A Sorcerer with Produce Flame


I'm interested in adding Produce Flame as a spell known on my Sorcerer. Does anyone know of a PFS legal way to do so?

I don't know about PFS, so I can't say anything about what's legal or illegal. I can tell you that, in Golarion, there's a university in the Mwangi Expanse called Magaambya that has the knowledge of taking druid spells and making them arcane. It was a specialty of its "founder" -- Old Mage Jatembe -- to do such.

I believe there are rules for it in Inner Sea Magic, but I don't know how or if such a thing will help you for PFS. Still, the precedent is there for such a thing being possible in the world!

Sovereign Court

Not possible for sorcerer tho, it's only arcane prepared classes for magyamban arcanist.

Well if you reach high enough level you can cast limited wish to cast produce flames...but don't think you want to wait till very high level to cast produce flames.

Scarab Sages

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Be a Pyromaniac Gnome, and use Recharge Innate Magic to recharge your Produce Flame SLA.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Imbicatus beat me to it.
I have a pyro gnome sorc in PFS :)

You could also use a ring of spell knowledge (although that makes it a 2nd level spell), use UMD with a wand or get an Ember Staff.

take a level of druid, to cast it.

Scarab Sages

Oliver McShade wrote:

take a level of druid, to cast it.

Don't do this. You'll lose a caster level and spells known on the sorcerer side to get an eternal caster level one druid spell. It's not worth it.

Imbicatus wrote:
Oliver McShade wrote:

take a level of druid, to cast it.

Don't do this. You'll lose a caster level and spells known on the sorcerer side to get an eternal caster level one druid spell. It's not worth it.

Instead, take a level of hunter [Verminous Hunter], take Worm focus and kill your animal companion. You get fast heal 1 and light fortification along with your produce flame. ;)

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