How much does it bother you when you see someone else using the same avatar?

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Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
The Green Tea Gamer wrote:
I don't mind seeing double ups too much in other people, except when they're...more known names. Then it's weird. TriOmegaZero and Trinam really need to sit down and figure which of those two gets that picture. It was okay when Trinam was on hiatus, but with him back, I can't handle this madness!

I claim seniority.

I don't mind too much, but it is confusing when I'm only 1 of 13 with a Tzitzimitl avatar. It's only happened twice, so it still manages to give me double takes.


I can remember when I was one of about four people using this avatar.

Possibly even less.

I try to ignore the clones.


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We're used to traveling in packs

I picked the first good looking wolf icon I saw, didn't really worry about it, since that's what the names are for. Maybe one day I'll take some time and really search thru, but it's just an avatar, not my true essence.

I am not bothered by it. I did have an amusing joke 'confrontation' (not serious at all) where i promised him a product review if he changed his avatar away from mine, and he did...i delivered and gave him that review for it also. We were both happy!

What do you mean we look the same? Speciest, sight based elitist!

Aberzombie wrote:
I guess there are other people using this avatar, but they can all kiss my lily white ass - I was first. They can just suck it.

This is the kind of "live and let live" stance I find gratifying. :D

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Doesn't trouble me at all.

Dark Archive

I will destroy all of you imperfect duplicates.

Sovereign Court

I very rarely see my avatar image, so I don't really know how I'd feel.

...*looks nervously below him for the other people with his avatar image who will probably post now that he has said this*

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vgmaster831 wrote:
I don't like it when I see other people using the same avatar as me. I have no animosity towards those people, I just want to poison them and become the only sneaky fetchling.

You'll have to catch me first.

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There's allegedly somewhere over 60 users of this avatar, but I think half of them are just me.

So many people in this thread that look just like me :(

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I hardly ever see my own avatar used by others, but I don't think it would concern me. I know what I said and what I didn't. Frankly, it's the rest'a you guys and gals who need to fall in line and take up the mantle of the dead dragon covered in gold.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
There's allegedly somewhere over 60 users of this avatar, but I think half of them are just me.

I'm guessing a lot of the gobos are GM aliases for PBP

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Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
There's allegedly somewhere over 60 users of this avatar, but I think half of them are just me.

You lost track and got into an argument with yourself again didn't you?

One thing thats weird is i demand that my avatar be looking right, into the text, like a thought bubble, or at the user. Turning your back on the text just looks weird

Shenanigans begin. I knew that making this thread was a good idea.

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

One thing thats weird is i demand that my avatar be looking right, into the text, like a thought bubble, or at the user. Turning your back on the text just looks weird

I'm not turning my back on my text, I am leaning against it for comfort.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

One thing thats weird is i demand that my avatar be looking right, into the text, like a thought bubble, or at the user. Turning your back on the text just looks weird

Frumpy Tarrasque is awkward and needs awkward text support.

... Or Frumpy Tarrasque really had to go....

are you happy, we've already crossed over into s#~# jokes:-D

*yawn* *stretch* rawr.

Rage. Unbridled, seething, maddening rage. It even scares me...

How dare you steal my Avatar of Nothingness? My Paragon of Entropy? The Void Incarnate, a mirror held up to the vacuous sham we call reality.

Bah. Bah I say!


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Nobody else has my avatar (or username)!

I purposely chose one that not a lot of other people were using. But if others have it too, that's okay. It's cute. ^_^


I have changed my avatar a few times but this one has stuck with me the longest. I always imagine the doppelgängers to be alternate versions of me. Also I feel the trick to ensuring you are one of the only people with your avatar on these boards is to simply "own" it by force of personality.

I used to use a more popular avatar but I didn't like having to do a double take every time I saw the others posting like "Hey when did I post THAT?!" So now I have a unique and very striking avatar.

Dark Archive

There used to be a poster using this avatar called Sutekh the Destroyer, and I liked his posts enough that I pretended in my head that he was my alt.

But lately I've been wondering if I was his alt...

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