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I'm running a PBP campaign of the Savage Tide AP converted for Pathfinder.
we are still fairly early in the AP and the characters just reached level 1.
Formally I have 5 players, but before the holidays we fell to 3.
Now one already said he wants to return, the other is interested to return but is not sure if she can.
I could manage a party of 6, but I would like to avoid continuing the campaign with a party of 3.
So I'll open a new slot.
You can find Here. all the information you need.
The current party is
Erick Bonestihl: Cavalier (Honor Guard/Emissary/Musketeer) [confirmed]
Gavin d'Bourgemont: Oracle (Cayden Cailean) [confirmed]
Tessa Steele: Swashbuckler [Confirmed]
Bedu the Barber: Bard [said he will be back soon]
Kutsya Saltenlock: Witch (white-haired) [she is interested but not sure she will manage to return]
In the original topic you can find all the information you need. Of course for further information feel free to ask questions.
Feel also free to look at the discussion and Gameplay topics of the PBP
I have no clear deadline at the moment, I'll let you know about that.

electricjokecascade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

Introducing Titus the Magnificent (or Woeful, depending on how he feels that day). Level 2 Hobgoblin Wizard, with a focus on the school of Illusions. Captured when young and raised as an experiment by his adopted human 'father', Titus grew in isolation, his keen intellect bending readily to his magical lessons.
His idyllic childhood was cruelly torn apart however when his father's tower was plundered by a band of adventurers, who killed his father in the process. Titus fled into the countryside, and quickly discovered just how most people reacted to his being a hobgoblin.
Shaken to his core, repulsed by his own heritage, Titus resolved to hide his true nature behind an overtly civilized appearance and magic. Recently arrived in Sassarine, he took it upon himself to earn goodwill by cleansing a section of the sewers of the giant vermin led by a mad halfling druid, bringing the druid to justice and finally bringing peace to that section of the neighborhood.
His actions earned him grudging admittance to the local inn, where he's been skulking and wondering what to do next as the goodwill he's purchased rapidly wears thin.

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Would path of war be allowed (give martials some love) http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war?
My first instinct is to not allow third party stuff.
But I will give it a look and get back to you on that because I'm not opposed to give martials some love.I am extremely interested. I would love to play a sorcerer focused on blasting. Also how do you feel about wordcasting?
I never played or run a game with wordcasting.
I'm ok with using it, just unfamiliar, another thing I will have to look upon.But yes, it's official material so I will allow it.

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If you like it but are concerned or mystified I will be happy to explain it to you.
Lol I just noticed.
You were the one asking for an invoker in the original recruitment :PCan't resist making a request for a class off the first party manuals uh?
Studying right now :)

Viluki |

Looking to go about creating a martial warlock character, probably a warlord. Could I trade one known discipline for Black Seraph (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/black-seraph -maneuvers) as part of a pact with Hell (which also gives you a nice, juicy hook)?
The alternative to that would be one of the other Path of War playtest classes (Harbinger and Zealot, http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rirm&page=1?Dreamscarred-Press-Announces-P ath-of-War). I completely understand however if you are adverse to material still being playtested (and the first option will work perfectly fine).

Alistus |

How do you, or rather the NPCS of your campaign, feel about Drow? More specifically, a Half-Elf with the Drow racial features. My character is a Half-Drow Cleric(Soon to by Mythic Theurge) of Nethys from a long line of powerful Drow spell-casters. He believes it is his destiny to become the most powerful spell-caster of all time, and he plans to do so by combining the power of Nethys with his own innate spell-casting abilities.
This character is built on the basis that racial spell-like abilities and ones granted by domains(or in this case an inquisition) count towards the spellcasting requirements for Mystic Theurge.
The basic character up to level 4:
Cleric 1: Fate Inquisition/Magic Domain(Arcane)
Sorcerer(Wildblooded) 1(2): Epyreal Bloodline
Sorcerer(Wildblooded) 2(3)
Mystic Theurge 1(4)
Meeting the requirements:
3 Knowledge Arcana/Religion ranks gained through levels
2nd Level Arcane casting gained through Half-Elf Drow Magic trait
2nd Level Divine casting gained through Fate Inquisition

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Well.. you would be planted in a place where Drow are not present, which is kinda ideal since you wouldn't be chased by drow reputation (not that nobody knows what a drow is, but at least people are unlikely to have first hand bad experiences with drows in sasserine)
Also .. a oracle of Cayden and a Cleric of Nethys... it would become interesting pretty quickly.
Just think about how did you came to arrive on Arcadia.
Feel free to work on the background how you want, but if you need directions I think Nidal as a country that has drow settlements pretty close to the surface and a easy route west towards Sasserine would work well.

Gavin d'Bourgemont |

Also .. a oracle of Cayden and a Cleric of Nethys... it would become interesting pretty quickly.
Haha this is true! Luckily, Gavin is more an accomodater than someone who looks for conflict, and could be interested in helping heal the divide between the Nethysians and the Caydenites, if Alistus would be interested in going in this direction. Once Gavin would be sure the Nethys-worshipper could be trusted, of course :)

Alistus |

I would also be willing to go that direction, thought my previous iteration of this character was slightly different. The last time I played this character, in a campaign that unfortunately didn't last long, I played him as a radical Nethys follower who scoffed at the idea of teaching magic to "muggles"(Yes I used that word to insult at least 4 NPCS in game). His basic view was that magic was a holy gift, only to be used by spell-casters with innate magical abilities or people who were seen fit by Nethys to receive his divine gift. I literally walked around posting signs and handing out pamphlets on the sin that is arcane magic, it was quite fun. This time however, I'm willing to play along. I'm currently looking into background details, and I've settled on crossing to Sasserine from Nidal after hearing of the Noble District and the cities ties to Nethys. The before and after I am still not sure of, but I'm working on that now.

Alistus |

Ahh I also just noticed that you meant to say they recently reached 2. I will adjust my crunch accordingly.
Male Half-elf Cleric(Ecclesitheurge) 1/Sorcerer(Wildblooded-Empyreal) 1
N medium humanoid
Init +5 Senses Darkvision (60) Perception +8
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10
hp 15
Fort 3 Reflex 1 Will 8
Speed 30 ft
Melee Crossbow, light +1 (1d8/19-20/x2) or Quarterstaff +0 (1d6/x2)
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 10 DEX 12 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 19 CHA 13
BAB 0 CMB 0 CMD 11
Feats Improved Initiative
Skills Acrobatics 1, Appraise 2, Bluff 1, Climb 0, Diplomacy 1, Disguise 1, Escape Artist 1, Fly 1, Heal 6, Intimidate 1, Knowledge (arcana) 7, Knowledge (religion) 9, Perception 8, Ride 1, Sense Motive 8, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 1, Survival 4, Swim 0
Languages Elven, Common
Gear Crossbow - light, Quarterstaff, Bolts - crossbow (10), Kit - Chroniclers

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I haven't done this AP before and would love to give it a shot. I am thinking of doing a druid of some kind, and before I go to in depth in it I just want to know if you have any restrictions for animal companions.
No particular restriction but consider that the area will feature dinosaurs.
So while usually dinosaur are difficult to fit thematically here it would be a perfect fit.I'm consulting with my players and will choose the entrant shortly. so please, if you are interested post your character and if you already did straighten up your background (stats are not as important as background and character development)
I'm interested in a good roleplayer to add to a party of already good ones.

Dano Ko'oe |
Last minute character submission!
I've got a human Ranger fisherman that I'd like to submit. While I'll be finishing up the statblock and backstory throughout the day (you can check the alias for all of the details) the spoiler below should have a decent summary of who the character is.
Fisherman extraordinaire; Dano is a human who was born and raised in the Azure District of the city of Sasserine after his parents immigrated from their island home. Exposed heavily to the islander culture, Duke (as his friends call him) spent most of his time away from the city in favor of the deep blue sea. Recently he has gotten a taste for hunting bigger, more challenging fare. On one occasion he leapt from a fishing vessel armed only with a fishing spear on a dare from a fellow crewman. This has earned him a reputation as a reckless daredevil despite his reliability.
He lost his shadow in a bet with a conjurer and has yet to win it back.
As always feedback or commentary is welcome.

Erick Bonestihl |

Crunch wise, everyone would add benefit to the party, so there's not much there to differentiate.
I personally would like to see expanded backgrounds from everyone.
Plus, there's a requirement that hasn't been discussed yet. The original players had to put together a mini-scene that would cause rumors of them to circulate in the city, so it made sense for them to be hired.
I'll post my background and rumor scene below for everyone as an example of what we had to start with.
Erick was born in the Cudgel sector of Sasserine, but unlike those of his generation, he was not destined to stay there. Erick's parents were minor, but wealthy, nobles. Unfortunately, they had mad enemies. Exactly who it was, Erick never found out, but his father was framed for treason, and their wealth taken away, his father hung, and his mother turned out on the streets.
His mother, unable to bear the shame, threw herself from the lighthouse onto the shoals below. Erick was left to the mercies of the city's orphanages, his family's dishonor slowly sending him to worse and worse orphanages, until he finally ended up in the Shadowshores, where no doubt he'd have grown up to be a criminal, had not fate intervened once again, perhaps to make up for it's last cruel touch.
Garvin Marshant, a Chelexian Emissary of the Order of the Rose was sent to the city by his order chapterhouse to see to settling the unstable city in the chaos of the post restoration. Sir Marshant was in the habit of hiring street urchins for use in the cities he frequented, sending them on errands, asking them about local information, and watching people for him.
He hired the young Erick, and was impressed by Erick's quick mind and developing prowess. Hearing about his past from someone else, he took the boy on as a squire, and thus Erick went on an odyssey that would span the next 10 years, squire to Marshant.
They spent two years in Alkenstar, helping to avoid a major outbreak of violence in the area. It was while living here and working with Sir Marshant that Erick met Tendir Quickfingers, a young gnomish gunsmith. She found Erick's fascination with firearms charming, and the boys unceasing curiosity very gnomish. She even eventually taught the boy the forbidden knowledge of gunsmithing, and gave him a dragon-throated pistol as a fare travel present when he and his master left Alkenstar.
There was also a period of three years spent in Tien, working with the new Empress who had just won back the throne after several hundred years of there being no-one on the throne. During his stay there, Erick learned to use armor and weapons like none he'd ever seen before, but he still dressed like he was in Alkenstar, blending the two in a manner no-one had seen till then or since.
Finally, 18, Marshant took him to an Order Chapterhouse, to have him fully inducted into a Cavalier Order. But rather than sponsor him to his own order in Cheliax, the Chelexian Blue Rose, Marshant sponsored him to the Order of the Tome in Andoran, which was a much better fit for the questing mind of the young cavalier. This was especially true as the boy had issues with the idea that history changes every 30 days, and that books should be burned.
Erick found the Andoran Order of the Tome much more to his frame of mind than the Chelexian Order of the Rose, and gained skills rapidly under their tutelage and training. His breadth of knowledge spread rapidly, and his training finally came together. He'd never been very good at animals, although he learned the minimum necessary to get by, even learning to fight from horseback (despite never quite catching on to how to convince them he was a friend).
Having completed his journeyman requirements, and now an official Cavalier of the Order of the Tome, Erick has returned to his birth city a much older, wiser, and calmer man than the angry and vengeful boy who left. Not that he won't look for those who ruined his family, but rather than burn the city down to do so, he plans to just demolish select bits of it as needed while earning a living.
Huh, ten minutes... what is he, 13? 14? Erick wonders idly as he drives his elbow sideways into the pickpocket's face, sending the boy to the street on his arse, blood streaming from his nose. The same hand draws a heavy flintlock from his waist, the heavy iron barrel pressing between the boys eyes. "You probably don't know what this is, boy, but I promise you it can turn your head into mush before you can move. Now, do you want me to bust you in the nose again, or do you want to earn some copper for an afternoon's work?"
The boy pales, not knowing what the thing pressed to his face is, but the elbow had moved so fast that he hadn't even realized he was being hit until he was on the ground. "E..eh... earn copper... sir..."
The man nods, returning the pistol to it's holster. He digs a copper out of his pouch, and tosses it on the boy's chest. "I need a guide, your resume is acceptable. Now get up and wipe your nose." He's lucky I realized he was a kid, thought he was a halfling in that hood, almost broke his jaw. The man snorts as the boy gets up, biting the copper coin. "Now, there was a half-orc in a set of red armor that came through here in the last 20 minutes, dragging a girl about your age, human. Dragged her right off the ship I was on. Local guards didn't do anything. I figure he payed them off, but I don't see any guards here, so I need to find that half-orc."
The boy blinks. "Oh, him, yeah, I saw him. The girl was crying." The boy shrugs, not an unusual sight. "He's probably heading to sell her. I could help you buy her back for the right price?"
Erick leans down on the boy, nose inches from the boys, and his eyes go hard. "Boy, you took my coin. You lead me to where you think he's going, or I'll take that coin out of your hide. You take a man's coin, you do your job."
The boy gulps and nods rapidly, eyeing the daggers and sword and strange weapon, and the double armor the man wears. He wipes the blood off his mouth and starts moving through the crowd, kicking and punching people out of his way.
Erick follows along, one hand on his pistol. Behind them, the locals begin to move in the same direction, sensing the entertainment value of impending violence.
Two blocks over, the boy points to a tavern. "He's gotta be in there, that's where the slavers are buying today." Erick eyes the boy for a second, then nods. "You wait out here, and don't make me chase you down. If he's there, I'll give you a silver for a job well done."
The boy's eyes go wide, and he nods, as Erick enters the tavern. There's some laughter from inside, and then the mother of all sounds, like thunder. Smoke comes from the doorway, smelling of demons and devils, sulfur and brimstone. Then the sounds of fighting. The sounds don't last long. Erick exits the tavern shortly thereafter, leading a girl by the hand.
As he steps into the street, a tiefling woman appears in the doorway. "Hey, that's my property. I already paid for it."
Erick looks over his shoulder. "She wasn't his to sell. You can get your money back from him. His armor should cover your expenses, and when he wakes up, if he does, you can sell him. He's big and strong, he can work hard, and he's a coward, since he only takes on little girls, so he won't fight back too hard."
The tiefling eyes the man, then looks over her shoulder, then laughs. "Little girls are worth more, but since he's free, I guess I'll make about the same profit. Interesting weapon you got there. Wanna sell it?"
The crowd exchanges purses with silver and copper, those who took the long shot stranger happy they won, those who bet on the local favorite gritting their teeth.