Suspended animation

Rules Questions

Can a body physical body in suspended animation during Astral projection be harmed?

Sepia snake sigil say directly it can...

Temporal Stasis says it cannot...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I believe astral projection prevents biological processes such as breathing, aging, etc. I do not believe you are some how immune to natural causes of death, like a dagger through the heart, which would quite naturally kill you. :P

"Suspended animation" isn't a game term - it means different things under different circumstances.

VRMH wrote:
"Suspended animation" isn't a game term - it means different things under different circumstances.

The description for the temporal stasis spell would like a word with you. :P

I wonder if regeneration and/or fast healing works while in [either] stasis?

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