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Yeah I agree. I think that a good compromise would be just one 12+ or 15+ scenario per year that they do as a special, like they did with Race for the Runecarved Key. That way anyone who was level 18 or 19 would at least get the chance to gain 1 XP once a year and play something new. Doesn't seem like lots of work and I know several players who would like that. ![]()
I have one character at 19.0 who can't make it to 20 because I've already played Race for the Runecarved Key with him. I have another who skipped Eyes of the Ten and just played modules. He'll be to 19.0 in a few months. I for one would love to see adventures for 19+ characters. Perhaps anything beyond level 20 is unrealistic, but more options to get to level 20 would be nice. Perhaps I'm alone in this. :) ![]()
So I will be GMing Carrion Crown soon and one of my players wants to play a Drow who is disguised as a half-elf. I told him that it might be difficult because of the checks involved, both with NPCs and with the other players. Should I try to dissuade him from this? Can people give me some suggestions as far as how he should best go about this? If he fails the check, how will a Drow get by in Ustulav if he's found out? Thanks! ![]()
teribithia9 wrote:
Yes, this is what I was saying. These characters from the Codex are not allowed for PFS play in modules. It would be nice if they were, or other characters from the Codex which are of the same level as the module in question. Again, only to make a legal table, not to be used by a player as their character. ![]()
I definitely see the point of wanting high-level play as a reward for PCs who have played a character through to retirement. However, it would be quite easy to have high-level pregens that can only be used to make a legal table. Paizo would simply mention in the Guide to OP that high-level pregens cannot be used as a regular PC the way that other pregens are. They would allow them only for the creation of a legal table where there are three players and a GM. ![]()
Please point me in the right direction if this has already been addressed. I am part of a high-level PFS group who are now playing modules beyond 12th level. We've already played Academy of Secrets. We were supposed to play Tomb of the Iron Medusa today but one of our players canceled at the last minute, leaving us with 3 players and a GM. If this were a regular PFS scenario of 1-11, we could use a pregen as an NPC and keep it as a legal table. However, there appear to be no such allowances for high-level modules. Is this something that could be addressed in future editions of the Pathfinder Society Guide to Organized Play? If there is already a solution for us, can someone direct me to the source? ![]()
So I just purchased Celestial Armor for my Ranger's wolf animal companion, who has light armor proficiency and an Int of 3 so that's not an issue. However, according to the PFS FAQ, animal companions cannot use command words, so he could not activate the fly ability on the armor. Could my Ranger activate the command word for him if I wanted to use the fly ability? ![]()
Michael Brock wrote:
Mike, this latest thing you said seems to be in direct contradiction to what you said about two weeks ago. When I asked if a character who is 11.2 can just keep playing modules for full credit if they don't intend to play Eyes of the Ten, you said: "We are going to stick with what is in the Guide currently. If we make exceptions, then it gets too confusing. If you are not going to play in EoT, then play one additional 7-11 scenario to make it to 12th to then play a module." Now you are saying that a character who is at 11.1 or 11.2 and plays modules and has no intention of playing Eyes of the Ten can get that full credit and doesn't need to stop at 12.0. ![]()
I'm curious to know if there will be more sanctioned modules added any time in the near future, especially for 12+ play. I do hear people keep mentioning Moonscar something or other, but that is not yet on the list of sanctioned modules. When can we expect to receive a Chronicle for that and for any others? ![]()
kinevon wrote:
I second this query. I would really like Mike to weigh in on this as well since it seems from several of the forums that the big issue is just to make sure that no one plays any part of Eyes of the Ten at level 14. There seems to be no issue with being level 14 once you END Eyes, but this really needs more clarification. Also, can a 12.0 character play a 1XP Special before Eyes of the Ten? Can a character who is 11.2 get full XP for a module if they have no intention of playing or GM-ing Eyes of the Ten? ![]()
I just picked up a flaming bow for my ranger, who also has the Clustered Shots feat. I have two questions: 1) Does the 1d6 fire damage apply to each arrow that hits, including the two arrows from manyshot? 2) With clustered shots, is the additional fire damage from the flaming bow added together along with the regular arrow damage before subtracting the damage reduction? Thanks! ![]()
Actually, it seems that there is only ONE way to induce the coma: fail the will save against the first Evil Eye, then fail the second save (fort) against the second Evil Eye...at which point, immediate coma (in this case, underwater). If you make three fort saves while under a coma, you are no longer under the threat of death and you come out of the coma, but you still need to remove the curse somehow. I managed to make all my saves to avoid the death (although since I was never targeted twice by Evil Eye I shouldn't have even had to do that), but I paid 150 to remove the curse, so...I suppose those who died would have to get new or amended chronicle sheets which reflect simply paying the 150 gold for the remove curse. ![]()
So I have been using Hero Lab for my ranger and it has been working great so far. However, when I became level 4 my animal companion (female eagle) reflected a level 2 status instead of level 1, which I believe she is supposed to be (Druid level -3). When I turned level 5, she is showing level 3 and is set to gain an ability point at the next level, although I think it should actually not be for another two levels. So...what it seems is that Hero Lab made a mistake and gave her an extra level. It also seems like some of her stats/abilities are off. Am I right on this? Is this a bug that Hero Lab needs to fix? ![]()
I just wanted to make sure I'm doing this right. I'm a 3rd level human ranger and spent two Prestige to buy some Oil of Flame Arrow (cost 750) to use on standard arrows. Since the spell works on up to 50 projectiles, I'm assuming I can use the Oil on up to 50 arrows as well, correct? Also, what are the rules for the 1d6 extra damage when it comes to crits? Is it applied once or does it stack?
About Ferrek SilvertarnPerception totals
---------- Stone trap: +39 (+43 underground) Metal trap: +37 (+41 underground) Generic trap: +35 (+39 underground) Stone secret door: +35 (+39 underground) Generic secret door: +31 (+35 underground) ---------- Disabling Traps: +29 Disabling Stone Traps: +33 Background:
Most dwarves love crafts. Many of them are quite skilled in at least one form. Some achive great renoun for what they create. Ferrek Silvertarn is not one of them. Ferrek has always been more interested in taking things apart than putting them back together again. At the age when many of his friends were apprentincing to learn at least the basics of a craft, he worked for a locksmith. Unfortunately, he was a source of endless frustration to his master: He was a genius at opening locks, but had no desire to create them. After one ignored task too many, he was turned out to fend for himself. At this point, a less principled dwarf might have turned his talents to crime, but Ferrek instead turned to the other traditional trade of the dwarf - the army. As luck would have it, on his first real mission, he was part of a squad sent to push back a minor kobold incursion. This particular tribe of kobolds had devised some exceptionally clever traps, and it was only the newbie's sharp eyes and mechanical talents that kept his squadmates alive. After that mission, Ferrek was reassigned to a special team where his talents would be put to better use. This team specifically focused on designing traps, wards, and other border protections, protecting others from the kobold trapsmiths, and disarming anything left behind when the dwarves left an area or discovered a new ruin. It is in that last role that the Ferrek has come to enter the Tomb. More interested in the challenge than the fame, he convinced his superiors to send him on this adventure. Having spent decades refining his skills under all types of conditions, he now is prepared to face the most deadly traps known.
Ferrek Silvertarn
-------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1 deflection) hp 66 (9d8+18) Fort +8, Ref +14 (+3 bonus when set off a trap with a failed Disable Device check, +3 bonus vs. traps), Will +11; -2 vs. [light] effects, +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities Defensive Abilities deep warrior, evasion, trap sense +3 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 20 ft. Ranged +1 Underwater light crossbow +12/+7 (1d8+1/19-20/x2) Special Attacks hatred, sneak attack +5d6 Other crunch:
-------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 6 Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 22 Feats Cosmopolitan (Knowledge [arcana], Spellcraft), Extra Rogue Talent (Rogue [Trapsmith]), Improved Stonecunning, Skill Focus (Disable Device), Skill Focus (Perception) Traits Goldsniffer, Vagabond Child (urban) (Disable Device) Skills Acrobatics +14, Appraise +7 (+9 for small or highly detailed items when using a magnifying glass), Climb +9, Craft (stonemasonry) +9 (+11 on checks related to metal or stone), Diplomacy +2, Disable Device +26 (+30 vs stone traps), Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +15, Knowledge (engineering) +12, Knowledge (local) +15, Linguistics +7, Perception +27 (+22 to hearing checks, +31 to notice unusual stonework, +31 to hear the details of a conversation or to find concealed or secret objects (including doors and traps), +29 on checks related to metals, jewels, and gemstones), Sense Motive +11, Sleight of Hand +6 (+8 to oppose the Perception check of someone observing or frisking you regarding items in the sheath, +8 to oppose the Perception check of someone observing or frisking you regarding items in the sheath), Spellcraft +15, Stealth +4, Survival +5 (+10 when tracking, +7 to avoid becoming lost), Swim +1, Use Magic Device +10; Racial Modifiers rogue talents (canny observer, fast picks, terrain mastery, terrain mastery, trap spotter), careful disarm, craftsman, trap master Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Orc, Undercommon SQ +4 disable device and trap sense vs. stone traps., favored terrains (underground +4, urban +2), hardy, minesight, mountaineer, slow and steady, stonecunning +4, trapfinding +4 Combat Gear wand of detect magic (50 charges), wand of detect secret doors (50 charges), wand of expeditious retreat (50 charges), wand of magic missile (49 charges) , heartstake crossbow bolt (5); Other Gear +1 leather armor, +1 underwater light crossbow, crossbow bolts (95), crossbow bolts (5), bag of holding i, belt of incredible dexterity +2, burglar's bracers, cloak of resistance +3, gloves of reconnaissance, handy haversack, headband of mental prowess +2 (Int, Wis), dark blue rhomboid ioun stone, lenses of detection, ring of protection +1, traveler's any-tool, tremor boots, wayfinder, adventurer's sash, bell net, camouflage netting, camouflage netting, camouflage netting, camouflage netting, dwarven trail rations (14), earplugs, folding chair, folding chair, folding ladder, folding pole, folding table, glass cutter, glue paper (10), iron spike (20), iron vial (5), magnet, magnifying glass, neck guard, periscope, reinforced scarf, rogue's kit, sewing needle (2), shovel, folding, signal whistle, silk rope (100 ft.), smoked goggles, stove can, string or twine (4), thieves' tools, masterwork, wrist sheath, wrist sheath, 164 gp, 9 sp, 3 cp --------------------