Level 12+ Play

Pathfinder Society


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I have been playing since Season 0, but I've never gone above Level 11. Now one of my PCs is 1 XP from 12th level. What should I know going forward? Are there higher-level play opportunities at GenCon?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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The specials at GenCon this year are for levels 1-11, so you can use them get to level 12, but no higher.

But you're in luck! There is much high level play available now, including the retirement arc Eyes of the Ten, which will level you to 1xp shy of level 14.

From there your options are largely Modules and APs, but it is possible to get a character all the way up to level 20. Once you get to level 18.2 run your character through the Witchwar Legacy. After that muster up a game day with 5 or more tables and play your character through Race for the Runecarved Key, and you'll ding to 20!

There are currently two known and confirmed level 20 PFS characters. You could be the third!

The Exchange

No Nefreet, Rushy will be the third. Imagine it. A level 20 gnomish alchemist who talks faster than most other characters can think.

And then uses his extracts to just run around and screw about. And ... I dunno, move things?

I would like to make use of level 9 spells and abilities as well as Epic feats etc in Pathfinder sanctioned play. I would like to see certain characters whom I heard so much about and see them in action. I would like to do those things.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I have one character at 19.0 who can't make it to 20 because I've already played Race for the Runecarved Key with him. I have another who skipped Eyes of the Ten and just played modules. He'll be to 19.0 in a few months. I for one would love to see adventures for 19+ characters. Perhaps anything beyond level 20 is unrealistic, but more options to get to level 20 would be nice. Perhaps I'm alone in this. :)

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Yeah, getting to 19.2 isn't a problem anymore. It's that last leap from 19.2 to 20 that's difficult.

Luckily, with GM Star replay, and Core, it's possible to get 5 characters to 20 that way.

Probably a little boring, though. At this point it'd just be for bragging rights.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Sadly, its rather difficult to get a group of 13+ level characters together much less get them to 20. The route is currently so bottlenecked its sad. Its one of my few bad rants about Paizo. The rules for every class in most rule books go to level 20 but there is only really one way to get there. I have heard a lot of excuses of: well its only for GMs to make characters to throw at the players, or Paizo does not really have the resources or time to make another high level module, and finally: most people don't really play that high of level and combat takes soooo long. In reality combat really isnt that long. The fights are no different from any PFS scenario.

After running both Academy of Secrets and Tomb of the Iron Medusa, Paizo just needs to realize that not every room has to have an encounter in it. Given that most of the modules are now over five years old, you would think that Paizo would give us some new material. (Eric Mona or Jason Bulmhan if you are listing!!)

Now having said that let me bring back the positive: The modules that Paizo has made that are PFS legal are simply outstanding. They are fun to play, and run. I would just like to see more of them.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Yeah I agree. I think that a good compromise would be just one 12+ or 15+ scenario per year that they do as a special, like they did with Race for the Runecarved Key. That way anyone who was level 18 or 19 would at least get the chance to gain 1 XP once a year and play something new. Doesn't seem like lots of work and I know several players who would like that.

5/5 *****

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Arnvior wrote:
Sadly, its rather difficult to get a group of 13+ level characters together much less get them to 20.

You could always try and sort out a group online where availability is generally a bit easier to organise. I've managed to play and run quite a bit of 12+ games that way including Eyes of the Ten, Academy of Secrets, Tomb of the Iron Medusa, The Moonscar and plenty more.

The PFS Google Group is a good starting point.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Seamstress_Druid wrote:
I would like to make use of level 9 spells and abilities as well as Epic feats etc in Pathfinder sanctioned play. I would like to see certain characters whom I heard so much about and see them in action. I would like to do those things.

There are no Epic rules in Pathfinder, and save for one low level scenario, Mythic is not used either.


Nefreet wrote:

There are currently two known and confirmed level 20 PFS characters. You could be the third!

There is another?


Scarab Sages 5/5

Mattastrophic wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

There are currently two known and confirmed level 20 PFS characters. You could be the third!

There is another?


Chris Hays, VC West Central Illinois, has a level 20 life oracle

Silver Crusade 2/5

Was there also a necromancer that is level 20 as well?


I believe Andrew Shumate has one as well. I think we have enough for a special table of something. Anything...


Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Kristen Gipson wrote:
Mattastrophic wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

There are currently two known and confirmed level 20 PFS characters. You could be the third!

There is another?


Chris Hays, VC West Central Illinois, has a level 20 life oracle

Ooo! I had not heard of that.

So, 3, possibly 4?

I do believe Matt was publicly the first.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

If only somebody could take the time to create a thread dedicated to 20th level characters...

5/5 5/5 *

Arnvior wrote:
Sadly, its rather difficult to get a group of 13+ level characters together much less get them to 20. The route is currently so bottlenecked its sad.

There needs to be more higher-level modules. Because you only get to play one character into the teens, my local group hasn't been able to play the higher-level stuff at all because we keep fighting about which character to play.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Spencer Ramirez wrote:
Was there also a necromancer that is level 20 as well?

Yup! Adari.

Mattastrophic wrote:

I believe Andrew Shumate has one as well. I think we have enough for a special table of something. Anything...


Also yes. Got to 20 at the same table as Adari. I don't remember his character's name, though.

Grand Lodge 4/5

My online group is working our way there. Tomb of the Iron Medusa is up next, but we're waiting for someone to get play credit before they run it for the rest.

4/5 ****

TheFlyingPhoton wrote:
Because you only get to play one character into the teens

I have a level 17 character and a level 16 character and a level 15 character and a level 13 character and 2 level 12 characters.

At say level 15, there are currently 10 adventures available to play, each earning 3xp. (+2 specials earning 1xp)

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

You can take 5 characters to level 20.

Play #1 to 20 in Standard.
GM #2 to 20 in Standard.
Play #3 to 20 in Core.
GM #4 to 20 in Core.
Use a GM Star replay to get #5 to 20 in either campaign, either via playing or GMing.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Sorry for the thread necro (pun half intended), but I just noticed this thread and thought I'd contribute. I do indeed have a 20th level character - Venture Captain Edwin LeBlanc, Baron of Taldor. Also at the table with myself and Adari's player was Adam Swinder, a former VC, who took his paladin to 20th level.

Aside from us, though, I do know that James McTeague, the VL for Philadelphia, has at least two level 20 characters, and I'd imagine he'd be the person to talk to regarding finding more of them.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Adam's Paladin is 19.2, I believe. He didn't actually make it to 20 from what I remember.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Jeff Merola wrote:
Adam's Paladin is 19.2, I believe. He didn't actually make it to 20 from what I remember.

Oh, that's right. Well, still, point stands regarding James.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I just recently got my Dark Tapestry Oracle(Venture Captain Adi Luura) to 20 with a northern VA session of race.

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