Weird News Stories

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Aberzombie wrote:
Barbecue-crashing bear...

I tell you, I just can't stop thinking about him.

Scarab Sages

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Pumpkins impaled on university tower spires in mysterious annual tradition

Aberzombie wrote:
Barbecue-crashing bear eats 10 burgers, drinks Diet Coke

there were two and they looked kinda young. Did they just start out on their own?

Scarab Sages

Cypriot balances 319 wine glasses on his head -- while dancing

Scarab Sages

Stranded on the Eiffel Tower, a couple decide to wed, with an AP reporter there to tell the story

Scarab Sages

Minnesota woman balances 30 swords on her body in one minute

Scarab Sages

Crash covers Texas highway in smashed watermelons

Scarab Sages

465 couples share spaghetti strands for romantic world record attempt

Scarab Sages

Arkansas family suspects meteorite caused smoking hole in their deck

Scarab Sages

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Thrift store asks people to stop donating 'used and unused' sex toys

Scarab Sages

Hundreds of people in Spider-Man costumes gather in Argentina

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Aberzombie wrote:
Minnesota woman balances 30 swords on her body in one minute

.. this is just every time I clean my room

Scarab Sages

Moose visits Massachusetts elementary school during morning drop-off

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Aberzombie wrote:
Thrift store asks people to stop donating 'used and unused' sex toys

This is just every time I clean my room…

Scarab Sages

Ontario man's 8-foot zucchini might be the longest in world

I could say something funny, but I know better than to do so on this website.

You mean like how he can make enough ratatouille to feed everyone in Dryden?


It is funny because Dryden in the smallest city in Ontario, whereas you would expect if someone where making a humorous exaggeration about an 8-foot zucchini, they would pick a larger settlement.

Incidentally, with a population of 7,749, Dryden is much too large to be fed by a single zucchini, even one of such noteworthy length.

Now I'm really curious about Canadian designations of settlements: Google tells me that Dryden is indeed the least populous city, whereas the town of Latchford has a population of 355.

By comparison, California's least populous city is Amador City at 201, and a search on "towns" yields the same result.

So somehow in California, once you incorporate you're both a town and a city, whereas in Canada the two entities are different.

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South of the Equator, “cities” are the smallest settlements, whereas “hamlets” have millions of residents!

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In Russia, town incorporates you!

Scarab Sages

Man solves Rubik's cube in 9.29 seconds while underwater

Scarab Sages

These are some of the strange objects that get stuck in people's bodies, according to CDC data

Scarab Sages

Deer crashes through lingerie store in Michigan

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Aberzombie wrote:
These are some of the strange objects that get stuck in people's bodies, according to CDC data

Not gonna lie. With some of the obnoxious GMs and players I've encountered at the table over the years, I'm surprised "d20s" didn't make this list... #conflictresolution

Scarab Sages

Reported UFOs over San Diego were U.S. Navy Parachute Team members

Since when has the US Navy been hiring space aliens as parachuters?!

Scarab Sages

Bear steals Taco Bell delivery from Florida family's front porch

Scarab Sages

Idaho man, 'Amazing Race' contestants attempt chopsticks in a beard record

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Aberzombie wrote:
Bear steals Taco Bell delivery from Florida family's front porch

Quickly followed by the answering of the age old question about ursine bathroom habits...

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Bear steals Taco Bell delivery from Florida family's front porch
Quickly followed by the answering of the age old question about ursine bathroom habits...

Pic-a-nic baskets?

Scarab Sages

Lost in space: $100,000 tool bag from NASA spacewalk

Scarab Sages

Washington woman crochets for 34 hours, 7 minutes

Scarab Sages

Nigerian woman's wig measures 1,152 feet and 5 inches long

Scarab Sages

13-year-old breaks world record for underwater magic tricks

Aberzombie wrote:
13-year-old breaks world record for underwater magic tricks

In just a few years, she can go off to college and get a degree in underwater basket weaving.

David M Mallon wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
13-year-old breaks world record for underwater magic tricks
In just a few years, she can go off to college and get a degree in underwater basket weaving.

You know, everyone makes that joke but with sea levels rising and the global trade network decaying, we’re going to need our baskets woven locally and underwater and THEN who will have the last laugh?

Scarab Sages

Why scientists are reanimating spider corpses for research

Scarab Sages

A horse loose on a flight to Belgium forces a cargo jet back to New York

Scarab Sages

Indian woman with 38 teeth earns Guinness World Record

Scarab Sages

Man walks more than 34 feet on slackline while juggling knives

Scarab Sages

Baboon throws mongooses by their tails

Scarab Sages

Venomous snake rescued from energy drink can

Scarab Sages

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Researchers find 'witch bottles' washed up on Texas beaches

Aberzombie wrote:
Venomous snake rescued from energy drink can

I used to do that with the black rat snakes at the garbage dump. they were generally pretty chill with it.

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Herd of goats arrested for illegal grazing in graveyard released after one year in jail

Brazil’s mysterious tunnels made by giant sloths

Scarab Sages

Nebraska woman bags marriage proposal shortly after killing big buck on hunting trip

Scarab Sages

Florida man seeks 1 million copies of 'Titanic' on VHS

Aberzombie wrote:
Florida man seeks 1 million copies of 'Titanic' on VHS

I wonder if he's secretly hoping to top RedLetterMedia's Nukie stunt.

Scarab Sages

Oregon man breaks world record for most burpee pull-ups on GMA

Scarab Sages

A deer broke into a New Jersey elementary school. Its escape was caught on police bodycams

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