GM Bone Man |

Well since you can get 9th level abilities with feats I should say no, but it's cool. You can do that
And in guns
They are know but it's hard to produce them in this world so they can be go for 50% of its base cost but ammunition cost x5 as much to make. The bonus to this is ammunition is worth more than gold ^_^ every one would be happy to take ammo for goods some won't even take gold ^_^ ammunition only

GM Bone Man |

ok I saw that out said you were going to add more but I took a quick glance at what you have s far. first I like the pic are you going to be making the automaton too? and if you could ether place a space between your answers or place them or the question in bold thank you. I'll take a closer look once you tell me your done ok?

Isabelle "Ellie" Jackdaw |

Sounds good. I bolded the questions. I'd like to get around to taking Craft Construct, but that'll probably have to be level 6. I could take the greatwork for a mechanus, but the analyzer fit my character more I thought.
Anyway, I'll get to typing up some more backstory and I'll let you know when that's good to go.

JDPhipps |

For firearms... given that it's a futuristic setting, even though it's post-apoc, wouldn't that mean that modern firearms would be somewhat available? I'm okay if they're not as long as there's some reason for why, but it seems like with the way we're setting things up I should buy all rights be able to procure myself some sort of auto-loading pistol, like a .45 or 9mm.
If you'd rather avoid that, I understand. I'd just like for us to come up with an in-game reason (which I'd be more than happy to brainstorm for).

Movin |
My inner child is having a joy induced spasm. I may very well have to purchase a new console for the sole intent of purchasing this game.
Oh and this would also be my expression of interest.
Are there still slots available? It would be god to know if I'm barking up the wrong robo-tree here.

GM Leviathan |

Initial concept submissions for approval and discussion:
I'd prefer to play -> Robbie Fletcher: Android - [Galvanic Sabateur] Ranger
I'll settle for -> Jean Hunter - [Packmaster] Hunter
The request for an amnesiac Android who thinks he's just another person is in the GM's PM... Tell me that doesn't have a TON of hook potential!

Alistus |

Count me in! I have a few gestalt characters that I would love to play, but one sticks out a bit more than others so I think I'll play him. My character will be focusing on magic suppression and destruction of all "heretics"(People who use magic without the consent of Nethys). If this game is going to fall short in the area of magical enemies let me know and I'll switch over to my Bloodrager/Hunter that I've been meaning to play for a while, but for now I'm going to start writing up the backstory for Lucian Magebane.
After a few hours of brainstorming, Lucian's level layout looks something along the lines of Arcanist 20/(Magus 2/Bloodrager 18/), but he may change a bit due to the very interesting setting. If multi-classing isn't allowed let me know and I'll make some sacrifices. Like I said the character will be focusing heavily on spell suppression and all-around caster hatred through things like counter spelling and AoOs. I also plan on eventually taking the dimensional agility line and mixing it with Spell Combat to make me mobile enough to keep multiple casters down at once. Currently I would like the character to be dex-based but that would unfortunately waste the nice bonuses Bloodraging gives, so if you know of any 3pp content that you would allow that does this I'd be glad to gloss it over and see if it fits my theme.
*Edit*Found it! If you'd allow that I'm definitely going to use it, it fits very well with my agile spellthief build.

Knighthood |

So I'm a big fan of the Magus, and I absolutely love that class.
And I would like to think of my main class as Magus and the second class as flavor that enhances the main and adds extra elements for story and rp. So I would ask if going Magus/Rogue was ok?
Also, the world is considered "Earth" for the sake of the Earth that we know it to be, correct? And this is set 1000 years from The Day of "A".
If this being the case, can you give me a little more background on what you feel was the main reason for the apocalypse? Was it war (Like Fallout)? Did the power cut off (Revolution)? A horrible disease pushed humans to the brink (Omega Man, 24 Days, Last of Us, I am Legend, Walking Dead)? Etc...
Reason why, is because so many people have brought up the gun thing. And as much as I'm cool with firearms and have played gunslingers before, I'm just worrisome that guns become the main-stage for combat in the idea of a Post-Apoc world, granted it makes legitimate sense, but I'm just curious because it does impact build structure. Person I'd like to see a reason "not" to have a gun, like the Technosaurs out there LOOOOOOOVE gun components like metals or black powder or chemical compounds.
Also, are other races and monsters around in this post-apoc era? Like goblins, Orcs, etc.... Depending on the species, it could help to define what a tribe hunts or tries to protect themselves from, aside from the tecnosaurs.

GM Leviathan |

@ Hanuhpah:"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! Its burning grip TELLS ME TO DEFEAT YOU! TAKE THIS! My love, my anger, and ALL MY SORROW! SHINING FINGER SWORD! GO! GO! GO!" Lol!
Also, with my new understanding that this is to be a gestalt game, I'll be modifying my character slightly.
Jeon Aerri- 1 Slayer|1 [Speaker for the Past]Shaman

GM Bone Man |

Is it okay to pick archetypes that wind up conflicting at some point after level six?
Point in case, Hateful Rager exchanges the +3 increment of Trap Sense gained at level 9 for +½ favored enemy bonus to the dc of rage powers.
I'd like to take it along with Superstitious, which replaces trap sense altogether, based on the idea that, since I will never achieve nith level, and for the purpose of e6, ninth level doesn't exist, there's no conflict between the two archetype.
hmm since your can get 9th level abilities with feats im going to have to say no in that sorry
sorry for the late responses, ill be answering all that I can now ^_^

GM Bone Man |

For firearms... given that it's a futuristic setting, even though it's post-apoc, wouldn't that mean that modern firearms would be somewhat available? I'm okay if they're not as long as there's some reason for why, but it seems like with the way we're setting things up I should buy all rights be able to procure myself some sort of auto-loading pistol, like a .45 or 9mm.
If you'd rather avoid that, I understand. I'd just like for us to come up with an in-game reason (which I'd be more than happy to brainstorm for).
im going to allow up to the advance guns they work they are still hard to get and rarely found in working condition and form what i have learned with more modern weaponry, they need oil and to be cleaned regularly. So most of the knowledge would have been lost by all but a few over the 1000 years. As much a revolver shotgun can be shot even after falling in water and left to dry, granted if you let that happen to much it will go to hell.
My inner child is having a joy induced spasm. I may very well have to purchase a new console for the sole intent of purchasing this game.
Oh and this would also be my expression of interest.
Are there still slots available? It would be god to know if I'm barking up the wrong robo-tree here.
yes recruitment is not over ^_^
Count me in! I have a few gestalt characters that I would love to play, but one sticks out a bit more than others so I think I'll play him. My character will be focusing on magic suppression and destruction of all "heretics"(People who use magic without the consent of Nethys). If this game is going to fall short in the area of magical enemies let me know and I'll switch over to my Bloodrager/Hunter that I've been meaning to play for a while, but for now I'm going to start writing up the backstory for Lucian Magebane.
** spoiler omitted **
enemies that can use magic will be in short supply but they wil be there
So I'm a big fan of the Magus, and I absolutely love that class.
And I would like to think of my main class as Magus and the second class as flavor that enhances the main and adds extra elements for story and rp. So I would ask if going Magus/Rogue was ok?
any class combo is fine i love to see creativity, just have your story reflect that ^_^
Also, the world is considered "Earth" for the sake of the Earth that we know it to be, correct? And this is set 1000 years from The Day of "A".
yes based off earth as it is to day
If this being the case, can you give me a little more background on what you feel was the main reason for the apocalypse? Was it war (Like Fallout)? Did the power cut off (Revolution)? A horrible disease pushed humans to the brink (Omega Man, 24 Days, Last of Us, I am Legend, Walking Dead)? Etc...
funny thing...all three first the war began then someone thought lets use this mega pulse bomb to end a the war be for it got too big, but it was far to powerful and all power went out so people fought for food and the world ended, so with no real good food or health care disease ran rapid a new pelage hit and took out most before humanity got small enough for it to stop. no one knows were the robots came from...
Reason why, is because so many people have brought up the gun thing. And as much as I'm cool with firearms and have played gunslingers before, I'm just worrisome that guns become the main-stage for combat in the idea of a Post-Apoc world, granted it makes legitimate sense, but I'm just curious because it does impact build structure. Person I'd like to see a reason "not" to have a gun, like the Technosaurs out there LOOOOOOOVE gun components like metals or black powder or chemical compounds.
guns and ammo are rare as much as magic is: example "the PC are some of the few who have it"
Also, are other races and monsters around in this post-apoc era? Like goblins, Orcs, etc.... Depending on the species, it could help to define what a tribe hunts or tries to protect themselves from, aside from the tecnosaurs.
as for now im only having humans but some have gone extremely feral and cannibalistic so...

Joseph Bonkers |

Alright I am intrigued, let me see if I have some things correct... :)
1: the world went to pot, a millennia has passed and all the "old people" have passed on. What is left is a tiny portion of humans with little/no connection to the past. These humans form small tribes of hunter-gathers who hunt wild game for food and fur, and hunt larger Robo-Dinos for... Something-cuz-gm-sez-so...Mcguffin... Often using incomprehensible and ancient/advanced technology in rudimentary ways.
The Robo-Dinos are animal spirits in machine form, Cities are akin to ancient ruins and viewed with mistrust and mysticism, often carrying strong negitave social conciquences for anyone interacting/defiling these holy sites, humans are regressed and primitave (with a few exceptions), and dogs are massively mutated monstrosities feared and reviled by all... ^_^
So my idea is to create a Psion Nomad/something martial (thinking rogue actually) with only a middling Int and a strong body.
He is a very fast scout/hunter (he has 50ms! ^_^) who hunts from the shadows and flanks. At lvl 2 he becomes able to teleport at will and really set up flanks for himself easily.
But I need to know if this is OK. Teleporting and later, pseudo-flying generally flies in the face of 6E rules and intent, and I hate to be the one to ask again about psionic classes but I don't know if I understand. Is This Psion class specifically allowed?
If not, I will come up with something else :)

GM Bone Man |

Alright I am intrigued, let me see if I have some things correct... :)
1: the world went to pot, a millennia has passed and all the "old people" have passed on. What is left is a tiny portion of humans with little/no connection to the past. These humans form small tribes of hunter-gathers who hunt wild game for food and fur, and hunt larger Robo-Dinos for... Something-cuz-gm-sez-so...Mcguffin... Often using incomprehensible and ancient/advanced technology in rudimentary ways.
The Robo-Dinos are animal spirits in machine form, Cities are akin to ancient ruins and viewed with mistrust and mysticism, often carrying strong negitave social conciquences for anyone interacting/defiling these holy sites, humans are regressed and primitave (with a few exceptions), and dogs are massively mutated monstrosities feared and reviled by all... ^_^** spoiler omitted **
No I think some players are confused the robot animas are a rare at frst I did not want to use them but a lot of people seem to enjoy the idea of them so ill use them although sparingly ^_^
hmmm. your kind of right about the way the rest of the world is ...kind of...
they just don't work in a low power type of world

The Dragon |

'No, cure should be transmutation', 'No, cure spells are transmutation' or 'No! you took away my spells'?
As for crippling, that's probably true, but they're still very strong.
Anyway, the way I see it, you're channeling positive energy. Manipulating life force is necromancery, and channeling elemental forces directly is evocation.
Conjuration is summoning or creating stuff, which could make sense for healing if you created new flesh to fill up the wounds, but fluff-wise, what happens is you channel positive energy into the wounded. That's why it works on undead too.
I don't see how transmutation would enter the picture. That's about changing one thing into another, either temporarily or instantaneously, in rare cases. (flesh to stone etc.)

GM Bone Man |

only the things that are linked are not in, I know it makes it harder but the ability to summon monsters out of no were for any spell caster is too much...now if this is to hard I can think of one other way I would be willing to allow all spells but only if everyone would be ok with spell specialization
as if you can choose two types of spells you can cast i.e{conjuration/transmutation or Evocation/Abjuration} same goes for psionics
I would be ok with the second idea but ill leave it up to you

TarkXT |

only the things that are linked are not in, I know it makes it harder but the ability to summon monsters out of no were for any spell caster is too much...now if this is to hard I can think of one other way I would be willing to allow all spells but only if everyone would be ok with spell specialization
as if you can choose two types of spells you can cast i.e{conjuration/transmutation or Evocation/Abjuration} same goes for psionics
I would be ok with the second idea but ill leave it up to you
I'd be happier with this honestly.
We can still say no to summoning/binding/teleporting. But tools like haste and fog cloud are rather valuable in the race not to get shot.

Knighthood |

I'm fine with spell specialization.
Although, I'm having a hard time finding the rules breakdown for magus. Anybody have a resource for this? Stopping at 6 would nullify the 3rd lvl spell table, which is where a lot of fun stuff can be done. Also, this would greatly hinder arcana too, potentially. But I'll probably make sure to have my highest stat as int.

GM Bone Man |

I'm fine with spell specialization.
Although, I'm having a hard time finding the rules breakdown for magus. Anybody have a resource for this? Stopping at 6 would nullify the 3rd lvl spell table, which is where a lot of fun stuff can be done. Also, this would greatly hinder arcana too, potentially. But I'll probably make sure to have my highest stat as int.
that's actually the whole point lol, a low power game but you can get up to level 9 abilities with the feat that allow it

Knighthood |

Knighthood wrote:that's actually the whole point lol, a low power game but you can get up to level 9 abilities with the feat that allow itI'm fine with spell specialization.
Although, I'm having a hard time finding the rules breakdown for magus. Anybody have a resource for this? Stopping at 6 would nullify the 3rd lvl spell table, which is where a lot of fun stuff can be done. Also, this would greatly hinder arcana too, potentially. But I'll probably make sure to have my highest stat as int.
Right, and I'm totally cool with that. However a Magus wouldn't start doing ritual casting to do Force Punch in mid-combat, which could take up to an hour to cast. Plus the Abridged rules say that Ritual Feats are for spells above 3rd level.
Either way, that's why I was looking for a resource that has Magus defined. But I can't seem to find that, or one for Rogues either. Which is very odd that the Codex and Abridged Codex don't break out that class...

GM Bone Man |

I.just took a quick look at your sheet, I need you to change that format to my match my template..I got a bit of ocd about this, please change it to that. Also it dose not seem like you completed the 10 min background I asked for...if you take a look at Isabelle's profile you will see at good look and how yours should be OK thank you ^_^
Oh and so I'm clear with everyone the robotic animals are rare manly closer to the ruined cities ^_^, so if you want them in your story please keep that in mind thank you

Jeon Aerri |

I tried to keep in mind that "technovores" were rare, and were only close to cities when I included that in my background. That's why my character is so convinced he can kill them all.
I ripped the format directly from your template, everything should be exactly where you had it. I think the only reorganization I did to anything was to include the gear a little closer to the rest of the primary stats. I'll change it if you need me to. It just felt super cluttered to me when I was trying to fill it all out.
As per the 10-minute background. I thought that was just a tool to be elaborated upon in a real background. Additionally, the questionnaire basically asks the same questions that are in a 10-minute background with a couple being expanded upon, so I thought I was good. I will also fix that if you need me to.

Darthrancor |

This is a really cool idea. I'll start working on a character. I have a question, though. Are the occult classes available(or at least the play test versions until the full versions are released)? Cause I have a few ideas bouncing around that involve a few of them.

Joseph Bonkers |

Actually, with spell specialization that might just change things.
I was wanting to go a Roof Running Rogue who can teleport very short distances (via Psion Nomad)
Even if the only thing I can do on the psion side is teleport (and its only 15ft at lvl 2, you can jump farther :p) I would be pretty happy :)
Would that be OK? Being a rogue/psion who can ONLY cast psychoportation powers? (and there's not many)
Its OK if its not too :)

Joseph Bonkers |

So after a quick look, there are only 7 psychoportation powers of lvl 1, 2 of which are utterly useless, and only 1 that deals damage (1d6, requires a melee touch attack).
So a VERY limited selection :)
Astral Traveler,Burst,Catfall,Deceleration,Dissipating Touch,Float,Skate
Where Asteral Traveler and Float are utterly useless, dissipating touch is difficult and dangerous (requires a melee touch attack, and provokes), and burst and catfall are talents, leaving me with only two to choose from :)
So for the first two levels I am basically a rogue that moves fast:)

Hanuhpah |

Hanuhpah is complete. Relevant background stuff below. Let me know if you need anything else.
Step 1:
Hanuhpah is a large bald black man.
He is a fervent believer in the Way of The Wanderer a philosophy and religion based upon the worship of great warriors of the past who wandered the old lands and doled out justice with naught but their fists and righteous fury.
He fights unarmed only utilizing weapons when fists prove to be less efficient.
In this bleak land there is no room for mercy upon the wicked and thus Hanuhpah rarely spares evil men.
Like many of his tribe Hanuhpah has mental powers. However Hanuhpah channels those powers through his body and soul granting him complete control over mind, body, and spirit.
Step 2:
Slay all evil.
Perfect his fist.
Step 3:
He is secretly in love with a member of his tribe. But his own social awkwardness makes it very difficult for him to express this.
The ancestors he worships are fake. They're old movie and cartoon characters twisted by time and tragedy into myth and legend.
Step 4:
Master Adahy: Hanuhpah's master, mentor, and in charge of the tribe's security. An aging man happy to ahve passed on his skills to such a passionate youth. Though he worries that great threats are always looming just over the horizon.
He Lush Ka: When Hanuhpah was first training He Lush Ka was an older student. Brash, proud, and physically intimidating he believed that the ways of the fist exist to conquer and rule in these times and only the strong can bring order and true justice. Hanuhpah defeated him and drove him from the tribe when he attempted to take over the village. Swearing vengeance He Lush Ka told Hanuhpah that he would improve his fist and sharpen his soul to a fine edge to cut his throat.
Hania: Hanuhpah's older brother and a hunter/warrior of the tribe. While not nearly as skilled in the fist as Hanuhpah he is no slouch when fighting. He's somewhat disdainful of Hanuhpah's morals and values believing them far too absolutionist in a world where pragmatism, not moral superiority, puts food on the table.
Step 5:
Hanuhpah is orderly and meticulous in everything he does from the way he walks to the way he packs his things.
Hanuhpah has a scar across his back inflicted on him from He Lush Ka during their struggle.
When Hanuhpah is channeling the full force of his martial power he glows slightly blue.
Hanuhpah sees himself as a protector and defender of the innocent. He tends to let others make their first impressions to him so he can decide for himself the strength of their character.
2. What is your character's role in a group?
Hammer, Hanuhpah ends fights. Out of combat he's a fair scout.
3. How is your character not as they seems? I want one or two skills that would surprise others if they found out he knows them. Also include personality traits, positive or negative, that would similarly surprise others.
Hanuhpah comes off as the stoic warrior type. Which surprises no one when in fact, he does. What surprises is the level of skill and discipline he expresses showing feats of physical and mental prowess that surpass those of any normal human.
More they would be surprised by his rather unpractical stance on evil men.
4. What are your character's goals, conscious and, perhaps, subconscious?
The perfection of his art.
5. How easily does your character love? Have they been in love?
Hanuhpah does not love easily but he is currently in love.
6. Is your character racist at all, either now or in their past?
Hanuhpah has never had cause to be racist.
7. All people believe something that is not true, both about the world around them and about themselves. What lies/untruths does your character believe about themselves and the world around them?
That the feats of the old people's martial arts far surpassed anything he can do. Even though his examples are purely from people who never existed.
8. How is your character about material possessions?
In this he is very practical. So long as he has his fist he has everything he requires.
9. What does your character perceive their major problems to be?
A lack of ability to deal with people without terrifying them and an inability to be able to help everyone before they are hurt.
10. What does he perceive the solutions to those problems to be?
If evil men and monsters are removed from this world than he good and the innocent can live in peace without fear or regrets.
11. What are your character's religious beliefs?
He believe in the Way of the Wanderer a philosophy that involves allowing the road and destiny to take you where your fist is needed based on the deeds of ancient martial artists.
12. What does your character fear?
Failure, death, and that evil will prevail.
13. How much of a temper does your character have? What sorts of things set them off?
Hanuhpah's temper is slow to emerge buts its wrath is legendary. The last time Hanuhpah was consumed by rage was when he fought against He Lush Ka. What ultimately gets to him is remorseless evil and pointless death and violence merely for its own sake.