How to build the greatest painter of all time? (PFS)


Silver Crusade

Hey all,

I'm wanting to build a character that's a painting artist and owns a profitable painting or art line. He's decided to join the PFS to gain some more publicity and show of his great paintings and artistry. So that's the background.

Here's the meat and potatoes though. I want this character to fight with a paintbrush (and possibly a shield, being used as a paint palette but that's optional). I'm debating between making this character some type of Rogue variant, Monk variant, or something else if it fits well. The two Monk classes that stick out are Far Strike since improvised weapons have a 10ft throw range so he's auto proficient with it or a Monk of the Empty Hand would work. Both of those would be able to flurry but I'm not sure how well that would work. Rogue with Catch Off-Guard may be useful as he surprises people by jacking them with the paintbrush handle or just whips the brush at their face. The question on that is how would I build to disarm people and that would only work vs Humanoids with no natural weapons.

I'll be taking the trait "Surprise Weapon" which gives a +2atk bonus with Improvised Weapons. I don't think the trait "Rough and Ready" is necessary since I'll probably either be proficient (Far Strike or Monk of the Empty Hand monk) or I'll probably be grabbing Catch Off-Guard which makes me proficient anyways.

So, I need your help with making this Picasso painter a reality with a 20pt stat buy in PFS. Class suggestions and how to make fighting with this improvised weapon are needed. Let me see what you can come up with.

1) PFS, 20pt Buy
2) Uses Paintbrush as a weapon
3) Half-Elf or Human (Because all good painters in history have been Human....and also because I have a certain idea/plan in mind that only works with Half-Elf or Human.)

Check out Marvelous Pigments. Best item for a painter EVER.

It won't take many levels in Craft Painting to become a very, very good painter. With ranks in Alchemist and Master Craftsman, you will be able to make your own Marvelous Pigments.

You could use an Iron Brush, see ultimate combat eastern weapons; pons.html

As for class and build, first thing I'm thinking is Bard with the Scribe Scroll feat. Instead of your classic normal scrolls, flavor each one as a different work of art. If you go this route, I'd suggest the Magician archetype to allow yourself a larger spell selection. You could also forgo Scribe Scroll and use the Magician's archetype ability Arcane Bond for a wand that's flavored as a paintbrush.

Using the wand? You mean drawing a picture into reality right in front of everyone's eyes. Bonus you can have a buckler/shield like you wanted.

This may be a stretch though. It's all I got, sadly.

Silver Crusade

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
It won't take many levels in Craft Painting to become a very, very good painter. With ranks in Alchemist and Master Craftsman, you will be able to make your own Marvelous Pigments.

PFS does not allow crafting. How to build this character around combat though?

Oops, this is for PFS: Master Craftsman is not an option.

Class options that come to mind are Inquisitor, Rogue, and Bard. All 3 have high skill points. Rogue has the most. Painting might qualify as a medium for bardic performance.

Inquisitor gives you access to cool domains and spells. And class abilities like Judgement and Bane might make up for the fact that you are using a paintbrush for a weapon. I had been thinking of an Inquisitor with the Flotsam Subdomain of Water as the foundation of a craftsman character. At level 6, they get an ability called Sift, which lets them acquire just about any item they want. It sounds cool.

It occurs to me that another way you could go is Wizard and specialize in Illusionist. You will create your paintings out of thin air.

Ooh, another magic item you need to get: Boundary Chalk. It lets you create Walls of Force by drawing the bottom edges on any surface.

Silver Crusade

Kyrrion wrote:

You could use an Iron Brush, see ultimate combat eastern weapons; pons.html

As for class and build, first thing I'm thinking is Bard with the Scribe Scroll feat. Instead of your classic normal scrolls, flavor each one as a different work of art. If you go this route, I'd suggest the Magician archetype to allow yourself a larger spell selection. You could also forgo Scribe Scroll and use the Magician's archetype ability Arcane Bond for a wand that's flavored as a paintbrush.

Using the wand? You mean drawing a picture into reality right in front of everyone's eyes. Bonus you can have a buckler/shield like you wanted.

This may be a stretch though. It's all I got, sadly.

Scribe Scroll is replaced by "Spell Focus: x" and you can't reskin things like a wand being a paintbrush in PFS.

For the most part, the "Profession: Painter" or "Craft: Painting" side of the character is merely flavor along with the look and feel of the character.

I could go with the Iron Brush, but Monks & Rogues are not proficient with the Iron Brush by default. If using the Iron Brush the Swashbuckler, Ranger, and Fighter are proficient with Martial Weapons. I'm wanting the character to be more of a mysterious urban person.

Hey, look at Needles of Fleshgraving

I could go with the Iron Brush, but Monks & Rogues are not proficient with the Iron Brush by default.

Human bonus feat. Half-elves can get Exotic Weapon Proficiency as an alternate racial trait.

Silver Crusade

Inlaa wrote:
I could go with the Iron Brush, but Monks & Rogues are not proficient with the Iron Brush by default.
Human bonus feat. Half-elves can get Exotic Weapon Proficiency as an alternate racial trait.

No one has offered a good excuse for using an Iron Brush though. I could just as well use a paintbrush as an improvised weapon and with a +2atk bonus which that makes it better than an Iron Brush.

Maybe TWF with improvised weapon paintbrushes and taking the Two-Weapon Feint feat? Lore Warden & Rogue multiclass?

A good reason to use an iron brush is that it is a "real" weapon and can therefore be enchanted, unlike an actual paintbrush.

You could consider going Warpriest (of Shelyn, why not, free glaive proficiency!), which would increase the damage dice of your iron brushes; you could then take the Air Blessing to ignore the penalties for being outside your first range increment, take Quick Draw, and start tossing iron brushes at people from a respectable range.

At higher levels you can purchase a Blinkback Belt, and use your Warpriest bonus feats to TWF Rapid Shot magical iron brushes of doom.

Not to mention swift action divine spell casting, a second blessing to do something cool with, and the ability to apply the Holy property to your "primary" iron brush at higher levels to really bring the pain to evil-doers in the name of art.

Scarab Sages

An Iron Brush is in the Close Weapons Group, so you could be a brawler for proficiency, the ability to flurry with it, and the ability to increase the damage die on it with Close Combat Mastery.

If you could choose a class with access to the spell refined improvised weapon mastery (ACG), it might be a neat effect. Ranger is the only full bab class that casts it, but I think maybe a cleric (holy, love domains) or inquisitor of Shilyn would be better.

Silver Crusade

Character concept is focused around "Fashion/Art designer, popular, painter, mysterious". Not looking to play a Cleric or Inquisitor. This character's focus is not worshiping a deity or exacting their brand of justice.

Brawler is good but not what I'm wanting for this character. Looking to play a mysterious, probably high 6+ skill points per level class with some type of shtick that works well. So far the Lore Warden 2 dip and rest Rogue seems well for Improved Two-Weapon Feint to get multiple sneak attacks off with Iron Brushes. Maybe there's some other build ideas out there that may work? Anyone able to think of one?

EDIT: I don't think I can enchant an improvised weapon so it looks like the Iron Brush will be the go-to weapon for this character then.

Well you're no fun :)

Anyways, you've already declared lack of interest, but I made this so I might as well post it:

Fighting cleric of Shelyn:

Female Human (Varisian) cleric 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0, Senses Perception +2
Aura aura of good
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor +2 shield)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +4

Speed 20 ft.
Melee glaive +3 (1d10+4/x3)
Melee long brush +5 (1d6+3/x2)
Special Attacks Channel Positive Energy (1d6, DC 11, 4/day)

Prepared Spells
Cleric (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1st-bless, protection from evil(DC 13), refined improvised weapon
0th-light, resistance, stabilize
*:Domain spell.
Deity Shelyn; Domains Good, Love Subdomain

Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Catch Off-Guard, Fast Learner
Skills Craft (Paintings) +5, Diplomacy +5, Heal +8, Knowledge (History) +5, Sense Motive +6
Traits Inner Beauty, Surprise Weapon
Languages Common, Osiriani, Varisian
SQ adoration, aura, spontaneous casting, touch of good (5/day)
Combat Gear
Other Gear glaive, outfit (artisan's), scale mail, artisan's tools (paintings), healer's kit, pouch (belt), backpack, bedroll, waterskin, holy text (cheap), flint and steel, pot (iron), mess kit, rope (hemp/50 ft.), soap (per lb.), spell component pouch, holy symbol (wooden), rations (trail/per day) (5), candle (10), torch (10), 21.0 gp
Adoration (Su) As an immediate action, you can attempt to thwart a melee or ranged attack that targets you. This ability functions as sanctuary, but only against one individual attack. You must use the ability after the attack is declared but before the roll is made. The creature attacking you receives a Will save to negate this effect. If a creature has more than one attack, this ability only affects one of the attacks. You can use the ability 5 times per day. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Inner Beauty Once per day, you can manifest your faith in your goddess and gain a +4 trait bonus to a single Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, or Perform skill check. You can choose to use this trait immediately after making the skill check.

Surprise Weapon You are skilled at fighting with objects not traditionally considered weapons. You gain a +2 trait bonus on attack rolls with improvised weapons.

Touch of Good (Sp) You can touch a creature as a standard action, granting giving it a sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round.

The idea would be to cast refined improvised weapon, which makes your weapon a weapon while still being improvised. Then, at higher levels you can cast heroism (via love domain), greater magic weapon, blessings of fervor, etc, to make both yourself and your team a powerhouse. For Shelyn, art is worship.

This build has 5 skill points per level anyways. Sorry if that isn't enough :)

Silver Crusade

Tangaroa wrote:

Well you're no fun :)

Anyways, you've already declared lack of interest, but I made this so I might as well post it:
** spoiler omitted **...

Where did you get the 5 skill points per level? Clerics get 2 skill points per level, human gives +1 and 13 int gives +1. Maybe you're factoring in a +1 to int at 4th or 8th level?

You could make a Feral Hunter that paints himself into various shapes. At that point, you'd just have your normal natural attack build after you reached level 4. You could get Refine Weapon earlier than that and use the paintbrush at lower levels, but at higher levels, you'd just paint yourself into the form of a tiger or something and lay waste.

Kysus Arelius wrote:
Tangaroa wrote:

Well you're no fun :)

Anyways, you've already declared lack of interest, but I made this so I might as well post it:
** spoiler omitted **...

Where did you get the 5 skill points per level? Clerics get 2 skill points per level, human gives +1 and 13 int gives +1. Maybe you're factoring in a +1 to int at 4th or 8th level?

2 for cleric

1 for 13 int
1 for human
1 for favored class bonus via fast learner
That's 5.

My vote's in for Geisha Bard. Craft Calligraphy is pretty much like painting. I'd have to see if any of their weapons are reminiscent of a paintbrush or palette knife. Maybe fighting fan as a canvas.

Silver Crusade

Oterisk wrote:

You could make a Feral Hunter that paints himself into various shapes. At that point, you'd just have your normal natural attack build after you reached level 4. You could get Refine Weapon earlier than that and use the paintbrush at lower levels, but at higher levels, you'd just paint yourself into the form of a tiger or something and lay waste.

Interesting concept. I actually already have a level 4 Nature Fang druid in PFS though. She's a female Tarzan. My fears of going Nature Fang with this build is the weak Sneak Attack progression and feeling forced to continue in it to progress my Druid spell casting level.

I think the Martial "Iron Brush" weapon will be just fine as the weapon being used. I'd really like to go high sneak attack with this build and go TWF, ITWF, TWFeint, ITWFeint route and use swift actions to make them flat footed and deal multiple sneak attacks a round. A feint build of sorts. I could maybe go with Half-Orc and pickup some feats & trait to disguise himself as a Human (being more human looking than Orc) and pickup the Bite attack which would give him another attack for Sneak Attack dmg.

Character concept update:
I think the route I want him to go in is he's jealous, sneaky, and some of his competition has had untimely demises in the art/fashion world. Kind of a mysterious person outside of his popular facade that he maintains for the public. Successful business/art person but at night a cold killer to anyone that tries to twart his success.

Silver Crusade

downerbeautiful wrote:
Kysus Arelius wrote:
Tangaroa wrote:

Well you're no fun :)

Anyways, you've already declared lack of interest, but I made this so I might as well post it:
** spoiler omitted **...

Where did you get the 5 skill points per level? Clerics get 2 skill points per level, human gives +1 and 13 int gives +1. Maybe you're factoring in a +1 to int at 4th or 8th level?

2 for cleric

1 for 13 int
1 for human
1 for favored class bonus via fast learner
That's 5.

My vote's in for Geisha Bard. Craft Calligraphy is pretty much like painting. I'd have to see if any of their weapons are reminiscent of a paintbrush or palette knife. Maybe fighting fan as a canvas.

Geisha Bard is a good idea but won't work for this guy. I'm essentially make a Bob Ross clone, with a murderous night life. Daytime his career is successful and he wants to use the PFS to propel his image and line of art to the "next level." But his night life essentially explains his fighting style and class concept. So a high or medium Sneak Attack progression would be preferred.

Silver Crusade

Ok let me know how this build works out. Maybe I'm going about it the hard way but trying to get ITWF and ITWFeint online asap while still having decent Sneak Attack damage later.

Build 1:

Race – Human
Class – Slayer 6 / Rogue 5
Weapon – Iron Brush

Traits -
* Undecided
* Reactionary

Stats -
Str: 12
Dex: 18
Con: 14
Int: 13
Wis: 10
Cha: 10

1) Slayer 1: Bab +1 | Combat Expertise (lvl 1), Weapon Finesse (Human)
2) Slayer 2: Bab +2 | Two-Weapon Fighting (Slayer)
3) Slayer 3: Bab +3 | Two-Weapon Feint (lvl 3), [1d6 SA]
4) Slayer 4: Bab +4 | Weapon Training: Iron Brush (Slayer), +1 Dex
5) Slayer 5: Bab +5 | Power Attack (5)
6) Slayer 6: Bab +6/+1 | Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (Slayer), [2d6 SA]
7) Rogue 1: Bab +6/+1 | Improved Two-Weapon Feint (lvl 7), [3d6 SA]
8) Rogue 2: Bab +7/+2 | Offensive Defense (talent), Evasion, trapfinding, +1 Dex
9) Rogue 3: Bab +8/+3 | Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (lvl 9), trap sense +1, [4d6 SA]
10) Rogue 4: Bab +9/+4 | Befuddling Srike (talent), Uncanny Dodge
11) Rogue 5: Bab +9/+4 | Extra Talent: Bleeding Attack (lvl 11), [5d6 SA]

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

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Have you considered a Weapon and Shield style ranger? You could TWF with your improvised paintbrush weapon and a shield as your palette, and it gets plenty of skill points.

Shadow Lodge

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Summoner who "paints" his summons, counting on his summons combat wise what he summons and whose eidolon is his "muse".

Oracle works great fluff wise (maybe a handicap lead him to concentrate on his art).

The summoner is totally not the way he wants to go, but is the suggestion that struck me as the coolest. Heck, I may use that the next time I need to make a Pathfinder character...

Silver Crusade

RainyDayNinja wrote:
Have you considered a Weapon and Shield style ranger? You could TWF with your improvised paintbrush weapon and a shield as your palette, and it gets plenty of skill points.

Definitely a great idea RDN. I may veer towards that path of Weapon & Shield style.


Kerney, I must admit that isn't a bad idea. It takes away from the art of using the Paintbrush (Iron Brush) as a deadly weapon that people wouldn't suspect....but the painting creatures into existence does remind me of Relm from FF3 which was super cool.

Silver Crusade

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Ok I'm seriously digging the Relm character idea with painting creatures into existence. Maybe a Summoner or Illusionist Sorcerer (maybe Gnome with their Illusion feats/spells?) Bob Ross was an awesome painter and he sure made things like trees, rivers, and etc. come to life so that does fit the extraordinaire painter concept. Just veers me away from the nightlife murder mysterious background perhaps.

So, what kind of build did you have in mind? How to best take advantage of this Illusion or Summoning painter? Paint me an example build. :P

Kysus Arelius wrote:

Character concept is focused around "Fashion/Art designer, popular, painter, mysterious". Not looking to play a Cleric or Inquisitor. This character's focus is not worshiping a deity or exacting their brand of justice.

Brawler is good but not what I'm wanting for this character. Looking to play a mysterious, probably high 6+ skill points per level class with some type of shtick that works well. So far the Lore Warden 2 dip and rest Rogue seems well for Improved Two-Weapon Feint to get multiple sneak attacks off with Iron Brushes. Maybe there's some other build ideas out there that may work? Anyone able to think of one?

EDIT: I don't think I can enchant an improvised weapon so it looks like the Iron Brush will be the go-to weapon for this character then.

Well, the mechanics of the build itself is just so many rules. Your character concept lies in how you roleplay it.

RainyDayNinja wrote:
Have you considered a Weapon and Shield style ranger? You could TWF with your improvised paintbrush weapon and a shield as your palette, and it gets plenty of skill points.

The Bashing Enchantment on a Heavy Spiked Shield raises the damage to 2d6. This might not sit well with the OP's concept--seems a little Loony--but it's a powerful idea.

Silver Crusade

Any summoner or illusionist build ideas for a painter?

If anyone has some good suggestions I'd love to see.

For the summoner, you might use the evolutionist archetype (UM); they can change the eidolon base form every level, which might fit your paint as you go concept. Half-elf and human favored class bonuses are both pretty good for summoner, but if you want to invest in your summons, its hard to pass up human for the extra feat. There are some fine summoning feats. Spell Focus (conjuration) -> Augment, of course, but also Summon Good Monster (Champions of Purity) or Summon Neutral Monster (Champoins of Balance), which really open up your lists.

Summoner, Items: nothing special, really. However, the ACG has these rings of summoning affinity open up summoning options.

Sorcerers don't seem to make great illusionists - at least none of their bloodlines match up very well.

I can't really speak to arcanist illusionists, don't know enough about the class, but exploits are a powerful thing. Potent magic is the only one that stands out from my quick study of the class.

Bards can make decent illusionists, but of course they won't be able to throw as much magic as a 9 level caster and have a slower progression.

As a illusion-focused wizard, for an arcane school I would obviously choose illusion, with necromancy and enchantment as barred schools (CRB version illusionist is the best fit for your concept.) Illusionist is infinitely mutable, essentially, but has a lot of issues with mindless/immune creatures (about 1/3 the things in the bestiary) and table variation. Avoid being a one trick pony. At the very least, you'll want to invest in illusion spells that aren't pattern or phantasm (which are mind-effecting), but you'll want party buffing and direct damage spells as well. I would choose arcane bond (bonded item), and then eventually craft a Amulet of Spell Mastery for lots of extra spells.

There is a fairly amazing wizard arcane discovery, although it only becomes available at 8th level (and thus 9th level, since you don't get feats at 8th): Resilient Illusions. It would allow you to get a lot more mileage out of your low level illusions.

Don't skimp of spell penetration feats.

A few items: the Crook of Cidhureen is a fairly cheap and nice illusion staff that you could potentially grab at higher levels in PFS, if you play the module from which it comes (otherwise not available). A metamagic rod of piercing spell would do you well, too. Lastly, silver as an alchemical comp also bumps DCs, 10 gp for a +1 DC

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