Brawler's Flurry Offhand Penalty

Rules Questions

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So I've looked around a bit and nobody's asked this question yet, at least not that I can tell.

What is the penalty for using a 1h (or 2h) weapon with Brawler's Flurry? I can see it going one of two ways:
1) It's a 1h weapon, and you're using it for the 'offhand' attacks portion of a Two-Weapon Fighting attack, therefore you suffer -4 to hit with all attacks.
2) Since all attacks are made with one weapon you don't have an 'off-hand' weapon, therefor you only suffer as though using Unarmed (Light) weapons.

I think the implication is that it's more like #2, since that's how Monk's Flurry of Blows works, but Flurry of Blows uses it's own rules and Brawler's Flurry borrows from Two Weapon Fighting.

The penalty for flurry is always -2, regardless of the weapon used (assuming you can use the weapon to begin with, of course).

Scarab Sages

If it is a weapon that can bused in a Brawler's Flurry (Monk or Close weapon groups) the penalties are treated as if using Two Weapon Fighting with a light weapon, regardless of the actual weapon used.

Does Brawler's Flurry count as Flurry of Blows for the proposes of feat prereqs?

@LoneKnave & @Imbicatus, Do either of you have an official ruling for that? I know it spells out the strength bonus as your full strength bonus, regardless of if it's off-hand or two-handed, but there's no specification for the To-hit penalty.

@NokolaiJuno: No, they're two separate powers, which is why the Style feats specify Brawler's Flurry OR Flurry of Blows.

Sovereign Court

Valdimarian wrote:
@LoneKnave & @Imbicatus, Do either of you have an official ruling for that? I know it spells out the strength bonus as your full strength bonus, regardless of if it's off-hand or two-handed, but there's no specification for the To-hit penalty.

It's because the extra penalties for TWF when using a not light weapon are only for the offhand. With the brawler's flurry, there is no offhand weapon to be something other than light.

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
It's because the extra penalties for TWF when using a not light weapon are only for the offhand. With the brawler's flurry, there is no offhand weapon to be something other than light.

That's my thinking too, I just wanted it to be made official somewhere. (Or at least to help anyone else with this line of thinking later)

Dark Archive

Brawler flurry does seem to be missing that language, so if you are flurrying with a temple sword in each hand, your penalties increase.

Sovereign Court

Victor Zajic wrote:
Brawler flurry does seem to be missing that language, so if you are flurrying with a temple sword in each hand, your penalties increase.

Theoretically - but why would you? All you're doing is wasting gold on an extra sword and using up your off-hand. (For a brawler you should always use a shield. While it's debatable whether or not they're proficient - worst case they can use a darkwood shield at no ACP.)

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
Victor Zajic wrote:
Brawler flurry does seem to be missing that language, so if you are flurrying with a temple sword in each hand, your penalties increase.
Theoretically - but why would you? All you're doing is wasting gold on an extra sword and using up your off-hand. (For a brawler you should always use a shield. While it's debatable whether or not they're proficient - worst case they can use a darkwood shield at no ACP.)

And you are also lowering your damage. With flurry of blows and brawler's flurry, you still get 2 handed power attack damage if you use your weapon 2 handed.

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
Victor Zajic wrote:
Brawler flurry does seem to be missing that language, so if you are flurrying with a temple sword in each hand, your penalties increase.
Theoretically - but why would you? All you're doing is wasting gold on an extra sword and using up your off-hand. (For a brawler you should always use a shield. While it's debatable whether or not they're proficient - worst case they can use a darkwood shield at no ACP.)

Brawlers don't get their in-class AC bonus if they use a shield. And that bonus applies to Touch AC, which is pretty good.

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