Flaming Crab Games |
16 people marked this as a favorite. |

As plenty of you folks are aware, Superstar 2015 is underway! It's a time of blood, sweat, tears, and most importantly...courage!
Stepping into the world of freelancing is daunting. And those of you that have submitted a magic item this year have completed a task so few have been able to do.
About 800 people have submitted to the contest this year, and that's just plain awesome! However, only 32 will make it to the next round. But I'm sure there's plenty of talent to be found in the other 700+ submissions out there.
So here's an open call to all who've submitted to the Superstar contest this year! You're already a star, so let's get something of yours made!
The next Flaming Crab Games product (to be named) will be a tome of magic items made by you folks! We want to get as many talented people on board as we can! And we already know you've got experience making magic items!
EDIT: Please wait until the first round is over to let me know which item you submitted. Feel free to PM me or email me at flamingcrabgames@gmail.com.
I previously stated that you could use your Superstar submission. Please do not, it's the property of Paizo.

Oceanshieldwolf |

...And that doesn't have to be the item you submitted to the contest this year if you feel you've got something better on the tip of your pen!
I'm pretty sure an item submitted to Paizo for RPGSS becomes the property of Paizo.
Doesn't mean you can't rename it, tweak it etc...
@FCG - is this a paid gig?

Flaming Crab Games |

Flaming Crab Games wrote:...And that doesn't have to be the item you submitted to the contest this year if you feel you've got something better on the tip of your pen!I'm pretty sure an item submitted to Paizo for RPGSS becomes the property of Paizo.
Doesn't mean you can't rename it, tweak it etc...
@FCG - is this a paid gig?
Ah you're right. The line "All entries become the property of Paizo Inc." is under the How to Enter section instead of the Contest Rules of this page . Totally skimmed over that, whoops. Thanks for catching that!
Yes, this is a paid gig.

Flaming Crab Games |

Some more details...
This is not intended to be a contest unless I end up receiving 100+ submissions in the next couple weeks...unlikely. I'll accept any submissions. I may tweak a few things like the cost of an items, but I'll discuss that with each person individually.
The spirit of this project is a means for new freelancers to get their name in a published product. I'll take submissions from anyone however, even those that didn't enter Superstar this year!
I don't want submissions from Superstar since those are Paizo owned. But feel free to use versions of your items that are tweaked enough to be legal.
The setup of the book will be pretty simple. Each magic item category will get a section (rings, magic weapons, wondrous items, etc.). And I'll want the format to be the same that you see on the PRD. Here's the ring of protection for reference.
Payment will be based on sales. I'll take the percentage of work of each person and multiply that by 3. I'll total up the sales in the first 4 weeks (when sales are the highest) and then do a one time payment accordingly. I know some publishers do a flat payment, but I'd rather have my writers paid on how well their content sells. I think that's a win-win.
To keep it simple, let's say the book only gets 10 submissions and sells for only $1.00. And we get 60 sales in 4 weeks. Participant A has 1 submission, therefore he makes $9 [= 3 x 20 (sales) x $1.00 (selling price) x 10% (percentage of content) x 50% (Paizo/Drivethru/d20pfsrd average consignment deduction + publisher cut)]
Participant B submitted 2 magic items, therefore he makes $18 at the end of the month.

Flaming Crab Games |

Are you planning to publish any item you get? Any guidelines on what you're looking for?
(That said, I think it's great that you're thinking of this. It's a great way to give back to the community.)
Any item will be published as long as it's meets quality standards. And nothing offensive.
I don't have any real guidelines besides purchasable Magic Item. Preferably I'd want midrange magic items. But anything from 1 gold to 1 million gold will be considered.
Thanks, with permission, I plan to add each author's name with their submission. I hope this can be good exposure for all that submit an item (or five).

Flaming Crab Games |

Will you be doing some kind of contract?
Yes, I'll set up a contract here in the next week or two to make sure things run smoothly on both ends.
Speaking of which, I'll most likely want submissions due in about 5 weeks from now. However, I'll have to see how many people express interest before I put down a true deadline.

Artemis Moonstar |

Definitely interested myself. Specially now that I know it's not just limited to Superstar entrants! (Really cool of you, btw)
Got some wondrous items and magic weapons I've dropped in my home games that would've been nice to see earlier.
What about magic weapon abilities (such as flaming/vorpal/etc)?
In the mean time... Off to go start jotting down some ideas on paper.

Artemis Moonstar |

Awesome guys, I hope to get plenty of people on board!
Artemis Moonstar wrote:I hadn't thought about those, but they would make a great addition! (along with magic armor abilities)
What about magic weapon abilities (such as flaming/vorpal/etc)?
*Rubs hands together* Excellent... Muwahahahahahaahahacoughcoughcoughhahaha!
Good to know you're open to those. I might have one, maybe two. Need to run some numbers to see if they'd be better off as specific weapons rather than effects.
Edit: While I'm assuming the info will get into it... Setting neutral? And how much flavor text would you like if any?
In case you couldn't tell, despite a weeks long deadline, I like to get the jump on something and get it done early, so any problems can be fixed.
Edit again: Also, in terms of 'flavor', what about specific magic weapon appearances? Got a very sexy scythe design to fit one of them specific magic weapons I've had floating in my head.
Also. Sry if i'm being a pain in the [REDACTED!], lol. I'm a stickler for details/limits.
Edit #(insert comical number here): .... Any particular limit on the amount of items submitted per person?

Shiroi |
Agreed, details on the exact needs would be excellent.
How much description?
What setting?
Word count?
Image needed/allowed/preferred/banned?
Max submissions per person?
Email or PM submissions to you?
Would you accept concepts which need polishing (at a lesser cut or even exclusively on name credit)?
Would you accept non-item content such as classes, races, or spells, under similar terms, for consideration in future books?
These feel like the most important details, though more may and probably do exist.
I will likely send a steady stream of product to you once I have more details on what you need/want.

Flaming Crab Games |

Hi, all!
Thanks for being patient! This is the first time we've done an open call for writers, so this is a bit of a learning experience!
[b]Edit: While I'm assuming the info will get into it... Setting neutral? And how much flavor text would you like if any?
In case you couldn't tell, despite a weeks long deadline, I like to get the jump on something and get it done early, so any problems can be fixed.
Edit again: Also, in terms of 'flavor', what about specific magic weapon appearances? Got a very sexy scythe design to fit one of them specific magic weapons I've had floating in my head.
Also. Sry if i'm being a pain in the [REDACTED!], lol. I'm a stickler for details/limits.
Edit #(insert comical number here): .... Any particular limit on the amount of items submitted per person?
While there is a campaign setting that I'm Kickstarting in a few months, it certainly isn't compiled a easily referenced document. So we'll the items be setting neutral unless you want to go the extra mile.
I'd like to keep the flavor text to less than a few sentences. This includes description/appearance and backstory, if any.
My illustrator will be drawing or painting his favorite few items from the list, so maybe we can get that scythe design even illustrated!
I appreciate the questions, it's best we're all on the same page!
Right now I have a limit of ~15 items per person. However, I'll push this limit up by 5 for every dozen more writers I get on board!

Flaming Crab Games |

Agreed, details on the exact needs would be excellent.
How much description?
What setting?
Word count?
Image needed/allowed/preferred/banned?
Max submissions per person?
Email or PM submissions to you?
Would you accept concepts which need polishing (at a lesser cut or even exclusively on name credit)?
Would you accept non-item content such as classes, races, or spells, under similar terms, for consideration in future books?These feel like the most important details, though more may and probably do exist.
I will likely send a steady stream of product to you once I have more details on what you need/want.
I'd like about no more than 4-5 sentences of description.
We'll keep it setting neutral.An image is not needed. However, if you've got an illustrator willing to do your piece, we can talk.
Max 15 submissions for now.
Email submissions at flamingcrabgames@gmail.com
I'll accept concepts that need polishing. I'll put something in the contract that explains how we can we can 'split' that item.
I'd be willing to discuss classes, races, spells, etc. with any writers for future books. I'd be more than happy to work with someone that wants to get something published. If it's a class or a well detailed race, it could be a stand alone product. Feats, spells, and such would be considered for future 'tome' products like this magic item tome.

Phil Greeley/Rochandil Calenlad |

Also, word count limit is 450 words.
Just to be clear, that's 450 words *per magic item*, correct? I've got two items with little or no fluff text that weigh in at 419 words, total. Also, if its an item that references a new spell, do the two have to come in at 450 words together?

Shiroi |
One more : To be sure we count the same way, every time, does this word count include the non-description fields, such as name and cost?
I'm working under the assumption that it does include every part of the submission, but it came up when everything altogether came out 467 words (it's actually 5 similar items that needed to be in the same entry for all the reasons that necklace of fireballs type 1 and type 5 are in the same entry). I'm dropping a few words here and there to make it fit,but was curious for next time and for others.

Phil Greeley/Rochandil Calenlad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Shiroi: You can also check to see if you're using passive or active voice in your descriptions. Passive voice leads to a lot of extra words, and descriptions are less fun/easy to read. For example:
If the bauble is thrown, it will explode. (Passive; 8 words)
When thrown, the bauble explodes. (Active; 5 words)
Three words might not sound like a lot, but it adds up quickly!

Shiroi |
Shiroi: You can also check to see if you're using passive or active voice in your descriptions. Passive voice leads to a lot of extra words, and descriptions are less fun/easy to read. For example:
If the bauble is thrown, it will explode. (Passive; 8 words)
When thrown, the bauble explodes. (Active; 5 words)Three words might not sound like a lot, but it adds up quickly!
I appreciate the input, I hadn't considered that kind of change. I'm not used to trying to reduce wordcount, since my usual homebrew items and house rules don't need to be of any particular length. I usually focus on clarity above all else, for that reason.

Shiroi |
Will you be accepting any kind of magical items, or just the types allowed in RPGSS this year?
He mentioned wonderous in his post, so I'm starting with the assumption that anything goes. That, with a few other questions asked and answered, it seems like anything that doesn't fit this book might get used later in other books.

![]() |

owenstreetpress wrote:
He mentioned wonderous in his post, so I'm starting with the assumption that anything goes. That, with a few other questions asked and answered, it seems like anything that doesn't fit this book might get used later in other books.That's the impression that I got too, but I want to be clear on expectations.

Flaming Crab Games |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Copy/pasted section from the almost finished contract for the upcoming Flaming Crab Games product: The Dragon's Hoard
"Author will create a magic item for The Dragon's Hoard with the following requirements and conditions:
A. The magic item must be purchasable, meaning it has a gold value attached to it (not an artifact nor a cursed item).
B. The magic item's description must be less than 500 words. This only includes the section of the magic item labeled DESCRIPTION. In other words, the item's name, aura, CL, slot, price, weight, and construction are not included. If the magic item has a unique spell created by the Author, the spell is not included in this 500 word limit; in fact, spells do not have a word limit in this product.
C. The magic item may be a magic armor, magic shield, magic weapon, potion, ring, rod, scroll, staff, wand, or wondrous item. In addition, the "item" may be a set. Add 250 words to the limit of the "magic item" per extra item. (For example, a "magic item" that's actually two daggers would have a word limit of 750).
D. The “magic item” may also be a new armor/shield or weapon special ability, not unlike the flaming special ability for weapons.
E. The Author may submit up to 20 magic items to Flaming Crab Games.
F. The magic item may have multiple versions, such as the necklace of fireballs. The magic item's word limit is extended 100 words per additional version.
G. The magic item must not be an item copyrighted by another publisher, such as Paizo. Therefore, the Author may not submit an item that he created for RPG Superstar unless it is a unique version of such item.
H. The magic item must be sent to Flaming Crab Games before Sunday, February 15, 2015 to be considered.
I. A magic item concept (an unfinished magic item) may be submitted to Flaming Crab Games for partial payment.
J. The magic item must be a setting neutral item unless the Author creates a magic item that conforms to not yet published Flaming Crab Games' Ren Campaign Setting.
K. Any Open Game Content may be referenced. However, the Author must let Flaming Crab Games know which material is being referenced."
L. Submissions must be sent to flamingcrabgames@gmail.com. The file type must be .odt or .docx if attached. The magic item may be simply in the email unattached, or it may be shared as a Google Doc.
Any and all submissions will be considered for The Dragon's Hoard. The Author does not need to be a participant of the RPG Superstar contest. But all participants of said contest are invited. "
Anyone that wants to get started, simply email me at flamincrabgames@gmail.com and I'll get a contract sent to you ASAP!

Flaming Crab Games |

Shiroi wrote:owenstreetpress wrote:That's the impression that I got too, but I want to be clear on expectations.
He mentioned wonderous in his post, so I'm starting with the assumption that anything goes. That, with a few other questions asked and answered, it seems like anything that doesn't fit this book might get used later in other books.
Anything that doesn't fit this book might get used later in other books. Anyone is more than free to PM/email me if you're interested in getting something of yours unrelated to the Dragon's Hoard published.

Flaming Crab Games |

flamingcrabgames@gmail.com is the correct email. Sorry 'bout that, folks!
I've had a couple people ask me this, and I'll address it here before anyone else gets confused:
Q. Are the two revisions due before February 15th?
A. No, only the "first draft" is due February 15th. I'll help with the possible two revisions up until March.