Iron Gods come to conquer 5E!

Iron Gods

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The more the merrier harlequin!

I think it's mostly timing. I pretty much skipped 4e and trying to convert anything to 4e from other editions was difficult. The only thing I converted and played was Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. I also love science fantasy and have always mixed it in to my games.

Iron Gods has made me realize that I really like true science-fantasy as opposed to mashing things together and I expect I'll be overhauling my campaign world to make it more like a Dying Earth setting.

But that's in the future. Deathrays and robot terminators for now!

My apologies for the radio silence over the last couple of weeks folks, but my time has been monopolized by moving.

In my absence, I have posted Oracular Mysteries for the Heavens , the Ancestors, and the Sun & Moon.

And, now that I'm settled into my new home, I will be returning to the Iron Gods Adventure Path next week.

Oh and I echo Solomani's comments about other conversions on this thread. The more the merrier! :)

Solomani? That dude's a SolSec agent, it's obvious!

I just stumbled onto this thread and I think it's awesome; dotting for future reference.

The Solomani are the true inheritors of humanities glory!

I think you mean progenitors, and it's spelled Humaniti. :P

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In my home brew world I have three main types of ethnic human groups - the Solomanii, Zhodanii and Vilanii who are collectively called humanitii.

But I digress!

Howdy All!

Three more oracular mysteries for use with 5th Edition D&D (Bone, Lore, and Time) are now available for your review and approval here!


Badmudderfugger wrote:

Howdy All!

Three more oracular mysteries for use with 5th Edition D&D (Bone, Lore, and Time) are now available for your review and approval here!

Enjoy! are my hero. My entire group is drooling over this adventure, so it looks like I'll be running this instead of Curse of the Crimson Throne.

From what it looks like, you've got the first chapter done, right?

Sorry for the delayed response, Inchoroi, but thanks for the kind words!

The first chapter is finished and I have started into the second adventure (the tech is done and next up will be the monsters).

I have also posted conversions of the final four oracular mysteries for use with 5th Edition D&D (Metal, Nature, Stone, and Wind), which brings my conversion of the Oracle to a close (finally) and which is available for your review and approval here.

I hope that Friday's treating you all well!

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Howdy All!

I have just posted the first batch of conversions of the adversaries from Lords of Rust here.


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Howdy All!

The second batch of conversions of the adversaries from Lords of Rust is up here for your review and approval.


Howdy All!

I have just posted a revised version of the Magus class for 5th Edition D&D here.


I have also posted a consolidation of all my previous Oracle class conversions here for the sake of easier reference. :)

Howdy All!

In the last two weeks, I have added a few new Hi Tech items here, and two sample characters built using my conversion rules. Those characters are a 14th level Magus and a 14th level Oracle of Time.


My group is working on converting to 5e for the rest of Iron Gods from Valley of the Brain Collectors forward. The information you have posted has been a great help. Its a bit of a challenge trying to match the theme of each character as the classes and archetypes they picked are so tied into Pathfinder, but they are having fun in the attempt. My biggest concern is how to modify the NPCs and monsters as little as possible to decrease my workload. Any tips on how to use what is written, and modify on the fly? I experienced a bit of that challenge last night when I ran Crypt of the Everflame, and had to change the AC of the final boss based on how armor works in 5e. He was still two-shotted due to bludgeoning vulnerability, but he had the PCs worried after the tabaxi monk almost went down in one swipe of a longsword. Thanks for all of your hard work!

I am planning on running Iron Gods in 2021, possibly in 5e, so this looks super helpful for the first two parts.

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