Technormous |
1. Wish: "can remove damage and afflictions" so i'd think yes. but...
it can be used to "duplicate any non-sorcerer or wizard spells of 6th level or less" of which Raise Dead is one:
Raise Dead (CLR 5): "a creature that has been turned into an undead creature or killed by a death effect cannot be raised by this spell"
but also can specifically be used to duplicate Resurrection, which can bring a creature back to life, so long as it has been dead less than or equal to 10 years per caster level, which would be the Wish caster's caster level in this case.
Resurrection (CLR 7): "condition of the remains is not a factor", however, "you can resurrect someone killed by a death effect or someone who has been turned into an undead creature and then destroyed...undead creatures can't be resurrected"
so... yes but you have to stake it and cut off its head first, then wish the body back together, then cast another wish to bring it back to life again.
Limited Wish: duplicate non-sorcerer spell of 5th level or lower, which brings you back to raise dead. so not Limited Wish.
2. No. but it could make an umbrella. (opinion)
3. No. but if you could other vampires will laugh at you because they can't take you "sireously" (oh my sides) (opinion)
4. What? Like a Toreador? or a do you mean like a dogpire? i'm sorry I don't understand the question.
wraithstrike |
I did not know resurrection also did that. Well that makes it a lot easier.
@Technormous: Pathfinder has more than one vampire type. They have the traditional vampire, the Nosferatu, another one whose name I can't remember currently, and they may even have the hopping vampire which I think comes from china.
Each vampire type is still its own creature type so that is still GM Fiat territory.
PS: I also think two wishes can cure vampirism, but I thought the OP was asking for doing it with only one casting.
Quantum Steve |
so... yes but you have to stake it and cut off its head first, then wish the body back together, then cast another wish to bring it back to life again.
No need to cut off a Vampire's head to kill them, a simple stake or drowning will suffice. Even if you do cut of their head Resurrection (and therefore Wish) will be sufficient to revive them. Only if the body has been completely destroyed would you need a second wish to recreate the body.
Technormous |
4. No. there doesn't seem to be any effect like that. back in AD&D 2nd edition there were things like True Dweomers which were very ritualistic over the top powerful magic which required rare and exotic components "unicorn blood and slaad teslacoils", unusual conditions like "a day without a night and a night without a day", and important locations like "the first of the first men" but those were in the old days. when imaginary real men were REAL imaginary real men and munchkins powergamers were only partially tolerated and people played characters in the same room with their GM, and the crumbs of the first pringles were trod underfoot and stamped deep into the carpet.
Technormous |
No need to cut off a Vampire's head to kill them, a simple stake or drowning will suffice. Even if you do cut of their head Resurrection (and therefore Wish) will be sufficient to revive them. Only if the body has been completely destroyed would you need a second wish to recreate the body.
That's what the vampires want you to think
Technormous |
Paizo Inc..
"Driving a wooden stake through a helpless vampire's heart instantly slays it (this is a full-round action). However, it returns to life if the stake is removed, unless the head is also severed and anointed with holy water."
also stated there. its not drowning, its immersion in running water for 3 to 4 consecutive rounds or 2 consecutive rounds in daylight.
Ms. Pleiades |
I did not know resurrection also did that. Well that makes it a lot easier.
@Technormous: Pathfinder has more than one vampire type. They have the traditional vampire, the Nosferatu, another one whose name I can't remember currently, and they may even have the hopping vampire which I think comes from china.
Each vampire type is still its own creature type so that is still GM Fiat territory.
PS: I also think two wishes can cure vampirism, but I thought the OP was asking for doing it with only one casting.
Moroi, Nosferatu, Vetal and Jiang-Shi.
boring7 |
1) can wish (or limited wish) cure vampirism?
2) can wish (or limited wish) make a vampire imune to sunlight?
3) can a mortal use wish to become a vampire?
4) can a vmpire use wish to become other type of vampire?
Wishes are always a mess, even REASONABLE wishes get corrupted if the GM is feeling like it, but the way I prefer to roll is, "if it's bigger than what's on the list, it will happen but with provisos and side-effects." If I can't find a way to corrupt the wish, I have failed and deserve the overpowered nonsense I get.
As noted above, you can resurrect a vampire, but anything less than the 9th level True Resurrection (which is beyond Wish's regular scope and into "corruption" territory) requires the vampire be killed (technically "destroyed") first. Easy options for the GM handling the wish spell include: Granting the vampire the knowledge of what rituals/macguffins/questing is required to "cure" himself. "Curing" the vampire but simply killing him (body cleansed, he can then be Raised as a normal deadie). "Curing" his contagion, but leaving him a vampire who can't spawn/embrace/whatever more vampires and vampire spawn. Bringing him halfway back (becomes dhampir, or something complicated that's in-between. Perhaps permanent light-blindness, negative energy affinity, and an inability to go more than a month without drinking some blood) Or anything else the twisted mind can come up with.
Immunity to Sunlight? Sort of. Making a permanent shadow effect (darkness, protective penumbra, home-brew protection from sunlight) is well within the realm of a wish, material component cost is iffy since you spent a LOT on that wish-gem but technically that only gets you as far as "copies another spell effect of lower level" (permanency). It's kind of silly to say you need diamond dust AND a super-gem to do it. Also you're bending the rules of permanency if you make those spells permanent. So GM has plenty of license to get creative and cruel. Outside of that particular methodology, it's a very subjective call. "Sun hate vampire" is pretty well-established, "sun cause sparklepire gayness or at least not instantly kill" is ALSO pretty well-established at this point. LOTS of vampire fiction where the vampire not-entirely-villain ends up jumping out into the sunlight and doing stuff while the sunlight burns him slowly and painfully (instead of just foofing him) because heroism.
Make yourself a vampire? Maybe. Vampires aren't on the create undead list anymore, but tracking down some low-level loser vampire you can control with magic or command undead and setting him up to turn you then be destroyed (freeing you) is not THAT hard. Like sunlight protection it's a subjective call made by the GM. I'd let it work.
Become another kind of vampire? I'd offer a choice. Choice 1 is you get the abilities but it's a polymorph kind of effect so it can be dispelled. Choice 2 is you get a magic bottle of goo, to change your abilities you have to find a vampire of the appropriate type, beat her down, drink the bottle, then drain her dry within the next 10 minutes. Do it right, you steal her abilities and her spirit all Diablerie-style. Choice 3 is a combination, you get the change, but you have to keep "refueling" it with more drained vampires.