EgakuDrew |

Have an arcanist who is a savant. Wants to move prty memebers around battlefield without moving herself. Also would like to increase range of said movement. What metamagic feats work on this?
if you specifically want a metamagic feat to do that, there isn't one.
You can pull some shenanigans with Toppling Spell, knocking them prone and then using a feat like Riptide Attack to drag them, which is goofy. If the caster had improved unarmed strike I would probably allow Ki Throw, but most allies won't appreciate being thrown around on their butts.
there may be spells that accomplish this better, but as far as metamagic goes thats your options

Arlandor |

if you can use 3.5 spells and have the spell compendium it has 2 spells that would work. a 1st level spell called benign transposition-functions on 2 willing individuals. and a 2nd level spell baleful transposition-works on up to 2 willing or unwilling targets (allowed a will save if I remember correctly).