Valandil Ancalime |

The question is in the title. Similar questions are asked here and here.
1 Specifically, with spells up to 4th level, how do you stop a young adult white dragon burrowing?
2 What are the best outsiders to get with Planar Ally (up to 12 HD) to deal with a burrowing white dragon?
3 What are the best SM or SNA (up to 4th level) to deal with a burrowing white dragon?

avr |

Earth elementals are the simplest answer as to what you can send after a burrowing monster. They're decent enough combatants, but if you're using SM IV (4th level) it'd take an awful lot to face a young adult white dragon, it doesn't sound practical.
Anything which stuns or dazes it could stop it burrowing away. Or a suggestion spell. If it's not flying then knocking it prone should help, odd as that may seem.

zza ni |

im not sure about the level. but in 3.5 D&D u could have used a wall of stone. the white dragon if im not mistaken can barrow through snow and ice. not stone. also you cna hamper him by making the ground dificult for him. entangle effects and other such stuff. maybe solid fog idk.
at igher levels yo ugot telekinesis and the bigbi's hands

RumpinRufus |

If 5th level spells were in play, you could ready an action to cast Transmute Mud to Rock if the dragon starts burrowing into a muddy area. Not quite sure what happens when a dragon becomes permanently encased in sandstone.
Antagonize would be a good feat for this. Besides that, compulsions (take your pick) are good, as long as you can deal with its SR and Will save.

lemeres |

I personally prefer casting Transmute Mud to Marshmallow.
That way you get to trap the white dragon. Then you cast fireball, that way you take out a white dragon that's vulnerable to it, and at the same time you get a tasty victory treat! what could be better than that?
Transmute dragon to chocolate before doing the fireball?

Kir'Eshe |

I personally prefer casting Transmute Mud to Marshmallow.
That way you get to trap the white dragon. Then you cast fireball, that way you take out a white dragon that's vulnerable to it, and at the same time you get a tasty victory treat! what could be better than that?
Some of the questions do seem like setups for a punchline. I'm glad I wasn't dissapointed.
How about Mordiki's tiny hut, so he has a place to stay and doesn't need a burrow?