best \ list of camping spells :


as we started traveling weird places (lvl 12), i want to gain good spells for resting without monsters killing us.

web shelter, secure cortege etc are nice... but monster see the new building and attack it.

1) ideas ?
2) how to conceal (cheap) the creations of those spells?
3) other spells that can assist?

next level i will be able to create my own demiplane which is great, but hard to enter in \ out (plane shift will get us all in, but how do we all leave? )

if you are a wizard or sorcerer all you need is rope trick it lasts for 12 hours at level 12 caster.

Druids hide campsite is amazing!

As long as your in a small area, your campsite has greater invisibility. Until they enter the area they won't see or hear anything inside.

Secure shelter is Nice, dont worry about monsters attacking just kill them and take there XP.
But rope trick is the way to go. Just make sure the rope hangs Down up against a tree or somthing so it is not too visible.
You can also buy a tent and expect the ranger to handle stuff like this. That is what my Spell casters most often do.

Or animate a huge 4,5x4,5x6 meter house and make it permanent:) works best if you are small.

Cap. Darling wrote:
Or animate a huge 4,5x4,5x6 meter house and make it permanent:) works best if you are small.

baba yaga

666bender wrote:
Cap. Darling wrote:
Or animate a huge 4,5x4,5x6 meter house and make it permanent:) works best if you are small.
baba yaga

Yes you can let your imagination run Wild and have, somthing like, a giant beatle with a little house on top or just have a auto camper.

And if you can find a few caster levels some where you can make a gargantuan one.

My blight druid was fond of Grove Of Respite, and then at higher levels Fairy Ring Retreat.

Get a wand of "Keep Watch", a first level spell from Knights of the Inner Sea. It allows you to be awake and guarding for 8 hours and get all the benefits of a full night's sleep. If you have combat, however, you will have to recast or sleep. But a 12th level wizard/sorcerer can cover the whole party with that 1st level spell (1creature/2levels).

Depending upon number of party members... Teleport. Requires proper scouting of the reached area, probably marking it with very characteristic combination of traits to make it more unique and thus easier to familiarize with it.

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