Build Advice


Hey, I'm new to pathfinder but I learned on d and d 1.5 and I was hoping to get a bit of advice on my current build

So what I'd like to do is a channeling focused close range combatant, though I am open to suggestions

Im currently a level 3 fighter and a level 2 cleric
Alignment: NE ( though I may go chaotic evil for part of the build)
my stats are:
str: 20
dex: 18
con: 18
wis: 14
int: 16
cha: 16

so what I'm thinking of doing currently is spend all of my remaining ability ups on cha for extra channels

as for leveling what I'm thinking is: 1 more level of cleric and then 10 levels of holy vindicator and the remaining 4 levels in anti paladin to maximize my channel pool

I'm still a bit up in the air when it comes to feats and such so any suggestions to optimize this build would be great

Awesome, welcome to the forums.

To clarify, is this for 1.5, 3.5 or Pathfinder?

I must admit, I'm a bit in the dark about what 1.5 is, so probably am completely ignorant on being able even give an iota of anything sensible.

Hopefully there are others that are more knowledgeable on it.

This holy vindicator? So pathfinder then.

Regardless, in 3e or pathfinder a high charisma warrior mutliclassing into (anti-)paladin works fairly well. Smiting and bonus to saves both work off of charisma and are useful.

It is pathfinder, yes
I was also considering going master channeler instead of anti paladin to maximise my channel dice

If you intend to go full channel monster, I would recommend either minimizing your fighter levels to a single dip, or nixing them all together.
Multiclassing is weak in Pathfinder, unlike in much older editions, you will essentially be two halves of a character that never really meet up.

Warpriest is another option, designed to amalgamate the two classes you are taking.

Your stats are fantastic, you may be able to swap one of those 18s into your CHA for more channeling.

Remember that channeling negative energy really opens up the Channel Smite and Greater Channel Smite feats for great damage output, and if going antipaladin, also pick up a Conductive weapon to deliver your touch of corruption at the same time for oodles and oodles of dice.

I have a guide here which may help you.

Hello and welcome.

I'm going to teach you the first rule of Pathfinder: DON'T MULTICLASS UNLESS THERE IS AN EXPONENTIAL REWARD TO DOING SO.

Class progression is VERY important in this game. For this reason, the game has feats and archetypes to refine builds where in other systems you'd be inclined to multiclass.

I have to strongly recommend that you roll a:

1. Warpriest. It's a class from the Advanced Class Guide that mixes Fighter and Cleric stuff really well.

2. Holy Crusader (archetype) Cleric. It's a cleric archetype that grants you extra battle prowess, while allowing you to go full Cleric. If you worship Gorum, there is a feat you can take for full movement in medium armour at 7th level.

3. Paladin or Anti. Self describing.

Thank you for the help guys,
I've talked to my dm about remaking my guy and unfortunatly he isn't open to it so I'm stuck to what I currently have. I have also looked at taking the master channeler prestige class (which my dm has approved) instead of taking any anti-paladin levels, what do you guys think about that idea?

Oh an I was wrong about my stats, I have 18 cha

What does master channeler give you that staying full cleric would not? Reminder that Divine Grace now comes in feat form so you don't have to worry about the paladin dip.

master channeler would eventually give me empower channel which I'm quite interested in as well as quite a few ways to hit creatures not normally susceptible to channel, also the bonus feats for channel are cool.
Mostly though its for the extra 10 channels that it could potentially net me

On a side note though your right, had I have been able to trade my fighter levels in I would just do a pure cleric but since thats no longer a option for me I figure the extra fighter levels will at least allow me to prestige earlier, and that allows my channel dice to catch up a bit getting 2 bonus dice from vindicator as well as the sickend condition and bleeding on a failed save.
But I really don't know if thats the best choice considering Im unable to change my first 5 levels

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