Cuuniyevo |

First of all, have you read the Player's Guide? It has suggestions for characters and backgrounds and how they'd be tied to the area.
Secondly, do you know what types of characters your fellow players are picking, so as not to pick the same thing?
Personally, I think the most attractive options are as a Halfling Cavalier (you can get a giant gecko, which has a climb speed) or Mouser who specializes in fighting larger foes. Either way, you could play it as a knightly character from Lastwall or a native, whichever struck your fancy. Mountain Druid (Oread as the race?) is also appealing, as is the classic Dwarf Ranger.

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I do not know the party make up unfortunately.
I was looking into the halfing swashbuckler, but the first two level would be horrid.
while druids are imo the strongest class in pathfinder, I find I can rarely make them work from a fluff/RP perceptive, however, I may be willing to try it again.
also, I have read most of it, including suggested classes and to be quite frank none of them shouted to me, I have never been at a "loss of character ideas" before and it has rather confuddled me.
also, 20pt buy if it matters and I am not feeling a dwarf on this one, I love dwarves, but I have two PbP games going where I play a dwarf and the only dwarf I can think of atm is Ivan and pikel bouldershoulder XD.

Rydell Derrick Ellindorr |

Hey guys, here is something I whipped up on a sudden inspiration, lemme know what you think and also-
1. do I give up reckless, seeker, or dangerously curious for Dwarf-trained AP trait?
2. Should I just go for the "elven curved blade Dex fighter"? It would surely be more efficient, but then he wouldn't match the image :P
3. I plan to go full plate asap, because then he can finally look like the elf in his image.
4. Would it work to have his forest near tranu? or would he need to have traveled there?
5. Are any archetypes better than straight fighter here? I am looking to keep armor training for the reduced ACP and +dex mods.
6. Any other advice? excluding play a dwarf?

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You'll be fighting lots of giants in the Giantslayer AP. Two questions come to mind.
Question 1: Giants hit hard and have reach. What's your plan for avoiding a reach AoO from every giant you face?
Question 2: Giants hit hard and get multiple attacks on a full attack. Will you have a way to deny full attacks to your giant foe? If not, what's your plan for surviving the inevitable full attack from every giant you fail to kill with your first attack?
Once you have an answer to each question you are ready to become a giant slayer.

Rydell Derrick Ellindorr |

Q1: acrobatics! no really, even if I take a reach weapon, a large creature has a 15ft reach, I am still at 10ft, (not to mention they can take reach weapons...) so, this guy or my swashbuckler whichever I choose will be relying on some acrobatic nonsese to pull off AoO dodges, (which means reckless is a must keep on this fighter)and will most likely pick up dodge-> mobility so even if my acrobatics fails I have a pretty nice AC against them.
Q2: from what I understand, we won't fight many giants until around level 3-4? If this is true, I should have my little build coming together I would have enough money for at least a MWK full plate, combined with my class abilities only cutting my dex AC bonus by 1.To be honest, with the swashbuckler I can say "oh, i'll just parry riposte his attacks! with my fighter? Not sure.

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on another note, I have two swashbuckles I am looking at, one starts out strong, stays strong, one starts out weak, gets stronger (than the other)
1st one-
Human swashbuckler
Dwarf trained, signature moves
1-weapon focus Rapier, Fencing Grace, swashbucklers finesse
3-combat reflexes
Gear: Chain shirt, MWK fire-steel rapier
ect. ect
Halfing swashbuckler, alt racial- adaptive luck, fleet footed,
dwarf trained, signature moves,
Dex: 18
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 16
I have 1pt left, should I place it in con, int or wis?
1-swashbucklers finesse, weapon focus Rapier, (doing 1d4-1 damage atm)
3- fencing grace
4-combat reflexes
MWK rapier, Chain shirt,
which would be better here?

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Both solid answers! Do beware of high giant CMDs, making acrobatics dicey against them. May the dice fall in your favor. Rodinia, already a noted Giantslayer, dubs thee (whichever incarnation you choose) an up-and-coming Giant Slayer!
Smart giants would extend their existing reach advantage by wielding a longspear or other reach weapon. This would let them full attack at 20' reach while still getting an AoO against anyone who tries to close, giving them a much bigger advantage against we puny human-sized creatures. Neither Rodinia, nor any of her other incarnations, have ever heard of any published Paizo adventure where they do so. Has anyone else?

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Both solid answers! Do beware of high giant CMDs, making acrobatics dicey against them. May the dice fall in your favor. Rodinia, already a noted Giantslayer, dubs thee (whichever incarnation you choose) an up-and-coming Giant Slayer!
Smart giants would extend their existing reach advantage by wielding a longspear or other reach weapon. This would let them full attack at 20' reach while still getting an AoO against anyone who tries to close, giving them a much bigger advantage against we puny human-sized creatures. Neither Rodinia, nor any of her other incarnations, have ever heard of any published Paizo adventure where they do so. Has anyone else?
any advice on the swashbucklers If I choose one of them?