PVP Videos - Slammy

Pathfinder Online

First one, Hoping to see more from others this week when player husks come out. Just having some fun in keepers pass.

Post your vids here!


Regards; Slammy

Goblin Squad Member

Looks like 1v1 PvP is going to require a player to definitely not be of one role.

I could be wrong, but that's what I got out of that video with all the switching you were doing.

Thanks for the video!

Goblin Squad Member

At Tier 1, Fighter/Wizard/Rogue/Cleric is fairly tough.

I'm not as worried about that kind of stuff at Tier 2, and I'm anxious to see what happens with Dedication Bonuses.

Goblin Squad Member

Slammy just has great skills, one of the best I have seen so far at pvp in pathfinder lol.

Goblin Squad Member

Banecrow wrote:
Slammy just has great skills, one of the best I have seen so far at pvp in pathfinder lol.

Yep, that's basically what I said on the Goblinworks forums.

Grand Lodge

I could beat him.

EDIT: Props for the MoO selection, though.

Goblin Squad Member

no you cant !

Goblin Squad Member

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I have fought slammy a few times, the biggest issue I see here is that as we get more exp his build is going to have to narrow. Currently he is able to take all the best stuff from every role, but that is going to be a drain on his exp economy, diluting his effectiveness.

Goblin Squad Member

He's obviously skilled. As conditions change, I'm sure he/his builds will too. Nice video, I look forward to more!

Goblin Squad Member

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It doesn't take a whole lot of skill to use the best Tier 1 abilities from every role. It's actually the entire reason for the dedication bonuses - to balance against that exact tactic. Tier 2 is when we'll see how the different roles really interact with each other. At that point, people will be forced due to the greater exp costs to narrow down to abilities and features mainly from one role with a little mixed in from a secondary role, and the latter will most probably remain Tier 1 for awhile.

I've beaten Slammy and run him out of Hammerfall, and I'm sure others have beaten him as well. He tends to log on in the few hours before down time and prey on AFKers and crafters. The thing about PvP videos is that you can record thousands of hours of footage and just pick the ones that look the most favorable. Still, in our 1v1 fight he definitely put up a good fight and it did last quite awhile before he ran away with Energetic Field. I look forward to future engagements.

Goblin Squad Member

He is using Mage staff with heavy armour. Won't be able to do that as effectively soon.

Just an FYI. The Mage staff is only used for a ranged attack/slow when the player is running. But mostly is used for the energetic field buff. Which in T2 is still going to be equally viable. My skills and armour feats are still always going to be setup for warrior.

Also Thorgrim, let the tears rain down. : D

Goblin Squad Member

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Actually, the Energetic Field is broken, it doesn't do what it is suppose to do, it gives a greater buff to attack than it should.

Also, unless you are planning to spend a lot of exp on the energetic field path, as you gain armor keywords Energetic Field will just reduce in effectiveness.

You have skill, but eventually you will have to narrow more.

Well I guess we'll see, that's why I have three accounts. So I can keep with the times man.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

His skill is evident in what he has done with the choices he's made, how he uses his mobility, and how he decides to engage and withdraw. The actual abilities are almost irrelevant and can be replaced with others as needed. That's why I will keep watching :)

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Thorgrim Foegrinder wrote:
He tends to log on in the few hours before down time and prey on AFKers and crafters.

Many of the poor helpless "AFKers and crafters" chase him and go red by initiating PvP with Slammy.

No one pities the deaths of such murder hobos. :-)

Goblin Squad Member


Fair Enough.

Goblin Squad Member

My favourite part was seeing that he was wearing Hide and Steel Banded +1 with Unbreakable slotted.

Classic Slammy. Shoulda stayed with the guild with the Knowledge pathos.

still managed to wrek faces, give me that pot plate +2 and see what i can do ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Actually, the keywords on the Hide and Steel Banded +1 and the Pot Steel Plate +1 are the same. It isn't until +2 that they get different keywords. If he was wearing a +2 Hide and Steel Banded and had Unbreakable slotted that would be pretty wasteful.

vid 2 comming shortly. had lots of footage from today. hoping for others to post some of theirs :D

I have this to say about Thorgrim, dude you are a tank. I pumped a couple dozen arrows into you the other day to little effect.

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