VMC on Cohorts or Eidolons

Rules Questions

I'm pretty sure that in a game using VMC that cohorts using VMC ought work without real problem, and as they must be taken at first level it is not possible to try and put VMC on Animal Companions, who don't have the INT for it at the start, or technically exist as 1st level controllable entities.
My question is how would VMC work with Eidolons? They are played from their first HD and have the feats to take as VMC, but they aren't exact characters and have their own rules so I'm not sure.

Or it could just be the fact it is almost 4am making me unable to see the obvious answer.

I'm pretty sure you can't multiclass when you don't have a class to begin with.

Eidolons and Animal Companions certainly shouldn't qualify under normal circumstances considering they don't have classes.

As far as chohorts, well there doesn't seem to be any reason why they couldn't. They do have class levels.

As to whether it would be reasonable to allow animal companions or eidolons the ability to give up every 3rd feat they would normally receive to gain the benefit of VMC. Possibly. But it would definitely be a house rule.

As it sits, eidolons and animal companions definitely don't qualify though.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

What do you mean by 'VMC' in this context ?

What about NPC classes, do people think they should be able to VMC?

VMC is Variant Multi classing from Pathfinder Unchained.

If the campaign is using VMC rules, I don't see why cohorts, classed monsters, or NPC classes couldn't pick a VMC class if the DM allows.

I think NPC classed characters (warrior/experts/commoners) should probably just have those levels converted to "real" class levels before adding VMC stuff to them. But that's just my opinion. You don't see many NPCs with enough levels in only NPC classes to actually gain any benefit from VMC anyways...so this would be a minor thing at best.

(It also bothers me when NPCs have a mixture of NPC classes and Heroic classes, so that probably influenced my above opinion.)

Dark Archive

I like the idea of VMC NPC's and am using them in my campaign now. They are cool in that you feel that they would actually function rather well at their jobs. Exampe: npc guard(Warrior 7 VMC Magus) who has a familiar and can make his weapon actually have an effect on magical beasts because he can enchant his weapon temporarily. I was also thinking of running a low power campaign where the PC's would have to play NPC classes with VMC or level up as a monster(and have no LA or anything)

If the guard has that much magical ability why is he still a guard and not an adventurer? Did he take an arrow to the knee?

Claxon wrote:
You don't see many NPCs with enough levels in only NPC classes to actually gain any benefit from VMC anyways...so this would be a minor thing at best.

VMC works on Character level, so you will get the same benefit from NPC only levels as you will from a mix of NPC and Heroic levels. Maybe I just am not understanding you right?

(It also bothers me when NPCs have a mixture of NPC classes and Heroic classes, so that probably influenced my above opinion.)


I guess there will be no putting some bard on Azata eidolons.

Exactly how monster levels work is not as defined as it might be - thus leading to middle of the night wondering how broadly Variant Multiclassing can be used.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Samasboy1 wrote:

VMC is Variant Multi classing from Pathfinder Unchained.

If the campaign is using VMC rules, I don't see why cohorts, classed monsters, or NPC classes couldn't pick a VMC class if the DM allows.

Eidolons are not classed monsters, they're a class feature.

LazarX wrote:
Samasboy1 wrote:

VMC is Variant Multi classing from Pathfinder Unchained.

If the campaign is using VMC rules, I don't see why cohorts, classed monsters, or NPC classes couldn't pick a VMC class if the DM allows.

Eidolons are not classed monsters, they're a class feature.

I never said I thought Eidolons would be eligible. I said "classed monsters," like a bugbear shaman.

But I do find your concept that an Eidolon is not a creature bizarre. It is a creature and granted by a class feature, just like an animal companion or familiar is a creature and granted by a class feature.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Samasboy1 wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Samasboy1 wrote:

VMC is Variant Multi classing from Pathfinder Unchained.

If the campaign is using VMC rules, I don't see why cohorts, classed monsters, or NPC classes couldn't pick a VMC class if the DM allows.

Eidolons are not classed monsters, they're a class feature.

I never said I thought Eidolons would be eligible. I said "classed monsters," like a bugbear shaman.

But I do find your concept that an Eidolon is not a creature bizarre. It is a creature and granted by a class feature, just like an animal companion or familiar is a creature and granted by a class feature.

Major difference. Animal companions and familliars have a prior existence from their masters. Eidolons are literally formed from the initial interaction between a Summoner and an outer planar entity. There is no Bestiary entry for a pre-summoned Eidolon, only a rouge Eidolon that's been severed from it's master.

Spoiler for tangent on Eidolons

Literally everything in the Eidolon description disagrees with you. It says the summoner forms a connection to an outsider. Outsider are creatures.

It has a home plane. Creatures have homes.

You "summon an aspect of the same creature."

While the summoner gives the creature form the Eidolon existed before he connected with the summoner.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Samasboy1 wrote:

Spoiler for tangent on Eidolons

** spoiler omitted **

You said it in the spoiler "The summoner forms a connection with an ASPECT of an outer planer creature, not the whole creature itself.

No, he summons an aspect of the creature. The creature itself forms the connection to the summoner (not the other way around). And that's how all summoning works (the aspect part, not the connection part).

I guess you think you can't heal an Eidolon with cure spells since they affect "creature touched?"

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

But if you and your GM want to allow VMC for an eidolon, there is nothing stopping you from doing so. They have a base intelligence score of 7, which makes them smart enough to have class-like abilities, and they have the same feat progression by hit die that a normal player character does, so there is no issue with figuring out how to do it. And as I mentioned in another thread, how do you think Mark Seifter became a Rogue Eidolon?

Cohorts generally follow the same rules as player characters, so VMC obviously should work for them.

Animal companions have the right feat progression but initially lack the intelligence, while the reverse is true for familiars. There are definite mechanical problems with trying to use VMC with them.

Ignoring fluff, I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed in a home game. It's not overpowered or anything. VMC isn't usable in PFS so the RAW barely matters.

All that matters is if your own DM thinks it's cool.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If you're going to follow the rules for VMC in giving it to Eidolon, remember that you have to progress per Hit Dice, not Eidolon "levels".

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