Feat question


Is there a feat that works on ranged attacks using deadly aim similar to the way furious focus works with Power attack?

Edited for clarity

AFAIK there isn't. But imho such feat wouldn't be very useful as the main focus of ranged builds is large amount of attacks.

Not that I know of. Though it wouldn't really be of any use, partly because most ranged damage dealers does so from multiple attacks while the first attack is already the most likely one to hit.
All in all, the feat grants between +1 to hit to +6 to hit (for a full BAB level 20 character, for a 3/4 BAB it's a max of +4) on one attack. Weapon Focus grants +1 to 1 to 5 attacks (for a full BAB level 20 character with Rapid Shot).
Most don't play to level 20, which favours weapon focus. Before +4 BAB Weapon Focus breaks even with Deadly Aim on every attack (probably only 2 attacks though) while a feat like furious focus would only do it for one.

I do believe this is what Deadly Aim's combat trick (of the optional stamina system) does. Don't have the book available off-hand but that's my memory.


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