Hero Forge

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Sovereign Court

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This site is awesome. Aside from making cool 3D printed miniatures, you can just design your characters and maybe fix them up in photoshop. Too bad they don't sell those models as 3ds or fbx so you can import them in 3d Studio or some such. I hope they add more beards and stuff.

More beards and more helmets. And a scabbard and quiver option for the back.

My group discovered this last week, and we've been e-mailing our designs around ever since.

A quick tip that I only recently discovered is that your mini design doesn't have to stick with just one genre. You can start off in "Fantasy", move over to "Western" to add a cowboy hat, and then add a ray gun from "Sci-Fi" all without losing the elements you've already applied.

Here's a quick design of Valeros. (And I mean quick. It could probably be improved on.)

I kickstarted it. Still waiting for the mounted miniature options, but I'm seriously considering getting my Gunslinger done and shipped.


jemstone wrote:
I kickstarted it. Still waiting for the mounted miniature options, but I'm seriously considering getting my Gunslinger done and shipped.

I'd never heard of it until last week, and I can't find any company blog that's been updated fairly recently. What other options have they talked about offering in the future?

Their Kickstarter Page has all the stuff I'm aware of them working to add.

They hit all but one of their listed Stretch Goals, so there's quite a lot of stuff in the pipe.

That's the obvious I place I should have looked. Thanks.

Andostre wrote:
That's the obvious I place I should have looked. Thanks.

Don't sweat it, man. The way the year has shaken out for most people I know so far, nothing is obvious or clear most days. Go check out their product site, too, it costs nothing to make a character and play with the tools. :)

Shadow Lodge

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jemstone wrote:
I kickstarted it. Still waiting for the mounted miniature options, but I'm seriously considering getting my Gunslinger done and shipped.

I received notice on Wednesday that my order was in final production. They had to kick one mini back for reprint due to a flaw in the first run. I was give an expected shipping date of 17 Feb as long as the reprint goes well.

Most people would freak out because I placed my order on the 26th of December, so it is going to be 8 weeks for delivery. I however am thrilled. Their normal shipping concept is 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Being only two weeks behind that during Hero Forge's initial opening rush (combined with the Christmas holiday) is awesome to me.

That said Jemstone; don't be in a rush to order. They're still behind the power curve a little bit and by waiting you'll get more options when you do finally order.

I'll try to remember to post a quick review when my box arrives; but I may be too busy going SQUEEEEEEE all over the house.

Grand Lodge

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Kickstarted this for my wife, so we have 10 free minis between us. She's hoping to finally have a good mini for her gunslinger.

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This is probably one of the few things I would have been willing to kickstart, but didn't hear about it in time.

Shadow Lodge

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I found a box on my counter when I got home. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Okay, now that I've got that out of my system.

The detail is awesome. Even better than I expected. The weight is a bit light, but that's to be expected from a printable plastic. My only gripe would be that the printing plastic is a transparent type so you have to get out a magnifier and look at them just right under the light to see the awesome details. Painted they will look incredible. Now I just have to get them to my painter; because my crude efforts will not be enough.

4.75 stars for Hero Forge.

Yeah, from what they've said, the finely detailed plastic is somewhat translucent, but the cheaper, more durable plastic lacks the same amount of detail, but is a solid color.

Glad you like your mini(s)!

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Kickstarted this for my wife, so we have 10 free minis between us. She's hoping to finally have a good mini for her gunslinger.

Link it!


Shadow Lodge


Damn, I kickstarted one cause that's what I could afford then; then bought three more when I ordered my kick starter.

They have some pretty cool western gear that you can use for a gunslinger so I bet your wife will love it.

Silver Crusade

As TOZ's other half - I had been waiting to see what other options were provided. I couldn't ever find a good mini for a musket master so that's what really caught my eye. In terms of cost-benefit the 10 package to share between the two of us just made the most sense.

Audrey This is my initial design that I have been sitting on.

Cyzzane, she looks awesome. Over in the Gamer in Houston thread, I linked Agun Glengrim.

Actually, let me just find the link...


Due to a limit of options, he's not exactly what Agun looked like. Agun has a long vest with lots of pockets, but the best I could do here is a western-themed duster. And there's no cigar option, alas. But thematically, I'm pretty happy with him!

I didn't come up with anything that I liked for Jazeed. The character just wore a long brown robe, and that's not much fun visually. Plus, it's really hard to get a cowardly expression on the Hero Forge minis!

Grand Lodge

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A design flaw if I ever heard one!

Seriously, people. More links to your characters! There's no fee or limit for creating designs and linking them!

Sovereign Court

I've been making my characters from old games. Maybe, one day, when I can afford it, I will order them, paint them and place them on a shelf to smile on. Anyway:

Harbaskire, my very first RPG character

Panelon Stultis, first D&D 3E character. Awesome fighter. Became a king. Married a girl of his dreams.

Hama. He had another name but everybody was referring to him as such. He was an awesome druid. My first epic level character. Went to 40 something I think became a god of nature

Drukier, my first drow character. He was a follower of an evil god. Pretty nasty character.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I'm not in much of a position to order these at the moment, but I had fun making these!

Megferra the Rose is my first PFS character. Do you know how hard it is to find a paladin figure that 1) doesn't have a shield or a two-handed sword, and 2) has an eye-patch? Answer: it's not hard at all, because I made one!

Dr. Gunter is one that I probably won't ever order, because he died. But the access to the other genres makes for a perfect gentlemanly half-orc alchemist! The only thing wrong is that there aren't any mutton chops.

The "I'll go off half-cocked if I damn well please!" "Flintlock" Maggie Mieckle

Sadly, they have no top hats and are sorely lacking in more high-fashion stuff, or I'd throw some of my Cyberpunk character in the mix.

More when I'm not at work, maybe. :)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
jemstone wrote:

The "I'll go off half-cocked if I damn well please!" "Flintlock" Maggie Mieckle

Sadly, they have no top hats and are sorely lacking in more high-fashion stuff, or I'd throw some of my Cyberpunk character in the mix.

More when I'm not at work, maybe. :)

The Western theme totally has a top hat! And maybe a mix of the sci-fi and modern categories could get a little cyberpunk. At the very least, they have a sci-fi jacket that's referred to as the very Shadowrun-sounding "Street Mage's Coat."

mechaPoet wrote:

The Western theme totally has a top hat! And maybe a mix of the sci-fi and modern categories could get a little cyberpunk. At the very least, they have a sci-fi jacket that's referred to as the very Shadowrun-sounding "Street Mage's Coat."

What what whaaaaaaat?

Since when?

Looks at clock. Still a work for another few hours.

I'll check! Soon!

Yeah, discovering that I could use elements cross-genre on the same figure was a huge (and wonderful) time suck.

This is my Skull & Shackles character Gnath VonGutsripper!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Andostre wrote:

Yeah, discovering that I could use elements cross-genre on the same figure was a huge (and wonderful) time suck.

This is my Skull & Shackles character Gnath VonGutsripper!

Not necessarily the expression I would expect, but I love it.

I got my reward from the kickstarter, Made a female half-orc (cause there are a marked few of those in minature lines)just finished painting her and everything, looks fantastic.

and then the haft of her battle axe broke off. I should have gone for the durable version instead of high detail. Should be able to fix it with a bit of pinning so no worries.

Fantastic looking work though, little pricy to get on a regular basis but great for when you really want something special.

Anyone have any idea how much difference in strength there is between the durable and high detail materials?

I take my figures to PFS events and home games at another's house. Yes, I have a case for them, but they aren't just sitting on the shelf.

Sovereign Court

Well the high detail materials are softer and more fragile. So I assume that high detail ones are for painting and varnishing. Probably gets more durable after paint and varnish.

You'll be fine with that.

Well, I've made 14 characters with this so far, but here's the ones I'm most proud of.

So, here's the mini that made me excited about this: Jebbedo Badger Gorignak Hyabusha. My brother's ninja gnome. It is impossible to find a gnome ninja mini.

Darktooth, one of my Iron Gods players' shifter bloodrager/slayer.

Dax, changeling (Eberron) witch/cleric of the Traveler.

Morikov Graves, one of my Rise of the Runelords players' tiefling inquisitor of Desna.

The Exchange

Hey look, it's me!!! Qakisst Vishtani

And my friend Dahlia

Never this other guy, he's a bit of a head case but he seems pretty cool too.

Yzgar Yzarin

Silver Crusade

You are as droll as ever, Qakisst. I sometimes wonder why we share the same player's head.

Myrlan Dai

1 person marked this as a favorite.

To whomever started this thread. You caused me to spend a lot of money. Jerk. Must resist urge to make every PC I've ever played...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is a great site! I designed my Magus and got him sent to me. It really hard to find a character in a suit and tie, with a top hat, holding a sword. For some reason...

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Message board troll wrote:
To whomever started this thread. You caused me to spend a lot of money. Jerk. Must resist urge to make every PC I've ever played...

I would have spent a lot of money as well. If i had any xD

I wonder if they're gonna add other race options down the line. I would go broke if ratfolk were an option.

Liberty's Edge

My Dwarf Fighter, Dolgrin. I was going for a classic D&D look for him.

My vigilante, the Stranger

My space marine, Phillip Diomedes

Shadow Lodge

Triphoppenskip wrote:
I wonder if they're gonna add other race options down the line. I would go broke if ratfolk were an option.

I don't think ratfolk were in the initial list of races or the goal races. But I know that they certainly plan to expand options as they go. They just have to get through the initial stretch goal list. They haven't gotten to familiars and mounts yet so I think it will be a while.

Starfinder Superscriber

Got my mini from the kickstarter with these guys and I am so impressed. Used the high detail plastic. Great mini, awesome sculpt and frankly, I love the poses I can build.

Shadow Lodge

I promised to show my Heroforge minis when they were finished. Just got two of them back from my painter buddy, Kody.

Let's see how well this works. Allow me to introduce you to Qakisst & Dahlia. Qakisst is my Runelords character; a sorcerer/oracle with a strange speech issue, and some of you have seen him lurking about the forums from time to time. Dahlia is his cohort and occasional collaborator in mayhem as well as part time conscience. Jiminy Cricket need not fear. Dahlia can't keep herself out of trouble let alone Qakisst.



Dahlia's rose shield

I won't make crazy claims that these are the most awesome minis ever, but my friend Kody did do an awesome job, and way better than I cold have done. I particularly like the rose petal design on the shield. The photo doesn't do it justice. Thank you Kody!!!

Here's the two characters I had made:

Alis Kirmoon under her alias Admiral Wardove, and her twin sister, Alexis

IMO, the detail on the finished models is better than expected, so I'm quite happy with the results. Now if only the weather will turn decent for long enough to prime and paint them...

MY MINI CAME IN THIS WEEK!!!! So excited to have one that actually fits the mental image I have for my character. Now if only I had any painting skill.

Laithoron wrote:

Here's the two characters I had made:

Alis Kirmoon under her alias Admiral Wardove, and her twin sister, Alexis

IMO, the detail on the finished models is better than expected, so I'm quite happy with the results. Now if only the weather will turn decent for long enough to prime and paint them...

Same pose, different outfits and accessories?

Triphoppenskip wrote:
MY MINI CAME IN THIS WEEK!!!! So excited to have one that actually fits the mental image I have for my character. Now if only I had any painting skill.

Link it!

Andostre wrote:
Triphoppenskip wrote:
MY MINI CAME IN THIS WEEK!!!! So excited to have one that actually fits the mental image I have for my character. Now if only I had any painting skill.
Link it!

I'll do so when I get home later tonight.

DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Got my mini from the kickstarter with these guys and I am so impressed. Used the high detail plastic. Great mini, awesome sculpt and frankly, I love the poses I can build.

What is the durability of the detailed plastic? I only ever hear about how it's not as detailed as the other plastic, but comparing one to the other isn't helpful when that's the only frame of reference I have.

For example, do you think the mini would break/bend if it fell from table height? Could you scratch it with your fingernail?

Andostre wrote:
DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Got my mini from the kickstarter with these guys and I am so impressed. Used the high detail plastic. Great mini, awesome sculpt and frankly, I love the poses I can build.

What is the durability of the detailed plastic? I only ever hear about how it's not as detailed as the other plastic, but comparing one to the other isn't helpful when that's the only frame of reference I have.

For example, do you think the mini would break/bend if it fell from table height? Could you scratch it with your fingernail?

I've been wondering that myself. I went with the less detailed more durable plastic, I didn't want to risk paying that much for a mini only to have him end up in pieces when I brought him out on game night. A lot of the fine detail on my mini isn't visable but I'm happy to trade detail for a mini that can travel in my case with the others and hold up to the wear and tear of game play. I think if I can get a decent paint job on there it will make up for the loss of detail too.

Ok, few questions.

looking at them on the screen the weapons look too big for the figures. Ex: The mace looks more like a two-handed tetsubo than a one handed club like weapon. Does it just look like that on the screen or do they come like that?

Is the larger size of figure appropriate for a PF large humanoid? I want to make nearly identical figures for a character that changes between small, medium, and large.

I see the fangs. Is there any way to give a figure scales, claws, cloven/hooved feet, a tail, or a single horn?

Triphoppenskip wrote:
Andostre wrote:
DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Got my mini from the kickstarter with these guys and I am so impressed. Used the high detail plastic. Great mini, awesome sculpt and frankly, I love the poses I can build.

What is the durability of the detailed plastic? I only ever hear about how it's not as detailed as the other plastic, but comparing one to the other isn't helpful when that's the only frame of reference I have.

For example, do you think the mini would break/bend if it fell from table height? Could you scratch it with your fingernail?

I've been wondering that myself. I went with the less detailed more durable plastic, I didn't want to risk paying that much for a mini only to have him end up in pieces when I brought him out on game night. A lot of the fine detail on my mini isn't visable but I'm happy to trade detail for a mini that can travel in my case with the others and hold up to the wear and tear of game play. I think if I can get a decent paint job on there it will make up for the loss of detail too.

I figured I would choose based on how 'fiddly' the little bits look on the final design. Ex I would probably chose the more durable if it has the long fragile looking spiked chain. A more standard pose heavy hammer I might use the more detailed plastic.

Andostre wrote:
DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Got my mini from the kickstarter with these guys and I am so impressed. Used the high detail plastic. Great mini, awesome sculpt and frankly, I love the poses I can build.

What is the durability of the detailed plastic? I only ever hear about how it's not as detailed as the other plastic, but comparing one to the other isn't helpful when that's the only frame of reference I have.

For example, do you think the mini would break/bend if it fell from table height? Could you scratch it with your fingernail?

for the most part seems ok although I would avoid long hafted weapons like battle axes, mine snapped just from putting it in a foam tray carrying case. Main body however seems durable enough. If it's going to get a lot of use and knocking around you might want to stick to the durable version instead.

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