Kyrrion |

Hrm... I assume we're going for more flavor than function
You're probably going to want to see if you can use a Pata, that will mimic the blade he has on his hand. Otherwise you can try going for Knife-Master Rogue archtype and use a Punching Dagger.
Take the Bleeding Attack Rogue talent to replicate his Q.
To replicate his bladed cloak, the closest thing I know of is the Slashing Cape in Ultimate Equipment, this will let you attack everyone within 5 feet as a full-round action (kinda mimics his ult...).
For Rake, you can take Quick Draw and throw returning weapons just as a ranged back up.
Not sure how to mimic his gap closer, other than just using Acrobatics for tumbling.
That's all I got.

Widjit |

Hrm... I assume we're going for more flavor than function
You're probably going to want to see if you can use a Pata, that will mimic the blade he has on his hand. Otherwise you can try going for Knife-Master Rogue archtype and use a Punching Dagger.
Take the Bleeding Attack Rogue talent to replicate his Q.
To replicate his bladed cloak, the closest thing I know of is the Slashing Cape in Ultimate Equipment, this will let you attack everyone within 5 feet as a full-round action (kinda mimics his ult...).
For Rake, you can take Quick Draw and throw returning weapons just as a ranged back up.
Not sure how to mimic his gap closer, other than just using Acrobatics for tumbling.
That's all I got.
That's more than I had so far! Though I'm thinking the Shadowdancer might be a good way to eventually get his invisibilty ult by hiding in plain site!

Kyrrion |

Kyrrion wrote:That's more than I had so far! Though I'm thinking the Shadowdancer might be a good way to eventually get his invisibilty ult by hiding in plain site!Hrm... I assume we're going for more flavor than function
You're probably going to want to see if you can use a Pata, that will mimic the blade he has on his hand. Otherwise you can try going for Knife-Master Rogue archtype and use a Punching Dagger.
Take the Bleeding Attack Rogue talent to replicate his Q.
To replicate his bladed cloak, the closest thing I know of is the Slashing Cape in Ultimate Equipment, this will let you attack everyone within 5 feet as a full-round action (kinda mimics his ult...).
For Rake, you can take Quick Draw and throw returning weapons just as a ranged back up.
Not sure how to mimic his gap closer, other than just using Acrobatics for tumbling.
That's all I got.
Rogues can get an Advanced talent for that (but you have to pick up another talent for Favored Terrain and you must be in said Favored Terrain). Or you can take the Ninja Trick for using Invisibility on yourself (though this is a standard action).
You might consider going Ninja actually, you won't be tied down to Knifemaster to allow yourself to use the pata. You can get a Ninja Trick for throwing tons of shuriken at once for Rake or the vanishing trick for invisibility (though I think it's a standard action to use).
Shadowdancer might work, both mechanically and flavor-wise (with his title being the Blade's Shadow). in fact, the level 4 dip for Shadow Jump could work close to his gap closer. Though I wouldn't go farther than that, Shadowdancer doesn't have much in terms of weapon damage which deviates from Talon.

Kyrrion |

I'm not finding any stats on the Pata but it's listed in sCoreForge but I would need to take another feat to be able to use it.
Looking for an alternative to that to save the feat if possible.
Punching Dagger. It's literally a sized down version of the Pata (which is akin to an arm blade, it's pretty much a gauntlet with a short sword at the end of it).
PRD Link - http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/combat/gladiatorWeapons.h tml#pata
The punching dagger should still give you the feel of Talon's weapon.