DM_Kumo Gekkou |

Book of Harms (Level 5 Evoker)
Harmful Surge (Su) You can maximize a spell, but doing so damages you. Spend this boon effect as a free action when you cast a wizard evocation spell. When you do, you can treat that spell as if it were cast with the Maximize Spell metamagic feat, but you take 1d4 points of damage × the level of the spell that you are maximizing. The damage you take cannot be reduced in any way.
Several questions regarding this:
1. does the character have to use a spell slot 3 higher
2. Could a magus use this to cast spells (as he is not casting a wizard evocation spell technically)
3. Is the boon a one time use or is it useable every time you cast as long as the spells are prepared from this book.
The reason I ask is I have a magus who is casting nothing but maximized shocking grasps from this book and taken 1d4 damage from it but putting out 30 + weapon damage, this seems overpowered for a 900gp book.

Pendin Fust |

Yes you do have to use a slot 3 levels higher. The language "When you do, you can treat that spell as if it were cast with the Maximize Spell metamagic feat" is saying that it works just like the feat. If it was going to take away the spell level slot restriction, it would be stated explicitly, otherwise it functions as the referenced thing.
He is an Arcane spellcaster so he does cast a wizard evocation spell...he just has a Magus spell list that is restricted to less spells than a straight wizard has available to them. This is to reflect the fact that they are part fighter.
I'll need help with this one...but since it tells you to "spend this boon effect" I would assume it is once per boon. Until you get another boon.