KarlBob |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Richard Pett wrote:Hereafter is the first part of my 9 part urban horror AP Levee, which Greg is looking at now - enviously - heh heh. The Blight is the disturbing city within which the AP takes place and where my own campaign is based. It's very much an adult, horrific, sweaty place of alchemy; it's Frankenstein meets Alice. I can't wait to see it out and see what people think of it.
Both are due out from Frog God Games in the coming future.
Yep, what Rich said. I am in fact looking at it enviously right now. The part I'm most envious of is the intro theme that Richard put together for when we launch the KS this fall. Between the music, camerawork, and period props, I think Richard really captured the "Frankenstein meets Alice" aspect perfectly.
Watch this glimpse into the vault of disturbia that is Richard Pett's brain here.
Clearly, he's not the only one with a disturbed brain. Why did I watch it all the way to the end?
Beercifer |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Greg, thanks for the insight into the schedule. It's great to see how much material is in the works!
After scramming our Shattered Star campaign, kinda due in part to my harping of, "I don't think you are being challenged...", we started a new game using the Book of the Righteous's deities...and then rode out from Bards Gate to Fairhill in the Stoneheart Valley book...
I'm gearing them up for a trek to the Desolation after we 'finish' this...but really I was just wanting to get back to the style of game that I love the most. That is when you're running a game and the PC's are in fear of their lives.
To me, FFG/NG sessions have this, much more than any other setting. I'm not dumping on anyone else, I'm not prostituting this for any other company (although TPK is good, I haven't read a lot of their material), I tell gamers of FGG.
I tell people of devious gnomes, that filet your kidney while you try to poop out a spoiled coney. I tell people of druids that sacrifice you to some partially buried spirit in their grove. I tell people the gaming company is courteous enough to have obituary pages written in the back of their books.
And as a DM, I'm loving it. I feel like I have a much better handle on this sandbox. I have a great happiness to share with those that sling the die. Thank you Clark, Bill, and especially you, Greg. Slumbering Tsar makes my old Corpus Christi group shudder, but the table gets full. Quickly.
silverhair2008 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Shem, I have introduced my players to Endhome as a place to get some items that are hard to find in Zelkor's Ferry. Now whether they stay in Endhome is unknown at the moment. At present they want to finish the Mouth of Doom before doing anything else. I have the RA Expansion so they know about the castle and I have used Aux's Charnal Pit, and they want to try to take out the Gnoll encampment. So I know they are anticipating those items after MoD.
My copy of Sword of Air just got mailed out. So I will have to check that over. If this group lasts, and it has for a couple of years so far, I can see them exploring much of the Lost Lands. Will they ever finish RA? Who knows, but I presume even if they don't they will still have fun.
Don't forget the Stoneheart Valley and the Black Monastery and Razor Coast.
Shem |
They are in Stoneheart Valley now. I believe they will complete the TofA over the next few sessions but they just spent a week or more in Bard's Gate in recovery mode after finding the Temple of Orcus.
So, they decided to dig around in town and I let them meet the contact for Kayden in SoA. They met Kayden and want to do a quest for him. They also have a party member that wants to go to the Desolation.
SoA also has a lot of information on the wilderness around Bard's Gate.
So, the are in Bard's Gate and I am not sure if they will go back to the TofA, or engage in SoA, or go back to RA. They do not seem sure either but I think they will finish the Tomb.
I have not thought about placing the Black Monestary someplace they will notice it.
But I would love to give them Endhome for a base of operations.
They have a lot of ways to go...
silverhair2008 |
I copied this from the GM's portion of The Black Monastery.
The Black Monastery reappears on the Hill of Mornay when the stars overhead are in the correct position. When the planets and the celestial
introduction spheres align with those on other worlds, the building and its occupants return to this world for a time. The exact mechanics of this manifestation are not really relevant. What matters is that while the Black Monastery is present on this plane, its treasures are there for the taking. It is for the GM to decide how long the Black Monastery will remain open for adventurers and what happens when it disappears again.
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Unrelated to the ongoing Kickstarter (though if you're interested it's going on right here), I've put up a new blog post hidden deep on the FGG page that explores and explains the way time is tracked in the Lost Lands (from years all the way down to reading a clock) and gives the whys, hows, and whatfors. It's pretty niche minutiae, but for those who have expressed interest in all things Lost Lands, you can read it here. It will be included in the campaign setting in a much simplified form, but this post gives a peak behind the curtains.
Ed Reppert |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
That is quite a mountain of time, Greg!
Another approach, from N. Robin Crossby:
"Thirty days hath Halane,
Savor, Kelen, and Larane,
All the rest have thirty, too.
I can remember this, can you?"
Kethira's year is exactly 360 days. :-)
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
Had a player ask a question "Heroism/Glory domain is available in the FGG pantheon?" It is a core domain.
Glory domain is present in the FGG pantheons. From what I can think of offhand Donar/Thor and Wotan/Odin both have the Glory domain, the Celtic dwarf-god Bilis has it (just did a write-up for him in Mountains of Madness), and some of the faiths in Dunes of Desolation had it. That's all I can think of right now.
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
An update on stuff:
I'm checking with Chuck on the status of the pdfs for Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms, the player's guide, Fields of Blood, Cyclopean Deeps 2, and the Tales of the Lost Lands packs. I'll post what I find out.
I saw that Borderlands Provinces went for conversion today.
Mountains of Madness is done except for the first chapter that Tom is currently working on and the gods chapter that I'm finishing up.
I've contracted writers for new Tales of the Lost Lands stories to coincide with Borderland Provinces.
Editing has begun on Northlands Saga and is about half through. I've still got a little bit of writing and development for it, but the book is essentially done. Had a video conference with Ken Spencer last week to get started on the art order, KS stuff (it got bumped to September due to some scheduling stuff), Lost Lands Tales ideas to coincide, and talk about him writing some new Caliphate* material as part of a Desert Kingdoms book that will go along with Dunes of Desolation.
(*The Ammuyad Caliphate is a creation of Ken's that was introduced in his cool adventure Death in the Painted Canyons that we published a few years ago.)
Our Lost Lore short pdf line has launched and you should be receiving notifications about it every couple of weeks if you're on our mailing list. I've already heard some good things about the new base class that we introduced called the Portalist (by the esteemed Michael Kortes, even).
The Blight continues to sit and brood in my hard drive, waiting...and growing... (probably)
That's about all I can think of right now. School starts back up August 3, so I'll likely be dropping by less frequently after that but my goal is to get the wheels in motion on all this stuff before then so it won't need me to keep on eye on it as much after that to still go forward.
silverhair2008 |
May I make a recommendation to all? If you can the Preregistration for 2016 North Texas RPG Con opens in the September-October time frame. There is a limit on attendance of 400 people. So if you have any notion of attending you should get registered when it opens. I am attempting to set money aside to attend next year. This past one was awesome. You would get a chance to meet the FGG crew, Wolfgang Baur, Larry Elmore, and several of the original designers of the world's oldest RPG games, and get to play some of them.
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
Shem wrote:Holy Crap, that is a serious article. I will have to read it when I have time. I thought I would look it over but.... Not right now.Hope you like it! I should be posting an article on the months and major holidays soon.
Blog post on the Calendar of the Lost Lands.
Shem |
Greg A. Vaughan wrote:Blog post on the Calendar of the Lost Lands.Shem wrote:Holy Crap, that is a serious article. I will have to read it when I have time. I thought I would look it over but.... Not right now.Hope you like it! I should be posting an article on the months and major holidays soon.
Another serious article. I decided to print them both and put them in a book. Until I have the real thing.
Richard Pett Contributor |
BPorter |
General questions: With the push to develop a full-blown setting, what is the most widespread tech level and how much do the regions interact or have contact with one another? Because Razor Coast seems like it's at a very different tech level than say, Stoneheart Valley or other areas of the Lost Lands. It's all great stuff, I'm just curious how it fits together. Especially since Mr. Pett's new city sounds like it will be at an even higher tech level.
Richard Pett Contributor |
Tom Knauss |
An update on stuff:
I'm checking with Chuck on the status of the pdfs for Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms, the player's guide, Fields of Blood, Cyclopean Deeps 2, and the Tales of the Lost Lands packs. I'll post what I find out.
I saw that Borderlands Provinces went for conversion today.Mountains of Madness is done except for the first chapter that Tom is currently working on and the gods chapter that I'm finishing up.
I've contracted writers for new Tales of the Lost Lands stories to coincide with Borderland Provinces.
Editing has begun on Northlands Saga and is about half through. I've still got a little bit of writing and development for it, but the book is essentially done. Had a video conference with Ken Spencer last week to get started on the art order, KS stuff (it got bumped to September due to some scheduling stuff), Lost Lands Tales ideas to coincide, and talk about him writing some new Caliphate* material as part of a Desert Kingdoms book that will go along with Dunes of Desolation.
(*The Ammuyad Caliphate is a creation of Ken's that was introduced in his cool adventure Death in the Painted Canyons that we published a few years ago.)Our Lost Lore short pdf line has launched and you should be receiving notifications about it every couple of weeks if you're on our mailing list. I've already heard some good things about the new base class that we introduced called the Portalist (by the esteemed Michael Kortes, even).
The Blight continues to sit and brood in my hard drive, waiting...and growing... (probably)
That's about all I can think of right now. School starts back up August 3, so I'll likely be dropping by less frequently after that but my goal is to get the wheels in motion on all this stuff before then so it won't need me to keep on eye on it as much after that to still go forward.
I turned in the first chapter a couple of nights ago, so all that is left is a brief introduction and the appendix, and that puppy is ready to go.
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
General questions: With the push to develop a full-blown setting, what is the most widespread tech level and how much do the regions interact or have contact with one another? Because Razor Coast seems like it's at a very different tech level than say, Stoneheart Valley or other areas of the Lost Lands. It's all great stuff, I'm just curious how it fits together. Especially since Mr. Pett's new city sounds like it will be at an even higher tech level.
The Lost Lands relative tech levels are divided among the following:
Stone Age
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Dark Ages
High Middle Ages
Age of Sail
Industrial Revolution
Starting with Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms (currently at the printer), each book that reveals gazetteer-type information about the Lost Lands will include at the beginning a list of the tech levels and a description of what each one means to the game world. Plus each region listing throughout the book will include a line that gives the tech levels.
In general the Lost Lands runs around a High Middle Ages - Medieval tech level, trending more towards Medieval in the cities and HMA in the countryside. The greatest cities are sometimes Renaissance. Some specific areas (Razor Coast, Oceanus, and Southvale to name a few) are Age of Sail. The Blight (the City-State of Castorhage) is more or less the only major area of Industrial Revolution tech, but as you'll see, it's a tech more driven on magic than anything else. Sort of a steampunk without the steam and with necromancy instead.
The relative tech levels are maintained primarily by the level of isolation of an area and general need.
Only the most isolated and backward areas would have a Stone Age or Bronze Age tech level. Exceptions would be:
Large parts of Libynos, where the vast quantities of cheap slave labor, extremely strong dynastic rule, and a desire of the powers that be to prevent equipping the peasantry with the means to effectively revolt keeps things at a Bronze Age level (think Khemit). That is not to say that no tech above BA exists in Khemit, just that the rulers keep a lid on trade in that stuff to the degree that unless someone has a great deal of money, they're not going to be able to easily acquire stuff of a higher level. The powerful elite would have access to a higher tech level, and adventurers conceivably could with their usual abundance of loot, but the average Joe on the street is basically stuck with BA tech.
And a few anachronistic specific areas that keep it at that level for their own idiosyncratic reasons, like the city of Freegate. Freegate is one of the major ports controlled by Bard's Gate but is so strongly steeped in its ancient Hyperborean roots basically maintains a BA tech level in their day-to-day existence. They've got all kinds of higher tech coming through to and from Bard's Gate (which is Medieval, borderline Renaissance), but they have simply chosen to not embrace it--something they have the luxury to do as a protectorate of Bard's Gate. Since Bard's Gate will handle any major military or trade-related problems they might face, the aristocracy of Freegate just kicks back in their togas and debates philosophy at the Forums while the coin rolls in. Visitors to Freegate are almost always of a higher tech level, but (as with the Libynos example above) the tech level indicates the most prevalent tech level, not the tech level available for those with coin enough to buy it or who may be traveling through.
Dark Ages is most frequently seen in not necessarily isolated areas, but areas that are on the fringe of known civilization. Higher tech levels are available but are generally expensive and the folk get along just fine without them for the most part. There is some tech-level creep, but when magic is readily available to take care of a lot of the problems tech was designed for then it reduces a lot of the drive to develop/adopt it. If necessity is the mother of invention, then cheap and plentiful magic is frequently guilty of matricide. Examples of typical Dark Ages tech would be the Northlands, the Heldring Peninsula, the island of Ynys Cymragh.
High Middle Ages tech is pretty much the default for most of the known civilized lands. The typical country village or small city is likely to be HMA/
Medieval is the highest "normal" tech levels. Most of the more powerful and/or affluent cities are going to be here, with the tech level descending more towards HMA in the hinterlands as you get farther away from the population centers.
Renaissance are the truly outstanding cities of the world. No nation is entirely renaissance. This represents the pinnacle for most technological achievement in the Lost Lands. Bard's Gate probably bounces right at the cusp between this and Medieval, but could probably properly be called Renaissance (I'll make a final decision when the new Bard's Gate manuscript arrives from Casey Cristofferson and I can see what he added on top of the old stuff). Other than Bard's Gate, the most likely places to find Ren tech is in Courghais, the imperial capital of the Kingdoms of Foere (though Medi and HMA throughout the kingdoms themselves), a few of its more affluent sister cities, Reme, some of the colony/conquered cities Oceanus like Oestre on the Matagost Peninsula), and maybe Alcaldar (still deciding on that one).
Age of Sail is really only found in nations that principally rely on their naval capabilities to project their power. The Empire of Oceanus is the greatest example of this and it and its colonies explain the perfusion of its tech in remote areas such as the waters and shores around the Razor Sea. There the availability of spellcasters is probably a bit more limited, plus Oceanus's tech is fairly common, plus Oceanus stands to gain a lot of trade by pushing their tech on these outlying areas that have no real hope of ever contesting with Oceanus but will gladly pay hard coin for the tech that they offer, which as a result is probably a lot cheaper than it might be found in other places. The Kingdoms of Foere (easily Oceanus's biggest political rival) would likely be at this level except it's largely become a land-locked empire in the last few centuries since its major naval defeat by Oceanus at Kapichi Point and has, therefore, not had the need to develop this tech. The Foerdewaith remain the major dominant power on the Akados mainland (and to a certain extent in Libynos as well, as seen in the Great Crusades of previous years) and with its tenuous peace with Oceanus chooses not to engage in a maritime arms race. Oceanus knows it can't beat Foere on the mainland, and Foere knows better than to invest in defeating Oceanus at sea. So a status quo exists that does a lot to prevent the proliferation of Age of Sail tech throughout the mainland. Plus Foere has the largest population in Akados and like a gazillion spellcasters, so the need doesn't seem pressing.
Industrial Revolution tech basically wouldn't exist without the City-State of Castorhage (The Blight) and essentially doesn't exist outside its local and colonial bounds. The only nation that could truly contest with Oceanus at sea (though no doubt at great cost), the two maritime powers basically steer clear of each other's assets to avoid any costly entanglements. And, as mentioned, Castorhage is Industrial Revolution in effect only, in that its tech emulates Industrial Revolution norms but relies more on necromancy and other magic to make that happen. The Blight is kind of a weird place. To get a feel for its tech (and weirdness), read Richard Pett's masterful novel: Crooked available here. It is not a Frog God Games product, but our agreement with Richard to make sure he never gets "Styed" again (if you're familiar with those events of the late days of Dungeon Magazine) lets him keep using his Blight IP while FGG creates Lost Lands game products out of it. Rich's novel takes place in the city of "Brine", but you'll easily see that it is basically The Blight in novel form.
We've essentially designed the Lost Lands to be able to seamlessly incorporate all of the old Necromancer Games adventures (Crystal Skull, updated in Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms included firearms) as well as new Frog God Games classics like Nick Logue's Razor Coast here or here and allow those kinds of play but not force GMs and players who want to play in a different kind of game that doesn't involve firearms and other higher levels of tech. It'll even allow low tech play in Khemit, etc. for those who want it, all without forcing components on them that they don't want to use. A GM can include or ignore Razor Coast in his campaign, include or ignore the fact that the Imperial Guard of Oceanus includes a battalion musketeers, include or ignore the fact that there may be gunslingers wandering around the countryside. Other than those places where they have been specifically called out, firearms and tech will not play an important role in FGG books and adventures and left up to individual GMs to insert if they wish. And if you think the temptation of a firing line of muskets would be too much for any government to resist fielding, then you haven't seen what a few well-placed fireballs can do to a line of stationary guys carrying horns full or blackpowder or what a wildfyre cannon can do against a wooden ship with a magazine full of powder and shot. ;-)
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
I turned in the first chapter a couple of nights ago, so all that is left is a brief introduction and the appendix, and that puppy is ready to go.
This is true. I received the Mountains Primer chapter of Mountains of Madness from Skeeter this morning after it went through editing, so we're about to wrap up production on this one as well. :-)
BPorter |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Greg, I just wanted to say thanks again for such a detailed reply. I've been a fan of FGG and Necromancer before that for many years and your detailed teasers of the larger Lost Lands setting have been fantastic.
I also want to thank you and the entire FGG team for your approach to the setting. This world is clearly a labor of love and the details that you are placing within the setting are bringing the internal consistency that I love from fantasy worlds. With most RPG settings, these kind of details are ignored or barely touched upon. This is all the more impressive to me given that the setting previously only existed as a loose framework for the company's adventures. That this level of detail and internal consistency can be added later to make a coherent whole is pretty darn incredible.
I can't wait for the setting to come out!
remoh |
I'm still speechless from such a detailed, awesome thread. Thank you!
Me, too. I just had time to read it. This why I am willing to shell out $100+ for their products.
ps. That post would make an excellent Blog post..
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
BPorter wrote:........
I'm still speechless from such a detailed, awesome thread. Thank you!
Me, too. I just had time to read it. This why I am willing to shell out $100+ for their products.
ps. That post would make an excellent Blog post..
Good point...done. :-)
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
After reading some of the Wilderlands box set tonight, I think I've decided in my game that Wilderlands will be on the opposite side of the globe from the Lost Lands.
I think the two areas compliment each other very nicely, and then I'll never need another new campaign world again.
DaveMage, that's quite an honor. :-)
However at the scale of the Lost Lands you could probably fit all of the Wilderlands into a few of hexes of the Lost Lands, so you might not need to locate it so far away if you didn't want to.
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
To Frogs - are you still sending Daily Deals? They've stopped coming to me last several days.
I believe so. YOu might send Chris an email through https://froggodgames.com/support so he can see if there's a problem with us connecting to your email.
AinvarG |
necromental wrote:To Frogs - are you still sending Daily Deals? They've stopped coming to me last several days.I believe so. YOu might send Chris an email through https://froggodgames.com/support so he can see if there's a problem with us connecting to your email.
Mine stopped as well, so I assumed they were on hiatus after the holiday. The last newsletter implied something like that, but didn't say so in as many words.
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
Matrix Sorcica |
DaveMage wrote:After reading some of the Wilderlands box set tonight, I think I've decided in my game that Wilderlands will be on the opposite side of the globe from the Lost Lands.
I think the two areas compliment each other very nicely, and then I'll never need another new campaign world again.
DaveMage, that's quite an honor. :-)
However at the scale of the Lost Lands you could probably fit all of the Wilderlands into a few of hexes of the Lost Lands, so you might not need to locate it so far away if you didn't want to.
I'm not very patiently waiting for the campaign setting and a teaser map for the outline (hint).
My campaign world has for a long time used the maps and places etc. of the Sword Coast from Forgotten Realms and I want to include it. Is there room for this coast in the Lost Lands?
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
Greg A. Vaughan wrote:DaveMage wrote:After reading some of the Wilderlands box set tonight, I think I've decided in my game that Wilderlands will be on the opposite side of the globe from the Lost Lands.
I think the two areas compliment each other very nicely, and then I'll never need another new campaign world again.
DaveMage, that's quite an honor. :-)
However at the scale of the Lost Lands you could probably fit all of the Wilderlands into a few of hexes of the Lost Lands, so you might not need to locate it so far away if you didn't want to.
I'm not very patiently waiting for the campaign setting and a teaser map for the outline (hint).
My campaign world has for a long time used the maps and places etc. of the Sword Coast from Forgotten Realms and I want to include it. Is there room for this coast in the Lost Lands?
The Lost Lands are big enough that there is definitely room. But there's so much politics, history, and canon tied up in the Sword Coast the question is there room to fit all that in, and that will really come down to how closely you're wanting to keep to the FR canon. Obviously we can't use anything resembling that IP, so ours will not be that similar. But if you don't mind some squishy edges in those departments, the physical space does exist.
Probably the best place to fit it would be on the western edge of the kingdoms of Foere where they meet the massive inland sea known as the Crescent Sea. It lies far to the west of any of the maps we've released yet and would be south of the Grand Duchy of Reme in an area occupied by the Kingdom of Bret Heath, the Duchy of (can't remember the name offhand), and the halfling Low Country.