The Unofficial Top 32 Guildhall and Armory

RPG Superstar™ General Discussion

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Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Black Powder Chocobo

No Super Bowl for me; have tickets to see a reshowing of "Shop Around the Corner".

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka CalebTGordan

Jacob W. Michaels wrote:

Which is the best super hero show -- "Flash," "Arrow" or "Gotham"?

Thank you for asking! I like all three but for different reasons.

Flash is amazing in that I haven't found a character that I don't like, with perhaps the most recent villain. They cast this show really well and everyone just has this great charisma to them. I also enjoy that I am learning about Flash and his universe as the show goes along. I didn't read any of the comic and so came to the show with few expectations about the material. My one complaint is that it suffers from the science and hacking are instant magic trope. Have a problem? We can solve it in a few second with science concept! My favorite moment so far has been connecting the dots between who they cast as Cold and his fire partner, and realizing what show they were in together.

Arrow started out slow and I think if I had started watching it as the episodes were released I wouldn't have gotten into it as easily as I did. Having the entire first season on Hulu (or was it Netflix?) allowed me to binge watch it and see the show evolve much more quickly. I think this show is amazing in how they planed it out and written, and the casting is top notch as well. Adding in John Diggle was a great decision, and for a while he was my favorite character because of how he grounded the show. I also like how they tied in characters from DC that weren't actually connected to Green Arrow, like Amanda Waller and Felicity, giving them an opportunity to show out outside of the comics.

Gotham was a tough pill for me to swallow at first, but it has grown on me. I could type an entire essay about this show, but won't. I do like Gordan and the Penguin stories, and watch the show to see how those play out. I dislike how they are doing Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, and wish they hadn't even focused on them. Little to nothing about Bruce Wayne is attractive to me, and they really failed to make me feel like this kid is going to be Batman one day. I come to each episode for Gordan and stay for Penguin, but have been tempted to leave when Bruce shows up.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 4 , Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9 aka MillerHero

Neil Spicer wrote:
I too agree with Mikko.

As Mikko and Neil said - keep your head down. I recommend Superstar forum silence during the voting period. Spend your time on other forums or working on your next submission.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka DeathQuaker

I am brainstorming monster ideas like crazy. Part of me really wishes they would post the rules early, but that's because I will probably have to report for jury duty on Wednesday. Such is life! I'm pretty sure there will be no early rules postings this year, so just trying to come up with as much as I can right now, so if I am in Top 16 AND get called up (I find out both 5 pm on Tuesday), I can hopefully have something that will work that I can submit early.

Now, onto to other important topics:

Not that interested in football, but I do love Superbowl snackfood. I might just make some for the hell of it. (More popcorn, maybe... mmm...)

I love "Arrow," "Flash," and "Gotham"--and like Taylor, all for slightly different reasons.

If I am going to get technical about the question, though, I would say Flash is the best super-hero show, in that it has the most "superhero comic book" feel--it is a little more light-hearted, it has superpowers in it, it has that broad feel of the grand fight for justice on a big scale. And even though all of the shows are basically origin story-based, I feel like Flash's take on the origin story is the most fun. I also really like its cast--I think there's really at the moment no character I dislike or feel is superfluous, and I actually like the main character which is rare.

Arrow and Gotham are those Nolan-style "realistic" superhero shows... more about real-ish people in extraordinary circumstances, and Gotham, as it focuses on the police force, etc. is basically just a crime/noir show set in a version of the DC universe. That said, I love crime/noir and I like at least some versions of the DC universe so that combination is a win/win for me (I get that it isn't for others). They are both good shows, but they aren't the best superhero shows, if the distinction is understandable.

Arrow is one of those shows where I really don't give a crap about the main character (I never liked Ollie in the comics either) but the world build itself is interesting to me and I tolerate-to-enjoy the rest of the supporting cast. Merlyn is one of my favorite villains ever, and John Barrowman is great. I hold the unpopular opinion of enjoying Laurel's story arc as well, even if the inconsistency in how she's been written makes her hard to root for--but I'm really excited about her development recently. I feel like this season is the strongest season so far and I look forward to seeing where they're going.

Gotham again, is just a great crime/noir piece and I love all the characters, both original and with comic book counterparts. The take on Penguin is great. I think Bruce and Selina are fine in small doses, but I agree that the show is best focused on Gordon and Penguin. I dislike Barbara Keane intensely but it looks like they're working on turning her into a person now rather than a plot device, so I'm interested in seeing how well that develops. I also really love the world's aesthetic--there's a really distinct grimy art deco feel the show's designers have done a great job with.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka DeathQuaker

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And I just posted the above, which now shows up after another admonition to be completely silent.

I'm going to talk about this issue once, and accept that I am taking a risk in doing so:

When I got my "you're in the Top 32!" email, one of the things it strongly suggested was to go out and post on the boards, introduce oneself, get to know each other and the community, and build visibility.

Then on these boards we're advised to post on, we're being constantly scolded to keep completely silent.

Receiving such conflicting advice is very frustrating. (And I recognize the parallel in that sometimes that happens in the publishing world too.)

Yes, the more we say anything, we can run a risk of disqualification (or even just turning off voters). We have to be expected to be mature enough to understand and accept that--that's part of trying for a professional position.

The less we say anything, the more we run a risk of alienating each other and the community. We also lose a tremendous possibly one-time-opportunity to get to know some really cool, creative people.

The rule not to talk about one's entry before or during voting is crucially important. Not debating that at all.

It is also important not to be distracted by the boards so we end up not putting due time into our entries. Not debating that either.

But this is also a pretty unique situation where we get a chance to chat and network with some really cool people, and it's kind of sad we're now being told not to. I understand and appreciate that everyone's advice is only out of concern, but the conflicting nature of the advice is overwhelming (nice thing about actual publication work is you're usually working with one lead editor and what they say ultimately goes, even in a team-based environment; here we are effectively beholden to Paizo, the judges, and the voters).

If we really should not say a single word, anywhere, ever, once the Top 32 are announced, then I hope in the future that the encouragement to do so is removed from the notification email.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8

I have to say between Arrow, Flash, and Gotham, at the moment Gotham is best. Then comes Arrow and last Flash. I like them all and the positions may shift from episode to episode.

Another show that been superb is Agent Carter, I love that show.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Just to clarify, my advice is to be polite and respectful of others, and to avoid talking about the entries until the results for the round are revealed. There's absolutely nothing wrong about discussing football or Flash, for example. :)

Speaking of football, I'll be staying in Seattle for 2 weeks in May, and I was wondering if there will be any matches that might be worth seeing. I know little about the sport, but it looks interesting. :) Or UFC, maybe???

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Black Powder Chocobo

If you ever get a chance, rugby is a fantastic sport to watch. Much more fluid than football in my opinion.

@R Pickard/Deathquaker: Did you get an official Paizo email that you were in the 32 or was it from a friend? I didn't get any official email and found out about my entry from one of my PbP players. Just curious :)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka GM_Solspiral

Mikko Kallio wrote:

Just to clarify, my advice is to be polite and respectful of others, and to avoid talking about the entries until the results for the round are revealed. There's absolutely nothing wrong about discussing football or Flash, for example. :)

Speaking of football, I'll be staying in Seattle for 2 weeks in May, and I was wondering if there will be any matches that might be worth seeing. I know little about the sport, but it looks interesting. :) Or UFC, maybe???

Football season is over after Sunday. You might be able to catch a spring training Mairners game if you like baseball. Here's what Seatle has to say about May

Flash- It's a "monster of the week show right now waiting to see if I like it once they get a true meta plot going. Reverse Flash was always lame IMHO.

Arrow- I keep going back and forth as to if I like the current plot and the flashback plot better. I roll my eyes in the opening credits when he over dramatically states how he must become *pause* something else.

Gotham- Love Gordon, Penguin, Phish Mooney, cannot stand their version of kitten woman. I'm like kill her off.

Agents of Shield for the win.

Can't wait to see if They do a decent job with daredevil.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Hodge Podge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mikko Kallio wrote:
Speaking of football, I'll be staying in Seattle for 2 weeks in May, and I was wondering if there will be any matches that might be worth seeing. I know little about the sport, but it looks interesting. :) Or UFC, maybe???

I'm not a diehard sports fan, so I'm not sure. There might be some baseball going on in that time frame though!


My take on posting during this period is that chatting about the contest and life is totally okay! Real conversations are great, and if the chance to be funny comes up, I'll take it!

I have a set of ground rules for myself though:

1) I read comments on my entry, but that's it. I don't post on my entry or +1 any of the comments on it. After votes are locked in, I thank people, share some insight on the design process, and maybe even post a revision if I have time.

2) I read the other entries and +1 the ones I really like, but I don't comment. If I really want to give the contestant some feedback (praise, or maybe some very light constructive commentary if we get into a conversation), I just send them a PM.

3) Besides my goofy youtube post, I don't participate in the exit polls.

4) I've been avoiding debates like the one about the top 100 list. Too easy to set off people's nerves. I do read them and +1 some posts I think made good points.

5) I think showing excitement and good will is great! But there's a very early point of diminishing returns with back-patting and general praise-giving, and it soon adds nothing to the dialogue and clutters the boards. Talking too much can come off as nervousness, or worse, showing off.


I'd love to have chats about good resources for inspiration and advice for the technical aspects of upcoming rounds. We can talk about our general creative processes and what we think will be challenging without actually talking about the entries themselves. I think the voters would enjoy reading that sort of thing.

Also, monsters were what killed me my first year, so I need all the help I can get. :p

Lantern Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Jayson MF Kip

Best part about the Super Bowl is that baseball is just around the corner. That's my sport of choice.

Though I'd like too see the Patriots win said Super Bowl, because villains gotta win a few to make things interesting. "Good guys" are boring. (In sports at least.)

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka mamaursula

R Pickard wrote:

Now, onto to other important topics:

Not that interested in football, but I do love Superbowl snackfood. I might just make some for the hell of it. (More popcorn, maybe... mmm...)

I love "Arrow," "Flash," and "Gotham"--and like Taylor, all for slightly different reasons.

If I am going to get technical about the question, though, I would say Flash is the best super-hero show, in that it has the most "superhero comic book" feel--it is a little more light-hearted, it has superpowers in it, it has that broad feel of the grand fight for justice on a big scale. And even though all of the shows are basically origin story-based, I feel like Flash's take on the origin story is the most fun. I also really like its cast--I think there's really at the moment no character I dislike or feel is superfluous, and I actually like the main character which is rare.

Arrow and Gotham are those Nolan-style "realistic" superhero shows... more about real-ish people in extraordinary circumstances, and Gotham, as it focuses on the police force, etc. is basically just a crime/noir show set in a version of the DC universe. That said, I love crime/noir and I like at least some versions of the DC universe so that combination is a win/win for me (I get that it isn't for others). They are both good shows, but they aren't the best superhero shows, if the distinction is understandable.

Arrow is one of those shows where I really don't give a crap about the main character (I never liked Ollie in the comics either) but the world build itself is...

We're a little behind due to DVR and work related issues, but I am a bigger fan of Gotham and Arrow than Flash. The development of Penguin in Gotham has absolutely blown me away.

Star Voter Season 8 aka TealDeer

The best superhero show is clearly Agent Carter. Seriously, EVERYONE should be watching that. It's really, really, REALLY good.

Jeff Hazuka wrote:
Best part about the Super Bowl is that baseball is just around the corner. That's my sport of choice.

/zooms in on

yo what TEAM son

I live in Maryland, but near Washington, DC, so my loyalties are basically Nationals for the American league and Orioles for the National. I am still praying for a Beltway world series.

Re: Football, I'm refusing to participate because 1. I think the current business practices and ethics of the Football Association are vile and 2. The Washington DC Team That Will Not Be Named still refuses to change their name away from something that is a racial slur, and it's gross, disrespectful, and embarrassing.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Black Powder Chocobo

Sadly, I haven't watched any of the super hero shows. I'm enjoying sitcom reruns, in particular Home Improvement and Roseanne.

All the Gotham talk though makes me want to finally get the Batman: The Animated Series box set.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka GM_Solspiral

David Higaki wrote:

Sadly, I haven't watched any of the super hero shows. I'm enjoying sitcom reruns, in particular Home Improvement and Roseanne.

All the Gotham talk though makes me want to finally get the Batman: The Animated Series box set.

Yes because there is no real contest Mark Hamill is the BEST Joker.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka DeathQuaker

I've only managed to catch 1 ep of Agent Carter but it was really good. Just haven't taken the time needed to watch the rest.

For sitcoms, I've been watching a lot of the British sitcom "Miranda."

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think the advice to take to heart is that we shouldn't engage in any discussion that might be construed as bearing on or attempting to influence the map round in any way, and that seems just prudent, hard as it can be. And I value Chris' advice to be mindful of how *anything* you say in this forum can give people cause to think twice about you and your submissions, even if the topic isn't directly related. But DQ is right, we shouldn't feel like we have to lock ourselves in a closet for a week. I mean, look: I spend a lot of my life maneuvering through a world that doesn't understand (or is in some cases directly hostile to) my passion for things like fantasy gaming, and here I find myself surrounded not just by people in my tribe, but especially talented and charming members of that tribe. It's just too good an opportunity to let pass by.
And you all make me wish I had more time for television :p

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 aka jeffh

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jacob W. Michaels wrote:
Which is the best super hero show -- "Flash," "Arrow" or "Gotham"?


Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Official Round 2 Note: On Map Resolution

We’ve had some comments on legibility of smaller type on the maps, and the contestants are (by the rules of the contest), not allowed to clarify anything, so I want to make a general statement about maps and resolution.

When we required all contestants to present maps at a specific dpi and size, we did so because in past years we’ve had some issues with maps (for the encounter round) being sent to us in different sizes, resolutions, and dpi, making it difficult to give them all a high-quality presentation for the contest. We found that asking for a higher dpi than we’ll use in the end allowed us to create a standard of presentation that kept all images crisp and clean. For encounter-round maps, this has worked well.

Unfortunately, since this round requires all text be provided on the maps themselves, many contestants used the dpi and size standards we required as the basis for making sure their text is clear, and otherwise tried to keep words as small as possible so as to not clutter their maps. This was done in the (reasonable) belief that the maps should look good at the size we asked for, rather than in any different size we might present on our website. When resized for smaller, high-quality images, this can result in words that aren’t clearly legible.

We’ve made a change to rescale everything to the higher end of maximum image size for uploaded images for all maps that were entered this round. This should allow for better legibility for voters when selecting their favorite maps to advance in the contest. It is our fault that this process was not properly communicated to our contestants, so consider this when adjusting or finalizing your selections.

Obviously, we’ll explain what is going to happen to the images of maps, and how to allow for it, more clearly in future rounds (and future contests). My apologies to any contestant with a map that has suffered as a result of how we handled scaling in this round.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Black Powder Chocobo

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM_Solspiral wrote:

Yes because there is no real contest Mark Hamill is the BEST Joker.

So much truth here.

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

I am a huge fan of Arrow, Flash, and Gotham. Of them all I like Flash best, both because it's not grim dark (I can enjoy some good grim dark, but I don't want all my hero options to be the same flavor), and because they haven't been afraid to have superpowers (not all of which gained powers from their Powered Event), and to actually use the character's comic-book name.

I also love that they have successfully managed to create a "World's Finest" vibe where the two heroes (Arrow and Flash) are friends, can work together, but have very, very different vibes and tactics. Classically Batman is the grim one and Superman the idealist, but it works well with (Green) Arrow and the Flash.

I didn't *expect* to like Gotham, but find it's a fascinating Elseworlds. I'm not 100% sure this version of Bruce Wayne will grow up to be Batman, but it's not like I'd expect a child that age to look like someone who can grow up to be Batman. The episodes entertain, and oddly a Penguin backstory turns out to be fairly interesting, largely because it's eel done, but also in part because Penguin's backstory hasn't been delved into nearly as much as some other comic book characters with the same pedigree.

Agent Carter is awesome, and I hope Marvel decided to keep doing short 6-10 episode miniseries during SHIELD downtime, be they about Carter or anyone else about whom they have a solid, complete story to tell.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka mamaursula

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

Official Round 2 Note: On Map Resolution

We’ve had some comments on legibility of smaller type on the maps, and the contestants are (by the rules of the contest), not allowed to clarify anything, so I want to make a general statement about maps and resolution.

When we required all contestants to present maps at a specific dpi and size, we did so because in past years we’ve had some issues with maps (for the encounter round) being sent to us in different sizes, resolutions, and dpi, making it difficult to give them all a high-quality presentation for the contest. We found that asking for a higher dpi than we’ll use in the end allowed us to create a standard of presentation that kept all images crisp and clean. For encounter-round maps, this has worked well.

Unfortunately, since this round requires all text be provided on the maps themselves, many contestants used the dpi and size standards we required as the basis for making sure their text is clear, and otherwise tried to keep words as small as possible so as to not clutter their maps. This was done in the (reasonable) belief that the maps should look good at the size we asked for, rather than in any different size we might present on our website. When resized for smaller, high-quality images, this can result in words that aren’t clearly legible.

We’ve made a change to rescale everything to the higher end of maximum image size for uploaded images for all maps that were entered this round. This should allow for better legibility for voters when selecting their favorite maps to advance in the contest. It is our fault that this process was not properly communicated to our contestants, so consider this when adjusting or finalizing your selections.

Obviously, we’ll explain what is going to happen to the images of maps, and how to allow for it, more clearly in future rounds (and future contests). My apologies to any contestant with a map that has suffered as a result of how we handled scaling in this round.

Thank you Owen and Paizo for addressing this.

Lantern Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Jayson MF Kip

Jensen Toperzer wrote:

The best superhero show is clearly Agent Carter. Seriously, EVERYONE should be watching that. It's really, really, REALLY good.

Jeff Hazuka wrote:
Best part about the Super Bowl is that baseball is just around the corner. That's my sport of choice.

/zooms in on

yo what TEAM son

The American League Champion Kansas City Royals. (Even with losing the World Series, its nice to be able to say that for the first time since I was 2...) Their AAA affiliate (the Stormchasers) is here in Omaha NE, and I'm hoping to work at their ballpark again this summer. (My PFS VL got me an application, haha!)

We've been counting days until spring training (20 days) and until the start of AAA games here in Omaha (82 days) for awhile, now.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka CalebTGordan

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM_Solspiral wrote:
David Higaki wrote:

Sadly, I haven't watched any of the super hero shows. I'm enjoying sitcom reruns, in particular Home Improvement and Roseanne.

All the Gotham talk though makes me want to finally get the Batman: The Animated Series box set.

Yes because there is no real contest Mark Hamill is the BEST Joker.

Cool fact: Mark Hamill was in the old Flash live action show. He is going to be returning to his role (sort of) in the new Flash show. He isn't the only actor be in both shows. The guy that plays Barry's father, the one in jail, played Flash himself in the old show.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka GM_Solspiral

Yep reprising the trickster

Star Voter Season 8 aka TealDeer

Jeff Hazuka wrote:

The American League Champion Kansas City Royals. (Even with losing the World Series, its nice to be able to say that for the first time since I was 2...) Their AAA affiliate (the Stormchasers) is here in Omaha NE, and I'm hoping to work at their ballpark again this summer. (My PFS VL got me an application, haha!)

We've been counting days until spring training (20 days) and until the start of AAA games here in Omaha (82 days) for awhile, now.

Yeah! You guys beat us out in making it to the top there :P Still slightly sore about that but tbh, it's on us :\ Both our teams seem to get close and then inevitably faceplant once it's within reach.


RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka dien

I'm a liiiittle into football, not like a lot, but enough that I'll probably idly check who's winning on my phone during Bowl-Day. I don't particularly care about either the Pats or the Hawks though-- if it had been Saints or Cowboys, I'd be more likely to actually watch (well, no, I still wouldn't, because we have PFS on Sunday, and I'd much rather play Drax the Destroyer!1!1! through the next level of Emerald Spire than watch even Brees and the Saints).

Most of my football knowledge/interest comes from having two extremely passionate friends who each explained elements of the game to me and made it more comprehensible and interesting than just watching dudes run around a field.

Still, out of all the major American pro sports, football's probably the one I'm most interested in. I find professional baseball the most boring thing in the world to watch (sorry, baseball fans), and it's not because I don't grasp the sport; I played two years of softball in school, I probably understand the rules of baseball better than any other sport.... it's just painfully, excruciatingly slow to watch an actual game of it (for me). It seems like it takes ten minutes between pitches or batter changes sometimes. Baseball has some weird temporal anomaly thing going on that extends outward from the pitching mound.

Basketball is also boring to watch (for me), but in a whole different way. Basketball's one constant frenetic "we have the ball for fifteen seconds, we run pell-mell down the court, we shoot, we (frequently) score, now you guys do the same thing, let's do this anywhere from 30 to 100 times each". I'm sure there's nuances of defensive and offensive strategy I'm completely missing, but from my shoddy high school indoctrination into basketball, that's still my overall impression of the game as played at the pro level.

U.S. Soccer/Int'l football feels similar to me, save that you're lucky if either team manages to score once or twice. I like watching soccer highlights. I get all the awesome of a game crammed into the forty relevant seconds.

Now then, rugby.... I like watching rugby. But it's not because I understand a single thing about the sport. It's mostly because I just like watching ridiculously athletic people beating the hell out of each other under a thin veneer of civilization and rules, with a minimum of protective padding; rugby makes me feel like a decadent, amoral Roman citizen deriving mock-horrified joy from watching the brutal impact of bloody flesh and bruised bones. ARE WE NOT SATISFIED?!?!!?

Lantern Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Jayson MF Kip

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Baseball's slow and casual pace is what makes me enjoy it. I can have a conversation with the fans around me between pitches and not miss anything.

Soccer moves at the same pace, but without the built-in breaks that allow for enjoyment. If you happen to comment to someone nearby while the only exciting play in 90ish+ minutes (and seriously, learn to count time, soccer) happens, you've wasted the entire time.

Basketball is fun to play, but horrid to watch. Football likewise.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Rethgaal

Thread Catch-up Hyperspeed Post!

Holy crap, I'm suddenly very glad I haven't been on the messageboards since Monday night. Even more glad I haven't actually read any of the feedback on my map.

I am aware of sportsball, but have yet to crack its mysteries. Curling, however, rocks. ;) (Scotties coming up soon! Much excite!)

I've only actually watched Gotham of the three shows mentioned, and I think it's pretty sweet. Could do with less Bruce Wayne and Selena Kyle, though.

And of course, congrats to Allana! :)

Star Voter Season 8 aka TealDeer

Jeff Hazuka wrote:

Baseball's slow and casual pace is what makes me enjoy it. I can have a conversation with the fans around me between pitches and not miss anything.

I'm the same way. Hell, I've actually worked on dungeon maps at a baseball game.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka CalebTGordan

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It is all about the full contact heavy metal jousting and international longsword competitions.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Hodge Podge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I haven't started making my monster yet, but I'm practicing by randomly rolling its main aspects and seeing what it inspires me to make. I made some random tables for you all to play along!

The goal, try to make the monster concept work no matter what you have to work with. Remember that this is just a creative tool though, so tweak or ignore whenever it suits your tastes.

Here's the Monster Creation Rules, Creature Types and Subtypes, and Universal Monster Rules to help you out. You can also find the other monster creation stuff on the left toolbar. Good luck! ;)

1 - CR:
Roll a d20. This is your monster's CR.
You may do CR 1 or 1/2 if you land on 1.

2 - Alignment:

Roll a d6.
  • 1-2: Lawful
  • 3-4: Neutral
  • 5-6: Chaotic

Roll another d6.

  • 1-2: Good
  • 3-4: Neutral
  • 5-6: Evil

3 - Size:

Roll a d10.
  • 1: Fine
  • 2: Diminuitive
  • 3: Tiny
  • 4: Small
  • 5: Medium
  • 6: Large
  • 7: Huge
  • 8: Gargantuan
  • 9: Colossal
  • 10: Reroll

4 - Creature Type:

Roll a d20.
  • 1: Aberration
  • 2: Animal
  • 3: Construct
  • 4: Dragon
  • 5: Fey
  • 6: Humanoid
  • 7: Magical Beast
  • 8: Monstrous Humanoid
  • 9: Ooze
  • 10: Outsider
  • 11: Plant
  • 12: Undead
  • 13: Vermin
  • 14-20: Reroll

5 - Universal Monster Rules:

Roll d100 twice and refer to the table below. Your monster gains these abilities and automatically receives any prerequisite abilities or necessary subtypes. After this, you may also choose to add additional Spell-like Abilities, Natural Attacks, or other abilities as needed.

  • 1: Ability Damage or Drain (Ex or Su)
  • 2: All-Around Vision (Ex)
  • 3: Amorphous (Ex)
  • 4: Amphibious (Ex)
  • 5: Attach (Ex)
  • 6: Bleed (Ex)
  • 7: Blindsense (Ex)
  • 8: Blindsight (Ex)
  • 9: Blood Drain (Ex)
  • 10: Blood Rage (Ex)
  • 11: Breath Weapon (Su)
  • 12: Burn (Ex)
  • 13: Capsize (Ex)
  • 14: Change Shape (Su)
  • 15: Channel Resistance (Ex)
  • 16: Compression (Ex)
  • 17: Constrict (Ex)
  • 18: Construct Traits (Ex)
  • 19: Curse (Su)
  • 20: Curse of Lycanthropy (Su)
  • 21: Damage Reduction (Ex or Su)
  • 22: Disease (Ex or Su)
  • 23: Distraction (Ex)
  • 24: Earth Glide (Ex)
  • 25: Energy Drain (Su)
  • 26: Engulf (Ex)
  • 27: Entrap (Ex or Su)
  • 28: Fast Healing (Ex)
  • 29: Fast Swallow (Ex)
  • 30: Fear (Su or Sp)
  • 31: Ferocity (Ex)
  • 32: Flight (Ex or Su)
  • 33: Freeze (Ex)
  • 34: Frightful Presence (Ex)
  • 35: Gaze (Su)
  • 36: Grab (Ex)
  • 37: Heat (Ex)
  • 38: Hold Breath (Ex)
  • 39: Immunity (Ex or Su)
  • 40: Incorporeal (Ex)
  • 41: Jet (Ex)
  • 42: Keen Scent (Ex)
  • 43: Lifesense (Su)
  • 44: Light Blindness (Ex)
  • 45: Light Sensitivity (Ex)
  • 46: Low-Light Vision (Ex)
  • 47: Lycanthropic Empathy (Ex)
  • 48: Multiweapon Mastery (Ex)
  • 49: Natural Attacks
  • 50: Natural Invisibility (Ex or Su)
  • 51: Negative Energy Affinity (Ex)
  • 52: No Breath (Ex)
  • 53: Paralysis (Ex or Su)
  • 54: Plant Traits (Ex)
  • 55: Poison (Ex or Su)
  • 56: Pounce (Ex)
  • 57: Powerful Charge (Ex)
  • 58: Pull (Ex)
  • 59: Push (Ex)
  • 60: Rake (Ex)
  • 61: Regeneration (Ex)
  • 62: Rend (Ex)
  • 63: Resistance (Ex)
  • 64: Rock Catching (Ex)
  • 65: Rock Throwing (Ex)
  • 66: Scent (Ex)
  • 67: See in Darkness (Su)
  • 68: Sound Mimicry (Ex)
  • 69: Spell-like Abilities (Sp)
  • 70: Spell Resistance (Ex)
  • 71: Split (Ex)
  • 72: Stench (Ex)
  • 73: Strangle (Ex)
  • 74: Summon (Sp)
  • 75: Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex)
  • 76: Swallow Whole (Ex)
  • 77: Telepathy (Su)
  • 78: Trample (Ex)
  • 79: Tremorsense (Ex)
  • 80: Trip (Ex)
  • 81: Undead Traits (Ex)
  • 82: Undersized Weapons (Ex)
  • 83: Unnatural Aura (Su)
  • 84: Vulnerabilties (Ex or Su)
  • 85: Water Breathing (Ex)
  • 86: Water Dependency (Ex)
  • 87: Web (Ex)
  • 88: Whirlwind (Su)
  • 89-00: MAKE YOUR OWN!

I rolled a CR 8 CE Small Undead with telepathy and lifesense. Ooh~ I like it.

EDIT: CR 7 N Fine Dragon with blindsight and undersized weapons... This is problematic.

EDIT 2: My brother rolled a CR 10 CN Gargantuan Monstrous Humanoid with poison and undead traits.

EDIT 3: Okay, one more. CR 7 LE Large Aberration with web and light blindness. Hmm... Looks like I rolled a drider by mistake.

EDIT 4: I changed step five to just be roll d100 twice (instead of 1d3+1 times).

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Ok, I'm game! The result:
CR 13 Medium N Animal with grab, blindsense, and 2 Make-my-own abilities, which I haven't thought about yet. (Lucked out on the animal being neutral, I suppose.) Hmmmm.....

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka CalebTGordan

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scott LaBarge wrote:

Ok, I'm game! The result:

CR 13 Medium N Animal with grab, blindsense, and 2 Make-my-own abilities, which I haven't thought about yet. (Lucked out on the animal being neutral, I suppose.) Hmmmm.....

Darn it. Back to the drawing board.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka dien

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just sat down with the maps for a good two hours, looking at each one in greater detail than I have so far, and did my voting. A painful process, really! So hard to choose!

I will now unwind with monster-y goodness.

CR: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Alignment: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4
Size: 1d10 ⇒ 3
Type: 1d13 ⇒ 4
Abilities: 2d100 ⇒ (64, 16) = 80

FEAR THE VERY MIGHTY, CR 18, ROCK-CATCHING DRAGON..... who is tiny-sized. :D :D :D

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Oooo, I want to see his stats!

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka Black Powder Chocobo


CR: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Alignment: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8
Size: 1d10 ⇒ 8
Type: 1d14 ⇒ 9
Abilities: 2d100 ⇒ (98, 67) = 165

Beware the CR 12 Gargantual Ooze that is CN and can see in the dark and do something else nasty of its creator's choosing...

Yay for negative AC?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka DeathQuaker

1 person marked this as a favorite.

More on comic book inspired shows: Oh, yes, Agents of SHIELD too; this seasons is MUCH better than last.

Although what I really fantasize is about a "Bad Ass Chicks of SHIELD" show or movie starring Black Widow, Mockingbird, and Agent May as the field team with Maria Hill as their handler and Jemma Simmons as the science support. That would be the perfect show for me, personally.

Taylor Hubler wrote:
It is all about the full contact heavy metal jousting and international longsword competitions.

My state's official sport is jousting but we don't have nearly enough tourneys.

The randomizer looks fun... may try that later after breakfast and reading through Bestiaries...

Star Voter Season 8 aka TealDeer

R Pickard wrote:

Taylor Hubler wrote:
It is all about the full contact heavy metal jousting and international longsword competitions.

My state's official sport is jousting but we don't have nearly enough tourneys.

I was about to chime in here :P but yeah. It's actually true, Maryland's state sport is jousting.

Admittedly most jousting here is Ring Jousting but sometimes there is still actual contact jousting. Our Renaissance Fest's jousting is REALLY INTENSE. This is not your Medieval Times stuff, people really do wail on each other.

dana huber wrote:
FEAR THE VERY MIGHTY, CR 18, ROCK-CATCHING DRAGON..... who is tiny-sized. :D :D :D

Okay, a Tiny CR 18 monster would be terrifying though. How many CR 18 creatures are that size!? Just imagine like... your party are a bunch of probably Mythic level dudes with a billion prestige classes and feats and you can't even hit the damn thing, and it's probably really fast and nearly invisible.

In other news, talking about next year is silly, and talking about your entry ideas this far out is still a bad idea even if it's in a year... but if Paizo ever does weapons again, I really want to do a Macuahuitl, because 1. there's not enough mesoamerican inspired stuff in my tabletop games and 2. those things were hardcore and stupid dangerous.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Jensen Toperzer wrote:
In other news, talking about next year is silly, and talking about your entry ideas this far out is still a bad idea even if it's in a year... but if Paizo ever does weapons again, I really want to do a Macuahuitl, because 1. there's not enough mesoamerican inspired stuff in my tabletop games and 2. those things were hardcore and stupid dangerous.

It's called a terbutje in Pathfinder.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka motteditor

A Tiny CR 18 creature? I think we call that a vorpal rabbit...

Really like that random generator. I think I might try to play with that when I get some time. Thanks, Chris.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka GM_Solspiral

R Pickard wrote:

More on comic book inspired shows: Oh, yes, Agents of SHIELD too; this seasons is MUCH better than last.

Although what I really fantasize is about a "Bad Ass Chicks of SHIELD" show or movie starring Black Widow, Mockingbird, and Agent May as the field team with Maria Hill as their handler and Jemma Simmons as the science support. That would be the perfect show for me, personally.

Your perfect show is a Marvel Studios reboot of Charlie's Angels...

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka DeathQuaker

I was actually more thinking Marvel's take on Birds of Prey, with added scientific support. After all, Mockingbird already is Marvel's answer to Black Canary.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka GM_Solspiral

It isn't ever going to happen but I'd love a show around Kitty Pryde a..k.a Shadowcat. When she moved to London started dating a mutant secret agent and generally started kicking serious booty.

Star Voter Season 8 aka TealDeer

Dangit I swear Pathfinder is the only RPG system that really did a lot with mesoamerican stuff :| That's usually my go-to for inspiration since most people either misunderstand or don't bother with it, but SOMEHOW Y'ALL HAVE AZUIHOTLS.

/grumbles and starts crafting a pitch to ENWorld about a 5e based mesoamerican campaign setting

*edit* /slaps self in head

you moron that just means there's precedent for the item so you can come up with a cool-as-heck magic version next year stop being salty because you didn't make the base item first.

Even so, it always astounds me just how many things Pathfinder has actually defined in the rules. Sometimes it's overwhelming and depressing, because it feels like I'm boxed in; other times it's kind of refreshing to be like "oh thank god I don't have to make up a rule for this."

*e2* Given what I've read of Spanish accounts of the Aztecs I'd give it a bigger critical modifier, to be honest. Given that multiple Spanish records are like "Oh god that thing one-shot a warhorse D: D: D: " Apparently they were used almost like saws.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka mamaursula

Chris Shaeffer wrote:

I haven't started making my monster yet, but I'm practicing by randomly rolling its main aspects and seeing what it inspires me to make. I made some random tables for you all to play along!

The goal, try to make the monster concept work no matter what you have to work with. Remember that this is just a creative tool though, so tweak or ignore whenever it suits your tastes.

Here's the Monster Creation Rules, Creature Types and Subtypes, and Universal Monster Rules to help you out. You can also find the other monster creation stuff on the left toolbar. Good luck! ;)

Chris, you forgot to roll for it's gender ;-)

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka mamaursula

R Pickard wrote:

More on comic book inspired shows: Oh, yes, Agents of SHIELD too; this seasons is MUCH better than last.

Although what I really fantasize is about a "Bad Ass Chicks of SHIELD" show or movie starring Black Widow, Mockingbird, and Agent May as the field team with Maria Hill as their handler and Jemma Simmons as the science support. That would be the perfect show for me, personally.

I finally got to see this week's Agent Carter, dude, that is one bad ass women's hotel, don't mess with the residents there. I loved the spoiler regarding the newest tenant.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka motteditor

R Pickard wrote:
I was actually more thinking Marvel's take on Birds of Prey, with added scientific support. After all, Mockingbird already is Marvel's answer to Black Canary.

I'd rather see DC's Birds of Prey again, but this time without sucking. Man, that book was good, and I don't say that often about DC. Stupid New 52...

I do wonder what Barbara Kane's role in "Gotham" is going to be. After all, Katherine Kane is Batwoman and Barbara Gordon (though that was Jim's daughter) was Batgirl.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Hodge Podge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Monica Marlow wrote:
Chris, you forgot to roll for it's gender ;-)

Flip a coin? :p

Or if you want a less heteronormative view, roll d1000 and consult the table below...

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 aka DeathQuaker

Mama, I'm still catching up on Agent Carter, please don't spoil it for me! :)

Jacob W. Michaels wrote:
R Pickard wrote:
I was actually more thinking Marvel's take on Birds of Prey, with added scientific support. After all, Mockingbird already is Marvel's answer to Black Canary.
I'd rather see DC's Birds of Prey again, but this time without sucking. Man, that book was good, and I don't say that often about DC. Stupid New 52...

I miss the pre-52 Birds a LOT. It was a great title. I have the whole pre-52 run, minus a random issue here or there.

If Huntress in Arrow wasn't so two-dimensionally written, I'd really love to see her team up with Laurel and Felicity at some point. Also, Diggle has ties to the Blackhawks so I'm desperate for them to get a version of Zinda Blake on the show.


I do wonder what Barbara Kane's role in "Gotham" is going to be. After all, Katherine Kane is Batwoman and Barbara Gordon (though that was Jim's daughter) was Batgirl.

Her name is Barbara Kean; in comics canon (or at least in some DC canons given how often they rewrite crap) she is Jim Gordon's first/ex wife. She has nothing to do with Kate Kane (totally different character). Barbara "Batgirl/Oracle" Gordon is in different continuities either her and Jim's daughter, the daughter of Jim and his second wife Sarah, or his niece (adopted by him as a "daughter" after her parents died). (I think--hard to keep track of!) Barbara Kean-Gordon is also the mother of James Gordon Jr..

It would be interesting to see a Kate Kane in "Gotham" -- but I'd don't know if she'd be an adult (IIRC she had a relationship with Montoya at one point, didn't she?) or child (to be a contemporary of Bruce's).

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