The book says about half of humans are evil


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Continual flame provides light without heat or use of oxygen. So, cast continual flame on one of the babies' onezies, throw them in the bag with a potted plant, and bam, away you go!

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LazarX wrote:
born_of_fire wrote:
In 1938, before WWII, Hitler was still perceived as neutral, perhaps even good considering that he was a very influential public speaker who motivated a nation crippled by WWI reparations into a world leading, industrialized powerhouse in just a few short years. He unified the government through sheer force of personality (and a little arson). Well into the 40's, Hitler was not viewed by Americans as evil, rather he was respected for being a win at all costs, no such thing as cheating, small town Vienna success story..

By 1938 it had already been five years since Albert Einstein had emigrated to the United States, fleeing persecution because of his Jewish heritage, his honors tripped from him, and Einstein Tower which had been granted him because of his scientific honors, taken back by the German State. By this period or shortly afterward, the United States and other Western countries would start deporting Jewish refugees back to Germany. Yes I'm sure there were Americans that viewed Hitler as a hero, specifically the Nazi Bunds that were forming in various backwood lodges across the country, as well as other Fascist sympathisers.

Hitler unified his government by promising an end to the chaos his own stormtroopers were causing. His ascension to power was on the back of people that can only be described as thugs in brown shirts.

I suppose you're probably a Holcaust Denier as well. The murdered bodies of six million Jews, 2 million Gypsies, Gays, and others labeled as "undesirable" would challenge your opinion.

It's not that Hitler wasn't a fitting choice for Time's Man of the Year, he was, but not for the reasons you seem to believe. He had already re-armed the Whermacht, militarised the Rhineland, and was sponsoring the future dictator of Spain, Francisco Franco in his crushing of the monarchy and what freedom Spain had. In Spain, there were already Americans and other freethinkers joining together in a doomed fight against history.

So yes, by...

Definitely not a holocaust denier. I apologize if I gave anyone the impression that I believe Hitler was a great guy, I don't. I just know there are realities about the way human history is recorded because humans are terrible, self serving and quantifiably fallible witnesses. We tend to retell events so as to portray ourselves as favourably as possible and others as badly as possible.

I was simply pointing out that, in 1938, Hitler was regarded much differently than he is now so it is not a ridiculous thing that he made the cover of Time magazine. No more ridiculous than the fact that medical doctors actually recommended smoking to pregnant women, among others, but just as difficult to believe for someone who has spent their entire life being told that smoking is terrible, addictive and will kill you. Attitudes change, history is rewritten and people mostly accept it, forgetting how different things were in the past.

No adulation of the man is required to point out that Hitler was not always regarded as evil incarnate. He was an influential world leader, largely equal among his political contemporaries at one time. The horrors of the holocaust were not discovered until well after 1938 so no one even knew what a thoroughly terrible man he was when he appeared on the cover of the magazine.

(Removed a feeble attempt at humour)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yes, I know that America has created most of it's current enemies, many of which used to be allies or puppets.

Just a reminder however by 1938, Hitler had already carved off pieces of other nations, rearmed Germany and the world was at the threashold of war. His Ubermen had already been dealt a humiliating defeat by a man of color at the '36 Olympic Games in Munich. And the rhetoric of his pogroms on the Jewish people was in full strength.

I don't need to use theatrical terms such as "evil incarnate". I need only point out to his deeds already done by that point. And the compliance of most of the rest of the world in allowing them to pass.

It's fashionable to strike a cynical pose about the way America has behaved in recent decades. That doesn't whitewash the actions of others who deserve revilement.

Maybe it was too much to hope for a thread about murdering babies to not get heavy.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Albatoonoe wrote:
Maybe it was too much to hope for a thread about murdering babies to not get heavy.

Should we toss out the dead baby with the bath water?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Albatoonoe wrote:
Maybe it was too much to hope for a thread about murdering babies to not get heavy.

Where exactly did you expect such a thread to go?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
LazarX wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:
Maybe it was too much to hope for a thread about murdering babies to not get heavy.
Where exactly did you expect such a thread to go?

Pie recipes and barbershop tips.

Artemis Moonstar wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:
Maybe it was too much to hope for a thread about murdering babies to not get heavy.
Should we toss out the dead baby with the bath water?

Nope, it's too heavy.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Continual flame provides light without heat or use of oxygen. So, cast continual flame on one of the babies' onezies, throw them in the bag with a potted plant, and bam, away you go!

Seems expensive. Will a normal torch do? The baby can hold it up so it doesn't damage your equipment.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Artemis Moonstar wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:
Maybe it was too much to hope for a thread about murdering babies to not get heavy.
Should we toss out the dead baby with the bath water?

Nope, it's too heavy.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Continual flame provides light without heat or use of oxygen. So, cast continual flame on one of the babies' onezies, throw them in the bag with a potted plant, and bam, away you go!
Seems expensive. Will a normal torch do? The baby can hold it up so it doesn't damage your equipment.

That seems unsafe as it will likely drop it setting a baby on fire. Plus fire uses up oxygen.

I'm not sure how many plants are needed to counteract fire from a torch.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Starbuck_II wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Artemis Moonstar wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:
Maybe it was too much to hope for a thread about murdering babies to not get heavy.
Should we toss out the dead baby with the bath water?

Nope, it's too heavy.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Continual flame provides light without heat or use of oxygen. So, cast continual flame on one of the babies' onezies, throw them in the bag with a potted plant, and bam, away you go!
Seems expensive. Will a normal torch do? The baby can hold it up so it doesn't damage your equipment.

That seems unsafe as it will likely drop it setting a baby on fire. Plus fire uses up oxygen.

I'm not sure how many plants are needed to counteract fire from a torch.

Coat the baby in asbestos first so it doesn't catch fire, then wonderglue the torch to it?

And, we may need ten potted plants.

LazarX wrote:

Yes, I know that America has created most of it's current enemies, many of which used to be allies or puppets.

Just a reminder however by 1938, Hitler had already carved off pieces of other nations, rearmed Germany and the world was at the threashold of war. His Ubermen had already been dealt a humiliating defeat by a man of color at the '36 Olympic Games in Munich. And the rhetoric of his pogroms on the Jewish people was in full strength.

I don't need to use theatrical terms such as "evil incarnate". I need only point out to his deeds already done by that point. And the compliance of most of the rest of the world in allowing them to pass.

It's fashionable to strike a cynical pose about the way America has behaved in recent decades. That doesn't whitewash the actions of others who deserve revilement.

I agree with everything you say. I also have no doubt there are people that honestly believe Hitler died in a theatre fire. This in no way excuses the man or his actions but it is always important to reflect reality and avoid hyperbole.

Grand Lodge

MagusJanus wrote:
Starbuck_II wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Artemis Moonstar wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:
Maybe it was too much to hope for a thread about murdering babies to not get heavy.
Should we toss out the dead baby with the bath water?

Nope, it's too heavy.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Continual flame provides light without heat or use of oxygen. So, cast continual flame on one of the babies' onezies, throw them in the bag with a potted plant, and bam, away you go!
Seems expensive. Will a normal torch do? The baby can hold it up so it doesn't damage your equipment.

That seems unsafe as it will likely drop it setting a baby on fire. Plus fire uses up oxygen.

I'm not sure how many plants are needed to counteract fire from a torch.

Coat the baby in asbestos first so it doesn't catch fire, then wonderglue the torch to it?

And, we may need ten potted plants.

At this point we might as well slather them with barbecue sauce before we put them in since we are one dropped torch away from roasted babies in a bag.

Shake & Bake babies?


On a different perspective if about half of humanity is evil then just cleave all the babies into halves. The gods will surely recognise which half of a baby was evil and you'll do them a favor by placing them further apart for further analysis.

Works in IT with big files with some evil on them

David knott 242 wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
What would the penalty for using the babies as sling ammunition be? I mean, setting aside the issue of murdering, we know at least that not recycling is more evil than recycling...

Actually, there should be rather severe penalties for using babies as sling ammunition. At the very least you should impose the improvised weapon penalty (since babies are nnot streamlined for flying through the air) and the innappropriately sized weapon penalty (since a sling large enough to sling a baby is way too big for a size Medium character to use one handed).

Oh, right. Right you are. So, you would have to use both hands, then. Okay. And as for the improvised weapon penalty... what would you need to do to MAKE them streamlined? =)

You need to play a Monk of the Empty Hand, then you are proficient with all Improvised Weapons by level 6.

Grand Lodge

Sissyl wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
What would the penalty for using the babies as sling ammunition be? I mean, setting aside the issue of murdering, we know at least that not recycling is more evil than recycling...

Actually, there should be rather severe penalties for using babies as sling ammunition. At the very least you should impose the improvised weapon penalty (since babies are nnot streamlined for flying through the air) and the innappropriately sized weapon penalty (since a sling large enough to sling a baby is way too big for a size Medium character to use one handed).

Oh, right. Right you are. So, you would have to use both hands, then. Okay. And as for the improvised weapon penalty... what would you need to do to MAKE them streamlined? =)

Polymorph Any Object. But then at that point you could just transform them into the always Chaotic Good drow.

The Exchange

the obvious answer is to only kill the ones who weigh the same as a duck which means they are made of wood

therefore she's a witch

meaning you may burn her

ShroudedInLight wrote:

You need to play a Monk of the Empty Hand, then you are proficient with all Improvised Weapons by level 6.

So, in conclusion, it really isn't an option for paladins. Right! On to the next controversy: If a non-sexily drawn male paladin drinks an NSA guy's milk while playing 5E, can he use Crane Wing effectively? Also, the UnNamed Company is there.

Malag wrote:

I usually ask players who ask these kind of questions, "Would you do that in our society? Right here, right now?". For some reason, most of them remain silent.

"If I was a super powered vigilante (i.e. high level character), right here and now in our society, I probably would."

chaoseffect wrote:
Malag wrote:

I usually ask players who ask these kind of questions, "Would you do that in our society? Right here, right now?". For some reason, most of them remain silent.

"If I was a super powered vigilante (i.e. high level character), right here and now in our society, I probably would."

"You call that super-powered vigilanteism. I call it s^$& I did last Tuesday."

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MagusJanus wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Albatoonoe wrote:
Maybe it was too much to hope for a thread about murdering babies to not get heavy.
Where exactly did you expect such a thread to go?
Pie recipes and barbershop tips.

Hair... pie?

Grand Lodge

See Alignment has no HD restriction.

I don't know why Detect Evil is the default assumption.

Shadow Lodge

Because they have a paladin I guess.

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Is it illegal to be Evil in your setting? Because if not, it's not OK to kill a person - especially a baby - who hasn't committed an evil act. Many politicians are evil, but don't feel a need for death - they just don't care if their land reform bill will leave hundreds homeless, but also won't go burn everyone's houses down if their proposal doesn't pass. Paladins don't kick the doors of these peoples' houses down and slaughter them in their beds. Long story short: bring the babies to an orphanage for crying out loud!

No baby is born evil.

Better idea, do away with the alignment system, most players don't know how to use it and it results in boring clichéd games and weak roleplay.

That's an idea, cuup! Simply make being evil ILLEGAL, so you can devote proper law enforcement against such people. Yay!

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Since detect evil will not work on them until they have 5 HD. I suggest swapping them out in combat, in the same manner that you level up a Magikarp in Pokemon, until the babies have enough HD. Once you can tell which ones are evil, it is okay to kill them. However, it is most honorable to allow the babies a fighting chance by arming them with a sword before killing them.

Shadow Lodge

Hey if they have five hit dice, odds are at least one of them is a spellcaster! He could then potentially cast see alignment on the others, saving you the trouble of leveling them all up, seriously who has the time to level six magic carp to garadose.

If you arm babies with sharp enough swords, chances are they solve the problems of killing them themselves. You know, "Hey, what are you complaining about, I just gave him a dagger of mutilation and blooddrinking to protect himself with!"

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Hah! you're all forgetting the simplest solution!

Give each baby a Holy weapon! They probably only have 1 HD, so the Evil ones will die!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Lemmy wrote:

Hah! you're all forgetting the simplest solution!

Give each baby a Holy weapon! They probably only have 1 HD, so the Evil ones will die!

You win, Lemmy. Close the thread. Game's over. You also solved the "is killing orc toddlers evil" thread, too. This is Solomon-like wisdom, right here.

Shadow Lodge

I still say holy word is the way to go, because the DM can't tell me that wasn't a good act without also saying animating dead isn't evil,
So it's a win win, either I can kill babies to make gods happy with me (NAND not the ones who are usually happy with that) or I can have skellies!

Grand Lodge

Jason S wrote:
All babies are born evil.

There you go, fixed it for you. (Sarcasm)

Paizo Glitterati Robot

Locking. We have had plenty of off-the-wall alignment threads, but joking about sensitive topics in this capacity is seriously beyond what we are OK with facilitating on

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