
TheWhiteWingFamily's page

Organized Play Member. 123 posts (158 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 2 aliases.


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I Bought a Clear Spindle Ioun Stone so I don't need to eat or drink, but my table mates(other players not gm) tell me it was a waste of money because my ring of sustenance does that. However the description only says it reduces sleep needed. Does it actually get rid of the need to eat and drink?

Thx for the info ill post the same question on Rules to get more info

If you could use a blackmarket and hatchery to get a griffion, hippogrif, manticore, and a chamara; the same could be done with a dragon right?

enlarge person affects humaniods and A.Animal gives a normal the humaniod body style

When you cast "Anthropomorphic Animal" on an animal(Large Dire Wolf) it counts as a humaniod, would that creature be affected by "Enlarge Person"?

Make the kingdom a darken kingdom, so the PCs can only see if the have Low-Light vision and/or Dark Vision; also throw in shades once in awhile to mess with the PCs.

the GM said i could get anything on the druids animal compaion list(non-plant) if I got the monstrous mount feat.

My old mount just died and I'm looking for suggestions for my new mount and my friend says I should get a T-Rex as my paladin mount I don't know about that.

the physicality of the race makes their minds to warp and become chaotic and unable to follow leadership.

My GM/DM conciters any kind of race change (recantation or not) to be a serious chaotic action enough to make your alignment change by one step and the D100 roll made me his custom non-lawful race.

Being turned into another race and that the race itself cannot be any lawful alignment.(its a custom race that the GM put into the game)

How does one redeem himself?
(The paladin is male please use the male pronouns.)

even if its not an evil action?

not a evil act but being forced to do something chaotic to save the group he is in.

What happens if a paladin is forced out of being lawful but remanded good?

You cannot use any real life swear words relating to race/raceism.
So when insulting people use "Dirty Half-Orc" or "Bloody Gobz" and for humans use "Paste-e Simplytons"!

I cant seem to be able to find out what Damage dice it would be.

how much damage does a great axe do if it's huge

My friend is playing Kingmaker and wanted to control demons/devil and make them use magic to protect the castle (as like the two devils who were used to control the dam back in the Runelords) and by using them to make an impenetrable shield.

My friend asked me if his paladin could enslave a demon or devil and still be LawfulGood.

Is this possible in anyway?

GM Holden wrote:

We ran the Kingmaker campaign for a long while and at first it was great. After a time though it began to drag on. There are two main issues with the campaign that we ran into:

1) Heroes as leaders of the kingdom
2) Kingdom building taking up too much time and generating too much wealth

Firstly, to have the PC's as the actual rulers of the kingdom seems cool but after a while it becomes increasingly awkward. For example, to have the King and all the high positioned officials vanish off into the wilderness all the time to go adventuring is encumbersome. Also, to be given quests and to be rewarded by regular townsfolk seems to be a disconnect...

"Hail King, in thoust wanderings outside of our domain please keep thine eyes open for this particular brand of berry I need for my soup. I shall reward you heartily for each bunch of berry that you return to me!"

As to the second point, the Kingdom building portion has the potential to turn into a real monster. If you have someone in your group (as we did) who really likes to min/max this can take up alot of time and in time can yield some pretty crazy levels of wealth and majic items (being automatically generated by the kingdom).

What we ended up doing (and I wish we had done this from the start), was that each player created two characters. One was their main character and adventurer. The other was a ruler or administrator, often with some sort of connection to the other character or party (my older brother is the king!). When the adventuring crew was off in the wilderness doing their thing, the other group of characters were busy running the Kingdom. Essentially the ruler PC's would assign missions or tasks to the adventuring PC's as required. We could also break the action and jump from the field back to the kingdom to resolve some important event for example. Sort of a "Meanwhile, back in the capital...". The alternate PC's could also be built from the ground up as the rulers of the kingdom, and didn't need to focus on combat effectiveness for...

This is a pretty good idea. I'll see if I can talk them into this.

our cavalier has been saying he will only need one mount (a war horse) throughout the entire campaign and that he will just kill anyone would say other wise before they could do it

you should have gone mount my dire boar is amazing he single handedly stoped a boss fight.

he was summoned behind the boss so the boss tried to slide under him and keep running but he sat down on top of him

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
TheWhiteWingFamily wrote:
Paladin/Magus/Wizard its very useful becuase you become able to slay/take down enimeys quickly. also what did you choose a mount or a powerful weapon?
This is not true. The spells of a 1st level caster are not going to be able to do much against a level appropriate monster. This also means he is either going to have to give up using heavy armor or he will have problems casting due to the armor. A magus can cast in armor but he is limited to light armor at 1st level. Both of these are also INT based casters and the Paladin probably does not have the INT to make this work.

for that character they'd have to focuse on magus mostly till the medium armor casting ability

Have a Tarask attack the area the decided to sleep at so when they all wake up they see the area is on fire and the Tarask attacking whatever moves.

it is a very simple task....

AWAKEN THE TARASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I going straight half-orc paladin of Torag (a very unique and strange type of character.) and he once was able to convince a red dragon to help him take out an evil wizard and his fortress.

Paladin/Magus/Wizard its very useful becuase you become able to slay/take down enimeys quickly. also what did you choose a mount or a powerful weapon?

yea that would be good since the last thing we wanted to have was a war

If a mount needs to be replaced after a good amount of time what about a familiar such as a Small Cold Iron Elemental?

Third Mind wrote:

Honestly, as long as the stat fits and they have the proper skills (strong diplomacy, bluff, sense motive, maybe knowledges) and corresponding attribute to make the most out of the bonus given to those in said position of power (I think its either Charisma or Intelligence), any character could be the King.

The way our party had done it, was basically people chose the position they wanted and that fit the character. Heck. Most of us didn't want to be King save for 2 and the party voted on those two (I abstained as my vote wasn't necessary). If it lands between you and this Cavalier and you both want to be king, I might suggest the same thing. Or, if you're feeling lucky, suggest the townsfolk vote. Maybe you'll have more noticeable exploits in terms of glory and they'll choose you.

As for general Kingmaker advice. Knowledge Nature is very big. As is of course Perception. Pick your extra languages (if you get any) wisely. I'd suggest Sylvan, Draconian, Giant and Undercommon if you can manage and have a reason for them knowing such languages.

Also, there may be times in the early game where you suddenly come across something bigger then you can handle. It's the luck of the dice in this case, as it may happen that a random encounter could involve your lv. 1 or 2 party facing off against say 2 shambling mounds or a troll if you're unlucky. In these cases... run. There's no legends of heroes, when they all die and no one is left around to tell the tales.

Anyways, hoped this helped.

Thx for that information its going to really help us out but a problem has come up of that the Dwarf Rogue wants to duel class as some kind of Assassin and be able to take out certain townsfolk that could threaten us but many dislike it

what i really want help to decide is who should lead the group. everyone play by how their character would do things. my character would be an Oread Magus till 5th LvL then become a Dragon Disciple till I hit max LvL in that. everyone else is going solo classing so I'm the only one going duel classing. I believe I would make the best leader/king for the group but the GM believes that the cavalier would be a better leader although he plans on playing a pretty greedy character and try to hog the glory which I think would make him a good General for the Kingdom.

we are going to have our bard focus on healing spells and have the magus(me) try to help if possible.

okay you just gave a rough explanation of the first two books I wanted advice if this is a good group and or avoid certain things and do certain things.

Our group has a Gnome Wizard, an Oread Magus, a Drawf Rogue, a Human Cavalier, a Human Bard, and (probably) a Fletchling Monk. No one has played KingMaker before so we are going blind. Any advice for the inexperienced?

I say that followers of Gorum should be TN/CN unless its a paladin.
have him play like a barbarian would mostly fighting and screaming and shouldn't really try to do things out side of battle.

oh okay that explains that

to be a good follower of Gorum you should be thee first one in battle and always kill someone in battle. avoid bluff, diplomacy, and knowledge checks. take what you want and if someone says you shouldn't punch them in the face. BE A JERK. it should be easy for him, right?

Sin Seeker and Familiar Resolute are listed as two different things under improved familiar and I'm not sure if I can get both because of that.

this guy shouldnt be playing PF. so i say he should either be kicked out or not be invited again. next time you play dont tell him that you going to and have someone secretly get his brother.

For my Magus Hexcrafter I was planning on getting a Sin Seeker as a Familiar but i want to make it a Familiar Resolute but I'm not sure how that would work.

for magical porpoise

of magic doing

magic sleeves

talk to the players about what class they want to be first before you start playing and make them stick to it the entire way. our barbarian desided he wants to be a wizard instead so he swapped characters so the GM told us to pretend it was a wizard the entire time then he went back to his barbarian in the same play session. Also keep multiclassing to a miniun and mmake sure to check every spell a PC takes cause they might try to modify it without your knowledge or take a spell their not spost to have. Also if they want to try to talk their way out of encounters instead of being murder hobos let them do that cause you can get some amazing stuff, for instence i was the team paladin and we snuck into the bad guys base with the help of the dragon you were spose to kill in sandpoint after we snunk in i was able to walk through a lunch room full of giants by asking them where their boss was.

what i meant was how in PFS u would work for a guild(TheSociety) and you'll do quests for them.
Also thanks for the recommedation for UC ill try to get my hands on that soon.

i have a guild my main character started and i was hoping to make it into a home brewed version of PFS and rake in the moneys with trading and merchants.

i already have a home Blacksmith, Wizard, Guardsmen/Workers, Gold Golem (custom golem the GM made), Red Dragon, Priest (NPC/barbarian+cleric), and a Pixie.

I'm already tradeing with an ironworks caravan and a water merchant.

i want to improve more and stop losing money(35GP every other month), gain much influence, get NPCs to join to be doing Quests and Errends, and improve the near by town known as TurtleBackFaery.

i still think you should go with the triclass i suggested earlier because a paladin would need high charisma for almost everything, a wizard would be very knowledgeable and be able to out think any situation, and the magus would allow you to be both the tank and the spell caster and it also allows you to be able to be a pretty fearsome ruler if someone tried to invade you.

Tri-class as a Paladin/Magus/Wizard to be a tank that can play great support paladins gives buffs and healing, wizards gives buffs and longraged attacks, and maguses gives the ability to cast magic with heavy armor without penilty and gives better boosts to the first two classes

i never played a arcane spell caster before only paladins and slayers

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