How much does it bother you when you see someone else using the same avatar?

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I use the frumpy Tarrasque.
I like the idea of a derpy version of one of the biggest baddies in RPG history.

43 other users use this avatar.
While that's not too many, it's also more than just me. Inevitably I see someone else using it somewhere, somewhen.
And when I do, I just get sorta urked.

I know that there's no reason I should be.
I know that I know I share this avatar with 43 others.
But something deep inside just makes me go
"Hey! You're not me!"

So how badly does it bother you when you see someone else using the same avatar as you?

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It doesn't bother me in the least. I just picked the one that best represents how I feel GMing all the time.

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I dunno - it's fine I guess.

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Bother me? No.

But yes, I've had the experience of "wait, I didn't write that" in various threads. I still far prefer Paizo's approach to avatars over the free-for-all orgy of booty-shaking animated gifs and whatnot.

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I think one of the avatar search features is by user numbers. Just pick the one with the least.

Anguish wrote:
I still far prefer Paizo's approach to avatars over the free-for-all orgy of booty-shaking animated gifs and whatnot.

A thousand times this. I wish humanity in general could be trusted with the power of custom avatars; sadly, this is not usually the case.

As for whether it bugs me to see others with my avatar - I know there are other accounts that use it, but I'm not actually sure I've ever seen it...

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I have no idea what you are talking about. Nobody would just use the same avatar! Ever!;P

Tongue in cheek of course

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What really pisses me off is those a@+~%$&s that switch avatars all the time, or those dickheads that argue with their aliases, like their separate people! Grow up already!!

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only other person I have seen with this is Jelloarm
but Jelloarm usually makes sense and says smart things
so that is pretty much the way to tell us apart

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captain yesterday wrote:
What really pisses me off is those a$&!!!%s that switch avatars all the time, or those d~+*&eads that argue with their aliases, like their separate people! Grow up already!!

KC does that a lot..... I do it with a couple of aliases, like pappy smurf and mullet-over.

The rest of my avatars are for play by post games.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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I saw somebody else with this avatar. It was someone with the same real-life first name as me, and who had just gotten Top 32 in RPG Superstar the same year as me. Then we noticed that ANOTHER person with the same first name as us was ALSO in the Top 32 that year, so we coerced him into also changing to this avatar.

And those are the only people I've seen use this avatar.

I haven't seen many people use my avatar, but it doesn't bother me so much as cause an occasional confusion

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I've only run into others using this one rarely. It creates momentary "weirdness" of "Uh... is that me? What? I didn't write that..." but then it's all, "Hey! You handsome devil, you!" :D

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"Many have tried." "They tried and failed?" "They tried and died."

Seriously, there are a number of others with this one. I haven't seen them, though.

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KenderKin wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
What really pisses me off is those a$&!!!%s that switch avatars all the time, or those d~+*&eads that argue with their aliases, like their separate people! Grow up already!!

KC does that a lot..... I do it with a couple of aliases, like pappy smurf and mullet-over.

The rest of my avatars are for play by post games.

I was actually referring to myself :-)

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I try not to let it bother me

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I'll see how I feel if I ever find an avatar.

Shadow Lodge

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They will know pain, and they will know fear, and then they will die.

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You really want to know where your avatar doppelgangers are, try the PFS area, more then likely thats where they dwell, I know I see 50 people or so there using Nobodyshome's bard stick figure over there:-D

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I have sic'd Liam Neeson on them. The boat is mine! (At least until we get a proper viking ship).

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I've been posting so long with this avatar (9 years), and so often (23,000+ posts), that I like to think it's instantly-recognizable to members of the community, sort of like Heathansson's werewolf. But unlike Sebastian's pony, it's not exclusive, so occasionally I need to pop into a thread and announce, "Hey, that wasn't me that just posted all that stuff -- check the name!" And people are always like, "Yeah, that didn't sound like you!"

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I'm one of 64 people using this avatar. It's occasionally disconcerting to see "my" image attached to someone else's post, but no big deal.

My name is Griffin; if it were Damon Gelatinouscube a different avatar would be obvious.

If they allowed uploading custom avatars, I would probably just take the one I have now, flip it to face the other direction, and use that.

If I could pick my own avatar I'd totally be Brad Pitt in Days of Thunder

Paizo Employee Sales Associate

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I've never had that problem.

Paizo Employee Malaise-Inducement Construct

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Me neither.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

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I'm slowly but surely killing off all the other users of my avatar to absorb their power, Jet-Li-in-The-One style.

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I don't think I've ever seen anyone else using the Mother Queen, so I can't say it bothers me. I have seen the male equivalent once or twice though.

What does annoy me a lot is people who use the same avatars as some of the more frequent posters so I end up with those moments of "hey, you're not Rynjin/TOZ/wraithstrike/whomever".

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Arrghghh! Wrrrarry! Urtgh!

Because I wonder what I posted earlier in a thread...

Of course it would be unreasonable to be angry on others for having good taste, though.

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Parallel timelines, man.

Silver Crusade

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What bothers me more is when a user I see on the boards a lot changes their avatar to something else. Then I don't recognize them by their avatar anymore.

BUT, when that happened most recently (when redward dropped the circus bear avatar), I decided to change my avatar at the same time. Other people commented about me doing so, the same thing that bothered me obviously bothered them when I did it. Then, a RL friend of mine changed his avatar after seeing mine change, and now I don't always recognize his posts either.


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I never switch avatars :-)

Grand Lodge

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I do have those moments of "when the hell did I say that?"

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Other people using one of "my" avatars (taking into account the other avatars I use for characters) doesn't bother me. What occasionally confuses me is when I see different people with the same avatar posting. Then I have to tell myself, "Look at the name" because I can't automatically assume I'm always dealing with the same person.

I realize that the folks at Paizo have a lot on their plate. I realize that for them to make these boards available to us is an expense on their part that they would at best have difficulty figuring out the R.O.I. for. I am grateful for what they have provided. Nevertheless it would help if they could provide more avatars.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I never switch avatars :-)

You keep telling lies like that you could have a career as a politician, a government spokesman, or a newscaster. ;-)

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Yeah more avatars, although usually don't they add more around Gencon, and again maybe in the fall.... I might be wrong tho.... I wouldn't know personally :-)

Sovereign Court

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No bother at all ... I actually like it when someone with the same avatar posts in the same thread I have posted in simply for the "I don't remember writing that" moment.

Silver Crusade

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The same avatar as me? You ain't never had a friend like me!

sorry, had to!

Shadow Lodge

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Thanks for pointing out the sort by usage feature. Now I'm only one of two people with the Horrified Kyra avatar.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

None to me... after all these days, I create all my characters by pulling down images I Google.

And I don't use an avatar for my main posting identity.

Scarab Sages

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I guess there are other people using this avatar, but they can all kiss my lily white ass - I was first. They can just suck it.

It doesn't, though I don't actually post that often outside of one or two threads and play-by-post games, even though I've been here for years. In fact, I'm not sure I can actually remember seeing a post from someone else using the same avatar as that of my primary alias. I guess there are fewer fairy fangirls here than I might have expected. :)

I changed both my regular, no spaces all lowercase default name's avatar and this one recently, for different reasons.

The original had only one other user when I picked it (little black knight lookin' guy). I just wanted something unique. I think I did enough posting to where people started to recognize me by it, but I realized it didn't reflect my handle at all, so I switched to a plant avatar to fit in with my theme, especially since I've got the whole tea based thread going on, though admittedly that has held topic only about 20% of the time.

This properly grammatical format alias had a plant based avatar, but he was in use by quite a few people so I figured, while I was changing the original, I might as well change this one.

I don't mind seeing double ups too much in other people, except when they're...more known names. Then it's weird. TriOmegaZero and Trinam really need to sit down and figure which of those two gets that picture. It was okay when Trinam was on hiatus, but with him back, I can't handle this madness!

I have to admit, I do like the look of this one better, even if my old armored dude might have spawned recognition before.

14 others have my same avatar. hm. I dont think Ive ever seen another.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's actually a little more jarring for me when this art shows up in the Adventure Card Game. I feel like I have to keep a Soldier in the decks because - hey, it's me!

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For my default, board using avatar, it doesn't bother me at all since I don't really identify with it so much as the one I use on other boards (which is this or this if anyone cares. Yes, the second one looks much better when smaller).

I do sometimes do a doubletake though when I see it.

Though I get even more confused in PbP games when somebody in that game uses an alias I'm using in a different game. I have a moment where I go "Wait, crap, did I post with the wrong character?".

I don't like it when I see other people using the same avatar as me. I have no animosity towards those people, I just want to poison them and become the only sneaky fetchling.

Dark Archive

In most contexts, I find it to be pleasantly surprising since the vast majority of my avatars were pulled off of the last two pages when listed by popularity.

The exception to this rule is in role playing threads. Having taken the time to find an uncommon avatar that closely resembles my character's appearance as I imagined them to look, it irritates me to no end when someone else shows up later in that thread with the same avatar as mine. I have the greatest urge to ask them to change it for the duration of that rp, but generally decide against it to avoid making a scene.

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