Any way to make a single natural weapon attack multiple times?


Let's say one character has a bite attack, he can only use it once per round. Is there any way to allow him to make multiple bites using iterative attacks. I know that Feral Combat Training allows a monk, or a brawler, to use a selected natural weapon for flurrying, but... that means that you can use it up to seven times during a flurry, but not up to three times during anything else without flurrying...

Sovereign Court

Beside the FCT option listed? nothing that I know of.

maybe you can use multiattack (bestiary), but that only works if you use more natural attacks, not if you only use bite.

Grand Lodge

There's no way to give it multiple attacks with iteratives, but it's certainly possible for it to get multiple attacks. Two ways come to mind:

* Haste spell can give 2 bite attacks, if you full attack

* Enlarge Person spell gives reach, which can give you AoOs with your bite.

Iterative, I can think of no way with a PC that hasn't been mentioned. The only other thing I can think of even like that is Animal Companions by their rules can get a 2nd iterative attack of a main attack if they have no secondary attacks. However that's strictly for AC's as far as I know. Otherwise Rodinia already listed most of what I was going to say... Haste and Blessing of Fervor, Speed on an AoMF, AoO's (maybe w/ [teamwork]feats that provoke them) and reach.

ShoulderPatch wrote:
Iterative, I can think of no way with a PC that hasn't been mentioned. The only other thing I can think of even like that is Animal Companions by their rules can get a 2nd iterative attack of a main attack if they have no secondary attacks. However that's strictly for AC's as far as I know. Otherwise Rodinia already listed most of what I was going to say... Haste and Blessing of Fervor, Speed on an AoMF, AoO's (maybe w/ [teamwork]feats that provoke them) and reach.

The Razortusk feat in APG gives your half-orc PC a bite attack. Kitsunes also have a feat that give them a bite attack... maybe it,s an alternate trait, can't remember.

You can't get more than one separate bite attack from different sources. The OP was asking if there is a way to use a single bite attack more than once, like you can with iterative attacks.

Liberty's Edge

Avoron wrote:
You can't get more than one separate bite attack from different sources. The OP was asking if there is a way to use a single bite attack more than once, like you can with iterative attacks.

You could if you had two mouths...

Liberty's Edge

StabbittyDoom wrote:
Avoron wrote:
You can't get more than one separate bite attack from different sources. The OP was asking if there is a way to use a single bite attack more than once, like you can with iterative attacks.
You could if you had two mouths...

Which would then no longer be iteratives of the single attack, which was the question posited by the OP.

Liberty's Edge

Fomsie wrote:
StabbittyDoom wrote:
Avoron wrote:
You can't get more than one separate bite attack from different sources. The OP was asking if there is a way to use a single bite attack more than once, like you can with iterative attacks.
You could if you had two mouths...
Which would then no longer be iteratives of the single attack, which was the question posited by the OP.

Oh, I know, but there's nothing more to be added in the realm of iteratives-with-natural-attack.

A summoner's eidolon gains a second attack with a single natural attack at level 9, as long as it has less than 3 natural attacks.

Sorry, the best that I know of is haste on a magus using the attack to do spell combat. And that comes to 3.

No iteratives, but here's my best attempt:

Hasted attack for two bites. Use Jaunt Boots (or a Quick Runner's Shirt) to get away, and find a way to have natural reach (like being large or using a Blue Scarf Swordmaster's Flair, or both.) If your enemy wants to melee you, they have to provoke, so you get an AoO. Be wearing a Fortuitous Amulet of Mighty Fists, and get a second AoO when the first one hits. When the enemy attacks you, parry (Swashbuckler class or Amateur Swashbuckler feat) and riposte.

That's 5 bite attacks in one round, potentially.

Or, be The Porcupine and take Feral Combat training. That gives you up to four bite attacks during your move action against a single opponent, or five with a Fortuitous Amulet of Mighty Fists. If you provoke from multiple opponents, up to two/three more attacks vs. each. Then you have your standard action as well.

So that's a way to get up to 6 bites on one opponent, 9 on two opponents, 12 on three opponents, etc.

Can't you use natural attacks like weapons and attack based on your BAB like what happens when you mix Natural Attacks with Weapons?

Grand Lodge

StabbittyDoom wrote:
Avoron wrote:
You can't get more than one separate bite attack from different sources. The OP was asking if there is a way to use a single bite attack more than once, like you can with iterative attacks.
You could if you had two mouths...

I admire its purity

ShroudedInLight wrote:
Can't you use natural attacks like weapons and attack based on your BAB like what happens when you mix Natural Attacks with Weapons?

Nope. Natural weapons dont get extra attacks based on BAB.

But you can mix natural attacks with normal weapon attacks at a -5 penalty, can't you?

ShroudedInLight wrote:
Can't you use natural attacks like weapons and attack based on your BAB like what happens when you mix Natural Attacks with Weapons?

When you mix natural attacks with weapons, all the natural attacks are treated as secondary natural attacks (your attack bonus is BAB-5 and your Str bonus is halved on the damage.) You don't get iteratives with natural weapons in any case, unless maybe you're an eidolon.

You also only get 1/2 power attack damage as well.

The only real point to getting secondary attacks is to get ANY kind of attack. No value on their own, you just need to get something called an 'attack' in. You need some other kind of mechanic that adds onto every successful attack (sneak attack, smite, favored enemy, etc) to bring any value to them... and even then, it can be questionable.

im sorry. but it seems that there is an agreement that even with high BAB you don't get more thn one attack if using natural weapon.
im new to pathfinder and just can't find where this is from. what i did find is clues to the opposite: "If a creature has only one type of attack, but has multiple attacks per round, that attack is treated as a primary attack, regardless of its type. "

how would a creature with just one kind of a natural attack have multipal attacks per round? the most obvius answer is that he has a high bab : (main reason for more then one attack per round)
"If you get more than one attack per round because your base attack bonus is high enough (see Base Attack Bonus in Classes), because you fight with two weapons or a double weapon, or for some special reason, you must use a full-round action to get your additional attacks." .
and in BAB it doens't devide what kind of attck you making:
"Each creature has a base attack bonus and it represents its skill in combat. As a character gains levels or Hit Dice, his base attack bonus improves. When a creature's base attack bonus reaches +6, +11, or +16, he receives an additional attack in combat when he takes a full-attack action (which is one type of full-round action—see Combat)."

can someone plaese explain to me where does it say that a creature with high bab only get one attack per natural attack? (do notice. if he has more then one form of attack the secondery do not get extra attack only the primery).

From the PRD:

Natural Attacks: Attacks made with natural weapons, such as claws and bites, are melee attacks that can be made against any creature within your reach (usually 5 feet). These attacks are made using your full attack bonus and deal an amount of damage that depends on their type (plus your Strength modifier, as normal). You do not receive additional natural attacks for a high base attack bonus. Instead, you receive additional attack rolls for multiple limb and body parts capable of making the attack (as noted by the race or ability that grants the attacks). If you possess only one natural attack (such as a bite—two claw attacks do not qualify), you add 1–1/2 times your Strength bonus on damage rolls made with that attack.

ty. never seen that.
if you can just tell me what is the PRD? i just want to be able to link it later on if i need.

the PDR and the SRD are two online rule reference documents with most of the PF rules in. The PDR is maintained by Paizo but is only the main Line of books and not the Golorion specific stuff.

so calth ment to write PDR but wrote PRD or does he uses a difrent source? can you link me the PDR|PRD on this rulling please?

no, it is PRD, pathfinder reference document. If you look to the left site of your screen you see a lot of pathfinder icons. just below that you have a search option, and below thát you can see 'rules archive (PRD)'

I am not 100% sure if this is legal or intended but when I played a Wild Rager Barbarian, my group interpreted that the class feature Wild Fighting allowed me to take an extra attack with one of my natural weapons (since I didn't use any manufactured weapons to obviously benefit.)

"A wild rager using the full-attack action can make one extra attack per round at her highest base attack bonus."

This doesn't say specifically that it can't be a natural weapon. Would this work?

Likewise if Haste works, then a Amulet of Mighty Fists with the Speed enchant should also work. I think the Wild Fighting feature is adding an extra attack just like Haste is, so I don't think they would stack.

A ninja making a full attack who spends a ki point can also make an additional attack

Cap. Darling wrote:
the PDR and the SRD are two online rule reference documents with most of the PF rules in. The PDR is maintained by Paizo but is only the main Line of books and not the Golorion specific stuff.

It is PRD not PDR.

I blame my telephone.
Both the SRD and the PDR are easy finds on Google.

thx for clering that up for me. my GM is also kinda rule lawyer and he has to have everything linked and or in 4 copies...

contingent action stacks with haste so that can get you one more. If you have a way to make more then one attack as standard you can do that.

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