[Flaming Crab Games] Looking for Superstars (over 800 out there!) for Magic Item Tome

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I like the title. Anticipate some brief, not quite Superstar but still cool content developed by someone with lots of Js in his name.

JJ Jordan wrote:
I like the title. Anticipate some brief, not quite Superstar but still cool content developed by someone with lots of Js in his name.

Awesome, I look forward to it!

Do you guys have some kind of template we could use for formatting? I think it will save a lot of time if it's standardized.

He includes an example in the contract sent (the Necklace of Adaptation). Nothing wrong with the way Paizo formats it.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32


true_shinken wrote:
Do you guys have some kind of template we could use for formatting? I think it will save a lot of time if it's standardized.

Hi, let me know if the one in the contract isn't sufficient! (or email us if you've yet to receive a contract for that matter!)

EDIT: In case I haven't already said it to everyone, don't worry about getting the typeface, font size, bolding, or italicizing correctly! I'm going to transfer your texts to InDesign, and usually I lose all that information, anyways. Thanks!

Dotting here, definitely interested.

How much does one need to change a Superstar submission before it legally becomes a different item? I'm considering changing my failed submission by giving it a different name, and altering the mechanical function while keeping most of the flavor text. Is that sufficient?

DM Jelani wrote:
How much does one need to change a Superstar submission before it legally becomes a different item? I'm considering changing my failed submission by giving it a different name, and altering the mechanical function while keeping most of the flavor text. Is that sufficient?

It doesn't require much to make it legally a different item. It sounds like what you're thinking of should be plenty!

I actually just had a better idea for a more in depth modification of my SS item. That and since it's an elemental themed item, three other versions of it for the other types of elements. I will e-mail them in once I'm happy with them. :)

DM Jelani wrote:
I actually just had a better idea for a more in depth modification of my SS item. That and since it's an elemental themed item, three other versions of it for the other types of elements. I will e-mail them in once I'm happy with them. :)

Sounds great!

Is it too late to jump on this? School just started so I had to take a short hiatus from the boards while I dealt with starting the new semester and started judging submissions for my university's literary journal. Things have calmed significantly now and I'd love to throw an item or two in.

In fact, since we have plenty of time to submit, I will keep writing more items as I think of them. I sent you an e-mail Flaming Crab.

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Dakr wrote:
Is it too late to jump on this? School just started so I had to take a short hiatus from the boards while I dealt with starting the new semester and started judging submissions for my university's literary journal. Things have calmed significantly now and I'd love to throw an item or two in.

From the previous page in case you missed it:

H. The magic item must be sent to Flaming Crab Games before Sunday, February 15, 2015 to be considered.

Yep, everyone has a little over 3 weeks (February 15th) to get their submissions in!

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Flaming Crab Games wrote:
Yep, everyone has a little over 3 weeks (February 15th) to get their submissions in!

But don't procrastinate; start working on it now!

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Ah. Thank you. I had missed that. Well I have a couple of items that just need tightening, and a few more than need full write ups but that are good ideas. I'll shoot you an email Flaming Crab.

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I already sent all 20 of mine! So exited :D

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We've reached half the number of submissions needed to release the Dragon's Hoard as a print book! I'm impressed with what I've seen already! There's a lot of talent here! Keep 'em coming!

We have enough submissions to release the Dragon's Hoard as a print book, but don't let that stop you from making more!

For those of you interested in submitting, here's a rundown of the items we're received. So if you wanna stand out, submit in the categories with less items!

Wondrous Items:
Slotless = 15
Neck = 7
Feet = 5
Shoulder = 4
Head = 4
Hands = 3
Wrist = 2
Waist = 1
Eyes = 1

Weapons = 14
Special Weapon Properties = 11

Staves = 8

Rods = 7

Rings = 5

Shield = 2
Special Armor Properties = 2

Potion = 1


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20 items submitted. =) Had fun making them.

Mine was the only eye slot? Nice. :) Still going to try do a couple more before the deadline hits I think.

If anyone's still wanting to contribute to this project, I HIGHLY suggest you email me no later than Wednesday to get a hold of a contract that'll have the information you need and a format to work with!

Scarab Sages

Dotted for dealing with, when I'm not at work.

Scarab Sages

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Phil Greeley/Rochandil Calenlad wrote:

Shiroi: You can also check to see if you're using passive or active voice in your descriptions. Passive voice leads to a lot of extra words, and descriptions are less fun/easy to read. For example:

If the bauble is thrown, it will explode. (Passive; 8 words)
When thrown, the bauble explodes. (Active; 5 words)

Three words might not sound like a lot, but it adds up quickly!

Shiroi wrote:
I appreciate the input, I hadn't considered that kind of change. I'm not used to trying to reduce wordcount, since my usual homebrew items and house rules don't need to be of any particular length. I usually focus on clarity above all else, for that reason.

It's good advice, to wean yourself off using passive voice, as apart from reducing wordcount, it results in more dynamic energy, and makes the prose more confident, exciting, and immediate.

Many editors (including Paizo) see passive voice as a sign of a writer who isn't sure of themselves and is hedging their bets.

In adventure writing, especially, it implies the writer expects the PCs to take a back seat to the NPCs and events who will drive the plot along his rails.
'When the PCs are brought before the king, then...'
'If the PCs decide to demand audience with the king, then...'

Scarab Sages

Contract converted and sent back.

Hope I see you all in print or pdf.

Scarab Sages

Before I get to polishing up the ideas I'm sitting on, could you please clarify something I asked in the email, so I don't waste your time on something that's not wanted;

I do have some questions regarding what you consider 'setting-neutral', as there have been lots of new rules mechanics in the Paizo books (advanced firearms, grit/panache/luck pools, Hero Points, power components, Mythic spell variants, etc), many of which are open content. Would you accept items that powered or fed off such non-CRB resources?
I'm also interested in the theme of your upcoming campaign setting (post-Renaissance era Aztec, is that right?). Would it be worthwhile aiming for material that would see double duty, by groups who buy into that product line. Or would you want to save that for a later product?

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Snorter wrote:

Before I get to polishing up the ideas I'm sitting on, could you please clarify something I asked in the email, so I don't waste your time on something that's not wanted;

I do have some questions regarding what you consider 'setting-neutral', as there have been lots of new rules mechanics in the Paizo books (advanced firearms, grit/panache/luck pools, Hero Points, power components, Mythic spell variants, etc), many of which are open content. Would you accept items that powered or fed off such non-CRB resources?
I'm also interested in the theme of your upcoming campaign setting (post-Renaissance era Aztec, is that right?). Would it be worthwhile aiming for material that would see double duty, by groups who buy into that product line. Or would you want to save that for a later product?

Hi, hopefully I'm getting back to you soon enough. I've been out of town for a few days...

I just sent back an email, but here's a response for anyone else that's curious. Anything referencing open game content will be considered. Simply let me know if you're referencing material outside of the Core/Ultimate/Advanced books.

We're going to start merging the campaign setting with our crunchy books once we have something finalized. I wouldn't want to cause any confusion down the road.

Scarab Sages

Flaming Crab Games wrote:

I've had a couple people ask me this, and I'll address it here before anyone else gets confused:

Q. Are the two revisions due before February 15th?
A. No, only the "first draft" is due February 15th. I'll help with the possible two revisions up until March.

Can I just confirm that deadline for everyone?

H. The magic item must be sent to Flaming Crab Games before Sunday, February 15, 2015 to be considered.

Is that saying it has to be in by 23:59 on 14th Feb at the latest? Or is Sunday 15th included?
And what time zone are you based in?

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Snorter wrote:
Flaming Crab Games wrote:

I've had a couple people ask me this, and I'll address it here before anyone else gets confused:

Q. Are the two revisions due before February 15th?
A. No, only the "first draft" is due February 15th. I'll help with the possible two revisions up until March.

Can I just confirm that deadline for everyone?

H. The magic item must be sent to Flaming Crab Games before Sunday, February 15, 2015 to be considered.

Is that saying it has to be in by 23:59 on 14th Feb at the latest? Or is Sunday 15th included?
And what time zone are you based in?

Let's say items are due February 15th, 2015, 23:59 Central Time (CT)

Scarab Sages

Sending now.

Two items, not as many as I'd liked, but it appears Paizo's staff beat me to a few things in their recent products. It'd take far too much time and effort to amend what I've got, to differentiate them, so I'll go with the safer options.

Scarab Sages

Finished edits and commenting.
Not sure if my comments on the Mascot's Hat got saved, as the doc froze, but I explained the pricing. If there's nothing there, I can elaborate.

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