Hobbun |
In one of my home campaigns, my GM is in the process of going mythic with us. I am playing a Mindchemist, and trying to decide my best mythic path option.
From looking over Mythic Adventures in the past, it appears Trickster seems to be the best option for me, but I was wondering if I am maybe missing something and anyone else has any other suggestions. I really like Assured Drinker, Mirror Dodge and Fickle Attack. I also really like the option of Path Dabbling (was thinking Limitless Range).
Another question I have is can the Mindchemist (Alchemist) use any of the Mythic Spellcasting path abilities/feats? Or are the extracts not considered as spells?
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Hobbun |
Fortunately this GM (unlike one of my other GMs) isn’t as stringent on the rules and is willing to make changes if it makes sense, so Mythic Spellcasting (for my extracts) may be viable for me.
As for my character pre-mythic, he is only 3rd level right now and technically isn’t mythic, but one of our party members reached it in our recent session as he hit the requirement (unknowingly) on what our GM has set up for his storyline in our campaign. I know ‘how’ we become mythic (at least somewhat), we basically have to die, but it depends on how we die. Again, I don’t have the whole story, and I think that’s purposeful until we are able to figure it out.
But my character is a mixture between Rogue and Alchemist. 2nd level Rogue/1st level Alchemist. I am not going to split down the middle, I only planning to take the two levels of Rogue to pick up Trapfinding and then wanted Evasion. The rest of my levels I am planning all Alchemist, and what my GM has said is he anticipates for this campaign to go for the long haul (so he can tell his story), we are talking possibly 30th level, and that doesn’t include any mythic tiers.
On the role-play side, my character is quite the skill monkey as well. He has many skills, and where I won’t be able to max all of them out, I will do my best to focus on my main ones (besides my knowledge skills and Disable Device/Perception).
Alignment-wise, he is not evil (true Neutral), but he does have evil tendencies. Not to the extent of murdering innocent people, but if he sees something advantageous to him, he has no problems taking it if he evaluates the risk is low enough.
An example in a prior session, he bluffed an NPC half-orc who was traveling with us to go first into the temple we had come upon. The language above the door said something along the line of “Death to those who Enter”, where my character told the orc “Power and Glory to those who Enter First”. Sure enough, the orc almost died (attacked by a large Ooze), and would have if one of our party members didn’t pull him out of the fire.
The viewpoint of my character is we had to enter anyways, and it was better him than us (me).
I am sure that I got an evil tick for that, and if I go that route, so be it. But he won’t do anything to set up full (and stronger) party members, as he knows he needs them in the situation we are in and that he could likely die. The measly half-orc was another story.
For my Alchemist, I went with the Mindchemist, so of course he will be specializing in bombs and being very knowledgeable (i.e., Perfect Recall).
One thing my GM may allow is the Mythic books being released by Legendary Games. He didn’t contribute to the Kickstarter, but said they may be an option when I told him about them, and he will probably be taking a look at them at Gen Con.
There is a new mythic path in the book that seems to be made for Alchemists, called Path of the Genius (PotG). It does have some mythic path abilities missing from the Trickster that I would like, so I am debating on going Dual Path to take PotG and Trickster.
Anyone who has seen the preview for the Mythic Hero’s Handbook (from the KS) and looked at PotG, let me know what you think on my idea.
Edit: master_marshmellow, are you also talking raw stats (ability scores/feats), as well?
Race: Tiefling
My ability scores are:
STR 10
DEX 16
CON 12
INT 19
WIS 14
The feats/abilities I have so far:
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot (Rogue Talent), Fiend Sight (ARG-Gives 120’ Darkvision and Low-Light – I plan to take it a second time for See in Darkness)
Traits: Indomitable Faith, Pragmatic Activator (replaces CHA for Use Magic Device checks with INT), Alchemical Adept (gives +2 to Craft: Alchemy checks).
Drawback: Paranoid
pennywit |
I'm GMing a mythic Kingmaker game right now. At my table the party alchemist took the marshal mythic path. The marshal abilities don't necessarily complement his alchemist abilities that well, but he's become a very effective support and ranged character. Nothing quite like tossing off a bunch of bombs in one round, then following it up with a strike from the barbarian.
Eltacolibre |
for an alchemist? frankly better off to do trickster with path dabbling to grab the first tier archmage path ability remixer and that's pretty much all that I would suggest. If you just want to throw bombs and the likes.
If you were going for polymorph and various other builds, would suggest to keep going on the Archmage path. But when it comes to throwing bombs and the likes, you'll get more interesting abilities from either the trickster path or champion path, if you want to take your throwing to 11.
If you are just going to be a vanilla alchemist, trying to do a bit of everything, will just suggest to do archmage/trickster with the dual path mythic feat.
Hobbun |
I'm GMing a mythic Kingmaker game right now. At my table the party alchemist took the marshal mythic path. The marshal abilities don't necessarily complement his alchemist abilities that well, but he's become a very effective support and ranged character. Nothing quite like tossing off a bunch of bombs in one round, then following it up with a strike from the barbarian.
The Marshal path is certainly an interesting one to take, although not really one I am really looking at. There is a path ability under Champion I like though, called Limitless Range, which works very well with the ranged attacks of an Alchemist.
I was wondering if anyone here participated in the Mythic Mania Kickstarter, and received the Mythic Hero’s Handbook to review (it was sent out about a month back to review for mistakes/suggestions).
There is one path, which I mentioned in a previous post, called Path of the Genius, which seems to work very well for an Alchemist. I was wondering for those whom have seen it, what their take is on it?
Hobbun |
for an alchemist? frankly better off to do trickster with path dabbling to grab the first tier archmage path ability remixer and that's pretty much all that I would suggest. If you just want to throw bombs and the likes.
If you were going for polymorph and various other builds, would suggest to keep going on the Archmage path. But when it comes to throwing bombs and the likes, you'll get more interesting abilities from either the trickster path or champion path, if you want to take your throwing to 11.
If you are just going to be a vanilla alchemist, trying to do a bit of everything, will just suggest to do archmage/trickster with the dual path mythic feat.
Well, like I said, I am not a vanilla Alchemist. I am focusing on throwing bombs as my offensive means, but I took the Mindchemist archetype. My character will also be very much a skill monkey and has a lot of role-play potential. He is also our trapfinder and disabler.
But yes, that is what I was thinking of, Trickster with maybe taking Path Dabbling for a path ability in something else. Although I haven’t heard of the Remixer path ability under Archmage, what is that? I don’t see it listed under Mythic Adventures.