Half-orc battledancing bloodraging glaive wielder for Giantslayer


Silver Crusade

Without getting into the huge backstory:

Half-orc raised as a child soldier for his Gorumite tribe until he ran away, wound up in Trunau, got taken in by a Shelynite couple, grew to adulthood alongside their aasimar son. Has suppressed memories of his childhood with his original tribe and the sister that helped him flee along with PTSD from the violence he experienced and took part in back then. Currently a Shelynite, though he's worried he's not a terribly good one as violence and anger come so easily to him, even if he tries to focus it towards positive ends such as taking up the art of the glaive and striving to join Trunau's guard. Has a chip on his shoulder a mile wide when it comes to bullies, and given the common enemies of the AP...it's probably fair to say Metal Gear Rising's song "Rules of Nature" and the related boss fights sum up a lot of his flavor. (maximum relevance at 3:06)

So, CG/NG half-orc bloodrager with the celestial bloodline. Definitely going for the wings power later on alongside his adoptive brother's. Favors a speedy, mobile combat style when possible, not a mini-Hulk half-orc but rather nimble and lithe. Will run up the weapons of giant enemies if possible, hacking always at them all the while in a flashy sundering attempt.

A couple of tricky spots though: when in close quarters combat and unable to gain space to use his glaive properly, his fighting style switches to planting the glaive and spinning about with secondary weaponry. Perhaps something like bladed boots or clawed gauntlets, something that lends itself to continued flowing motion. Does anyone have any particular equipment recommendations that could fit into that style?

Also, any recommendations for things to invest in to make the "underdog who dismantles larger enemies" flavor shine? I know that bloodragers have some "get big" spell options, but I'm trying to avoid those on order to keep that underdog visual.

That is, I want to run up an arrogant frost giant's sword, shredding it as I go, before taking his arm off. The GM yelling "RULES OF NATURE!!" as it happens is optional.

But deeply appreciated.

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I'd take a lot of primalist stuff; strength surge (you gotta be able to throw the giants) and the powers revolving around breaking things (to simulate cutting up armor/weapons) come to mind immediately.

The "stab down the glaive and spin around" is just not something you can really do in PF without getting into DSP Path of War stuff (not sure if any school has that exact maneuver, but one's bound to).

Silver Crusade

The actual giant throwing isn't really a must have for me. I'm happy to just hop up on the blade after dodging or blocking it.

It is something to aspire to though...

Looking into that! Thanks!

LoneKnave wrote:
The "stab down the glaive and spin around" is just not something you can really do in PF without getting into DSP Path of War stuff (not sure if any school has that exact maneuver, but one's bound to).

Path of War is actually a tentative maybe for this campaign! Though I probably shouldn't commit to it, I'm definitely keeping it in mind. :)

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This isn't going to ACTUALLY be all that useful to you as a Bloodrager fighting giants, but I find the concept of punching giants so hard they go stumbling backward too perfect for a concept like this.

Add the Toppling metamagic for maximum hilarity.

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If PoW stuff is on the table, I absolutely recommend using that. Awesome martial maneuvers is exactly what you want, and that's what PoW gives you.

The "run on sword and cut it up" thing may still elude you, but it's exactly in that style (though I'm guessing some stance that lets you move towards an attacker when attacked+ some reaction to sunder his blade should cover it nicely).

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I'm not sure whether the Amateur Swashbuckler feat lets you pick up a deed from an archetype; if it does, the Mouser deed Underfoot Assault (& a high-crit range weapon in order to replenish panache) would describe much of what you're trying to do. I don't think it's worth a class level in swashbuckler but the option's there.

From Path of War the Thrashing Dragon maneuvers seem like they'd fit your character. You can spend feats for them or take class levels in one of the PoW classes.

Silver Crusade

Inlaa wrote:

This isn't going to ACTUALLY be all that useful to you as a Bloodrager fighting giants, but I find the concept of punching giants so hard they go stumbling backward too perfect for a concept like this.

Add the Toppling metamagic for maximum hilarity.

Oh wow. I had completely forgotten about that spell. It may not be one of his primary techniques but that could make for a wonderful "%#*& off!" maneuver. :D

It's just so Devil May Cry/Metal Gear May Cry-appropriate...

@LoneKnave and avr: Well, I'll be looking at Path of War in earnest now for certain, those options in particular. I'll give Mouser a look too; it does sound like a longer shot as you said, but every little bit helps.

Thanks all! :)

There are a few ways to get a bite attack as a Half-Orc and polearm/bite is a very viable style as it has an answer to "what do I do if someone is able to get and stay inside my reach?"

Silver Crusade

Gregory Connolly wrote:
There are a few ways to get a bite attack as a Half-Orc and polearm/bite is a very viable style as it has an answer to "what do I do if someone is able to get and stay inside my reach?"

It is, but this character isn't so much the monster-mouth type*. He might go wild at points but often that just means he gets more graceful. If he ever did get bitey, it would be highly unusual for him.

*artwork by NEN. Closest match I can find in all the internet's half-orc art.

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A Spell Storing Spiked Gauntlet may be what you want for that situation if a bite attack feels wrong for the character.

Silver Crusade

While I'm still looking for a clawed gauntlet variant to keep the slashing/flowing motion flavor intact...a Spell Storing spiked gauntlet works wonderfully with the visuals for force punch.

Maybe he'll mix and match. Shelynites can make asymmetrical fashion look good. :)

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Are you taking the Spear Dancer feat? I built a monk/cleric of Shelyn for Serpent's Skull (Mwangi convert) and flurrying with a dazzling glaive was great. It seems right up your alley.

Silver Crusade

Kalindlara wrote:
Are you taking the Spear Dancer feat? I built a monk/cleric of Shelyn for Serpent's Skull (Mwangi convert) and flurrying with a dazzling glaive was great. It seems right up your alley.

Good God, I am now! :D

Silver Crusade Contributor

Glad I could help. :)

Silver Crusade

Seriously thanks, to everyone. A lot of things are clicking into place now. :)

(and honestly, he was going to be a dancer anyway ;) )

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