
Badmudderfugger's page

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Howdy All!

In the last two weeks, I have added a few new Hi Tech items here, and two sample characters built using my conversion rules. Those characters are a 14th level Magus and a 14th level Oracle of Time.


I have also posted a consolidation of all my previous Oracle class conversions here for the sake of easier reference. :)

Howdy All!

I have just posted a revised version of the Magus class for 5th Edition D&D here.


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Howdy All!

The second batch of conversions of the adversaries from Lords of Rust is up here for your review and approval.


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Howdy All!

I have just posted the first batch of conversions of the adversaries from Lords of Rust here.


Sorry for the delayed response, Inchoroi, but thanks for the kind words!

The first chapter is finished and I have started into the second adventure (the tech is done and next up will be the monsters).

I have also posted conversions of the final four oracular mysteries for use with 5th Edition D&D (Metal, Nature, Stone, and Wind), which brings my conversion of the Oracle to a close (finally) and which is available for your review and approval here.

I hope that Friday's treating you all well!

Howdy All!

Three more oracular mysteries for use with 5th Edition D&D (Bone, Lore, and Time) are now available for your review and approval here!


This is awesome. Terrific work by Solomani Junior!

My apologies for the radio silence over the last couple of weeks folks, but my time has been monopolized by moving.

In my absence, I have posted Oracular Mysteries for the Heavens , the Ancestors, and the Sun & Moon.

And, now that I'm settled into my new home, I will be returning to the Iron Gods Adventure Path next week.

Oh and I echo Solomani's comments about other conversions on this thread. The more the merrier! :)

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Thanks for the kind words, Aueberon, very glad to hear you'll find it helpful. :)

Speaking of helpful, I have posted three more oracular mysteries for use with 5th Edition D&D here: 5E Oracular Mysteries

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Howdy All and Happy Friday!

I have just posted conversion of all of the hi tech gear found in the Lords of Rust adventure (including a certain chainsaw sword), here: 5E Lords of Rust Gear .


Howdy All!

I have just posted a version of the Oracle class for use in 5E D&D here: 5E Oracle.

I have only included three mysteries with this posting, but will have more up in the coming weeks, along with the first batch of conversions for Lords of Rust!

It's been a busy week, so I haven't had a chance to look at your class options in too much detail, Harlequinn, but they look pretty cool at a glance (I especially love the idea of a Nanite Bloodline freakin cool!).


Howdy All!

This week I converted a bunch of the monsters from Paizo's Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars to 5th edition D&D, which you can find here: 5E Numeria .

Next week, I hope to have a 5E version of the Oracle done and then I will be turning to conversions of the material from Lords of Rust.

Howdy All!

This week has been a productive one for me, so I present for your review rules for the Technologist feat, the Artificer cleric domain, and the Techslinger archetype here: 5E Technology Options; more converted monsters from the Fires of Creation random encounter tables here: 5E Fires of Creation Random Monsters; technology-related spells here: 5E Technology Spells; and Numerian-specific diseases and poisons here: 5E Numerian Hazards .


Thanks Jam, glad to hear you're enjoying it!

I don't plan to require attunement for non-magical high technology items in my own campaign. My reasoning is that the high technology items found in the Iron Gods campaign already seem to have restrictions built in (the timeworn property and/or requiring charges to use, in addition to requiring the PCs to figure out what the hell it is they have found before using it), so they don't need the further balancing mechanic of attunement.

On Friday I will be posting rules for some high tech class options (including a Technologist feat and a Techslinger archetype for the Gunslinger class), which allow characters to mitigate the restrictions that high tech items have. However, even with those ways to get around the problems with hi tech items, I feel that, since players are giving up other character options to choose those abilities, they are still balanced against the 5E magic item rules (magic items almost always regenerate charges overnight, they only require an identify spell to use, and even if they require attunement, they only require a short rest to be ready to use).

That said, when the characters come across magical high tech items...that'll be another matter. :)

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And thanks, Michael. :)

MichaelSandar wrote:
Dominate Person, along with the Brain Extraction could be brutal! :)

Ahem....moo hoo ha ha ha ha! :)

This week I decided to jump a bit ahead in the Iron Gods adventure path and convert one of my favorite monsters to 5th Edition: the hideous Brain Collector! You can find rules for using these critters here: 5E Brain Collectors

Next week I will have rules for adding Technomancers, Techslingers, and the Artificer cleric domain to 5th Edition!

Howdy All!

After a bunch of tinkering and a lot of revisions, I present for your approval my rules for introducing firearms and the Gunslinger class into 5th Edition D&D, as well as a few firearms-related rules (like two weapon fighting with firearms and a new feat that applies to firearms). You can find these rules here: 5E Gunslingers and Guns.


Thanks Michael, glad to hear you like it!

Friday morning I will have a version of the Gunslinger for your consideration too. :)

Happy Friday All!

I have just posted the final batch of monster/NPC conversions for the Fires of Creation adventure, which can be found here: 5E Iron Gods Bestiary Part 5.

Since the class plays such a strong thematic role in the Iron Gods adventure path, I have been poking at a conversion for Pathfinder's Gunslinger to 5E, though it is not quite ready to be posted yet. Maybe next week (or, maybe, my 5E rules for the various traps found in Fires of Creation).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this last group of converted adversaries and allies!

Howdy All!

I have just posted the next batch of monster conversions for Fires of Creation (those from Part Five). It can be found here: 5E Iron Gods Bestiary Part 4


Howdy All!

I have just posted the next batch of monster conversions for Fires of Creation (which includes vegepygmies, cerebric fungi, and collector robots). It can be found here: 5E Iron Gods Bestiary Part 3


Howdy All!

My regular Friday blog entry has just gone up, which features my second batch of monster conversions for Fires of Creation (including all the monsters from part three). It can be found here: 5E Iron Gods Bestiary Part 2


Howdy Harlequinn!

Thanks for the link! That article had some really interesting ideas, and I like your idea for adapting those rules to represent timeworn items. It would give timeworn technology a great unpredictability ("I'd love to use my raygun, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna explode the next time I use it...").

I'm a little less concerned with "breaking" 5E by giving out more magic items than the DMG suggests than the author of the article seems to be, but if I find that my PCs are getting a bit too "loot-heavy", your rules will be a great way to thin the herd in an Iron Gods-appropriate manner. :)

Solomani wrote:
These are great! Much better than what I made. In my defense the PHB was still a month away when we started playing!

Thanks Solomani! It sure makes it easier to stand on the shoulders of giants when I'm doing my own conversions (both the 5E books and your conversion thread). :)

I love the idea of the "child of the atom" sorcerer bloodline too. What a terrific way to add some extra flavor to the campaign.

And thanks for sharing what you did with treasure too. I'm going to be playing it by ear with that, but I like the idea of just going with what 5E does and then adding in the high tech stuff.

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Howdy All!

I just posted my regular Friday blog entry, which includes the first batch of monster conversions for Fires of Creation. It includes all the monsters from the first two parts of Fires of Creation and it can be found here: 5E Iron Gods Bestiary Part 1


Howdy All!

After reading over Fires of Creation again this weekend, I have decided to make a change to my "Former Technic Leaguer" background and replace the Androffan language bonus with proficiency with Engineer's Tools. While it may make sense in the PF setting for a member of the Technic League to learn that language, I agree with Neil Spicer, that author of Fires of Creation, that keeping the language an unknown for the first part of the adventure path will help maintain an atmosphere of the creepy unknown that the adventure seems to shoot for.

So, with that in mind, I present the revised Iron Gods backgrounds for your review here: 5E Iron Gods Backgrounds Revised

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Thanks Harlequinn! Hope you find them helpful for your Iron Gods campaign! :)

For the difference in wealth/magic item accumulation between PF and 5E, the approach I will be making is to ask whether the item is there for "story" or for "stats."

Most of the high technology items found in Fires of Creation seem to be there for story reasons (to expose the characters to unknown technology and have them try to figure out what it does), so I'm not too concerned about keeping all of those in the adventure.

For the magic items, I will mostly be dropping any items that seems to be included in order to make the NPC a balanced PF characters, rather than adding anything meaningful to the story (the ubiquitous cloaks of resistances are an example of this, as are the plethora of masterwork weapons/armor owned by NPCs in Iron Gods).

That said, I plan to keep most of the magic items that add story, as well as a stat bonus (like, for instance, the Vrilledt's magical light hammer), though I will likely use the random tables from the 5E Dungeon Master's Guide to add some extra flavor to those items.

When I get to converting the rest of the adventures in the Iron Gods adventure path, I may have to do more work converting them over (as the bonuses from magic items get larger), but I feel that I can pretty much port the items from Fires of Creation over directly to 5E without worrying about skewing balance.

Finally, as for the number of magic items introduced in Fires of Creation vs. what might be introduced in a normal 5E campaign, I'm just going to go with whatever is found in the adventure (subject to the above restrictions regarding "stats" only magic items) and trust that it won't break the system. I have been a little overly generous with my players in my current 5E game (WotC's Tyranny of Dragons campaign) and I don't feel it has skewed the balance at all.

I hope that answers your questions, harlequin, and thanks again for the kind words! :)

Howdy All!

Just posted conversions of the Technology Guide's rules for using high technology, as well as 5E versions of all the high technology items found in Fires of Creation here: 5E Iron Gods High Technology Gear

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One last update for the weekend!

New backgrounds, tools, and bonds for the Iron Gods in 5E may be found here: 5E Iron Gods Backgrounds

Anyone else not feeling well?

If so, it may be because I posted a 5th edition version of Pathfinder's Radiation Damage rules here: 5E Radiation Damage

I look forward to seeing your work in the Menace Manuals!

On a related note, I have just posted a 5th Edition version of the Ratfolk here: 5E Ratfolk

Howdy Solomani!

I saw your thread before starting mine and I like the work you've done, but I think that we're taking different approaches to our conversions.

It sounds like you're in the midst of running Iron Gods with 5E and you're converting things on the fly or subbing in stats for monster/magic items when you need to (and I like your version of Meyanda!).

I already have a 5E game I'm currently running (Wizard's Tyranny of Dragons campaign), and Iron Gods won't be up to the plate for a few months. I'm using the time while the ToD campaign is running to try to do full conversions of the Iron Gods materials, in part to get to know the 5E system better (how classes, spells, monsters, magic items, etc... work) and in part because, like you, I enjoy doing that work. :)

Howdy All,

Since I can't figure out how to edit my older posts, I will have to keep posting new material as I go.

I have just posted my conversion of the Madness Domain to 5E (which I will be using for my conversion of Meyanda). It may be found here: 5E Madness Domain.

Thanks Anorak! :)

Heh, I understand that, with RPGs, it's totally different strokes.

The reason I'm such a fan of 5E is because the newest edition feels sort of like going home and finding the place totally spruced up with new fixtures.

As background, at the time 5E released, I had been running a two year campaign using the Iron Kingdoms RPG, after my 4E D&D game was put to bed (which I had run for about three years).

I found the IK RPG to be a lot less work to run than a lot of other games I had run (less prep time and easy to make up stuff on the fly) and I really liked some of the game mechanics, which rewarded inventive player roleplaying with mechanical bonuses.

To my surprise, 5E incorporated many similar mechanics (in the form of advantage and inspiration), it streamlined a lot of the fiddly bits that I had found frustrating in earlier editions (relatively small bonuses/penalties that seemed to be calculated round-to-round far more often than I felt was needed), and the bounded accuracy mechanic made the level progression feel less like ascent into demi-godhood and more like badass mortal heroes getting more badass.

5E manages to incorporate all these changes to the system, but still feel like "authentic" D&D to me, which is what makes it feel like coming home again to the old Basic Set Red Box. :)

For me, 5E offers solid mechanics that play really well at the table, with enough tactical depth to make combats interesting for the combat monkeys in my groups and plenty of ways to reward the great roleplaying of the aspiring thespians at my gaming table. And, best of all, I find the time required to prep for a session is significantly less than most other games I've run (including character generation...I ran a one-shot a few weeks ago with the guys rolling up PCs based on characters from famous Sci-Fi films and TV, and it only took us 45 minutes to get a group of 8th level characters rolled up).

That's my non-sales-pitch take on the newest edition of 5E. :)

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Howdy Cap!

You could probably use much of the PF material in 5E without much work, but there are certain aspects of the 5E rules that are different enough to make more substantive conversions necessary.

For instance, the action economy in 5E is different enough from PF that PF class features that deal with "full round actions" need some reworking.

Feats are also a different kettle of fish in 5E than they are in PF, often providing a small bundle of abilities to your character, rather than one specific bonus.

The biggest mechanical difference between the two is the escalating bonuses in PF and the "bounded accuracy" in 5E. 5E mostly deals away with flat mechanical bonuses in favor of more attacks and/or more damage dealt by higher level characters (There are threads elsewhere on the Paizo messageboards that address these difference in more detail).

Due to these rules differences (and in the interest of getting to know the 5E system better), I am doing full conversion of the material, rather than just winging it while I run Iron Gods.

Howdy Leo!

Since there is already a ton of material in the adventure path to convert to 5E, the plan for now is to convert items from the technology guide as needed.

That said, there are a lot of cool items in there, so I wouldn't be surprised if I can't resist the siren song of that book. :)

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Thanks Technotrooper!

I now have a draft version of the 5th Edition Alchemist up here: 5E Alchemist.

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Howdy All,

I'm in the midst of preparing to run the Iron Gods adventure path using 5th Edition D&D and, rather than tweak the adventure as I go along, I decided to take the opportunity to get to know the 5E system better by doing a full conversion of all Iron Gods materials (including conversions of some Pathfinder classes that feature prominently in Iron Gods).

I will be including links to my conversions below and I welcome any comments or questions you may have on them!

For my first batch of conversions, I present the Android as a PC race in 5E and the Magus class in 5E.

The Android may be found here: 5E Android.

And the Magus may be found here: 5E Magus .

Next up will be my conversion of the Alchemist!

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