Prince Kasiya

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Organized Play Member. 165 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Hi, our GM decided to draw a comic based on our campaign. Setting is homebrew, but Golarion deities (PF2) remain. He intends to put it out on some platform. Can deities names remain? If not can slightly changed but recognizable deities names be used? For instance Seranrea instead of Sarenrae?

beowulf99 wrote:
But no dedication feat I can think of directly grants you a focus pool, you have to take an archetype feat for that typically. So what is the "specific source" in that instance? I argue that would be the feat you directly gained the focus point or pool from.

Ye, sorry worded in a bad way. Archetypes grant access to another class features. And that another class is a new source.

From my understanding entire class is considered a single source. So for cleric class feat to increase focus point pool it needs to state so explicitly. While archetypes (and things published in the future) are separate sources.

ExOichoThrow wrote:

When looking upon the cleric feats, I could be wrong but I don't see any way RAW to get 3 focus points for a cleric in the case that domain initiate doesn't give extra focus points when taken again.

Maybe I'm missing something but looking through the feats that appears to be the case. It makes it even stranger because there is a feat that make it so that you get 3 focus points back when you refocus instead of 1.

Cleric can take Advanced Domain several times. So yeah to have 3 focus points as pure cleric one needs to have 2 Domain initiate feats and 2 Advanced domain feats.

Old_Man_Robot wrote:

Out of curiosity, what sort of issues are you guys having with darkness that need this?

An Everburning Torch is just 15gp after all!

1st lvl party delved into underground dungeon. Out of 5 ppl only 1 has darvision. My cleric has lowlight vision. Other 3 are vanilla humans. Currently our main source of light is my cleric's light spell. Party members ain't really keen on wasting 1 hand for torch. We have some torches so I'm gona carry 1 and have light cast on the fighter's helmet. Imho it's not enough of light for us so I would love to have more light sources. Also we just got lvl up so I can pick up some abilities.

Playing as a cleric and our party needs additional sources of light. Can cleric (or any other caster) prepare spell "Light" twice to have 2 objects glow? Hate how dancing lights got nerfed in 2e. If I can't get it twice normally can I get it 2nd time by taking Druid dedication?

So no more paladins with magic missile.

Beast-bonded witch's twin soul got nerfed. But now it's clear at least and players wont have to discuss with GM why DC is not based on charisma based on obscure 3rd edition rules.

Pathfinder Design Team wrote:
Answered in FAQ! However, additionally, you guys made a really good case for the scimitar in this thread and the other, so we've adjusted the chart a bit from the one in the thread back in 2012.

Is it just me or link is dead?

You forgot feat: Hurtful. It makes this build complete. And yes it works the way you think it works.

You needed rules' extracts:
Here it is:

rules wrote:
If you wield a second weapon in your off hand, you can get one extra attack per round with that weapon. You suffer a –6 penalty with your regular attack or attacks with your primary hand and a –10 penalty to the attack with your off hand when you fight this way. You can reduce these penalties in two ways. First, if your off-hand weapon is light, the penalties are reduced by 2 each. An unarmed strike is always considered light. Second, the Two-Weapon Fighting feat lessens the primary hand penalty by 2, and the off-hand penalty by 6.
More rules wrote:
Creatures with natural attacks and attacks made with weapons can use both as part of a full attack action (although often a creature must forgo one natural attack for each weapon clutched in that limb, be it a claw, tentacle, or slam). Such creatures attack with their weapons normally but treat all of their available natural attacks as secondary attacks during that attack, regardless of the attack’s original type.

Salizaar Blackshadow wrote:

First off its not my character, but a friend whose talking about all the amazing dmg it can do. Which 9/10 means theres something potentially wrong.

Second feral combat wouldnt allow for twf since improved unarmed strike isnt a prereq.

They've made a bloodrager Dragon disciple at lvl 10. Has beast totems from barbarian.

Oh, sorry I forgot it was nerfed in the last errata. Prior to that you could.

But primalist bloodrager dragon disciple can really deal a lot of damage.
But it cannot do more natural attacks than it has. So bite, claw, claw. That's it. Unless he uses form of dragon to gain wings and tail he does not gain more natural attacks.
While in bipedal form one cannot apply claws to feet. So 2 claws and 1 bite. Nothing more.

CampinCarl9127 wrote:

His question isn't arbitrary at all, in fact it's very strait forward.

I could give you a big in depth analyzation of two weapon fighting and natural weapons, but I'm going to give you a much simpler answer. Have him take the feral combat training feat. Then he can do what he wants within the rules.

Why would anyone want to do that? I'm pretty sure he is trying to get something done via some sort strange and unconventional method when the thing he actually wants could be achieved much easier.

He tells what kind of attacks and how many he wants to make and we tell him how he could do it.

Salizaar Blackshadow wrote:
but you can take it for unarmed strikes.

Yes. You should take a look at ferral combat training.

Maybe, you could explain what exactly you are trying to get done in 1 round. And then we help you. Not just asking arbitrary questions.

Regarding natural attacks. Per full attack you get to do all of them. Bite and claws are primary, so all 3 are at full BAB.
If you want to reduce penalty from secondary natural attack take a look at multiattack feat - that is probably what you want.

Naal wrote:
As an opposing viewpoint, I'd say make whole cannot restore a letter that has been burned to ash. Both make whole and mending require that all the pieces of the object are available. A significant portion of the letter went up the chimney, so neither of those spells will work. Burning the letters is still useful when the Chelaxian Inquisition is about to barge through the door.

In fact I have exactly same opinion. For some sad reason I was the only one with it in the group.

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If letter is burned and only ash remains can it be restored by make whole.
A) Letter is restored with all text.
B) Paper and ink is restored, but ink doesn't form letters.

I understand that spell restores damage to objects, but I'm not sure whether letters of ink would also be restored. Especially if ash is partly present.

James Jacobs wrote:
TheTheos wrote:

Are there any organizations that openly oppose Hellknights in Golarion?

I'm interested in both good ones and evil ones.

Hellknights cover a wide range of philosophies, and range in alignment from lawful good to lawful neutral to lawful evil. It's easier to ask about specific orders being opposed, but harder to answer that since there are SO many orders. It's possible even for one Hellknight order to oppose another.

Both of the next two Adventure Paths, "Hell's Rebels" and "Hell's Vengeance" are going to have a fair amount of information about Hellknights, including who they oppose or ally with.

I think it's fair to say that if you want a group that is almost always going to oppose the Hellknights, you'll find that group in the church of Milani, and also in most of the other chaotic churches. The Bellflower Network comes into conflict with them pretty frequently as well. And in some rare cases, House Thrune clashes against them.

Thanks for the answer. That will help both my noble paladin and vicious witch who find Hellknights to be something they don't want to exist how to deal with them.

Could you please ask Rob McCreary to take a look at his question thread

That depends what you want from bombs. I really love boneshard bombs. DR applies to them, so damage wont be really big, but you kill some minions with them and you gain your own minions for free. I find that awesome.

Hellknight prestige classes or exalted wont be close enough?

Are there any organizations that openly oppose Hellknights in Golarion?
I'm interested in both good ones and evil ones.

Witches are really cool and versatile. All depends on how you build them.
-Hexes: really powerful as they ignore SR and do not provoke AO. Many GMs ban Slumber hex due to its usability and power. And they have infinite use per day. Did I mention flight hex - its beyond good.
-Witches are great crafters if you take feats. (High int and many different spells)
-Main roles are: Debuffer (evil eye, misfortune and caclkle hexes and adhesive spittle, Bestow curse, blindness/deafness spells), Buffer (soothsayer, fortune, cackle make it epic; if you take time patron you also get haste), Healer/Condition remover (you can be just as good as cleric at it, just pick right patron, even without it you have remove x spells and cure wounds spells), Battlefield control (summon monster spells, black tentacles), have some utility spells and can afford to prepare them due to being go through combat with only hexes. I don't recommend blaster types, but snowball is great spell (and witch has it).

What else? Coven hex - it breaks the game (either with collar, simulacrum or leadership you get a hag and freebies you get are beyond realization)

Beastbonded witch has one of strongest abilities in game - Twin soul. You literately can make Tarrasque your familiar like at 12tlh lvl.

Wizards run out of spells, but witches have endless hexes.

Brakiri wrote:

Thank you all for your tipps.

IThe Evangelist for example requires a +5 BAB which the wizard gets at level 10.

I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Reread prereqs.

rules wrote:

Any one of the following:

base attack bonus +5
5 ranks in any skill other than Knowledge (religion), or
ability to cast 3rd-level spells.

You can grab it at level 6. And imho it is your best option.

I guess the time has for me to became a villain and ask rules question here.
Long story short as it is right now me, my GM and other Paizonians here seem to think that rules are a bit unclear. We do not understand whether Oathbound paladins get extra spell slots (like cleric domain slots) or just get only extra spells added to available/known spells list.
Would you be so kind and shed divine light of knowledge upon noble paladins who have taken their oaths. :)

If I were you, I would try to negotiate with GM to allow Evangelist prestige class. You will lose 1 spellcasting lvl, but you will get ton of skill ranks and more hitpoints.

Maybe bard archaeologist could also fit your concept...

-Familiar spell metamagic rod - double your action economy
-Potions (especially cure L/M/S wounds to allies who are bellow 0 hit points)
-Muleback cords and your familiar can open doors, take loot, drag bodies of dying comrades, use flour to find invisible enemies
-Awaken slumbered comrades
-Goodies of improved familiar: Supernatural and Spell-like abilities are great, also truespeech, telepathy...
-Did I mention being a scout due to having very good stealth
-Some of them have scent, darkvision and other senses that are very useful
-Did I mention that one familiar archetype that turns your familiar into mini rogue? Yes, your familiar can pickpocket anyone (just imagine having tumor familair- prosthetic ear, and you can pull out gold out of there)
-Roleplay reasons
-Improved and raven can talk - messenger capabilities

Corvino wrote:

If you're a Witch then wandering among the populace and handing out free Hex-based healing could be an option. You also have Remove Disease as a 3rd level spell. Run a free clinic one day a week, laying hands upon the afflicted.

Witches are a thematic one for Kingmaker or similar. You don't even necessarily have to use rules-based spells or abilities. Use your reputation as a shapechanger and wise man - RP encouraging people to seek your counsel and try giving them good advice. Helping a few locals this way might start to win them round, or enhance your reputation as a powerful mystic.

That's a really good suggestion. Thank you very much. I'm going to do it.

However I'm still wondering what others can come up with.

Thanks for suggestions

The Dragon wrote:
Obviously, having him save a few cities on his lonesome from big bad monsters.

Well, my witch is magic item crafter, debuffer (slumber, evil eye, adhesive spittle), buffer (haste, fortune+cackle), healer. So he is a character who stands in sidelines and watches others do his work. Even if he coup de graces with his damage, it is very likely that Big Bad Monster would survive.

I'm the only caster in the party. Well, we have warpriest, but he only buffs himself. So I'm stuck with responsibilities of both divine and arcane casters.
So being lone hero is not the best solution. Unless staged. I will think about it.

Bill Dunn wrote:
An inexpensive brothel?

That would make Nolan look even more shady and untrustworthy. Besides, that is the domain of our Spymaster.

Any other suggestions?

A bit of background: We are playing Kingmaker and have founded our country - Stonelands. My character is Treasurer and Grand Diplomat (GM allowed to have 2 positions for each). Nolan Colt - my character is a witch - squishy spellcaster. So he died few times and got reincarnated. Due to that people started believe that Nolan is some sort of shapechanger, vile beast. Besides he is the one who does taxes...

So his public image is bad. I need to find a way how to improve it. Currently due to role-play, story elements he built 4 libraries. That improved his image in the eyes of educated, but there aren't many of those. :(

How do you think he could improve his image in the eyes of general public?

Nolan currently is lvl 6. Underhanded tactics are OK. He currently owns: 1 tavern, 1 school, docks, 1 butchery, 1 magical shop.

I currently know / have thought of:
-hiring bards
-free soup for the poor.

What else could be done?

Does it cost gp to store a spell in stone familiar? Is the cost same as for wizard to write it in spellbook? Or is it for free?

Stone familiar wrote:

Aura faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Weight 2 lbs.
Slot none; Price 6,000 gp

This life-sized carving of a Tiny animal is crafted from dark, rough stone. It has a hardness of 8 and 20 hit points. A witch can use the stone familiar to store up to 500 levels of spells (cantrips count as 1/2 level for this purpose). A witch can use the stone familiar to teach her living familiar any spells stored in it, and vice versa. A witch who identifies a stone familiar immediately knows what spells are stored inside it. A stone familiar is never found as randomly generated treasure with spells already stored in it.

Craft Wondrous Item, share memory, creator must be a witch; Cost 3,000 gp

Play wizard, choose a god, take evangelist prestige class. You will have a LOT of skill ranks, more hitpoints. But you will lose 1 caster lvl and have a bit worse will saves.

I understand it this way:
A) Character fails his fortitude roll vs coup de grace - he is dead. That means character is at minus his con score. But if the actual damage from autocrit is more than hitpoints before coup de grace and con score then the poor guy just takes that damage. Aka minus con or more if damage is large enough.
B) Character succeeds his fortitude roll vs coup de grace - character takes auto-crit damage.


I reread the rules. The actual sequence (as I understand)is:
1)Coup de grace action
2)Autocrit damage
2.1. Character dies from autocrit damage - THE END (Treat as normal death from damage)
2.2. Character does not die from autocrit damage. => 3)
3) Character makes fortitude check (DC=10+damage).
3.1 Character fails fortitude check = character dies = his/her hitpoints are equal to negative CON score.
3.2 Character succeeds his/her fortitude check = character is alive with damage from autocrit subtracted from characters hitpoints.

what about ghost touch armor?

Great feat. But why does it not work for called shots feats? Cries desperately...

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I completely agree with Nicolas Cage.

Bloodrealm wrote:
TheTheos wrote:
And why does one need rake? Firstly, nothing in rules prevents doing it. If you say all attacks happen simultaneously I see your point, but I believe that's not the case. And even if it is, in this case, he has g*$#*+n wings. Just max fly skill and fly 5 feet or less above ground. DC to hover is only 15.

If you're attacking with all 6 limbs like I said, then you're attacking using those wings.

I don't know if there is a specific rule actually stating that you can't, but everything I've seen heavily implies you need to Pounce with a Rake attack to use the hind limbs during a full-attack. Assuming permissive ruling, you need to have Pounce and Rake.

There is no such rule. And I never mentioned 6 attacks. I mean bite and four claws. AFAIK there is no way for him to use wings as natural weapons. (unless custom feat) So he can hover and attack with those 5.

Oh and I'm not speaking about form of the dragon. That's another issue.

Bloodrealm wrote:
TheTheos wrote:

Go Abyssal. If primalist is allowed take it and exchange energy resists for rage powers you want. I prefer superstition and witch hunter. But if your GM allows gore and bite in one full round then go for it.

Abyssal has only one weakness it's AC. Enlarge person and rage gives -4 to AC. Spell shield removes this penalty, but be ready for low AC. At fourth lvl you will be dealing ~50 damage per round. It's really cool and effective.

Wait, quadruped race. Oh my god it means 4 claw attacks and not 2. Grab either eldritch heritage with claws or beast totem via primalist. Your abyssal claws will be front legs; from beast totem or eldritch heritage claws will be on the second pair of limbs.

Draconic, on the other hand, does not give you the AC issues, you get really good inherent ability score bonuses from DD that more than make up for not getting the BR capstone and gets them sooner than 20th, and DD independently grants you the Breath Weapon power, so you can use Primalist to get 2 Rage Powers at 8th level.

And nice try, but no. You can't use a Rake attack unless you're Pouncing or Grappling. How exactly are you not falling over during a full-attack if you're attacking with all 6 limbs?

I don't think Primalist archetype works when you enter DD at 6th. Essentially you can swap out only 4th lvl power. It might be possible if one takes bloodrager lvl at 8th, but I'm not sure about that. But it definitely doesn't allow to swap bloodline powers that are gained at DD levels.

And why does one need rake? Firstly, nothing in rules prevents doing it. If you say all attacks happen simultaneously I see your point, but I believe that's not the case. And even if it is, in this case, he has g$#***n wings. Just max fly skill and fly 5 feet or less above ground. DC to hover is only 15.

FAQ'd. If this gets answered would be nice to know if it also works on eldritch heritage.

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Imho you get more attacks as part of the deed.

Go Abyssal. If primalist is allowed take it and exchange energy resists for rage powers you want. I prefer superstition and witch hunter. But if your GM allows gore and bite in one full round then go for it.

Abyssal has only one weakness it's AC. Enlarge person and rage gives -4 to AC. Spell shield removes this penalty, but be ready for low AC. At fourth lvl you will be dealing ~50 damage per round. It's really cool and effective.

Wait, quadruped race. Oh my god it means 4 claw attacks and not 2. Grab either eldritch heritage with claws or beast totem via primalist. Your abyssal claws will be front legs; from beast totem or eldritch heritage claws will be on the second pair of limbs.

I believe heavy armor is not worth for paladins. Well at first levels it is worthwhile, but later on it's not. If you wish larger AC and have no DEX, just take 1 lvl in oracle and use CHA for AC and CMD.

Partizanski wrote:
What I am mostly curious about is if I can be a non-draconic bloodrager and take dragon disciple without switching bloodlines.

You can't.

Rules wrote:
If the bloodrager takes levels in another class that grants a bloodline, the bloodlines must be the same type, even if that means that the bloodline of one of the classes must change. Subject to GM discretion, the bloodrager can change his former bloodline to make them conform.

DD grants a bloodline via Blood of Dragons so if you take DD you change bloodrager's bloodline to draconic. But nothing prevents you from being crossblooded.

Just wait a little bit till ACG errata. It will be in a week or two. Then it will become clear. (We here hope so) Currently per RAW it's not allowed. RAI - who knows.
Some people say it's overpowered, but it's not. If you want to take it right now: GM is your only answer.

EDIT: Regarding robe: I believe it does work. Some people disagree. There is no definite answer. Another rules stalemate. :( And this one doesn't look to receive clarification anytime soon. Though in these forum (as it seems to me) more people believe it works.

First things that come in mind is spell blood money and that magus racial archetype for tieflings.
Essentially you can create such item, but you have to decide how bloodfeeding works mechanically.

It can be either hp damage or physical score damage.

So how to determine? Plane shift scroll cost 1.125k. Bloodmoney says 1 STR damage for 1k. So 2 damage to strength. Based on this I would go 1d4 damage to either random (1d3) ability score or CON or STR damage and 1d6 bleed damage.

Currently I do not know of any "blood" items.

And I do think this question belongs in advice section.

OH MY GOD! It makes it an even better ability. Way to go improved familiars with telepathy.

But I still would prefer to have more opinions on walls, line of effects, etc, knowledge of other person presence, etc.

Quintain wrote:

A conversation is two way, so it does allow you to hear thoughts that the other party wants you to hear, just

Think of telepathy this way: it is a mental "universal translator".

translator? I don't think telepathy is truespeech or tongues by itself. To communicate with someone one still has to have a common language with that person.

Diego Rossi wrote:

Telepathy don't allow you to "hear thoughts".

PRD wrote:
Telepathy (Su) The creature can mentally communicate with any other creature within a certain range (specified in the creature's entry, usually 100 feet) that has a language. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time.
AFAIK you need to know that someone exist and is in range. I wouldn't require line of effect but I would require prior knowledge of the creature existence or seeing it when you start communicating.

Hmm. I was under impression telepathy works both ways.

Example of how I think it works:
Being A has telepathy. B - doesn't have telepathy ability
A makes telepathic contact with B and is able to speak (send sound of words) to B. While this is happening B is also able to respond to A and also filter what he is just thinking (not sending to A) and what he means to transfer to A.
I never thought it was one way communication.

I get your opinion. Though I was thinking the user could turn it on off and include/exclude others from it. But if I want everyone within range to hear (and respond) then is line of effect relevant?

Some questions regarding telepathy. Would be really glad to see at least some answered:
1) Is telepathy blocked by walls, lead sheets, etc.?
2) If it isn't how the user detects that there is someone beyond the wall?
3) Is there need for line of sight?
4) Can the user just select a person without detecting (knowing of) his/her presence and communicate with that person if that person is within the range of telepathy?

Yes, you can. But you finish drinking potion, making combat maneuver (etc..) after attack, opportune parry and riposte has been resolved. However I believe it would be reasonable if GM says you cannot parry and riposte if at the moment you are using your weapon for something else (like making trip or disarm with that weapon).

Are scrolls of high level spells easily available in Golarion? Or are they rarities sought after and rarely found in stores?
For example can scroll of miracle be found in Magnimar or Absalom? Or one should travel to City of Brass to buy it? Essentially where a person can freely buy such scroll?

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