KingMaker Character Advice :)


My buddy is running a Kingmaker Campaign that I get to step into. Thus far, they have the following:

-Gnome Emissary Cavalier
-Half-elve Druid
-Human BloodRager
-¿Half-orc Alchemist? not 100%

I've read through it in preparation of potentially running it one day. The only party members you're sort of missing is a Charisma based and an Arcane class. Sorcerer could work, but I'd go vanilla Bard. You've got a pretty large contingent of potential buff targets (melee characters, animal companions, summons, etc), which makes bardic song really go the distance. You could focus on some archery feats to help shore up the ranged abilities (not sure what sort of Alchemist the other player may bring, but Half Orcs often are Melee Alchemists), you'd get a great smattering of skills which come in handy throughout various parts of the AP, and the staple buffs that you are currently missing (Haste, Heroism, Invisibility, etc).

One caveat, it's super easy for this character to usurp another for the leadership of the kingdom. If someone else is aiming to be the king, there are other roles you can fit into, but you really are the best suited for the role.

Bard seems reasonable, Skald can do the same...
Theoretically, the Bloodrager can serve as the CHA class, though.

Maybe Wizard or Witch? The later brigns arcane spells AND healing to the table. But battlefield control and blasting can be done by the druide, unless he goes melee.

If the Alchemist doesn't do bombing, you could use some ranged damage. We're back to Bards here, as they make very good archers and provide party buffs. Or you plan ahead and go Fighter/Wizard/Arcane Archer

Grand Lodge

Evangelist cleric

Arcane and charisma are missing. Healing is minimal as well. Ancient lorekeeper oracle is probably the best. I don't see that much ranged ability so the lorekeeper (as elf or half elf) can get his bow for that while being able to heal and add limited sorcerer spells to his list. Life oracle would probably be the most help and because it's good revelations are few even warisghted is an option.

So elven ancient lorekeeper life oracle (maybe warisghted) with 12,14(16),14(12),10(12),8,16 stats will provide you with the best healing in the game, archery, mystic theurge like spell casting, and more. Heck you even have better odds to overcome spell resistance :)

Grand Lodge

Life (or Heavens/Battle with Life secondary) Shaman would fill the same role as ancient lorekeeper, letting you pick up a broad range of arcane spells, with strong healing and support spells.

Tri-class as a Paladin/Magus/Wizard to be a tank that can play great support paladins gives buffs and healing, wizards gives buffs and longraged attacks, and maguses gives the ability to cast magic with heavy armor without penilty and gives better boosts to the first two classes

Everyone is right. Someone must be charisma based in this AP. Every job for the kingdom has one of two attributes you can choose from...

...except the Ruler him or herself. If nobody in your party is rocking a high charisma, either a) your nation will suffer from having a subpar baron(ness), or b) you'll have to seek out and find a charismatic NPC to rule as your puppet liege.

There's a ton of charismatic options; arcane casters are not, contrary to popular opinion, a requirement. Between the other three characters (besides the cavalier) they can pretty much cover most things a sorcerer can do - druids can control the battlefield, alchemists can blast, bloodrager can use arcane items.

What would really help this group in my opinion, is a bard or even more than that, a skald. You have four other characters and two animal companions - that's a lot of people to buff at once. Do you know how fun it is as a skald to give everybody in the party pounce at level 12, including the animal companions and everything the druid summons? The Cavalier will marry you if you get him and his horse rage?

Remember, the value of a bard or skald is directly proportional to the size of the party - okay for a solo, better for a small team, wonderful for a big ol group with a full caster that can summon like a druid.

And you can still fight pretty well yourself, drop enchantment and battlefield control, and be a backup healer if the druid goes down or the alchemist doesn't take infusion.

Plus, with your obviously high charisma and breadth of social skills, you are the go-to candidate to be the man in charge of the kingdom. General, magister, warden and the like are nice...but they answer to the ruler.

Would also suggest the bard.

Personnaly, would recommend a Buff/debuff build as you seem to already have a lot of melee guys (at least 2 maybe 3 if druid is also melee)...

Between buffs such as haste, good hope, heroism, gallant inspiration, saving finale , etc and debuff such as : cacophonous call, glitterdust, slow, soundburst, etc...that should complement your team.

If druid or alchemist goes the debuff way, you could switch to archer/buff build as someone suggested.

Plain old wizard. Kingmaker is about nation building and you can manage some pretty amazing nation building things with wizard spells, without curtailing your adventurer ability. Besides as you level being the "cha" person is more a matter of where you spend your skills and not choosing charisma as a complete dump stat.

The bloodrager and Cavalier can pretty easily fill that role as the rager is going to need a 14 cha to get access to the top tier of bloodrager spells and the gnome gets a racial +2 cha on his own. All they really need is to spend skill points in diplomacy/sense motive.

The alchemist and your wizard can take care of knowledge skill requirements.

For the setting an evangelist cleric of abadar would fit in pretty darned well with the goal of the AP, provide better healing/status removal options than the bard, allow for some of the same versatility of the pure wizard, bardic performance, and thematically, bringing civilization to the wilds is what that god does.

Wizard is probably the best fit. Or sorcerer, and you can use the CHA to heal from wands. But the wizard will give you the flexibility and knowledge the rest of the party is lacking.

Grand Lodge

I played an enchanter wizard book 1-2 and had as good a diplomacy as the bard I replaced. Plus kingmaker has lots of humaniods to dominate.

i still think you should go with the triclass i suggested earlier because a paladin would need high charisma for almost everything, a wizard would be very knowledgeable and be able to out think any situation, and the magus would allow you to be both the tank and the spell caster and it also allows you to be able to be a pretty fearsome ruler if someone tried to invade you.

Hey... this is the game my group is playing. I have a rogue, but I wish I had been a bard instead in retrospect (but I was completely new to Pathfinder at the time and didn't know better... although I like my character well enough. Just wished I did some things differently. I don't recommend a rogue at all).

Anyway, just to echo the charisma-based thing... I am the charisma based character in our party and it helps a lot. A whole lot. We do well with a strong "tank-like' melee barbarian, lots of magic with our wizard, alchemist, and druid. And then I do crowd control of sorts (I RP and use skills like bluff and such a lot or taunt enemies into going after me and I am hard to hit).

The only problem is, if you are the charisma-based character, count on ending up the baron or baroness. I hate the job, but my character does it well enough I suppose. I sometimes surprise the GM with my choices. I don't want to give away any spoilers though.

I don't dump all into charisma though. I focus on Dex first to be fair. Charisma is my second highest score. IT works out well because I can bluff a lot and get extra sneak attack damage if I hit. But we also have mythic characters and I took Show of Charisma (which allows me to spend a mythic point and add +20 to any charisma roll)

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