Rochefort from The Three Musketeers


Looking to create a Rochefort-esque character, 20-pt buy.

Swashbuckler is (too) obvious. Any other suggestions/builds?

Starting @ 3rd, and moving up to about 8-9th. All books open, no 3rd party.

Are there rules for being blind in only one eye?


Try the eldritch scion archetype if the magus.

There are no special rules in PF for having only one bad eye.

Which version of Rochefort? Dumas, the current tv show, one of the films?

Some of them are decidedly more rogue-ish than others. (He also has two good eyes in the novels.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Rochefort. Isn't that a smelly kind of cheese?

Sovereign Court

Geistlinger wrote:
Rochefort. Isn't that a smelly kind of cheese?

you are thinking of Roquefort.

Rochefort (pronounced: ROW-sheh-four) is Cardinal Richeleau's leftenant, and a major character in both The Three Musketeers and Twenty Years Later.

Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger / Daring Infiltrator Swashbuckler / Cleaner Slayer would be a good Rochefort, with an emphasis on tricks with the social skills.

Or, maybe I've just described Milady De Winter.

Or both, really.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cthulhudrew wrote:

Which version of Rochefort? Dumas, the current tv show, one of the films?

Some of them are decidedly more rogue-ish than others. (He also has two good eyes in the novels.)

My personal favorite is Christopher Lee from the film made in 1973. This version is the best so far IMHO.

Master swordsman, able to take on the musketeers, which is why I thought he needed something other than a Swashbuckler.

@chbgraphicarts: LOL Yeah, Milday would be fun to build as well.

Looking for Feat suggestions as well as Stat distribution. DEX is pretty obvious, but I'm flexible as some of these classes can be a bit MAD.

Otherwhere wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:

Which version of Rochefort? Dumas, the current tv show, one of the films?

Some of them are decidedly more rogue-ish than others. (He also has two good eyes in the novels.)

My personal favorite is Christopher Lee from the film made in 1973. This version is the best so far IMHO.

Master swordsman, able to take on the musketeers, which is why I thought he needed something other than a Swashbuckler.

@chbgraphicarts: LOL Yeah, Milday would be fun to build as well.

Looking for Feat suggestions as well as Stat distribution. DEX is pretty obvious, but I'm flexible as some of these classes can be a bit MAD.

Thr best of the films by far... I could see him as a swashbuckler/inquisitor as well, he was intimidating and worked for the cardinal.

Inquisitor for Aramis, definitely (some kind of combination).

I'd probably go with Fighter for Rochefort of the novels or Christopher Lee. One thing to consider, if you're going for a period campaign, is that everyone is going to be very lightly armored, so losing out on heavy armor will be a definite consideration. I might suggest giving everyone (or at least all martials) Combat Expertise as a bonus feat.

Cthulhudrew wrote:

Inquisitor for Aramis, definitely (some kind of combination).

I'd probably go with Fighter for Rochefort of the novels or Christopher Lee. One thing to consider, if you're going for a period campaign, is that everyone is going to be very lightly armored, so losing out on heavy armor will be a definite consideration. I might suggest giving everyone (or at least all martials) Combat Expertise as a bonus feat.

Yeah - Combat Expertise is quickly becoming an automatic "just take it" without the reqs in most campaigns. LOL

Inquisitor is an interesting idea. Definitely he has the intimidation factor.

Not familiar with the Cleaner Slayer archetype, so I'll have a look at that.

Thanks, all! I appreciate the suggestions!

I went with Daring Infiltrator/Cutthroat Slayer multiclass.

Daring champion. Order of the Cockatrice. This Will allow him to be both a duelist a leader and a self serving bastard.

Cap. Darling wrote:
Daring champion. Order of the Cockatrice. This Will allow him to be both a duelist a leader and a self serving bastard.

Whoa! Didn't even look at Cavalier! That could work as well. Thanks, Cap!

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