Libertad |
Reviewed Path of Shadows here.
I should also point out that I did a more in-depth review on Min-Max Boards, Giant in the Playground, and Something Awful's Traditional Games section. Here's the Min-Max link.
Path of Shadows is well worth it and provides a little something for everyone. I particularly like the nightblade class, the fact that a lot of class features and spells synergize with each other, and that the assortment of spells drew on many schools of magic than just illusion.
I'll be writing a review for RPGnet later.
After that, I'm going to finish my Path of War review once I get some more time to devote to it.
Honestly, I prefer the in-depth chapter by chapter analysis of books, and would ordinarily love to post my work here, but Paizo's forum code is different than my usual boards and does not support images, so I'll make do with links.
Lorathorn |
New review: Path of Shadows
It was a great read! Now to figure out how to build a campaign around it. I may already have a few ideas...
I should soon have the review up on Drivethrurpg, as well as d20pfsrd.
necromental |
Finished my reviews for all GM's Miscellany's I have (Tribes, Villages 1, and Dungeon and Wilderness Dressing). Also Necromancers of the Northwest Exotic Encounters Compendium.
I must say as a buyer I really prefer compilations.
EDIT: sorry, villages is still unfinished.
Purple Duck Games |
I am looking for reviews for Carl Cramer's new book called Unchained Monk Archetypes. This book updates many of Paizo's monk archetypes to better align with the new unchained monk. If you are interested in a review copy send me an email at
Subject: Review - Unchained Monk Archetypes.
Oliver Volland |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
New Review: Dance Macabre by Four Dollar Dungeons
Have fun!
Sethvir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Working on my first two reviews - I have a lot more respect for you folks that are doing these en masse! And I can see why the publishers are so excited to see this thread getting so much attention.
And don't get me started about EZG...
Time is short, I'm hoping to have them up later this week.
Reviews are tough to write, to give each product a fair shake. I've only written a few and the one I am working on, has taken me far longer than I anticipated. Hoping to have it up by this weekend, maybe Friday. And yes, you are absolutely right about EZG, he is amazing.
Chemlak |
13 people marked this as a favorite. |
I wonder if it's worth writing a guide to good review practice...
Anyway, just some thoughts:
1) So what if you're not Endzeitgeist? Any review, positive or negative, is valuable to a 3PP, so don't be afraid to write one, and don't be afraid to disagree with other reviewers. It's your review, and you might like and dislike different things. As long as you don't write your review with an agenda, you're golden.
2) Be honest. This should go without saying, but if you think a product sucks great sweaty ones, you can say so (probably with a bit more diplomacy). Say why. Even if it's "can't stand the font" or "the background colour made it hard to read the words on some pages", or "damned English authors keep putting "-ise" instead of "-ize" and it drives me crazy", or whatever. This is constructive criticism. If you love something, say why, and I assure you "it fits brilliantly into the niche" is fine (but could be expanded on). If you're lucky enough to get a review copy of a product, tell the reader. You're only human, and the allure of free stuff in exchange for a few words can drive a positive response from you, so let the reader weigh that as they're reading.
3) You're not Endzeitgeist or Malwing. Don't try to review everything. Pick a product, and review it. If you enjoyed doing it, do another. As long as you're enjoying it, keep doing it. And as an adjunct to that, if you get a review copy of a book, write the review. Don't over promise or overstretch: I've found that having a couple of books on the go at once is enough (and I'm still behind).
4) It doesn't have to be an essay. There is nothing wrong with a short review, as long as you explain why you liked what you liked, and hated what you hated. You don't have to delve into your own psyche to explain why, but there should be a "why" to each point you raise.
5) Figure out what 5-stars means to you. Is 3-stars "as good as an average Paizo product"? Or is it "this book just makes me feel meh"? Do you reserve 5-stars for exceptional work? What reduces it to 4? Be consistent.
AinvarG |
Regarding your #5, that's been something I've been ruminating over as I work. And it won't be an essay (I think), but I am trying to do it the justice it deserves - they took the time to write it, after all, so the least I can do is REALLY read it.
So what do other folks use for their scale? I have an idea, but it might be more complicated than necessary. That's kind of who I am, I'm afraid. But I'm curious if anyone is willing to share their criteria/formula for a star rating. I'm thinking I might specify my criteria in the review just so it's clear for the reader and a reminder for me
Chemlak |
For me, 5-stars are "I am now using this book, and it still excites me", 4-stars is "I am using this book, it's good, but not thrilling", 3-stars is "it's on my shelf, I will use it for reference, but it won't get pulled out every session", and nothing I've reviewed so far falls below those thresholds, so nothing has 2-star "it's on my shelf and I might use it in an emergency" or 1-star "I hope I forget this".
Malwing |
I tend to apply stars to how much I will use with little to no houseruling. Sometimes it's unfair because some thigns arent' meant to be able to ease into a campaign but I find it very important for something new to play nice with the rest of the game. Also unfair; I care very little for RAI even when RAW is super obvious. That stuff needs to work as written. I'll forgive typos or mild things but I abhor non-standard rules language. I have a lot of third party material and if I can't just hand the product to a savvy player and they can reasonably figure out how it works the product is useless to me. I need to keep questions to a minimum or the game slows down and I'm less inclined to use it.
At three stars I'm not using the product at all but may recommend to someone somewhere because as a whole It's a stable product or has things that I find salvageable. After that my opinion is that it's garbage and its only a matter of it being something I wont' use or something I want my money back from out of spite.
AinvarG |
In a throwback to my days teaching, I'm leaning toward a rubric. I don't have the details teased out yet, but there will be a number of factors combined that make or break the rating - sloppy editing does matter to me, but it's not as critical as great execution or originality. So someone with an excellent idea that's presented like garbage is going to rate better than someone with perfect grammar and spelling that has an unexciting concept. Investment in layout and artwork is a good thing, but doesn't make or break - but I think I want to recognize it.
There's going to be a checklist - I'll post it somewhere so readers of the review can see what mattered to me even if they cannot see the blow-by-blow ratings; not sure if I will post those or not. More likely, just a description of the high (or low) points.
The research is nearly done, so the actual evaluation should be happening soon. I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying this, actually - and I'm very appreciative that there are community members will to share their thoughts on it.
Oliver Volland |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
A new review, of an older but still good product: Krazy Kragnars Alchemical Surplus Shop
Have fun!
Owen KC Stephens |
A new review, of an older but still good product: Krazy Kragnars Alchemical Surplus Shop
Have fun!
Many thanks!
Libertad |
So I tried starting a review very late in May for You're Gonna Die Screaming, an optimization guide for the Commoner class. Although it interested me, as of late I've found that my overall energy for reviews has kind of gone.
It's not that I don't want to review, rather the task of how I do it feels hard to do and overwhelming, even for a short product. And it's not specific products, either; a Path of War review I've been meaning to get back to has been sitting in limbo. if I can't even do a 22-page product, how can I expect to return to a much longer one?
I suppose I could try shorter reviews, but it doesn't really feel "honest" or part of my writing style, for lack of a better term.
I figure the best idea would be to take a break and focus on other activities for the time being, but it pains me in that there are good books out there I want to show but don't have the energy to do it.
Chemlak |
Libertad, I know your pain. For me it's not reviews (though I am still behind on those), but real life keeps interfering with things I want to do justice to (reason 1 that I've never tried to get published), and there's a certain malaise that sets in, and I think those fateful words: Damn, I can't be bothered.
That's the point when fun becomes a drag, and it's very easy to procrastinate about things. Take a break. Try not to even think about reviews you want to get done, and find something fun and relaxing to spend your time doing. A day, a week, here or there isn't going to kill you or a product. Come at it with fresh eyes - nobody can do justice to a book if they're writing tired, whether an author or a reviewer.
The only thing to add, beyond all that, is that if you got a review copy of a product, a courtesy message to the author/publisher would be a good idea, for reasons of common politeness if nothing else. The only person pressuring you to write a review is yourself, so try to avoid the trap of frustrating yourself unnecessarily. You'll be better for it in the end.
Bwang |
I've tried to post reviews before and am woefully inept at doing so. I currently have over 80 downloads from Paizo and another 20-30 from other places, any of which I would be thrilled to review and post. Alas, I am still working with stone knives and bearskins. Might this old fossil request a how-to or easy-key?
As for free stuff, only if you know I buy your stuff AND review it. Too many companies get stuff pirated for me to want to hit your bottom line. I would like to post reviews of some props and such that are out there. I have kickstartered several things and would love to recommend some here, but have no idea where or how, well, beyond starting a thread. Geek Chic, Dwarven Forge and others put out righteous (but non-specific) support for our, make that hobby!
Chemlak |
1) Find the product page. Either search for the product, or go to the store and find it there. I tend to use the store, by company, and find it that way.
2) Scroll down past the product description. You will see two tabs: Product Reviews, and Product Discussion. Click Product Reviews. There is a link (I always struggle to find it) just under Average Product Rating, which says "Write a review". Click!
3) Write your review, rate it, give it a cool title. Save a copy of the text before you save the review. eats reviews if you take too long. (Pro tip: write the review elsewhere, then just paste it in and save.)
4) Done.
Cheapy |
I think one question you may want to ask yourself is: Who are you writing the review for? Are you writing it for the author, to point out issues so they can grow as a designer? Are you writing it for potential buyers, to convince them one way or the other? Or maybe both? I think the different targets can produce different styles of reviews.
Another thing is that it doesn't need to be anywhere near like what Endz or Malwing (or KTFish7, RIP) do. Even a short one, if it has well-reasoned and useful points, is much appreciated. Obviously, "This book sucks. 1 star." isn't what I meant, but more along the lines of Craig Bonham 141' reviews here as opposed to Kolokotroni or Endzeitgeist's. (Reviews chosen because I had the tab open already.)
Endzeitgeist |
Since I was asked to by some publishers, I figured I'd provide a little list of reviewers currently active and provide some further exposure for you ladies and gentlemen!
My post can be found here!
Keep up the good work, everyone!
Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Thanks, Endy! Considering your exposure as a reviewer, it's great to have you shout out to us little (and some not-so-little) guys.
For myself (since I'm on that list), I have a project on the go right now that's going to put me out of action for some of the next week, and then I need to write a couple of already-promised reviews, but as soon as I'm in the market for more stuff to review, I'll let everyone know.
Keep up the good work, everyone!
Marc Radle |
Hey everone - I'm super over-the-moon excited to tell everyone that Shadows of the Dusk Queen, my first adventure with Kobold Press is now available at the Kobold Press store (and should also be available right here on shortly)!
Shadows of the Dusk Queen is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible adventure for 8th-level characters that takes players deep into a forest out of a dark fairy tale, where a long-imprisoned fey queen has returned – and evil creatures are stirring.
Featuring full-color art, (you can check out a few sample pages if you click the links above!) including a 12-page art and map appendix (so you can actually show the players what they see for each encounter!)
I would love to some reviews and otherwise hear what everyone thinks! :)
PathlessBeth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Thanks for the shout-out, End. I want to write more, but other things keep eating up my time.
I actually have four completed, unposted reviews rite now, and I am going to post them after I finish editing a fifth one (hopefully!) tomorrow. They are all from supplements which are a few years old but have two or fewer reviews each.
Oliver Volland |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Another Review: Protean Lords of Porphyra by Purple Duck Games
And thanks, End, for mentioning me :-)
Have fun!
Rusted Iron Games |
If anyone is interested in doing a review for Deadly Gardens, Volume 2: Blood Rose Swarm or our newest product Character Options: Witches, I would be happy to provide a review copy. Just contact me via PM.
Character Options: Witches sould be available in the next few days on and here on
Christina Stiles Contributor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Looking for reviewers for Endzeitgeist's Bite Me! Meat-That-Screams and Adam Meyers' Bite Me! Weremantises. Ping me with your email addy if you are interested. These are products I published via Misfit Studios.
Oliver Volland |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Another review of mine:
More Mighty Than Steel by Skortched Urf Studios
Remind me of not buying a product just for liking the title of it...
Have fun!
Alexander Augunas Contributor |
Malwing |
If anyone is interested in reviewing some Everyman Gaming products, shoot me a PM and I'll hook you up with a review copy. (I've got a couple complimentary copies to send out tonight.)
Would love to take you up on this but I'm on vacation all next week. After the reviews I'm working on get posted tomorrow I won't be reviewing til the week after.
Libertad |
I finished reviewing You're Gonna Die Screaming by Misfit Studios.
I want to get back into the swing of things, but I don't want to overwhelm myself again so I'm planning to review the Wardancer by Drop Dead Studios next. And probably either In the Company of Dragons or Secrets of the Masquerade Reveler after that.
Dale McCoy Jr President, Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Libertad |
Finished writing a review for the War Dancer on Paizo here, and finished the in-depth post on Min-Max Boards which I reposted to RPGnet and Giant in the Playground.
Rosita the Riveter |
I haven't reviewed anything in forever, and I'm not really good with the whole criticizing people thing, so I'm wondering how I did with Pulpfinder.