected.
Bloodline Spells: these are fine. Good for undead hunting.
Bloodline Feats: interesting, but flavorful.
Bloodline Tongue: good choices.
Consanguine Creature Type: how about just psychopomps and incorporeal undead?
Birthright Arcana: interesting choice.
Bloodline Powers:

Death's Caress: so it's basically Lay On Hands/Channel Energy, but for undead. Okay, that's fine.

Disciple of Death: this is fine.

Euthanasia: this is basically Death Knell, so it's fine.

Final Strike: I'm a little confused. Does this let you coup de grace a not helpless target?

Funeral Touch: this can add Ghost Touch and maybe Brilliant Energy to the Sanguinary Pool options.

Graveside Lullaby: this is the slumber hex, but for undead. Okay. You might want to make it so it can only target each creature once per day.

Haunted Ground: the ability to make a haunt. I'm actually not sure if I've ever seen any class that can do this before. It's good, don't get me wrong, it's just new.

On a Pale Horse: a mount power. This is fine.

Spectral Surge: this is cool once you convert the mechanic to the new surge rules. I like it, becoming a ghost for all intents and purposes.

Tomb Speech: this is handy and very fitting.

Bloodline Apotheosis: I think the haunt bit is a needless addition since the aura is already fine as is. Otherwise, this is okay.

Umbral Bloodline:
Two darkness themed bloodlines, yet both have a different flavor. I'm impressed.
Class Skill: yay Stealth.
Bloodline Spells: all fine.
Bloodline Feats: all good.
Bloodline Tongue: good choices.
Consanguine Creature Type: okay. That can effect quite a few things, so be careful.
Birthright Arcana: fine.
Bloodline Powers:

Consume Pain: this one is good. Feels very Kyton.

Illusory Strike: make this a 'spend 1 point' power and it will be fine.

Shadow Chains: okay, I'm not sold on this one. It requires specific equipment and a specific build to be of any use. Maybe instead of just gaining proficiency, 'the blood scion can summon a shadowy spike chain by spending 1 Sanguine point. He is considered proficient with this spiked chain and it lasts 1 minute per class level. As long as he's wielding this chain he can spend 1 additional Sanguine point to extend his reach by 5 feet. When he scores a critical hit with this spiked chain, the target must make a Fort save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.'

Shadow Familiar: this is fine, especially since the Shadowdancer gets this already so it's balanced.

Shadowy Resistance: this is fine.

Shrouded Surge: this is okay once it's converted to surge option.

Summon Umbral Kin: summoning power. I like these custom summon lists you're making for these powers.

Tall Dark Stranger: this is oddly amusing. I kind of like it though and it's not too powerful.

Twilight Eyes: this is fine.

Umbral Leap: another Shadowdancer trick. This is good.

Bloodline Apotheosis: simply choosing not to be affected by a spell is overkill. Maybe let them roll twice on all saves against shadow spells. Then make the rest just something he can do by spending a point, not part of a surge and this is good.

Undead Bloodline:
The death bloodline that is related to the undead. Okay.
Class Skill: this is fine.
Bloodline Spells: these are all fine.
Bloodline Feats: these are fine.
Bloodline Tongue: good choice.
Consanguine Creature Type: obviously.
Birthright Arcana: okay.
Bloodline Powers:

Channel Negative Energy: I think this one is okay.

Ectoplasmic Strike: make this so it gives Ghost Touch and Undeadbane as Sanguine Pool options and this is fine.

Ghostly Surge: convert this to a surge power and you're good to go.

Grave Hands: creepy, but fitting. I like it. You can probably just drop the Sanguine Surge part and this will be fine.

Sepulchral Stare: I would drop the Sanguine Surge reference and just let him have lifesense at 15th level. Otherwise, this is fine.

Tomb Slither: this is fine, though I'd make it so that you can spend 1 point to gain fast healing 5 while burrowing for 1 round per class level.

Undead Manipulator: this is fine.

Undead Resistance: this is fine.

Vampiric Surge: make this a surge option that when he surges, all attacks he makes give him temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt. These points max out at his Cha modifier + his class level and disappear when his surge ends.

Zombiefy: unusual. It can either be a weird defensive buff or more often a way to temporary let your enemies count as undead. I think it's okay.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this is surprisingly boring for what you usually come up with, but good enough.

Hey kamenhero. It's crazy late here and I shouldn't be up but I am and I just caught your latest batch of reviews. No objections to the comments thus far. I totally admit it, I couldn't come up with anything cool for the undead bloodline's capstone. I'll try to figure out something better; if you have any ideas, let me know. I value your input! :)

Anyway, thanks for the review. I might have some comments when I read it in a more awake state tomorrow, when I'll also crack on with the revamps. Cheers again for your diligent aid.

Scarab Sages

I just want to say: I may not like anything about this (and some of that is just kind of 'hand-me-down' stuff, like sorcery being Charisma-based, which I NEVER liked), but some of your new Bloodline ideas are rad (their art's great, too)!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Unseelie Bloodline:
Evil fey. I'm actually really glad you have this distinction.
Class Skill: interesting.
Bloodline Spells: interesting choices.
Bloodline Feats: these are good.
Bloodline Tongue: fine.
Consanguine Creature Type: obviously.
Birthright Arcana: interesting. You pick a lot of out of the way spells for some of these.
Bloodline Powers:

Accursed Arcana: already covered.

Backstabbing Spells: already covered.

Dancing Plague: I think this came up before too.

Fear-Sniffer: there has to be a better name for this, but it's fine mechanically.

Maddening Illusions: oh, this is rude. I like it though.

Man-Hunter: a Favored Enemy power. Drop the Arcane Strike part and make it a Pool option and you're good.

Striking Terror: okay, this is fine.

Sneak Attacker: honestly, drop the Arcane Strike part and make it just a spend 1 point power. But let is scale automatically, not need to keep being taken. You're only getting 5d6 max and giving up all your powers to get that much is kind of excessive.

Terror Surge: just make this a surge option and you're good.

Trickster's Strike: we covered this one in Fey I believe.

Bloodline Apotheosis: all of these abilities are thematic adn good, but it feels like too many of them. I'd say pick one and drop it. The Fast Healing is the one that seems the least fitting.

Viridian Bloodline:
Honestly, I like Paizo's name better. Verdant sounds better when talking about plants.
Class Skill: good.
Bloodline Spells: these are fine.
Bloodline Feats: these are fine.
Bloodline Tongue: these are fine.
Consanguine Creature Type: obviously.
Birthright Arcana: good one.
Bloodline Powers:

Entangling Strike: this is fine, just make it a 'spend 1 point' power.

Forest Strider: I think this has come up before.

Greentouch: I like this ability.

Greensight: I think this is okay.

Plant Companion: this is okay.

Plant Mastery: this is fine.

Verdant Surge: this is fine, just make it a surge option.

Viridian Form: this is good.

Wood Cunning: this came up in the Fey bloodline.

Wrack Artifice: interesting. I think it's good.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this is pretty good actually.

Wandering Bloodline:
An interesting concept, but actually pretty good.
Class Skill: this makes sense.
Bloodline Spells: interesting selection.
Bloodline Feats: a lot of support feats.
Bloodline Tongue: this is fine.
Consanguine Creature Type: this could mean a lot of creatures. You might want to make it a Favored Enemy type selection/
Birthright Arcana: this is good.
Bloodline Powers:

Consanguine Terrain: just getting Favored Terrain as a ranger would be fine. Depends on if you take my advice for this bloodline's consanquine creature.

Eldritch Polyglot: I like this one.

Fleet-Footed Surge: this is fairly simple. Make it a surge option and it's good.

Mage's Compass: this is okay.

Sanguinary Hunter: so this mixes Favored Enemy with Favored Terrain. Interesting.

Skirmish Spells: I've gone over this one before.

Spellstride: this has come up before.

Strider's Strike: this one's actually kind of weak. It's just letting you make a five-foot step on top of your movement that still provokes an attack of opportunity. Not sure what to do about it.

Vagabound's Jaunt: okay, so this is a long range travel power. It's fine.

Wondrous Backpack: this has been covered plenty of times.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this makes all creatures everywhere of all types his consanguine creature. That seems like a lot, but I don't know.

Warded Bloodline:
Okay, so an abjuration themed bloodline.
Class Skill: okay.
Bloodline Spells: these are all fine.
Bloodline Feats: these are good.
Bloodline Tongue: okay.
Consanguine Creature Type: this is a little complicated, but let's see where this goes.
Birthright Arcana: this is fine.
Bloodline Powers:

Blood Ward: okay, the wording on this is a mess. I have no idea what it actually does. Word of advice, call it the protected creatures Warded creatures and the other Repelled creatures for convenience.

Consanguine Protection: this is fine.

Defending Surge: just make this that they gain the feats and powers as an option while surging. This is fine.

Greater Mage Armor: enchanced version of mage armor. It's good.

Greater Shield: interesting. A way to make shield more powerful and useful. Not too powerful though. I like it.

Guarded Strike: I think this one is okay.

Resilient Scion: this is fine.

Scion's Ward: this is fine.

Stalwart Scion: this is fine.

Ward-Piercing Strike: this is fine, just make it a 'spend 1 point' power.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this is fine, but rather powerful.

Wintery Bloodline:
Now witches aren't the only ones with this trick. Fun.
Class Skill: fine.
Bloodline Spells: these are all good.
Bloodline Feats: these are all good.
Bloodline Tongue: these are fine.
Consanguine Creature Type: this is fine.
Birthright Arcana: this is good.
Bloodline Powers:

Flesh to Ice: this is alright.

Freeze: this is fine.

Frostwright: this is good.

Gelid Stride: this is fine.

Glacial Stalker: this is alright, though the sheer number of creatures this can effect is a lot.

Heart of Winter: this is fine.

Northern Resilience: this is fine.

Shivering Strike: make this a 'spend 1 point' power and you'll be good.

Snowfall Surge: this is a good surge option.

Snowman: okay, this is kind of complicated, but it's like the other elemental servant powers, so it's alright.

Wintery Brute: this is fine. Just drop the Arcane Strike references and let the snowball thing be a standard bonus for this power.

Bloodline Apotheosis: this is pretty good. I like it.

Cheers, Hiding In My Closet, although that does feel a bit like a back-handed compliment. Hopefully wasn't intended as such! If it's of any use to you at all, I am working on archetypes to let the blood scion cast off other stats than Charisma. Though in all honesty I cannot for the life of me imagine why someone would object to that being the stat of choice for someone using "inborn magic".

Reading through all the latest reviews kamenhero. Well, we've come to the end now. I have no major complaints. All the notes seem reasonable.

I would like to go back to something though that has been recurring throughout these reviews and something I've noticed in the past as well regarding my homebrew.

I must have a horrible blind spot for this or something, but see, when someone just tells me that "the wording is all complicated and I can't understand it" about an ability, I sadly have no idea what to do with that critique. See, to me all my abilities (more or less) are absolutely crystal clear, so unless I get some specific suggestions, I don't know where to start rewriting them. For instance, way back in the beginning of this quest, you said the ancient bloodline's Ageless power needed rewording and was a mess or whatever. I cannot find a single unclear thing about it, and this has been the case with other criticisms like these. Anyway, I just wanted to give you a heads-up about that.

Now I'm going to continue going through and fixing the bloodlines. I'll keep updating the thread as I make progress. I might be a little slower than previously, but they're all getting done.

As always, thanks for all the work you're putting into helping me with this. I know it's like a punishing amount of stuff to read.
- Gears

Oneiric-Sidereal revamped and re-uploaded.

Slithering-Swarming revamped and re-uploaded.

Obviously, I'm primarily working on just fixing the class up right now, but I did want to say that if anyone likes this class but they feel there's some theme I didn't cover among my 55 bloodlines, I'd love to make more custom bloodlines by request. It could even totally be weird fan ones like the Mako Bloodline. I really do enjoy creating these very much. More blood scion bloat FTW!

Tempestuous-Undead revamped and re-uploaded. Whew! Only the final five left to go now, and then some final touch-ups.

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