Want to Play a Samurai, But Your DM Said No? Try Calling it a Knight Instead!


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Playing in a world with teleport or hell. .BOATS.. shouldn't require why you're playing a class by a different flavor.

You were born somewhere else. Then you moved.

voideternal wrote:
If a player chose a Samurai, grabbed a katana, and refluffed it as a Knight with a Flamberge(refluffed katana), how would you rule if the PC found a +5 Katana(not Flamberge) in a treasure hoard? Would you let the PC use the weapon / feat?

If the player wanted a Knight with a flamberge using Samurai mechanics, I'd probably discuss it and allow them to add the flamberge to the game as a new weapon with its own exotic proficiency requirement. Having established we're in a part of the game world with knights and flamberges, the flamberge would then be more likely to appear in treasure hordes than a katana.

Alternatively, he could write 'katana' on his character sheet. He can imagine it as a flamberge all he wants, but in game terms he's proficient with the katana.

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voideternal wrote:
Bandw2 wrote:
anyway, back on topic, who would and wouldn't allow someone to reskin a greatsword as you dual wielding shortswords? and why?

I would allow a player to use a greatsword as dual wielding shortswords, but not just as a reskin. As Matthew Downie says, there is too much rule-fluff overlap between item, weapons, and combat style for a simple reskin to solve the problem. There would need to be some houserules.

On a similar note, I find that the Samurai->Knight reskin is only acceptable because there are no rules (currently) that touch base with the Eastern fluff.
Suppose Paizo introduced a feat called "Eastern Weapon Expertise" that worked similar to Orc Weapon Expertise but only applied to Eastern Weapons, such as the Katana. If a player chose a Samurai, grabbed a katana, and refluffed it as a Knight with a Flamberge(refluffed katana), how would you rule if the PC found a +5 Katana(not Flamberge) in a treasure hoard? Would you let the PC use the weapon / feat?

Why wouldn't the GM refluff the +5 katana as a +5 flamberge? That's what I'd do if the player really liked the flamberge flavor.

This thread is getting extremely messy. Cudos to Charons little helper (amongst a few others) for trying to define what people are actually debating :-)

Refluffing (going with that term since reskinning apparently also means changing mechanics for some people), a greatsword into dual wielding short swords, is exactly the kind of refluffing i dont like. The worst part being that what is mechanically 1 item, is fluffed as two. This creates situations that breaks the coherence of the story/world.

refluffing a "katana" as a "flamberge" however, seems positively problemless, at least as long as the campaign is strictly western fantasy. For all intends and purposes the katana he is wielding is just that, a katana (except its called a flamberge and looks slightly different). If the party finds a katana, this is also a flamberge (because those are the same weapon mechanically, as defined previously).

The only thing that could cause trouble is if the GM suddenly decides to throw in some eastern stuff, and doesn't want the eastern weapon "katana" to be the same as the flamberge. In which case I'd argue that what he is doing is creating a "katana2" weapon, which happens to share the statistics of a katana/flamberge, but looks differently, and requires other skills.

Im btw still interested if anyone can give a nice argument as to why the GM should not allow reskins alla the one the OP suggests?

Taking the mechanics of a class and using them to play a thematically different (but mechanically exactly alike) character.


My personal take on the examples:

A) No mechanical changes what so ever, and no coherence breaking refluffing either. Knights are not a "group" according to the mechanics of the game, and only "fluff" is changed

B) Exactly as A...! The only different being that some GMs dislike the "samurai" mechanics (maybe they think tehy are to powerful and doesn't want them for that reason?... this could just as well have happened with fighter if anyone thinks they're too powerful)

C) The GM is very clear about a mechanical restriction on his game. The player doesnt break this mechanical restriction. And since samurai obviously exist in his cosmopolitan world using fighter mechanics to play one seems like the perfect example of a good reskin

D) This is getting a bit heavier on the GM. The mechanical underlay of the gunslinger class is tailored to fit medieval guns that break down, costs a lot, where ammunition is expensive, etc. If a nice reskin can be found that fits all of the mechanics of the gunslinger, including the technobabble part, then this is fine and dandy as well. But this requires a bit of worldengineering in order to make whatever special ranged weapon the player wants to use fit the role that guns usualy do. (Maybe someone has invented a "manticore quill firing device" which uses materials that are hard to come by in the setting, shoots quills that are hard to find/expensive and breaks rather often (insert more gunslinger tropes)). Bottom line, this can work as well, but requires the GM to want something that while it isnt guns, fills a similar role in his world. As you describe the GM he might be fine with that.

E) The player wants to use rules for a class that isn't allowed (or at least likely not... crossbows in the stoneage??), and on top of that wants to refluff it to being something that very clearly doesnt fit into the campaign. This seems ways and bounds away from anything like decent reskinning. this is the same as:

F) the GM wants to run a classic western fantasy setting, and only allows the CRB. Player turns up and says he wants to play a brawler from the new XXX book, and wants to reflavour it as a navy seal melee badass. ... just send the player away or hope its 1st of april.

It seems you're missing the scenario in which the player wants to refluff something he would be allowed to play unfluffed, into something that doesnt fit the campaign. Like:

G) the GM wants to run a classic western fantasy setting, allowing only the CRB. The player wants to play a fighter(the class), but have it refluffed into a samurai(the fluff).

And then fcause the "refluff" scenario where the greatsword is fluffed as dualwielding. In which case both the mechanics and the fluff is allowed in the setting, but the "refluffing" creates coherence issues (like the afore mentioned is it 1 or 2 items?)

Shandren Out

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Shandren wrote:

Im btw still interested if anyone can give a nice argument as to why the GM should not allow reskins alla the one the OP suggests?

Taking the mechanics of a class and using them to play a thematically different (but mechanically exactly alike) character.

well as another example, a herbalist might be an alchemist. they want to have the mechanics of alchemy but flavor wise they're mashing twigs and leaves together, and maybe a few flowers.

Or maybe someone is playing a rogue, but has more emphasis on combat ability in mind, so they play a fighter with several ranks of stealth and a higher than average intelligence.

@BigDTBone how do the monks in your game know the difference between a 1st level Monk (Martial Artist) and a 1st level Fighter (Unarmed Fighter), so they can stop a fighter from ever joining their monastery and becoming a monk (while still not being a Monk)?

Milo v3 wrote:
@BigDTBone how do the monks in your game know the difference between a 1st level Monk (Martial Artist) and a 1st level Fighter (Unarmed Fighter), so they can stop a fighter from ever joining their monastery and becoming a monk (while still not being a Monk)?

I'm not sure why you are asking me this. What did I say that gave you the impression this is an issue that needs to be navigated in my game?

BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
@BigDTBone how do the monks in your game know the difference between a 1st level Monk (Martial Artist) and a 1st level Fighter (Unarmed Fighter), so they can stop a fighter from ever joining their monastery and becoming a monk (while still not being a Monk)?
I'm not sure why you are asking me this. What did I say that gave you the impression this is an issue that needs to be navigated in my game?

You've stated it's houseruling to have a monk who isn't a Monk but instead a Fighter.

Milo v3 wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
@BigDTBone how do the monks in your game know the difference between a 1st level Monk (Martial Artist) and a 1st level Fighter (Unarmed Fighter), so they can stop a fighter from ever joining their monastery and becoming a monk (while still not being a Monk)?
I'm not sure why you are asking me this. What did I say that gave you the impression this is an issue that needs to be navigated in my game?
You've stated it's houseruling to have a monk who isn't a Monk but instead a Fighter.


BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
@BigDTBone how do the monks in your game know the difference between a 1st level Monk (Martial Artist) and a 1st level Fighter (Unarmed Fighter), so they can stop a fighter from ever joining their monastery and becoming a monk (while still not being a Monk)?
I'm not sure why you are asking me this. What did I say that gave you the impression this is an issue that needs to be navigated in my game?
You've stated it's houseruling to have a monk who isn't a Monk but instead a Fighter.

I'm trying to figureout how it could possibly work, since monk (rather than Monk) is an in-game lifestyle rather than a set of talents....

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
@BigDTBone how do the monks in your game know the difference between a 1st level Monk (Martial Artist) and a 1st level Fighter (Unarmed Fighter), so they can stop a fighter from ever joining their monastery and becoming a monk (while still not being a Monk)?
I'm not sure why you are asking me this. What did I say that gave you the impression this is an issue that needs to be navigated in my game?
You've stated it's houseruling to have a monk who isn't a Monk but instead a Fighter.

and you've confused a lot of people on your position.

for clarity, we were arguing about what is and is not house ruling during that time, and he personally is fine with it. NOT what is right and wrong, to do for reskinning.

Bandw2 wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
@BigDTBone how do the monks in your game know the difference between a 1st level Monk (Martial Artist) and a 1st level Fighter (Unarmed Fighter), so they can stop a fighter from ever joining their monastery and becoming a monk (while still not being a Monk)?
I'm not sure why you are asking me this. What did I say that gave you the impression this is an issue that needs to be navigated in my game?
You've stated it's houseruling to have a monk who isn't a Monk but instead a Fighter.

and you've confused a lot of people on your position.

for clarity, we were arguing about what is and is not house ruling during that time, and he personally is fine with it. NOT what is right and wrong, to do for reskinning.

The only ones who are confused are people who see "houserules," but read "badwrongfun." Why do people think identifying something as a houserule means that I think you shouldn't do it? Particularly when I spent the entire rest of the thread argueing in favor of it.

Milo v3 wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
@BigDTBone how do the monks in your game know the difference between a 1st level Monk (Martial Artist) and a 1st level Fighter (Unarmed Fighter), so they can stop a fighter from ever joining their monastery and becoming a monk (while still not being a Monk)?
I'm not sure why you are asking me this. What did I say that gave you the impression this is an issue that needs to be navigated in my game?
You've stated it's houseruling to have a monk who isn't a Monk but instead a Fighter.
I'm trying to figureout how it could possibly work, since monk (rather than Monk) is an in-game lifestyle rather than a set of talents....

It clearly doesn't work, which is why you need a houserule.

I don't understand why you thought it was a problem in my game.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
BigDTBone wrote:
Bandw2 wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
@BigDTBone how do the monks in your game know the difference between a 1st level Monk (Martial Artist) and a 1st level Fighter (Unarmed Fighter), so they can stop a fighter from ever joining their monastery and becoming a monk (while still not being a Monk)?
I'm not sure why you are asking me this. What did I say that gave you the impression this is an issue that needs to be navigated in my game?
You've stated it's houseruling to have a monk who isn't a Monk but instead a Fighter.

and you've confused a lot of people on your position.

for clarity, we were arguing about what is and is not house ruling during that time, and he personally is fine with it. NOT what is right and wrong, to do for reskinning.

The only ones who are confused are people who see "houserules," but read "badwrongfun." Why do people think identifying something as a houserule means that I think you shouldn't do it? Particularly when I spent the entire rest of the thread argueing in favor of it.

when you defend against something, generally people think you support the general opposing side. people don't read into what people type too carefully sometimes.

basically, by saying it's a houserule the average person reads that as, it shouldn't be allowed, even when they think you allow houserules.

BigDTBone wrote:

It clearly doesn't work, which is why you need a houserule.

I don't understand why you thought it was a problem in my game.

But the only reason it doesn't work is because your adding in a rule. There is no rule stating that you cannot be a monk without being a Monk. Living in a monastery, being all religious, introspective, and being a monk in everyway, would make your character a monk wouldn't it?

Also, I don't think it was necessarily a problem in your game. It's more curiosity on my part, trying to understand your interpretation so I can be less ignorant.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

honestly the number of published characters in APs and what not show that paizo doesn't think it;s a house rule.

Bandw2 wrote:
honestly the number of published characters in APs and what not show that paizo doesn't think it;s a house rule.

Even in the first Adventure Path they have a Monk who isn't a monk.

Milo v3 wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:

It clearly doesn't work, which is why you need a houserule.

I don't understand why you thought it was a problem in my game.

But the only reason it doesn't work is because your adding in a rule. There is no rule stating that you cannot be a monk without being a Monk. Living in a monastery, being all religious, introspective, and being a monk in everyway, would make your character a monk wouldn't it?

Also, I don't think it was necessarily a problem in your game. It's more curiosity on my part, trying to understand your interpretation so I can be less ignorant.

My position is very basic, the game defines exactly what a monk is. If you do something else it is a houserule.

BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:

It clearly doesn't work, which is why you need a houserule.

I don't understand why you thought it was a problem in my game.

But the only reason it doesn't work is because your adding in a rule. There is no rule stating that you cannot be a monk without being a Monk. Living in a monastery, being all religious, introspective, and being a monk in everyway, would make your character a monk wouldn't it?

Also, I don't think it was necessarily a problem in your game. It's more curiosity on my part, trying to understand your interpretation so I can be less ignorant.

My position is very basic, the game defines exactly what a monk is. If you do something else it is a houserule.

So all reflavouring counts as a houserule in your view, fair enough.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
BigDTBone wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:

It clearly doesn't work, which is why you need a houserule.

I don't understand why you thought it was a problem in my game.

But the only reason it doesn't work is because your adding in a rule. There is no rule stating that you cannot be a monk without being a Monk. Living in a monastery, being all religious, introspective, and being a monk in everyway, would make your character a monk wouldn't it?

Also, I don't think it was necessarily a problem in your game. It's more curiosity on my part, trying to understand your interpretation so I can be less ignorant.

My position is very basic, the game defines exactly what a monk is. If you do something else it is a houserule.

under this logic, anything that isn't an AP is a houserule, and all APs are house rules. EVERYTHING IS A HOUSE RULE!

Grand Lodge

Rules supporting an inflexible flavor, is a myth.

Bandw2 wrote:
anyway, back on topic, who would and wouldn't allow someone to reskin a greatsword as you dual wielding shortswords? and why?

I would not like that one. Why is this greatsword that is made of normal steel so light? Why does it not do as much damage as other greatswords? etc etc

I am assuming you mean to take short swords and pretend they are greatswords.

edit:If you actually mean pretend on weapon is two smaller weapons that is even worse because you are two far removed from the weapon and two weapon fighting mechanics. The consistency is too far removed for me as a GM.

BigDTBone wrote:
My position is very basic, the game defines exactly what a monk is. If you do something else it is a houserule.

The game definition of a Monk has nothing to do with what being a monk is in our world.

"These monks (so called since they adhere to ancient philosophies and strict martial disciplines) elevate their bodies to become weapons of war, from battle-minded ascetics to self-taught brawlers."
It doesn't define what these philosophies or disciplines are. Within this definition, practically anyone can take Monk levels as long as they have Lawful alignment.

I would also argue that allowing a Monk who has no interest in ancient philosophies or martial disciplines would be a houseflavor rather than a houserule. It seems worth distinguishing between a GM decision that lightning bolts can be blue, and a GM decision that lightning bolts fired into water affect a 30 foot radius instead of a line. The latter is a houserule that affects game mechanics.

But arguing about definitions of the words doesn't usually achieve much, so I'm going to stop now.

BigDTBone wrote:
My position is very basic, the game defines exactly what a monk is. If you do something else it is a houserule.

What "rule" is being changed? None, thus it's not a houserule. The only houserule here is you making up rules that don't exist.

Shandren wrote:

Im btw still interested if anyone can give a nice argument as to why the GM should not allow reskins alla the one the OP suggests?

Taking the mechanics of a class and using them to play a thematically different (but mechanically exactly alike) character.

I have heard it ruins their(GM's) fun. They don't feel like eastern things belong in certain campaigns, and if a player changes the flavor he is trying to use a loophole. This has been argued even when it actually makes the character weaker.

I have also heard people should use what Paizo gives them, and only reflavor when Paizo has not created anything that matches the flavor they want. So as an example I could not use a monk, rogue, ranger or slayer as ninja because Paizo has a ninja class now.

etc etc. The list goes on.

PS: I don't support these. I am just giving you a preview of what might come.

I think to most people a houserule is a change in the actual mechanics, not the flavor. That is how I have always seen it used in other RPG boards also.

Example: Saying Rage is just someone being focused is not a houserule, but a change in flavor. The actual rage mechanics have not changed.

If rage only works against a certain race then you have a houserule in play.

BigDTBone wrote:

My position is very basic, the game defines exactly what a monk is. If you do something else it is a houserule.

The game don't define what a monk is, neither a samurai or a ninja: it gives you some class that may represent the majority of them bu nothing more. Monk, Samurai, Ninja, Oracle and the likes are also social status, and not all of them will be of the ''good class''.

Let's say Samurai: it's basically an oriental knight, and you become a Samurai by the right of birth. What would explain that a men, officialy a samurai, decided to train like a fighter, a ranger or, even, that he as been touch by the divine and is in fact a paladin? Nothing. It's only adapting your character to fit it's backstory, and in no way it is a housrule.

Anarchy_Kanya wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
My position is very basic, the game defines exactly what a monk is. If you do something else it is a houserule.
What "rule" is being changed? None, thus it's not a houserule. The only houserule here is you making up rules that don't exist.

The game defines what a monk is. Changing or expanding that definition is a houserule. Just like changing or expanding the definition of any game term is a houserule.

BigDTBone wrote:
Anarchy_Kanya wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
My position is very basic, the game defines exactly what a monk is. If you do something else it is a houserule.
What "rule" is being changed? None, thus it's not a houserule. The only houserule here is you making up rules that don't exist.
The game defines what a monk is. Changing or expanding that definition is a houserule. Just like changing or expanding the definition of any game term is a houserule.

I think the game defines what the mechanical package "Monk" is. Not how you flavor it. I disagree that changing the flavor is a house "rule" as it has nothing to do with the mechanics.

@Bandw2 - If you really want to reflavor your greatsword as two shortswords….um….. fine, but you don't get any more attacks or any TWF schtick. Also, the more you twist flavor in this manner the more it gets really weird - in this case with Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialisation - because your reskinning has added an object where before there was only one.

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Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Anarchy_Kanya wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
My position is very basic, the game defines exactly what a monk is. If you do something else it is a houserule.
What "rule" is being changed? None, thus it's not a houserule. The only houserule here is you making up rules that don't exist.
The game defines what a monk is. Changing or expanding that definition is a houserule. Just like changing or expanding the definition of any game term is a houserule.

I think the game defines what the mechanical package "Monk" is. Not how you flavor it. I disagree that changing the flavor is a house "rule" as it has nothing to do with the mechanics.

@Bandw2 - If you really want to reflavor your greatsword as two shortswords….um….. fine, but you don't get any more attacks or any TWF schtick. Also, the more you twist flavor in this manner the more it gets really weird - in this case with Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialisation - because your reskinning has added an object where before there was only one.

So it seems to have gotten lost along the way, but my position is that building a "half-orc" and calling it an "elf" in the game (including the small mechanical changes required to do so consistently) is nearly the same practice as building a "fighter" but calling it a "monk" in the game. I'll also note that I am in favor of both.

It seems that most people think that (a) is absolutely crazy and ruins games and (b) isn't even a change, that's just how the game is played.

At this point I just find it hilarious that people's internal opinions on these matters are so widely split over what boils down to a subtype tag and racial weapon proficiency.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

yes, the point is 2-handing is both mechanically better and easier to deal with and requires less feats to perform, combat is already abstracted out so much that the only thing of concern i think is disarm and sunder attempts. I get to be optimized and combat moves slightly faster(less rolls), it's a win-win i would think.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
BigDTBone wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Anarchy_Kanya wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
My position is very basic, the game defines exactly what a monk is. If you do something else it is a houserule.
What "rule" is being changed? None, thus it's not a houserule. The only houserule here is you making up rules that don't exist.
The game defines what a monk is. Changing or expanding that definition is a houserule. Just like changing or expanding the definition of any game term is a houserule.

I think the game defines what the mechanical package "Monk" is. Not how you flavor it. I disagree that changing the flavor is a house "rule" as it has nothing to do with the mechanics.

@Bandw2 - If you really want to reflavor your greatsword as two shortswords….um….. fine, but you don't get any more attacks or any TWF schtick. Also, the more you twist flavor in this manner the more it gets really weird - in this case with Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialisation - because your reskinning has added an object where before there was only one.

So it seems to have gotten lost along the way, but my position is that building a "half-orc" and calling it an "elf" in the game (including the small mechanical changes required to do so consistently) is nearly the same practice as building a "fighter" but calling it a "monk" in the game. I'll also note that I am in favor of both.

It seems that most people think that (a) is absolutely crazy and ruins games and (b) isn't even a change, that's just how the game is played.

At this point I just find it hilarious that people's internal opinions on these matters are so widely split over what boils down to a subtype tag and racial weapon proficiency.

I honestly, feel I would enjoy playing in one of your games, but I still feel the ability to pick and race and still be another race should be reconciled at least partly in the lore, such that it explains that "People" vary greatly, even among their race. otherwise it'll just feel weird.

BigDTBone wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Anarchy_Kanya wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
My position is very basic, the game defines exactly what a monk is. If you do something else it is a houserule.
What "rule" is being changed? None, thus it's not a houserule. The only houserule here is you making up rules that don't exist.
The game defines what a monk is. Changing or expanding that definition is a houserule. Just like changing or expanding the definition of any game term is a houserule.

I think the game defines what the mechanical package "Monk" is. Not how you flavor it. I disagree that changing the flavor is a house "rule" as it has nothing to do with the mechanics.

@Bandw2 - If you really want to reflavor your greatsword as two shortswords….um….. fine, but you don't get any more attacks or any TWF schtick. Also, the more you twist flavor in this manner the more it gets really weird - in this case with Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialisation - because your reskinning has added an object where before there was only one.

So it seems to have gotten lost along the way, but my position is that building a "half-orc" and calling it an "elf" in the game (including the small mechanical changes required to do so consistently) is nearly the same practice as building a "fighter" but calling it a "monk" in the game. I'll also note that I am in favor of both.

It seems that most people think that (a) is absolutely crazy and ruins games and (b) isn't even a change, that's just how the game is played.

At this point I just find it hilarious that people's internal opinions on these matters are so widely split over what boils down to a subtype tag and racial weapon proficiency.

Well, it's hilarious because you don't do the difference between ''nature and nurture''. The race is what nature gives you, so it can't really be changed. The class, on the other hand, is what you get from experience. Let say you were raise in a monastery, but really bad for all the meditation thing, and only good in the martial art: sould you be a brawler or a fighter instead of a monk? Yeah, sure! Or you are the son of a samurai, followed the classi training but didn't really care about the law and the fidelity, and followd more the way of the sword? Could you play a fighter who is, in society, a samurai? Yeah! In fact, it's not the class that you have, but how your character is seen in society that deciede what you are. I did play a a game where the Drud was called a ''witch'' by anyone, and the Alchemis was called a ''rogue''...

You seems to give too much importance to the class background, and to see the world as something really classified, were there is nothing that go ''partially out of the box'', but it's not the case.

One thing I love about these boards is you really get to see the wide variety of takes people have on how to Pathfinder.

For our games it's taken as a given that you can reskin all you want as long as it's not some kind of over power grab and it adds to the overall narrative of the game. For example, in our Curse of the Crimson Throne game I'm playing a dour, heavy set Samurai who is part of order of women knights from Irrisen tasked with protecting the fledgling wizards of the Academy. They call their weapons by Russian names but they are mechanically identical and entirely interchangeable with the Japanese equivalents.

Saigo Takamori wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
Anarchy_Kanya wrote:
BigDTBone wrote:
My position is very basic, the game defines exactly what a monk is. If you do something else it is a houserule.
What "rule" is being changed? None, thus it's not a houserule. The only houserule here is you making up rules that don't exist.
The game defines what a monk is. Changing or expanding that definition is a houserule. Just like changing or expanding the definition of any game term is a houserule.

I think the game defines what the mechanical package "Monk" is. Not how you flavor it. I disagree that changing the flavor is a house "rule" as it has nothing to do with the mechanics.

@Bandw2 - If you really want to reflavor your greatsword as two shortswords….um….. fine, but you don't get any more attacks or any TWF schtick. Also, the more you twist flavor in this manner the more it gets really weird - in this case with Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialisation - because your reskinning has added an object where before there was only one.

So it seems to have gotten lost along the way, but my position is that building a "half-orc" and calling it an "elf" in the game (including the small mechanical changes required to do so consistently) is nearly the same practice as building a "fighter" but calling it a "monk" in the game. I'll also note that I am in favor of both.

It seems that most people think that (a) is absolutely crazy and ruins games and (b) isn't even a change, that's just how the game is played.

At this point I just find it hilarious that people's internal opinions on these matters are so widely split over what boils down to a subtype tag and racial weapon proficiency.

Well, it's hilarious because you don't do the difference between ''nature and nurture''. The race is what nature gives you, so it can't really be changed. The class, on the other hand, is what you get from experience. Let say you were raise in a...

I just find that people are far more varied than the locked choices "that nature gives you" in the game.

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Actually, I'm playing a Gothic horror game right now where only humans are available, but they can use the stats for other races for diversity's sake. So a lithe, educated human noble (who knows how to use a sword and bow) could, if he wanted, use the stats for an elf. A brutish, resilient thug could use the half-orc.

I don't really feel anything is lost, but of course you are free to disagree.

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Matthew Downie wrote:
Lamontius wrote:
should I just pick a side

The real question, ignoring the usual 'whiny / entitled' hyperbole, is how you would feel about a GM who said, "In my campaign setting samurai - members of a far eastern warrior class - are special, so are the only ones capable of taking the Samurai class, and you're not in the far east so you can't be one"?

And, secondarily, how would you feel about a GM who had lots of rules like that but thought they were so obvious that they didn't need to be mentioned?

Go find a good GM, would be my solution. I sadly have too little time to waste.

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LazarX wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:

Whereas other wizards are masters of arcane writings, Gilgeam is a master of "gem magic."

This is an example of reflavoring. Literally nothing is different when compared to other wizards with Scribe Scroll save the way certain things are described.

That's not just reflavoring. You've two wizards one with a bag of parchment scrolls, the other with a bag of "scroll" gems. Toss them both into the nearby lake. When they come out of the water dripping wet, one of them is going to be a lot less happy than the other.

Water doesn't do anything to magical scrolls. They're magical scrolls. In both cases, they'd be wet when you took them out, but still magic items.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ashiel wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:

Whereas other wizards are masters of arcane writings, Gilgeam is a master of "gem magic."

This is an example of reflavoring. Literally nothing is different when compared to other wizards with Scribe Scroll save the way certain things are described.

That's not just reflavoring. You've two wizards one with a bag of parchment scrolls, the other with a bag of "scroll" gems. Toss them both into the nearby lake. When they come out of the water dripping wet, one of them is going to be a lot less happy than the other.
Water doesn't do anything to magical scrolls. They're magical scrolls. In both cases, they'd be wet when you took them out, but still magic items.

Quite right.

Waterproof scrolls are a houserule:

Price 5 sp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This leather sack sealed with tar or pitch keeps delicate items from being ruined by water. Items kept inside remain relatively dry, making the bag ideal for carrying maps, scrolls, spellbooks, and the like, although the bag is not impervious and can only be completely immersed for 10 rounds before enough water seeps in to ruin such items.

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Scrolls are not necessarily magic scrolls.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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It seems extremely likely that they were referring to magic scrolls, though, in the same way that "rods" usually refers to the category of magic items and not your average length of metal. :)

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Indeed. When the Scribe Scroll feat was explicitly referenced rather than say the Linguistics skill, one can only reasonably assume we're talking about magic items and not just random sheets of paper or parchment with some commonplace ink on them.

This is, again, assuming that ink will wear off or that the scrolls even use normal ink that washes away (as opposed to the text being carefully branded on the medium, since you're not washing off burned-in text on a piece of parchment). This is highly unlikely given that it explicitly takes a 1st level spell (not even a cantrip), the erase spell to attempt to remove the magic words from the scroll (and even the grandest of wizards fail to do so 5% of the time).

Core Rulebook wrote:

Physical Description: A scroll is a heavy sheet of fine vellum or high-quality paper. An area about 8-1/2 inches wide and 11 inches long is sufficient to hold one spell. The sheet is reinforced at the top and bottom with strips of leather slightly longer than the sheet is wide. A scroll holding more than one spell has the same width (about 8-1/2 inches) but is an extra foot or so long for each additional spell. Scrolls that hold three or more spells are usually fitted with reinforcing rods at each end rather than simple strips of leather. A scroll has AC 9, 1 hit point, hardness 0, and a break DC of 8.

To protect it from wrinkling or tearing, a scroll is rolled up from both ends to form a double cylinder. (This also helps the user unroll the scroll quickly.) The scroll is placed in a tube of ivory, jade, leather, metal, or wood. Most scroll cases are inscribed with magic symbols which often identify the owner or the spells stored on the scrolls inside. The symbols sometimes hide magic traps.

Notice that it never says anything about water or non-damaging liquids harming the scroll.

So no, if Ravingdork's glass-gem wizard or whatever had his "scrolls" fall into a pool of water, or a cleric cast create water to make a shower of water on him when he drew out his gem-scroll, he would give exactly as many ****s as a normal wizard, which is to say: not a single **** is given.

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Matthew Downie wrote:

Waterproof scrolls are a houserule:

Price 5 sp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This leather sack sealed with tar or pitch keeps delicate items from being ruined by water. Items kept inside remain relatively dry, making the bag ideal for carrying maps, scrolls, spellbooks, and the like, although the bag is not impervious and can only be completely immersed for 10 rounds before enough water seeps in to ruin such items.

Just because water won't hurt something doesn't mean you want it all in your junk, in much the same way water won't hurt me but I still don't care to walk in the rain much. Wizards already have to contend with finding ancient scrolls in dank, wet, moldy dungeons as kind of a trope. The last thing they need is for their own scrolls to smell like week old gym shorts.

Of course, then you have merfolk wizards. Those are totally a thing y'know. The aquatic environment section of the environments chapter discusses difficulties with magic underwater and even takes time to explain that magical fire can be used underwater with some difficulty. Something it doesn't say is that magical scrolls or even spellbooks are at risk of being harmed merely by being wet.

Such commonplace damage would be trivial to fix with the mending cantrip anyway.

Bandw2 wrote:
Shandren wrote:

Im btw still interested if anyone can give a nice argument as to why the GM should not allow reskins alla the one the OP suggests?

Taking the mechanics of a class and using them to play a thematically different (but mechanically exactly alike) character.

well as another example, a herbalist might be an alchemist. they want to have the mechanics of alchemy but flavor wise they're mashing twigs and leaves together, and maybe a few flowers.

Or maybe someone is playing a rogue, but has more emphasis on combat ability in mind, so they play a fighter with several ranks of stealth and a higher than average intelligence.

Perfect examples of good reskinning in my oppinion :-)

I was wondering why anyone would ever "ban" this sort of reskins.

And thanks wraithstrike for attempting to answer my question. But both of the examples you give strikes me as oppinions rather than arguments (which is fair, theyre not even your opinions). I was just wondering why for example someone thinks that the mechanics of the ninjaclass are the only (right) way to represent a "ninja(the concept)", or why these mechanics can only be used to represent a "ninja(the concept)"

Shandren out

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Well the single time we had a GM that tried to limit character options based on his personal restrictions, we banned that GM from our table and the problem disappeared along with that person.

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wraithstrike wrote:
Shandren wrote:

Im btw still interested if anyone can give a nice argument as to why the GM should not allow reskins alla the one the OP suggests?

Taking the mechanics of a class and using them to play a thematically different (but mechanically exactly alike) character.

I have heard it ruins their(GM's) fun. They don't feel like eastern things belong in certain campaigns, and if a player changes the flavor he is trying to use a loophole. This has been argued even when it actually makes the character weaker.

I have also heard people should use what Paizo gives them, and only reflavor when Paizo has not created anything that matches the flavor they want. So as an example I could not use a monk, rogue, ranger or slayer as ninja because Paizo has a ninja class now.

etc etc. The list goes on.

PS: I don't support these. I am just giving you a preview of what might come.

Another case I've seen a few times is the hyper-paranoid GM who fears that any and all player requests are plans to create some sort of gamebreaking super-character. Such GMs tend to fear that any form of reskinning is an attempt to gain sneaky benefits, such as the above Scrolls vs. "Scroll Gems" discussion.

Chengar Qordath wrote:
Another case I've seen a few times is the hyper-paranoid GM who fears that any and all player requests are plans to create some sort of gamebreaking super-character. Such GMs tend to fear that any form of reskinning is an attempt to gain sneaky benefits, such as the above Scrolls vs. "Scroll Gems" discussion.

It doesn't help that even without reskinning, d20 System tends to be rather conducive to power builds; so I'd suggest that some of those GMs should be forgiven for suspecting that odd reskin requests are ways to sneak power builds in, or stealth-mitigate their weaknesses.

gamer-printer wrote:
Well the single time we had a GM that tried to limit character options based on his personal restrictions, we banned that GM from our table and the problem disappeared along with that person.

It seems the problem is alive and well.

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