Raging Blood: Maximum Rounds per day(?)

Rules Questions

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d20pfsrd wrote:

Raging Blood Feat

Your blood boils with latent energy, filling you with an intense fury.

Prerequisite(s): Eldritch Heritage or sorcerer bloodline class feature.

Benefit: You gain the 1st-level bloodrager bloodline power for your bloodline. In addition, you gain the ability to enter a state similar to (but less powerful than) a bloodrager's bloodrage. You can enter this lesser bloodrage twice per day, for up to 4 rounds. During this lesser bloodrage, you gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, and no morale bonus on Will saving throws. Otherwise, this benefit is the same as the bloodrage class feature.
If you have more than one bloodline, you choose the bloodline this applies to upon taking the feat.

Just wanted a bit of clarification on the highlighted bit above: "twice per day, for up to 4 rounds". Does that mean:

  • Up to four rounds maximum, for the entire day, or
  • Up to eight rounds maximum, for the entire day

    It just seems the wording is slightly unclear if that's a maximum of four rounds each time you use the raging blood, or a maximum of four rounds per day, whether you use it once or twice.

    Thanks in advance!

  • It's unclear.

    Twice per day is the amount of times you can activate the feat, and 4 rounds equals the maximum duration that you get to bloodrage through this feat. That's how I read it.

    It is a tad unclear, though.

    As I read, it could be either a maximum of four rounds per day, or per (scaled down) bloodrage.

    It would still be a cool feat.

    Although up to 8 rounds would be more cool than up to 4 rounds per day, of course!

    100% unclear. The comma is what nails it.

    I'll just assume up to four rounds per day, unless I see some errata saying otherwise. I guess they'll tidy that up at some point...

    The wording suggests the eight rounds per day to me.

    If four rounds per day were the hard limit, you'd be forced to only use three rounds in your first use, or else you couldn't use it twice that day. So, I read it as twice per day, up to four rounds each use.

    Two times and each time up to Four rounds.
    Is what i Got. But i am no , expert.

    Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Clearly it is 4 rounds maximum ever. Birth to final death. But you can activate it only twice per day.

    The fact that it doesn't say up to,four rounds per day leads me to believe it is 4 per use (8 a day)

    It does imply up to four rounds of each of two uses, doesn't it. I guess that's one that slipped through the proofreading.

    Just hope someone provides errata clearing that one up.

    In either case, it would be a handy feat to have.

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