

Ok before everyone starts moaning let me say that the idea is based on a really cool picture and I need some advice on putting this together

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8kYMfR7HSew/UNCsABjPSqI/AAAAAAAAA5Q/vfPOwUzn5vM/s 320/gunmage_IronKingdoms.jpg

There are a ridiculous number of builds, especially because you are best off if you take 1 level in Spellslinger, and then hop to some other class.

My advice is: either be a buff-based martial character or a spellslinger dip-based blasting character. Don't try to be both. A spellslinger 1/Sorc 19 never actually 'fires' the gun except when absolutely necessary: he mostly just channels spells through it. A Spellslinger 1/Gunslinger 1/Eldritch knight 10/Evangelist 8 shoots things with the gun and mostly uses spell slots to buff the gun and him/herself.

There is an almost complete guide to the spellslinger available. Look at the guide to the class guides thread.

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