fake cursed character with multiple personalities


So I am putting together a changeling character with two distinct personas (a male and a female) each of which is distinct for the purposes of game play. The idea is that this changeling constantly switches between the two personas by the day, bluffing to party members that s/he is cursed to be different people and never knows which s/he will be on any given day. Each will have a distinct personality and "style". This means I need to choose a class that can realistically do two very different things in order to make this ruse somewhat successful.

I have considered the following:

Fighter: has enough feats that I could conceivably use two very different fighting styles, from light-heavy armor to power attack / TWF. Does prevent real mastery in either however.

Investigator: Alchemist / Rogue .... but just not distinct enough IMO.

Cleric/Paladin: Could work, priest and fighter....but I don't see the char as particularly religious. (yet)

Rogue: Something like counterfeit mage or underground chemist could work.

Bard / Skald: Both could work well. A bard and a Barbarian, its just that the song would be a dead giveaway, since there would be no other way to rage. Magician or Sandman could help.

Full Casters: Wont work until higher level.

Bloodrager: Was a top choice of mine, but the late access to spells and the more martial bloodline flavor doesn't draw the line between the personalities sharply enough for me.

Magus: I think this is my best option. I am considering Greensting Slayer AND Staff Magus (should both be available) in order to essentially have a "wizard" and a "rogue/fighter". I can burn arcane points when in "rogue mode" (without obviously using magic) in order to get sneak attack, and I can play off both personalities carrying a staff as pragmatism.

What do you guys think? I know I have left out multi classing. I don't want to actually dilute my power too much. The long term plan is (assuming I ever trust the group) to one day (unless I'm found out) reveal my nature to the party, thus freeing myself to use all my power regardless of my current personality.

Any advice is welcome.

shameless bump.

Are changelings unpopular?

Check out the Medium that Paizo is currently play testing in the Occult handbook. It sounds like what you are looking for.

Verdant Wheel

I think Counterfeit Mage would be fun.

If the character doesn't have to actually fight, Bluff ranks is all you need, and a pool of people to vouch for the character's "power."

Requires level 8, but Master Chymist is exactly Jekyll and Hyde. Lends itself well to normally being a buffer/bomber then taking your mutagen and going natural weapon fighter.

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