How would you make Zabuza from Naruto?



Kneejerk assumption was Ninja/Oracle of Waves, but I can't get over just how awful the divine list is for an offensive character.

The bonus skills, spells, revelations, are all great, but the Cleric/Oracle spell list has so very few offensive and/or Ice/Water spells to complement the character.

Would a Sorcerer be a better fit maybe? I'm not sure.

Any advice is appreciated!

Ninja/Waves Oracle is actually an effective entry to Arcane Trickster. You need a racial arcane SLA of at least 2nd level and a trait for mage hand, but it's doable and certainly enables the conjuring mist/sneak attack combo.

If you play an elf or half-elf you could take the ancient loremaster archetype for some sorc/wiz spells (the elf dreamspeaker SLA qualifies as arcane, at least 2nd level; can't think of anything for a half-elf.)

Though thinking about it the ancient loremaster's spells probably won't be gained with AT levels. Next idea.

Take the spirit guide archetype, take 3+ levels of oracle before going into AT and bind the Lore spirit. Talk your GM into agreeing that Arcane Enlightenment's giving you spells to prepare is equivalent to an oracle's spells known, then grab a few appropriate spells to use.

Scarab Sages

I would go Magus. You get silent image, obscuring mist, aqueous orb, river whip, spider climb, and others that fit his MO. You are also part fighter, part caster, which most ninjas are in Naruto. Perhaps eldritch scion, for the spontaneous casting, or black blade for a really nifty sword.

Ninja / Waves Oracle into AT is likely your best bet.

I would hesitate to go Magus because he merely used a strong 2H weapon. He never showed the ability to channel magic through his weapon (spellstrike). I would think Sasuke's Chidori attack through his sword is more reminiscent of a magus. Also, 2H weapons don't work with Spell Combat.

Dark Archive

I would say Ninja/Magus too. Just do not use spell strike. One feat you really need to have is Silent Kill. Which you need the assassinate ninja ability for.

Slayer + caster (either oracle of waves+ sla or the water centric sorcerer or arcanist) then into Arcane Trickster. It starts kind a late and lower level magic but you can likely still get the mist vision and use that, with high enoug hbab and all the usefulness of Slayer stuff.

Or.. that magic slayer archetype up to 10 to get assassinate then go for arcane trickster or something. for the mists and mirror image stuff.


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I'd aim for Gray Gardener over Arcane Trickster. The latter is mostly good for delivering sneak attacks at range, not for melee combat. Zabuza's a swordsman first and a 'caster' second; the mist and water techniques were to get people in position for a kill, not to do the actual killing. Gray Gardener gives a bit of sneak attack progression, pumps divine spellcasting (which can be used for buffs, not direct damage), and grants a whole bunch of intimidation and kill-this-one-specific-guy-right-now abilities, which would fit Zabuza to a tee. The Moonlight Stalker line would go very well on such a build.

Also, instead of Waves Oracle, look into Waves Shaman. Same mist sight ability, along with a hex that grants mist-based blur to you only for emergencies. The spirit ability, Wave Strike, is very Narutoesque, if not terribly useful due to mechanics. The shaman list has better spells in general for knocking people around with water.

Actually, that is a brilliant idea. I tend to forget about the Gray Gardener because it is banned in PFS, but it is an awesome prestige class.

Ninja 3 / Oracle 3 / Gray Gardener 10 / Ninja 4 would be a pretty sick build.

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