Best way to buy out of print APs

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Grand Lodge

I'm interested in purchasing the entire skull and shackles adventure path, but for the life of me I can't find the wormwood mutiny (not even on eBay, atleast not recently) though I can find the other 5. I'm not a fan of PDFs.

Are there any resources that you guys/gals use to purchase out of print APs?

I'm sorry if this is the wrong board for this post.

Online: eBay+lots of patience , noble knight games,
Brick&Mortar: seek a FLGS that has it or try Half Price Books.(sp.?)

I'm seeking for the Bastards of Erebus for a while now. Missed a relatively cheap one on local eBay a while ... Amazon and eBay have it for fantasy prices over $ 100. Recently a few more reasonably priced ones cropped up on eBay. So patience...

Finding one in a bookstore or an FLGS is probably the best chance to get it cheap.

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A Tardis :-)

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the websites. It looks like the asking price is over $100 for the wormwood mutiny... Geez that sucks.

You would say that captain...

Grand Lodge

captain yesterday wrote:
A Tardis :-)


Oh come on now who doesn't like a Doctor Who joke :-)

Myself if it's out of print and not available as non-mint I just get the PDF, I don't have much money.... Or a Tardis :-)

I have the PDFs and I just print them out. I hate using PDFs at the table, but the print-out allows me to mark all over them.

Grand Lodge


Thanks for your help everyone :)

Like Thanael said above, lots of patience, but it is possible. You just have to periodically check prices. Not quite a year ago, Burnt Offerings' price dipped to $14 on Amazon so I snatched it up since at any other time it was around $40. Sure, it is a used copy, but still in excellent shape. The same thing could happen with the one you seek.

Edit: caveat, this was from periodically checking over the course of several months, but now my collection is complete so well worth it :)

You can also save/follow an eBay search and get an email when a new item is listed...

Noble Knoght Games is where I start for out of print RPG books - they see to have a decent turnover of stock (though I've never been looking for PF books there).

The best bet is to locate a FLGS shop which isn't on the metasearch engines like bookfinder or, via google advanced search. I got lucky with Bastards of Erebus with an italian shop for example.

You do realize you can print out the pertinent parts of the PDF and put it in a three-ring binder. It may even be easier to use than a traditional book in that case.

I think even posting on this website is a decent start.

For example, I own in print every Adventure path book up to the Numeria path, and there are times I could be tempted into selling. I think when Burnt offerings was up above $100 I nearly did.


Call around to game stores local enough the you can drive to them... many have older as on the shelves that are out of print online. My local store still has most of kingmaker on the shelves

You can get the PDF and with a good printer, print out a copy that is comparable or better quality than Paizo's for ! 20 USD.

Checking brick and mortar stores is probably best, when getting Curse of the Crimson Throne I found all 6 by visiting all the stores, even Seven Days to the Grave which I was fully expecting not to.

Black Dougal wrote:
For example, I own in print every Adventure path book up to the Numeria path, and there are times I could be tempted into selling.

Me, too. Well, unless you meant Numeria was the last consecutive one you bought. It was the first one I didn't buy. The Numeria AP broke my Charter Subscriber status.

Without that, I don't have a complete run of the APs anyway, so I could definitely consider selling any AP that I don't plan to GM or play in. But I'd only sell a whole set at once (6 volumes plus maps), so I'm no help to Flynric.

Online book searches, eBay, used bookstores are all good.

Some conventions are also good for finding things. Many attract traveling vendors with used items, while some have auctions/consignment sales. You can also ask the folks playing Pathfinder, especially people you don't see all the time.

Good luck!

Liberty's Edge

I need Seven Days to the Grave and its $75 on Amazon


Silver Crusade Contributor

Qstor wrote:

I need Seven Days to the Grave and its $75 on Amazon


PM me, please. :)

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Why do you need the original book? What is wrong with buying the PDF and then printing out the pertinent parts?

Complete-ism, the job isn't done until the collection is complete :-)

PDF is the way I went, not a lot of older pathfinder books in my area, can't afford to check elsewhere :-)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

You could take the pdf to a copy store and have them print/bind it for you (or the entire run of AP is you want print consistency).

As always, just my two coppers...


Do you know how much that costs, roughly:-)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
Do you know how much that costs, roughly:-)

Unfortunately, no, I do not know. I know several people who do this but never asked how much it cost them. (And, one of them owns a print shop and can print his copies there.) I have a wide format printer and color laser printer and use them to print copies of the pdf's that I want (or to print some of the fabulous art to hang on my wall or use in my games).

I am sorry that I could not be more help.


Oh it's all good one of these days I'll go into one and ask, hard to do with kids in tow, they hate those places :-)

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I printed out pages with my desktop printer.

Mind you, I copy-pasted it into a Word Document to get rid of the color and graphics - all I needed for the game was the text.

Here is a URL for Staples and printing costs.

If you want it in color it costs more. I'd be guessing 42 cents per page. Black and white would be 8 cents a page. And you can always decide only to print the parts needed for the game, which reduces your page count.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Do you know how much that costs, roughly:-)

Perfect bound 100 page 8.5 x 11 full color paperback = $20.15

Hardcover is $33.15

So... roughly the same price as the AP volume on it's own?

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