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Almond m&ms > Peanut m&ms

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If you like them, they are for you!

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Captain Yesterday fun fact: I dislike chocolate, I don't hate it, I just don't like it, except chocolate chips and M&M's those I hate, can't stand chocolate chip cookies :-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
Captain Yesterday fun fact: I dislike chocolate, I don't hate it, I just don't like it, except chocolate chips and M&M's those I hate, can't stand chocolate chip cookies :-)
Orthos wrote:

What Orthos said.

(That said, there are certain kinds of cookies that I just don't like the texture of, while others swear by them. Hence, if you've mostly been exposed to one kind, I could see it.)

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However if you combine peanut butter with chocolate, well then you've got my attention :-)

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My grandma was a baker, my mom is a baker, I'm a baker, exposure to different kinds of cookies has never been a problem, in fact my mom made chocolate chip cookies specifically so I wouldn't sneak into them:-D

Here is the plan;

1/2 cup butter, softened

1/2 cup peanut butter

1 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 cup white sugar

2 eggs

2 tablespoons light corn syrup

2 tablespoons water

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 cups chopped semisweet chocolate chips

/lights cigar

You still have not asked me a question in my thread...I am sad. :(

Do you think you have the most favorite posts on this message board?

Is it your real goal to favorite soo many posts that you break the boards?

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John Kretzer wrote:
You still have not asked me a question in my thread...I am sad. :(


Tacticslion wrote:
This thread exists? (Neat!)

That is a question directed at you from your thread. Yes/no questions are still questions.

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captain yesterday wrote:
However if you combine peanut butter with chocolate, well then you've got my attention :-)

... peanut butter M&Ms?

captain yesterday wrote:
My grandma was a baker, my mom is a baker, I'm a baker, exposure to different kinds of cookies has never been a problem, in fact my mom made chocolate chip cookies specifically so I wouldn't sneak into them:-D


Planpanther wrote:

Here is the plan;

1/2 cup butter, softened

1/2 cup peanut butter

1 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 cup white sugar

2 eggs

2 tablespoons light corn syrup

2 tablespoons water

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 cups chopped semisweet chocolate chips



Planpanther wrote:
/lights cigar

Noooooooooooo~! Now it tastes all "cigar"-y! :(

John Kretzer wrote:

You still have not asked me a question in my thread...I am sad. :(

Do you think you have the most favorite posts on this message board?

Is it your real goal to favorite soo many posts that you break the boards?

Strategytiger wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
You still have not asked me a question in my thread...I am sad. :(


Tacticslion wrote:
This thread exists? (Neat!)
That is a question directed at you from your thread. Yes/no questions are still questions.

BAM, baby! ^ That's how it's done! :D

(Still working on it. Being distracted by other things.)

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I have no problem with blatant, whore-like attention grabs, begging for people to bump your thread for no other reason than self-centered narcissism, or perhaps a perverse goal to catch up to the heavy hitters like Mark, (JJ is untouchable at this point) but at least be honest about it. ;-)

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Not even JJ can touch the nigh immortal beast that is FaWtL :-)

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I mean, I've seen the thread, but it simply appears to be random nonsense.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Strategytiger wrote:


I mean, I've seen the thread, but it simply appears to be random nonsense.

that's exactly what it is *sniff* it's beautiful!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It's not quite as random as, say, the Slaad Thread, but yeah that's pretty much it.

FAWTL stands for "Forums Are Way Too Long!!!", a complaint leveled by one IssacX, creator of the original thread, two-time poster, and spawner of the largest six threads to grace the Paizo forums. The first three or four of those threads were used by Gary back in the developing days to stress-test the forum, and were closed when they started breaking things. The fact that the sixth is still going is a monument to both the persistence and ridiculousness of the current participants as well as the stability of the forum at this time.

For now.

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GB, haven't seen you in a while. I thought you gave up on us to formulate plans to more efficiently catch salmon or something!

At least the Slaad thread started as a collection of impressive puns.

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Yeah, that's more or less what it's like watching things in that one Japanese place we go on dates to. Great atmosphere there, otherwise. Go figure.

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Sorry I haven't been using my kitty cat alias, meow embarrassing for me :-)

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SomethingsomethingCaracal wrote:
Sorry I haven't been using my kitty cat alias, meow embarrassing for me :-)

We will magnanimously forgive you. :)

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You must be lucky, TL. Being a good person is a daily struggle for me. I'm naturally a horribly selfish judgmental arrogant jerk, and I work daily to push that down and evolve into a better person. I'm pretty convinced I've got it down, and I've done it enough where the actions are second nature, but the thoughts still remain, so playing a villain just comes naturally to me. I just think to myself, "what would I have done ten years ago, especially if there was no chance I'd get caught?" And then maybe expand upon that, because at my worst I still wasn't a sociopath.

I don't think I like being the hero because there's no intrinsic reward for it in fantasy. Being a villain is just easier and rewards better on average.

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Pssccch. We all (well I) have thoughts I don't like or struggles we've got.

As I said. As a GM, I'm solid. I just hate the things that come up with it, so, as a PC, I just... leave it.

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So... Based on reading this thread, but NOT reading TL's spoilers, I'm guessing my dragon-slayer character will soon be fighting ... um... Elephant Dragons, maybe? LOL
Interesting. :)

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Promoting somone's YouTube channel after only listening to three songs?! Yes. Yes, I am.

Crystallize is a nice cover (though nothing really new).
The Rains of Castamere is lovely.
Oogway Ascends is wondrous. All the feels. :D

EDIT: Also, you guys should YouTube the Harp Twins, Apocalyptica, and 2Cellos.

Tacticslioness wrote:

So... Based on reading this thread, but NOT reading TL's spoilers, I'm guessing my dragon-slayer character will soon be fighting ... um... Elephant Dragons, maybe? LOL

Interesting. :)

... sure, why not?!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslioness wrote:

So... Based on reading this thread, but NOT reading TL's spoilers, I'm guessing my dragon-slayer character will soon be fighting ... um... Elephant Dragons, maybe? LOL

Interesting. :)

Mmmmm....Elephant Dragons....

Don't give the GM any ideas

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Sssshhh~! You'll give away all my secrets!


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GM Tacticslion wrote:

Sssshhh~! You'll give away all my secrets!


What secrets? That is GM basic 101...take a idea a player throws out in passing...often in a humorous way and make it a reality.

Why else do you think in a campaign I was playing in we fought Mind Flayer Mummy Monks...because someone else had to make a joke.

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I like taking former PCs and bringing them back with various undead templates.

The tetori monk made real quick work of the party when he came back as a vampire. In my defense, nobody told the fighter it was a good idea to try and out-grapple him, especially when the rogue had a mithral dagger and could easily flank instead of aiding another on the grapple. I can't be held accountable if my party employs subpar tactics.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
EDIT: Also, you guys should YouTube the Harp Twins, Apocalyptica, and 2Cellos.

Big fan of Apocalyptica. Will have to check out the other two.

In return, I recommend Lindsey Stirling and The Piano Guys if you're not familiar with either.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Tacticslion wrote:

Sssshhh~! You'll give away all my secrets!


I love that template so much.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


(Spamming this on a few threads. Weeeeee~!)

Gambitbear wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
EDIT: Also, you guys should YouTube the Harp Twins, Apocalyptica, and 2Cellos.

Big fan of Apocalyptica. Will have to check out the other two.

In return, I recommend Lindsey Stirling and The Piano Guys if you're not familiar with either.

YES! They are both so great!

Gambitbear wrote:
GM Tacticslion wrote:

Sssshhh~! You'll give away all my secrets!


I love that template so much.

YUS. >:D

Sovereign Court

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Speaking of rains of castamere being a huge National fan I was elated that Matt Berninger did the vocals for the show.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pan wrote:
Speaking of rains of castamere being a huge The National fan I was elated that Matt Berninger did the vocals for the show.

Nice! :D

*hits replay ten+ times*

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You know, Game of Thrones is just one thing I've not watched. I enjoyed the book though!

But... Peter Dinklage... fantastic music... guh.

Regardless, that is an amazingly well-done thing.

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The sex and violence are too much for me. So I've avoided the series, despite several assurances that the storyline is excellent.

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Why do you call yourself Tacticslion?

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John Kretzer wrote:
Why do you call yourself Tacticslion?

Because my normal avatar for most forums that I'm on reflects quite well that particular name. When I came here, they lacked the ability to have said avatar, hence I ended up with this one instead.

The short version is that I am a huge nerd.

The slightly longer version is one of my favorite games is Final Fantasy Tactics.

My most usual avatar is based on the character portrait is this guy, so I took the name "Tacticslion".

My earliest names were varied, but the one that means the most to me, personally, was the various interpretations of "Bronze Lamb Regiment" or "Bronze Lamb Regular" (usually all smashed together and cut off at some arbitrary point), as that was my way of honoring my still-born nephew (who had the image of a lamb embossed on his grave-marker).

More on that, if you care.:
He saved his twin sister's life by moving in surprisingly precise ways that forced my sister to give birth quite early; however it saved my niece's - his twin sister's - life, because he had, somehow or another, gotten very, very ill, and each day that passed made it ever-more-probable that she would have the same and be stillborn as well. His actions killed him, literally causing his body to give out early, but saved her life.

I think I linked "Lion" to "Lamb" due to all of my Biblical background, and went from "Bronze Lamb <Regiment/Regular>" to "Tactics Lion". It was at first tacticslion, and now Tacticslion.

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Gambitbear, read the books instead. The sexual stuff is mentioned, but isn't as graphically in your face as the show. It is a little graphic, but not nearly like the show, maybe a paragraph here or there you can easily gloss over.

TL...um...I don't know what to say about that story, except sorry for your family's loss

Tactics was arguably the best game Square ever made, and yet every single sequel to it was a great big steaming pile of donkey droppings. I almost said horse, but no, it's not even horse, it's donkey. It wishes it was horse dung. Horse waste would be an improvement to the sequels.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Strategytiger wrote:
Gambitbear, read the books instead. The sexual stuff is mentioned, but isn't as graphically in your face as the show. It is a little graphic, but not nearly like the show, maybe a paragraph here or there you can easily gloss over.

It really is a great book.

Strategytiger wrote:
TL...um...I don't know what to say about that story, except sorry for your family's loss

Thank you. We've had our other ups and downs since - it was but one loss among them - but it was also at an important developmental time, and really impacted me for several reasons (as it was the first tragedy in my close family - i.e. Father/Mother/Sisters/spouses/children - to die, as well as the first "children" in my family after me; I was pretty young, too).

That said, though very sad, it's also uplifting. We should all be able to go out by saving someone else's life.

(Incidentally, she's top of her class, harp player, soccer, star track-runner, a ludicrously tall* blonde, and a freakin' savant in several categories. Her sisters - a second set of twins - are similarly blessed, though each is very different from the other. And my other sister's family is super-awesome, too!)

* She strictly gets this from her father's side of the family. >.>

Strategytiger wrote:
Tactics was arguably the best game Square ever made, and yet every single sequel to it was a great big steaming pile of donkey droppings. I almost said horse, but no, it's not even horse, it's donkey. It wishes it was horse dung. Horse waste would be an improvement to the sequels.

I tend to feel the similarly - I really disliked the game-play redesigns, the complete rejection of canon, and the difference in art and atmosphere in those games (though I really liked some of the elements displayed in Vagrant Story*).

That said, it always strikes me when the game receives so much praise... and keeps me humble. I mean, it seems Advance was a massive best-seller.

Also, my early history with FFT is kind of hilarious. When I first got it, I was so daggum excited. I loved the idea!

... so I plugged it in, started the thing up, go through the tutorial battle, watch the two cutscenes (with the obscenely long and entirely unskippable "text crawl" chapter 1 introduction) and... proceeded to fail at the first "real" battle.

Well that ended poorly. But that's okay, I'll just retr-... oooorrrrrr, I'll start all over again. Okay. Fun tutorial battle. Neat mystery. Ugh the textcrawl. Okay opening. Fight! Fail.

Well, okay, I'll just have to try again. Oh, right, from the beginning. Uuuurrrrrgggghhhh so loooooooonnnnggg. Okay, but I'm back at last! Aaaaaaand fail first battle.

Look, I freaking mastered Ninja-stinking-Gaiden. I can do this. I'll just try again. After the long cutscene and lousy crawl. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.



I nearly threw the stupid disk!

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... but instead, I sealed it up and put it away, never to see light of day again. Clearly, it was just a "bad" Final Fantasy, like Mystic Quest only the other way.

... but, in the way so many things happen, all of that changed when a girl came into my life.

I, uh, I still don't know her name. >.>

Uh... that sounds... well it sounds a lot more interesting than our meeting was!

She was a missionary's kid. Precocious, and kind of cool, maybe? I... don't really know. Regardless, I sure did hang out in her general vicinity for, like, three hours that one time. Yep!

And what happened was this. Since our parents were doing the boring adult things they did when they got together, we, being the far more intelligent children that we were, knew a much better way to spend our time: video games.

So I showed her my Play Station and Super Nintendo (and Sega, but I mostly kept that one in a drawer, as I had few good games on it), and offered her my game collection, and said, "Feel free to choose what you like." After all, I had to be the gracious host.

So, of course, she immediately gravitated to Final Fantasy Tactics.

"Oh, sorry!" I quickly correct. "No, not that one. I mean, you can, but it sucks. You'll get bored with it. Trust me."

She did not. And for that I will be forever thankful, even though I immediately resented her for thinking that it "couldn't be that bad" and "looks pretty and fun" instead of believing me.

So she loaded it up. I, being a young boy, urgh'd at the whole thing, but only internally - it wouldn't be nice to roll eyes and be openly irritated with company. Besides, maybe she could get past that first battle - unlikely, but maybe.

Okay, yeah, uhuh, right, yes, wait through all the different fun cinematics, start a new game, go through the first battle, win, yes, great, well done. Interesting hook-now-boring, yadda-yadda, a'right.

Blah, blah, blah, stinkin'-bllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh ihatethistextcrawlsomuuuuuuuuuuuuuch... ...

H'okay, loading screen for the first battle. "See, you can choose to place the protagonist Ramza wherever you want." I explain, patronizingly, "Not that it makes any difference." I add, snootily.

She places him. Then uses sorcery, and, all of a sudden, characters other than Ramza appear.

What. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.

Ò . o


I immediately wanted to take over. But, as she rightly pointed out, it was her time to play right now.

(Grr. I inwardly shook my fist, but she was totally correct, and I knew it.)

I demanded to know how she managed such a feat!

... as it turns out, she used the "L" and "R" buttons which, due to the games I'd played, had never occurred to me (and thoroughly started my obsession with reading the gaming manual first, when previously I'd been all about the play-and-learn).

She proceeded to place five people on the board.

Started the battle.

Won, like a boss.

Started her second battle. Had to leave. I said goodbye in a daze, as I watched the tantalizing screen before me. And lost really quickly, and had to start over FROM THE STINKING BEGINNING because she'd chosen to "save" Algus, and that idiotic little moron just kept RUSHING THE BADGUYS WITH NO SUPPORT!


... but I had learned something invaluable. And I had a new game to explore.

... aaaaaaaaaaaaand here we are.

What lies behind here is no longer true, but I'm keeping it nonetheless, because it's totally a Final Fantasy Tactics reference.:

EDITing in progress. Please wait. Loading...

Legacy of Kain, best f@+%ing game ever!!

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Dang it, Jiggy, I keep linking this thread!

I did the math and only 17% of my posts have been favored...you really have to start getting to work favoring all on my posts. ;)

John Kretzer wrote:
I did the math and only 17% of my posts have been favored...you really have to start getting to work favoring all on my posts. ;)

595/2401 for me. Get to work favoriting my posts, tacticslion!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:
I did the math and only 17% of my posts have been favored...you really have to start getting to work favoring all on my posts. ;)
137ben wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I did the math and only 17% of my posts have been favored...you really have to start getting to work favoring all on my posts. ;)
595/2401 for me. Get to work favoriting my posts, tacticslion!

... ahem.

"That's not how we ask for things." :I

(The answer will still be "no", but still.) ;D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I did the math and only 17% of my posts have been favored...you really have to start getting to work favoring all on my posts. ;)
137ben wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
I did the math and only 17% of my posts have been favored...you really have to start getting to work favoring all on my posts. ;)
595/2401 for me. Get to work favoriting my posts, tacticslion!

... ahem.

"That's not how we ask for things." :I

(The answer will still be "no", but still.) ;D

Sorry...can you Pretty Please with Sugar on Top start favoring all of my posts.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

At my parent's, celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary! Woo! Congratulations to them: they're AWESOME!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
At my parent's, celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary! Woo! Congratulations to them: they're AWESOME!

Congrats to them...my had theirs a few years ago...

Now a Question...

What do you say to the fact that Cosmo has favored more of my post than you? I mean you have to pick up the slack here.

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