Got bank?

Pathfinder Society

What is the most gold your PFS character has ever had? What level were they at the time?

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I'm looking at 78154 gp once the Seeker arc gm certs drop. That'll be level 13.

Looking forward to a gelugon plate.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I saved for a couple of levels for my sorceress to get her Rod of Lesser Metamagic (Quicken) at 11th level. It's a 35 000 gold piece item and I think I had 39 000 at the time I bought it.

What's the average take on a the higher level scenarios?

Silver Crusade 2/5

There's a tier 12-14 module (3 exp) worth 45 000 gold pieces on the chronicle.

subtier 10-11 scenarios (1 exp) are often worth about 8 000 gold pieces each.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

And 7-8 are between 2900 and 4800 gp. 8-9 are around 500 more with 5-6 being a thousand less. Then you have out-of-subtier (meaning, being between two income brackets, so level 9 between 7-8 and 10-11), where you get the median between the two.

Generally, the newer the product the more you bank. Though the difference between, say, seasons 2 and 5 is pretty meagre.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Something over 102,000 gp at level 13.2. We were running a game where we were sharing GM duties. I had just finished a module to go up to level 11 and I then ran The Ruby Phoenix Tournament followed by Eyes of the Ten since I had already played in those with another character. This essentially gave me all the gold for 11th, 12th, and 13th level all in one lump sum. I bought a Belt of Physical Perfection +2, upgraded my armor from +1 to +3 and added Burdenless to it, upgraded my Selective Metamagic Rod to Greater, upgraded my Elemental (lightning) Lesser Metamagic Rod to regular, bought an Extend Lesser Metamagic Rod, upgraded my Headband of Inspired Wisdom from +4 to +6, upgraded my Cloak of Resistance from +3 to +5, bought a Pink & Green Sphere Ioun Stone and spent the rest on Pearls of Power.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Can you upgrade rods?

Silver Crusade 3/5

A friend of mine rarely buys stuff for her characters. We were about to play in a subtier 8-9 scenario with her and she hadn't made any purchases for her 8th-level fighter since first level. We told her that we were not going to play that scenario until she bought some better equipment. I think we helped her decide how to spend around 60k gp that day.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Muser wrote:
Can you upgrade rods?

I assume you are asking specifically about Trollbill's metamagic rods...

Is there some reason you think that might not be allowed?

Their listing is similar to a headband of inspired wisdom in that it is all in the same block with different prices for the different levels of the rod.

Edit to elaborate: you can't mix rods, however. You cannot put a metamagic effect on a rod of wonder, say; nor put two different metamagic effects on the same rod.

I look at some of the things in the Ultimate Equipment and think, "how does anyone ever buy that stuff?"

Silver Crusade 3/5

RaFon wrote:
I look at some of the things in the Ultimate Equipment and think, "how does anyone ever buy that stuff?"

Off topic:

A friend of mine once ran a high-level (I think it was 19th) one-shot game where everyone was allowed to create a character with the (before race modifiers, before level adjustments) array of 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, and with a budget of 1,000,000 gp.

It was a TPK.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

My L17 life oracle had 150K gp or so to spend before the current adventure.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

The Fox wrote:
Muser wrote:
Can you upgrade rods?

I assume you are asking specifically about Trollbill's metamagic rods...

Is there some reason you think that might not be allowed?

Their listing is similar to a headband of inspired wisdom in that it is all in the same block with different prices for the different levels of the rod.

Edit to elaborate: you can't mix rods, however. You cannot put a metamagic effect on a rod of wonder, say; nor put two different metamagic effects on the same rod.

As far as I've understood it, you have to sell your old one for 50% then buy the new and better rod for 100%. You can not sustract the price of a lesser rod from a greater, pay that difference and have your lesser rod suddenly be a greater rod.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Woran: What about a headband of alluring charisma? Can I upgrade that from +2 to +4, or must I sell the old one first?


The Fox wrote:
Woran: What about a headband of alluring charisma? Can I upgrade that from +2 to +4, or must I sell the old one first?

That's a flat numerical upgrade, like armor and weapons. Lesser, x, greater does make sense, but is not necessarily the same style of increase.


FAQ for PFS wrote:

Can I Upgrade a Named Magic Item?

Named magic items—including specific armor and specific weapons—are not upgradeable. Non-magic specific armor and specific weapons may be upgraded normally. Magic armor and weapons may be upgraded to named versions if they are the same basic material and shape as, and meet but do not exceed the enhancement bonuses of the named versions. Wondrous items whose names include a +X value (such as bracers of armor, headband of vast intelligence, amulet of might fists, etc.) may also be upgraded following the rules for upgrading magical items on page 19 of the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

Upgraded versions of named magic items may appear on Chronicle sheets.

Intelligent magic items are not available for purchase unless they appear on a Chronicle sheet or are provided as part of a class or archetype (such as the black blade magus archetype).

The only thing called out as upgradeable are the specific +X items...

Silver Crusade 3/5

Fair enough. I hadn't read the FAQ. The guide is more ambiguous. It explicitly calls out the numerical bonus items, but then continues with "and so on." I certainly thought that if two items are in the same block in the rules, such as metamagic rods of the same type, then they are upgradable. *shrug*

Sovereign Court 2/5

Also this.

The Exchange 5/5

I'm at level 17.2 right now, but I'm a bit strapped for cash. I've only got 231,684, plus a little bit more when I get the refund for my +1 agile Mithral Rapier...

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Acedio wrote:
Also this.

Darn, looks like I have to rebuy some stuff. Guess I will have to hold off on the Selective Greater Metamagic Rod for now.

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